UIToolbar items disappear - Weird bug in ios6 - iphone

This is the current setup.
I have the navigationController's toolbar with 5 buttons, and tapping on them hides the toolbar for 2 seconds, and then shows the toolbar again (except the 5th button - which brings up an actionsheet with buttons (ACTION & CANCEL)).
On tapping on the 1-4 buttons, I do a self.navigationController.toolbarHidden = YES; and after exactly 2 seconds, I set the self.navigationController.toolbarHidden = NO; and this brings back the toolbar, and everything's fine.
On tapping the 5th button, which brings up action sheet.
If i tap on CANCEL actionsheet => actionSheet dismissed => Toolbar is fine.
If I tap on ACTION button I do a self.navigationController.toolbarHidden = YES; and after 2 seconds... self.navigationController.toolbarHidden = NO;
but now... The toolbar buttons are GONE.
Further investigating...
I can see the the toolbarButtons seem to have their alpha values set to 0.
I have no idea why the toolbar items' alpha are set to value = 0 after actionsheet operation.
Can anyone tell me the root cause for this?

Have you tried setting the toolbar items array to nil? I had this same problem and it turned out that putting a check around when you set the toolbar's items seemed to work:
if ([self.navigationController.toolbar.items count] > 0) {
[self.navigationController.toolbar setItems:nil];
[self.navigationController.toolbar setItems:toolbarItems]; //toolbarItems is your array of UIBarButtonItems.

I managed to fix the issue in a different way. I hide the toolbar when the action sheet comes up, and after the buttonAction(), I essentially show the toolbar again.
This solves the problem where the toolbarItems disappear.
But the reason as to why the toolbarItems disappear and set alpha=0 is still a mystery for me. If anyone finds out the reason, please let me know :)

I had the same issue and reproduced it in one of the samples. It appears to be a bug in iOS6 when setting up toolbar items manually in loadView / viewDidLoad, then later calling an ActionSheet.
The code below is a workaround it -
-(void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
NSArray* items = self.toolbarItems;
[self setToolbarItems:nil];
[self setToolbarItems:items animated:NO];

I solve it by moving action code to separate method and then calling it through sending message performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: with 0.25f second delay
-(void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
if (buttonIndex == 0) {
[self performSelector:#selector(logout) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.25f];

I don't know if it's the case, I found out that the disappeared items were actually in the toolbar, but placed over the bottom of the view. Maybe resetting them on certain circumstances may cause autolayout issues.
I fixed it by calling the setNeedLayout method on the viewcontroller's view (not the navigationControllers')
self.toolbarItems = toolButtons;
[self.view setNeedsLayout];


Replace or extend UIBarButtonItem selector

I'm trying to make a custom UIToolbar which handles rotation and custom arrangement. When it's in portrait mode some of the barbuttonitems will not be visible, so I add a "more" button from which pops up a little view with these items. My problem is that when my current orientation is portrait and when I select a visible barbuttonitem ( which is not in popup ) I want to close the popup if it's open. I want the smae behavior for the uibarbuttons in the popupview to close the popup after tap.
So I'm trying to replace somehow the UIBarButtonItem's selector with my own, in which I call the already defined actions, like this :
-(SEL)extendOriginal:(UIBarButtonItem *) uibb
if (popup) popup.hidden = YES;
[uibb.target performSelector:uibb.action];
// return ?? do what ??
But how do I replace the original selector to call this custom method with my custom UIToolbar as its target ? Or how could I "extend" the original selector with this call ? Sorry if question is lame :)
Edit: In other words, I want 2 actions with 2 separate targets to be executed when UIBarButtonItem is tapped.
This -(SEL)extendOriginal:(UIBarButtonItem *) uibb doesn't make any sense.
I assume your are setting the target and the action of the bar button item somewhere. There you can set any method with one argument id or UIBarButtonItem* as the selector.
Therefore try to change your code to
- (void)myMethod:(UIBarButtonItem *) uibb
if (popup) popup.hidden = YES;
// do cool stuff here
and set the target as
[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle: #"Blabla" style: UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target: self action: #selector(myMethod:)];
Finally, I found a way to do it, not the prettiest, but it works.
In the custom toolbar class I created in its layout method a UITapGestureRecognizer to handle taps. I've set the cancelsTouchesInView to false and in the
-(BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch
method I'm returning true only for my toolbar's subviews.
This way the original target and action of each UIBarButtonItem remains the same and the supplementary code to handle my popup is the action of the UIGestureRecognizer.
Another problem was to distinguish between the tapped items on the toolbar (the tapped view in touch.view is some undocumented view, yay), eventually I did it with some BOOL iVars.
I hope this will help somebody with the same problem.

