Accessing to outer class - class

I am reading "The D Programming Language" book at the moment. It is telling about the inner classes.
class Outer{
int x;
x = 99;
new Inner;
class Inner{
int x;
x = 5;
writeln( "Inner x = ", x, "; Outer x = ", this.outer.x );
As the book tells, to be able to access the class Outer's x, I need to use this.outer.x. But one confusing thing is the name of class "Outer" turns into lower case "outer". With normal class name "Outer", compiler gives error message. It is like compiler decides what you need to use as name and forces to use what name it generates.
My problem is, when I rename the class "Outer" to "bLaH", now I am not able to outer class any more.
class bLaH{
int x;
x = 99;
new Inner;
class Inner{
int x;
x = 5;
writeln( "Inner x = ", x, "; Outer x = ", this.bLaH.x );
It is not obvious what name to use while accessing to outer class. The first letter is lower case now, but compiler says "test1.bLaH" is not defined. (File name is test1.d)
If I convert "this.bLaH" to "this.blah" by thinking that maybe compiler converts outer class' name to all lower case, this time, compiler says "undefined variable 'blah'".
Is there a design error in the language about this? As a programmer, I don't like this type of name conversion done by compiler.
I am on Windows XP, DMD version is 2.060.

outer is a keyword. It’s like super or whatever. A class is always nested in only one class, so the outer keyword refers to that class.
Here you can find that outer is actually a property.


Understanding constructors and final [duplicate]

class X extends Y {
X(int a, int b) : super(a,b);
Can someone give me an explanation about the syntax meaning of the colon :?
This feature in Dart is called "initializer list".
It allows you to initialize fields of your class, make assertions and call the super constructor.
This means that it is not the same as the constructor body. As I said, you can only initialize variables and only access static members. You cannot call any (non-static) methods.
The benefit is that you can also initialize final variables, which you cannot do in the constructor body. You also have access to all parameters that are passed to the constructor, which you do not have when initializing the parameters directly in the parentheses.
Additionally, you can use class fields on the left-hand of an assignment with the same name as a parameter on the right-hand side that refers to a parameter. Dart will automatically use the class field on the left-hand side.
Here is an example:
class X {
final int number;
X(number) : number = number ?? 0;
The code above assigns the parameter named number to the final field this.number if it is non-null and otherwise it assigns 0. This means that the left-hand number of the assignment actually refers to this.number. Now, you can even make an assertion that will never fail (and is redundant because of that, but I want to explain how everything works together):
class X {
final int number;
X(number): number = number ?? 0, assert(number != null);
Learn more.
It's ok to access non static member in initializer list.
class Point {
num x, y;
Point(this.x, this.y);
Point.origin(): this.x = 10, this.y = 10;
main() {
Point p = Point.origin();
print(p.x); // 10

find variable Declaration reference Abstract syntax tree eclipse cdt C code

I have a c code like this
int x;
x = 5;
I used eclipse cdt to generate the AST, and traverse on it, so this is the code of the traversed class
public class RuleChk extends AbstractRule {
public RuleChk(IASTTranslationUnit ast) {
super("RuleChk", false, ast);
shouldVisitDeclarations = true;
shouldVisitParameterDeclarations = true;
public int visit(IASTSimpleDeclaration simpleDecl) {
//if this node has init, e.g: x = 5, do business
if(VisitorUtil.containNode(simpleDecl, CASTExpressionStatement){
// Now I have the x = 5 node,
// I want to get the reference node of it's declaration
// I mean (int x;) node
IASTNode declNode = ?????
return super.visit(parameterDeclaration);
what I want to visit the node that only has assignation(Initialization) and get the reference of declaration node for that varaiable.
I'm not sure how VisitorUtil works (it's not from the CDT code), but I assume it gives you a way to access the the found node. So:
Given the IASTExpressionStatement node that was found, use IASTExpression.getExpression() to get the contained expression.
See if it's an IASTBinaryExpression, and that is getOperator() is IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign.
Use IASTBinaryExpression.getOperand1() to get the assignment expression's left subexpression. Check that it's an IASTIdExpression, and get the variable it names via IASTIdExpression.getName().
Now that you have the name, use IASTName.resolveBinding() to get the variable's binding. This is the variable's representation in the semantic program model.
To find the variable's definition, use IASTTranslationUnit.getDefinitionsInAST(IBinding) if you only want it to look in the current file, or IASTTranslationUnit.getDefinitions(IBinding) if you want it to look in included header files as well (the latter requires the project to be indexed). The IASTTranslationUnit can be obtained from any IASTNode via IASTNode.getTranslationUnit().

