I need help for deploy my aplication into Elastic Beanstalk.
So far, I only want deploy the sample provided by Zend, without BD, services, etc. (base squeleton aplication).
I have followed these steps:
Enter into Elastic Beanstalk console (without application).
Create a PHP 5.4 enviroment.
Change in (Edit/Load Configuration -> Container Tab): Document Root= \public
Clicked "Upload New Version" and configure for deploy to existing enviroment (Default).
The File uploaded is a .Zip File of the base skeleton path.
My project has been developed under Windows and use xampp with PHP Version 5.4.7.
I used Eclipse for develop, I don't have Zend Studio.
After uploading, a event error is showed (Failed to deploy application version).
What am I being wrong? or what steps missing for do it well?
I put zend folder on LIBRARY inside project
works for me
I'm trying to customize the Liberty setup, following the instructions from this post:
"Custom Liberty server.xml configurations in IBM Bluemix", see:
In order to modify the Liberty server features, I'd like to replace the automatic generation of the configuration file by a customized server configuration, which according to the instructions is called "Liberty packaging server".
In the Eclipse Neon IDE, I've already installed two plugin's, the Bluemix Tool as well as the Liberty Development Plugin. At the server tab, I'm right clicking the active Blumix server, but no option for "packaging server" is displayed at the menu. The default "push" option is working fine.
At the Eclipse IDE, is there a software component missing to create and publish a customized server package (beta + features) for Liberty? How can I run a customized packing without command line tools, using Eclipse?
There are two main ways to publish a packaged server in Bluemix:
You have (or create) a Liberty server instance that represents the server. For details on how to create a Liberty server, see http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQTP_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.doc/ae/t_creating_server.html. Once you have the Liberty server created in Eclipse, you can just add the Liberty server to the Bluemix server on the Servers view and it will package the server for you during the publish operation.
You already have an existing packaged server zip file in the workspace that you want to publish. Then, you can just right click on the zip file and do a Run As > Run on Server.
For details, you can refer to https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/manageapps/eclipsetools/eclipsetools.html#packagedserversupport
The first method is usually preferred since you can continue to update the applications and also the server configuration file and do incremental update on the application by the publish operation.
In Eclipse, if you want to publish whole server to the Bluemix follow these steps:
stop your local Liberty server
in Eclipse in Servers view, grab the local Liberty server and drag it to the Bluemix one. It will publish whole server with its config.
Check this page for more details - Deploying apps with IBM Eclipse Tools for Bluemix
Instead of right clicking on the Bluemix server, you need to right click on your Liberty server definition.
I am unable to deploy the Spring-Maven Restful WebService on Tomcat v8.0. My OS is windows 7. When I deploy it through Tomcat App Manager then I get a screen with the link "Click To Enter", although I have not created any links like that. Please see the image below.
This is exactly how it is supposed to work. When you create a new "Simple Spring Web Maven" project in Eclipse (I guess this is what you did), the wizard creates a working Maven project that can be immediately built with Maven. The created WAR can be, in turn, deployed to Tomcat (i.e. copy the WAR file to the webapp folder of Tomcat) or whatever container you are using.
As I said in the comment, it looks like you actually managed to deploy the WAR and what you are seeing is the default home page corresponding to the "index.jsp" file, that is created by the wizard.
I am creating a Static Web Project using Eclipse Juno Service Release 2.
My problem is that I have an HTML file (very simple, created automatically with Eclipse with HTML5 template) in this project and I would run it in an external browser (for example, Chrome) using as Server JBoss 7.1.
I have already configured properly JBoss in Eclipse, I can run/stop it without problems.
I have configured as Web Browser Chrome.
I don't know how run the single html file in my localhost:8080.
Someone can help me?
If you have created the project then you would have to deploy it.
Refer to http://www.mastertheboss.com/eclipse/jboss-eclipse/jboss-and-eclipse?showall=&start=1 which describes how to deploy an application.
And your URL to the file would be http://localhost:8080/yourProjectName/htmlFileName
Example: http://localhost:8080/TestApp/index.html
I'm trying to deploy my Maven Web Application (with Spring MVC) project to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk through the Amazon SDK plugin for Eclipse.
This works fine. The problem is every time I make a new change to the code, I try to deploy using "Incremental Deployment" option.
Although everything goes fine, when I try to open the app, i find that the earliest version of the code gets deployed. So I have to deploy the whole app everytime.
What's wrong? Am I doing something wrong. Please guide me.
In my eclipse web application I made a Web Project and a Library Project. The Web Project referenced the Library Project.
When I started the Server, every time I change a code in the Library Project and build it. The server wants to restart and it does not redeploy by the Web Project only. I do not want to restart the server because it takes a lot of time waiting the startup of the server.
Another is I am developing portlets using Liferay Portal and every time I change the Library Project, the auto-deploy of Liferay comes in but the Library Project Jar is locked and resulted to crash the portlet and did not deploy it until I restart the server.
Please Help!!!
In Java EE perspective find "Servers" tab at the bottom, delete your EAR out of there.
Try JavaRebel
If you install the nightly build of Liferay IDE (eclipse plugins for Liferay) it has support for delta-deployment where after the initial deployment (full deploy) it will only deploy the delta or just the individual files that you change as you save them (a single JSP or CSS file, etc).