IOS Application Freezes

My application is freezing with a reason that I could not figure out, it does not crash but it freezes.
basically what I did was having another view inside my view that is hidden at first place, after when I click a button this view will be appeared and it includes a UItextfield and a UIPickerView. the pickerview data is updating while I edt the UItextfield and I select one of the values from picker view then basically press addButton, when I add thi whole view will be hidden again and the selected value of the pickerview will be added another UITextfield in the main view.
when I do this first time it works fine. it sets the value of the UI textfield which is on the main view to the correct value. but when I try to change it, get that view unhidden and select another value in the pcikerview and press on addButton again the application freezes. No crash appears.
I want to inform you about this the value of the UITextfield on the main view is changing I checked it on the logs. and the method that do the clicking action completely works. But it freezes.
I couldnt figure it out, I need some help :)
I figure out that the UITextField on the main view cause this freeze, when I set the text
[myTextfield setText:#"somethng"];
the UI freeze. when I comment this out it works pretty fine. But It works fine at first time. does not work on the second time.
Any help will be appreciated.
EDIT 2 (I added some code):
leftBarButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:#"Done" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:#selector(pickerViewDoneClicked:)];
[[self.navigationController.navigationBar.items objectAtIndex:0] setLeftBarButtonItem:leftBarButton];
[self.pickerContainer setHidden:NO];
[[self.navigationController.navigationBar.items objectAtIndex:0] setLeftBarButtonItem:nil];
NSLog(#"%#", self.myTextField);
NSLog(#"old val %#", self.myTextField.text);
// the text field on the main view.
[self.myTextField setText: selectedText];
NSLog(#"new val %#", self.myTextField.text);
[self.pickerContainer setHidden:YES];
//in picker view source
selectedText = [pickerData objectAtIndex:row];
As I told the first time I add it works fine I can see the value on the textfield
but when I do the same action again and click done the app freezes.
I checked the reference of the textfield before after and no reference missing
I can see the new value and old value as well. but the UI freezes.
Just to be sure: you do not perform any call to UIKit on non-main thread?
I was using this piece of code for padding for my text field,
UIView *paddingView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 15, 20)];
self.myTextField.leftView = paddingView;
self.myTextField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;
I am not sure how it effects it but second time I change the text into the textfield I was getting my screen freezed.
Thanks again for any effort to help me.

