What do "reminders", "other_multiline", "appcenter_request" mean in the Internal Referral Sources table? - facebook-insights

I'm analysing the Internal Referral Sources table for my app in the Facebook insights and I don't know what the following items are:

reminders = At the top of the right hand column on the News Feed, we will surface reminders for commonly used applications. These appear near birthday reminders, pokes, and other notifications. Clicks from here will have the reminders fb_source parameter appended.
other_multiline =
Found when a user is brought to your app through an open graph multi-line story. Currently this fb_source param can be found in stories on timeline, ticker and newsfeed.
appcenter_request = When a user clicks on a request from within App Center, we set the fb_source value to appcenter_request.
Source https://developers.facebook.com/docs/fb_source


Website Clicks in Facebook API

Facebook Ad Report tool allows to select from wide selection of columns for displaying. One of them is Website Clicks, which is defined like this:
The number of clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad.
How to obtain this column from Facebook API? The official documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/adreportstats/v2.2 doesn't mention this type of column. Is there any workaround?
You'll find them under the action response field if you use the field 'actions_group_by' set to 'action_type'. They will appear as 'link_click'.

How to migrate an Open Graph Page to a Business Page?

I have implemented the like button on a website. People have liked the website, and I have the option to administer that open graph object. However, on the administration page I see the following notice:
Administer Your Page
This is the administration interface for your
webpage at [...]. You can see Insights and
publish to the users that have liked your webpage. Only the
administrators of the webpage can view this interface, other users are
sent to the webpage.
This is a ghost page, because, as the notice says, only the administrator(s) can see it. I don't want the behavior of users being sent to my website. I want them to be able to stay on Facebook and see this page, just like they would see and interact with another business page.
Is there a tool or a request form to do this kind of migration (i.e. from an open graph page to a normal business page)?
I have researched for about two days for this issue, but I have not found any leads.
According to this help article, you can merge two facebook pages into one. But the constraint is that you can merge to a page with higher likes only, and the page with fewer likes will be removed. I am not sure if it works for ghost pages or not.
Shef, let me try to answer:
if you have an app myapp, that is canvas url https://apps.facebook.com/myapp
then you will have an application profile page: http://www.facebook.com/myapp [*]
So if a search your app from google or facebook, then they come to first this page,
and if they click go to app, they reach to your app.
However if you have just implemented like url: myapp.com/myitem=1
then you will have this "ghost" page. You need this ghost page, because you need somewhere
to administrate your likes
So you are asking a real page instead ghost, well this is hard to implement this request by facebook guys. Because there is like link to refer some url. So there must be some pop up asking user: 'Do you want to follow link or go to business page instead'
[*] username is not available anymore for facebook apps. see How to get name of facebook application page?
You can use the ref parameter while specifying your like button. This ref parameter will be set by Facebook, for all url's/links that appear on Facebook, i.e wherever this like action is displayed with the link to the url liked by the user. So you know when a user visits your page through Facebook. Check the following from this link:
ref - a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). The ref attribute causes two parameters to be added to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from a stream story about a Like action:
fb_ref - the ref parameter
fb_source - the stream type ('home', 'profile', 'search', 'other') in which the click occurred and the story type ('oneline' or 'multiline'), concatenated with an underscore.
Upon calling your url you can redirect the user to the page on Facebook that you want. Business pages on Facebook have a particular url, of course, and you can easily do the redirect.
I don't think that you have an option to migrate an open graph page to a normal business page. You can however create your page, and give it the same name as your website. The draw back here would be when users like your page on Facebook, you won't be able to accumulate the likes already garnered by your website.
Take a look at the like box plugin (Facebook doc here ). It can be used to like pages that are on Facebook itself, from external websites. This way you will be able to accumulate your likes. You can also modify the plugin to look like a like button, not fully but almost. But you still end up creating a new page. And the old likes will not be available.

How does the fb_ref parameter on a Like button actually work?

