Neo4j how can I merge two nodes in Java? - merge

Any fast ways to merge two nodes into one, without traverse the properties and relatioships myself?
Any advice would be appreciated!

You have to implement that yourself - including conflict resolution if e.g. both nodes contains the same property with different values etc.
Neo4j does not offer any support for this (since this is probably not a very common use case).


Embedding version control of the weaviate

In Weaviate, the vector engine, I wonder how this can handle version issue of embedding model.
For instance, considering the (trained) word2vec model, embedded vectors from different models must be seperated.
One option might think is that make distinct multiple classes representing model version.
Custom script may useful. If new model available, create new class and import accorded data. After that, change (GET) entrypoints (used for searching nearest vectors) to the new class.
Or maybe weaviate have other fancy way to handle this issue, but I couldn't find.
As at version 1.17.3, you have to manage this yourself because weaviate only supports one embedding per object.
There is a feature request to allow multiple embeddings per object here. But it sounds like your request is closer to this one. In any case, have a look at them and upvote the one that addresses your need so the engineering team can prioritize accordingly. Also, feel free to raise a new feature request if neither of these addresses your needs.

Modelica nested/combined connectors

I have some Modelica components that need to be connected twice, with two different connectors (lets call them typeAconnector and typeBconnector). Is there a way to build a "super-connector" that internally uses the two connectors?
The goal would be to have
connect(component1.superconnector, component2.superconnector
automatically translated into
connect(component1.typeAconnector, component2.typeAconnector);
connect(component1.typeBconnector, component2.typeBconnector);
Ideally, it should still be possible to do connect(component3.typeAconnector, component2.superconnector); and only the typeA subconnector part will be used.
I assume this is not possible, at least I have no idea where to start, any hints or workarounds or partial solutions welcome. Thanks.

ARKit 2.0 – How to combine ARAnchors in two ARWorldMaps?

I need to combine a number of different ARWorldMap instances together. In other words, I need to create one instance with the combined anchors of the two (or more) instances of ARWorldMap.
I can share the same instance across the app, but it can be used differently by different groups of users, so I would eventually have to combine the same ARWorldMapinstance but with different contents later anyway.
If ARWorldMapdoes this automatically, then would it be just a matter of distributing and updating the same instance?
Thanks in advance for any help.
You cannot combine occurences of ARWorldMap together. The way to do it is to load a previous one and update it with new data / anchors / feature points (extending the map).

Identify crossroad nodes in openstreetmap data (.pbf)

does anybody know if there is a way I can seperate only the crossroad nodes which are included in a .pbf file? Is this clue (if a node is crossroad or not) included in this file's format?
Another option to solve your issue would be to use the new Atlas project.
As part of loading .osm.pbf files into in-memory Atlas files, it takes care of doing way sectioning on roads:
Load your pbf file into an Atlas. You will then have an Atlas object that you could save to a file and re-use.
Use the Atlas APIs to access all the intersections
In the end, each Atlas Node which is connected to more than 4 Edges on a two-way road or 2 Edges on a one way road would be a candidate if I understand your question correctly.
I'm not aware of a ready-made solution for this task, but it should still be relatively easy to do.
For parsing the .pbf file, I recommend using an existing library like Osmosis or Osmium. That way, you only need to implement the actual semantics of your use case.
The nodes themselves don't have any special attributes that mark them as crossroads. So instead, you will have to look at the ways containing the nodes.
Some considerations when implementing this:
You need to check the way's tags to find out whether it's a road. The most relevant key for that is highway. The details depend on your specific use case – for example, you need to decide whether footways, forestry tracks, driveways, ... should count.
What matters is the number of connecting way segments at a node, not the number of ways. For example, a node that is part of two ways may be a crossroads (if at least one of the ways continues beyond that node), or may not (if both ways start/end at that node).

merge two set of weka instances with different Attribute set

i need to merge two instances(those are output of StrinToWordVector) with different set of attribute but overlapping and completely different instances in weka .is there any easy way to do it ?(in other word,i have two tfidf matrix with diferent doc and different word (but overlapped) and i want to have a tfidf matrix that is union of all of them)
You can use InputMappedClassifier, although there are two other options if you still have your documents in raw format, as discused here.
Please check if weka.join could help you, this is an extended weka.core.Instaces class with methods like innerJoin, leftJoin, fullJoin, update and union.