UIActionSheet in Landscape has incorrect buttonIndicies

I have an action sheet that is causing me grief on the iphone in Landscape orientation. Everything displays just fine, but in Landscape, the first real button has the same index as the cancel button and so the logic doesn't work.
I've tried creating the actionSheet using initWithTitle: delegate: cancelButtonTitle: destructiveButtonTitle: otherButtonTitles: but that was just the same, my current code is as follows;
UIActionSheet* actionMenu = [[UIActionSheet alloc] init];
actionMenu.delegate = self;
actionMenu.title = folderentry.Name;
actionMenu.cancelButtonIndex = 0;
[actionMenu addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(#"str.menu.cancel",nil)];
[self addActiveButtons:actionMenu forEntry:folderentry];
[actionMenu showInView:[self.navigationController view]];
[actionMenu release];
The addActiveButtons method basically configures which buttons to add which it does using code like this;
[menu addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(#"str.menu.sendbyemail",nil)];
There are perhaps 6 buttons at times so in landscape mode the actionSheet gets displayed like this;
My delegate responds like this;
- (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
NSLog(#"Cancel Button Index is : %d",actionSheet.cancelButtonIndex);
NSLog(#"Button clicked was for index : %d",buttonIndex);
NSString *command = [actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex];
DLog(#"COMMAND IS: %# for index: %d",command,buttonIndex);
if ([command isEqualToString:NSLocalizedString(#"str.menu.sendbyemail",nil)]) {
// Do stuff here
if ( ... similar blocks ... ) { }
In the example shown, I am finding that cancelButtonIndex is 0 as expected, but so is the button index for the first other button! This means if I click on the second (Save to Photos) button for example, my debug output looks like this;
Cancel Button Index is : 0
Button clicked was for index : 1
COMMAND IS: Send by Email for index: 1
I've tried various permutations and am now tearing my hair out wondering what I'm missing. I've had a good search around but the other problems people seem to be having are display issues, rather than functionality ones.
Can anyone see where I've gone wrong?
PS. I know this isn't the greatest UI experience, but I figure that most users will actually be in portrait most of the time or using the iPad version of the app so I'm prepared to accept the actionsheet default behaviour for landscape assuming I can get it to actually work!
OK, fixed it by counting how many buttons I was adding and then adding the cancel button as the last option, so my code looks like this;
int added = [self addActiveButtons:actionMenu forEntry:folderentry];
[actionMenu addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(#"str.menu.cancel",nil)];
actionMenu.cancelButtonIndex = added;
Hope that helps someone else struggling witht the same issue!
I ran into the same issue even though I already was including the Cancel Button as the last one in the action sheet and setting its index accordingly. My problems had to do with the 'Destructive' button. After some investigation, here is my take on the problem:
After N buttons have been added to the actionsheet, it switches it's layout to put the Destructive button at the top and the Cancel button at the button. In between is a scrollable view that includes all of the other buttons. Other sources indicate that this is a a table view.
For the iPhone, N is 7 for Portrait orientation and 5 for Landscape orientation. Those numbers are for all buttons including Cancel and Destructive.
It does not matter where in the action sheet you had originally put the Cancel and Destructive buttons within the action sheet. Once the limit has been reached, the Destructive button is moved to the top and the Cancel is moved to the bottom.
The problem is that the indices are not adjusted accordingly. So, if you did not initially add the Cancel as the last button and the Destructive as the first, the wrong index will be reported in actionSheet:clickedButtonAtIndex: as the initial report stated.
So, if you are going to have more than N buttons in your action sheet you MUST add the Destructive button to the actionSheet as the first button to the action sheet. You MUST add the Cancel button as the last button added to the action sheet. When initially constructing the sheet just leave both as nil, as described in another answer.
I had the same problem. To fix it, I just create an actionSheet with nil for all the buttons, and added buttons manually afterwards. Lastly, in the handler, ignore the firstOtherButtonIndex because it will be wrong (even if you set it ahead of time). Instead, assume that it is 1 because index 0 is the cancel button in this example. Here's the code:
NSArray *items = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"one", #"two", #"three", nil];
UIActionSheet* actionSheet = [[[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:#"Title" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:nil] autorelease];
[actionSheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Cancel"];
for (NSString *title in items) {
[actionSheet addButtonWithTitle:title];
[actionSheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Destroy"];
// set these if you like, but don't bother setting firstOtherButtonIndex.
actionSheet.cancelButtonIndex = 0;
actionSheet.destructiveButtonIndex = [items count]+1;
Also, don't forget to show this from a tab view if you're on an iPhone because the tab bar steals touch events and prevents the lower button from being hit.
My solution is to initialize like this specifying only the destructiveButtonTitle...
UIActionSheet * as =[[[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil
otherButtonTitles:nil] autorelease];
[as addButtonWithTitle:#"Button 1"];
[as addButtonWithTitle:#"Button 2"];
That way you get the Cancel button at index 0 always and your own buttons begin at index 1 even when there is a scroll view.

UIActionSheet does not show -- the screen just gets darker

I have an iPhone application which is based on the "Window based application" template and which uses a main view with some embedded subviews.
For some action I need a confirmation by the user. Therefore, I create an UIActionSheet and ask the user for feedback.
The problem is, that the action sheet does not show at all. Instead, the screen gets darker. The sheet and the requested buttons do not show. After that, the application hangs. The darkening of the screen is a normal behavior as part of the animation which normally shows the action sheet.
Curiously, the same code works fine, if invoked in the viewDidLoad method. It does not work if invoked in the buttonPressed method which starts the action requiring the confirmation.
- (void) trashButtonPressed {
// This method is called in the button handler and (for testing
// purposes) in the viewDidLoad method.
NSLog( #"trashButtonPressed" );
UIActionSheet* actionSheet =
[[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle: #"Test"
delegate: self
cancelButtonTitle: #"Cancel"
destructiveButtonTitle: #"Delete Sheet"
otherButtonTitles: nil];
[actionSheet showInView: self.view];
[actionSheet release];
- (void) willPresentActionSheet:(UIActionSheet *) actionSheet {
NSLog( #"willPresentActionSheet" );
- (void) didPresentActionSheet:(UIActionSheet *) actionSheet {
NSLog( #"didPresentActionSheet" );
- (void) actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet
didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
NSLog( #"actionSheet:didDismissWithButtonIndex" );
As you can see, I have added some logging messages to the protocol handlers of the UIActionSheetDelegateProtocol. The "will present" and "did present" methods get called as expected, but the sheet does not show.
Does anybody know, what's wrong here?
I wonder if [actionSheet showInView: self.view]; is enough to have the actionSheet have itself retained by self.view. (edit: retain count jumps from 1 to 4 so not a problem here)
Have you checked the dimensions of your view? The sheet is positioned within the view, but if self.view would refer to a big scrollview, you might just have a sheet below the surface. In short, are you sure that self.view.frame and self.view.bounds have the same values in the two situations you are referring to? Is it the same view (when just NSLog(#"%x",self.view)-ing it's address)?
edit to clarify: do
NSLog(#"%f %f %f %f",
and please tell what you see on the console. I get your "screen just gets darker" if I set either a 0,0,0,0 frame or a 0,0,320,800 frame, so this might be it...
Actually, I think you've hit the same issues I've seen.
In iOS 8 & 9, the UIActionSheet does get displayed... oh... but behind the onscreen keyboard, so you can't see it. You just see the rest of the screen going darker.
This, apparently, is Apple's latest UI improvement idea, to keep the screen uncluttered. ;-)
The simple solution is to add one line of code before displaying your UIActionSheet:
[self.view endEditing:true];
This dismisses the onscreen keyboard, making your beautiful action sheet visible again.
Alternatively, I have documented here how to replace your UIActionSheet with UIAlertController.