Trying to track sources of Likes to a Facebook Page. Docs from Facebook say:
ref - a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain
alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). The ref attribute causes
two parameters to be added to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from a stream story
about a Like action:
fb_ref - the ref parameter
fb_source - the stream type ('home', 'profile', 'search', 'other') in which the click
occurred and the story type ('oneline' or 'multiline'), concatenated with an underscore.
But if you are sending Likes to a Facebook Page - NOT an external website - where can you get this fb_ref data? Appears that it's not available in Insights, and you can't put Google Analytics on a Wall, obviously.
Any insights here?
My understanding is that you would use it as follows:
Jim is logged into your site.
Put a FB like button on a page on your web site. You're generating the page dynamically so you can generate the FB like button dynamically too. Since "Jim" is logged in, you can include "Jim" as the ref in the FB Like button.
Jim, an FB user, LIKES the page, and presses the Like button (that includes the Jim ref).
A link to your web page appears on Jim's FB page and all of his friends see it.
Susan, a FB friend of Jim, sees the "Like" about your website on Jim's wall (it appears in her newsfeed.) Excited about the link, she presses it.
Your website receives an incoming GET request from Susan's browser. It includes the ref=Jim. It also includes the fb_source="profile" This tells your page about the requestor.
Your website now displays the page to Susan. The page (dynamically) includes the greeting "Thanks for being a friend of Jim!" etc. Note, you don't know the requestor is Susan, you only know that the requestor found out about the page via Jim's Like of the page. In order to find out that the person is Susan, you need to get her to signin/signup for your website.
Docs for the extra Get params: see the description of the ref param here
Re: But if you are sending Likes to a Facebook Page - NOT an external website - where can you get this fb_ref data? Appears that it's not available in Insights, and you can't put Google Analytics on a Wall, obviously.
Do you mean that you're creating a Like button for a page on Facebook that is not a FB app? AFAIK you're right, you can't see the ref data. The ref data is made available to the target of the Like.
You could create a simple website page that re-directs to the FB page. You'd then collect ref info before re-directing to the FB page. Your simple re-direct page would be the target of the Like. But you'd have to fake out FB's graph tags--they'd know that the canonical url for the page was fb.com/xyz. May not be possible to direct to your_site.com/fb/xyz.

Facebook Like Count Discrepancies - Page vs. Button

there is a huge discrepancy between the number of likes our page has received and the number of likes displayed when using the like button, and giving it the facebook page's URL (like button is much higher). Does anyone know why this happens?
As described in the doc :
What makes up the number shown on my Like button?
The number shown is the sum of:
The number of likes of this URL
The number of shares of this URL (this includes copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
The number of likes and comments on stories on Facebook about this URL
The number of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment.
I am a Facebook Partner Engineer working on platform. To bring your Facebook page Likes to your web page you should use the Like Box rather than the like button. This will allow you to gain Facebook page likes from your website while also giving you the option to show your page's stream stories right in your web site.
You can find out more about the like box here:
I hope this helps!
My understanding is the like button aggregates likes, comments and other interactions.
Basically the counter next to the button isn't the like count but an activity or interaction count.
You can get the actual like count through the graph api if you need it.

Is there a way to set the title in showFeedDialog?

I'm pretty sure the default title "Publish this story to your friend's Facebook Wall?" is incorrect. When the user publishes the story, it will appear on his and his friends' news feeds, but not on the walls of the user's friends. I'd like to customize the title so that it doesn't contain a lie. Is there a way for me to do that?
There is no provided way to do that. It's possible you could modify the DOM after the showFeedDialog prompt has been created, but you'd have to create your own JS to do that, and it might not be possible within the confines of FBJS.
I'm not sure where you see the problem with the title here however, unless it's a semantic interpretation. The News Feed is a subset of the data that appears on the Wall of a user. When a user confirms a feed dialog that is targeted at a friend, it will create a story on the Wall of the user as well as the Wall of the user's friend (and by extension be part of the respective news feeds as well), hence "publishing the story to your friend's wall".
Wall items do not show up on all your friend's walls... they are your wall items. If a story is part of a news feed, as showFeedDialog facilitates, then the story will be picked up and put into all your friends news feeds... but it is never saved to your friends walls.