Act on click of a button on the Nav Bar for moreNavigationController -- Can't pushviewcontroller

Okay, here is my issue: My app has a display of categories in the tab bar at the bottom of the iPhoneOS screen. This only allows 5 categories before it presents the MORE button. I have over 25 (please do not answer this by saying: "Rethink your application...etc" -- that was rudely said before. They are food, drink, etc categories and cannot be changed). I want to allow the user to put their favorites on the home page. The Apple moreNavigationController editing system only allows 20 tab bar items to be rearranged due to space constraints on the editing page. This is not enough so i need to implement my own Editing screen. I set the rightBarButtonItem to nil and created my own. Using NSLog, i can see the "click" happens when clicking the EDIT button, but I cannot push using pushViewController. Nothing happens. I think it has something to do with the navigationController I am addressing...but i am not sure. ps: This all happens in my App Delegate which DOES act as both UITabBarControllerDelegate & UINavigationControllerDelegate.
I tried to do the following:
- ( void )navigationController:( UINavigationController * )navigationController_local willShowViewController:( UIViewController * )viewController_local animated:( BOOL )animated
UIViewController * currentController = navigationController_local.visibleViewController;
UIViewController * nextController = viewController_local;
// Do whatever here.
NSLog(#"Nav contoller willShowViewController fired\n'%#'\n'%#'\nThere are currently: %d views on the stack\n",currentController,nextController,[self.navigationController.viewControllers count]);
if ( [nextController isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"UIMoreListController")])
UINavigationBar *morenavbar = navigationController_local.navigationBar;
UINavigationItem *morenavitem = morenavbar.topItem;
morenavitem.rightBarButtonItem = nil;
NSLog(#"Is a UIMoreListController\n");
UIBarButtonItem *editTabBarButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
morenavitem.rightBarButtonItem = editTabBarButton;
[editTabBarButton release];
This works to place an EDIT button at the top right of the screen -- mimicking Apple's look and feel... but when that button is clicked, you cannot exit the darn moreNavigationController.
I have tried many things. UIAlerts work, etc...but pushing (or popping -- even popping to root view) a view controller on the stack does not.
- (void) editTabBar:(id)sender {
NSLog(#"clicked edit tabbar\n");
NSLog(#"Total count of controllers: %d\n",[self.navigationController.viewControllers count]);
TabBarViewController *tabBarViewController2 = [[TabBarViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"TabBarView" bundle:nil];
tabBarViewController2.navigationItem.title=#"Edit Tab Bar";
[self.navigationController pushViewController:tabBarViewController2 animated:YES];
[tabBarViewController2 release];
NSLog(#"finished edit tabbar\n");
If you click the edit button on the moreNavigationController's display page, you get the log entries like expected AND (this is strange) the views on the stack climbs -- but no page change occurs. I marked it down to not using the correct navigation controller...but I am lost on how to find which one TO use.
this is a weird one too. In the edit function if i just do this:
- (void) editTabBar:(id)sender {
self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 0;
It DOES take me home (to tabbarcontroller 0)
BUT doing this:
- (void) editTabBar:(id)sender {
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
does not work.
Does the moreNavigationController have some special quality that screws with the rest of the system?
I would try reimplementing the whole "More" functionality from scratch. In other words, store the four home tabs in your user defaults and add a dummy fifth tab that switches to your own complete reimplementation of the more view controller stack.
You could even write a lightweight subclass of UITabBarController that handled this for you.
UITabBarController is evil, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if MoreController had some special properties, too.
I have had success intercepting the More Controller in shouldSelectViewController to change the data source; you may be able to find some workaround there.
PS I am inclined to agree that you could consider redesigning your app so that you didn't need an unlimited number of viewControllers attached to the tab bar just to select categories; you might have better luck using a tool bar with a single, scrollable, custom view in it. If that's really the best way of picking categories for your app, of course.