Is there any method to know whether a member is declared random or not in a class in SV

// Current Class
class x;
rand int a;
int b; // b is nonrandom as of now
function new();
function abc;
// if a != ref.a, where ref is reference object of class x, declared somewhere else
// Future Possible Class
class x;
rand int a;
rand int b; // b is also a random variable now
function new();
function abc;
// if a != ref.a, where ref is reference object of class x, declared somewhere else
// if b != ref.b, where ref is reference object of class x, declared somewhere else
So in function abc, depending upon whether a rand member value matches or doesn't match with the value of that member in reference class, that rand declared members of class x, should be active or inactive accordinly.
Purpose - I need to check if a rand variable matches with reference class value then only it should be randomized, otherwise not.
I want to generalize method abc, for all possible future variations (So I don't need to modify it, as done in the above example), and as I don't know, when a class member may become rand or nonrand member, Is there any inbuilt method to know, whether a member of a class is declared as rand or not in that class?
You could change your perspective on the problem slightly. Instead of trying to disable randomization for fields that are declared rand, why not say that when they get randomized, they should keep their value?
According to this nice post, there's a new construct in SV 2012, const'(...) that would work in this case. Unfortunately I don't think many vendors support it. Your randomize() call would look like this:
if (!rand_obj.randomize() with {
const'(a) != ref_obj.a -> a == const'(a);
$fatal(0, "rand error");
Let's dissect this code. const(a) will sample the value of a prior to doing any sort of randomization. If the value of a before randomization is not equal to the reference value, then we have the second part of the constraint that says a should keep its value. I've tried this code on two simulators but it wasn't supported by either (though it should be legal SV 2012 syntax). Maybe you're lucky enough to have a vendor that supports it.
You can write such constraints even for state variables, as they will still hold.
If you can't get the const syntax to work in your simulator, then the same post shows how you could work around the issue. You could store the values prior to randomization inside the object and use those in the constraint:
class some_class;
rand bit [2:0] a;
bit [2:0] b;
bit [2:0] pre_rand_a;
bit [2:0] pre_rand_b;
function void pre_randomize();
pre_rand_a = a;
pre_rand_b = b;
When you want to randomize, you'd add the following constraints:
if (!rand_obj.randomize() with {
pre_rand_a != ref_obj.a -> a == pre_rand_a;
pre_rand_b != ref_obj.b -> b == pre_rand_b;
$fatal(0, "rand error");
You can find a full example on EDAPlayground.
You mention that your function that does randomization is defined outside of the object. Because of that, the pre_rand_* fields can't be local/protected, which isn't very nice. You should consider making the function a class member and pass the reference object to it, so that you can enforce proper encapsulation.
This isn't possible as SystemVerilog doesn't provide any reflection capabilities. You could probably figure this out using the VPI, but I'm not sure how complete the implementation of the VPI is for classes.
Based on what you want to do, I'd say it anyway doesn't make sense to implement such a query just to future proof your code in case some fields will one day become rand. Just as how you add the rand modifier to the field, you can also add it to the list of fields for which randomization should be disabled. Both code locations reside in the same file, so it's difficult to miss.
One certain simulator will return -1 when interrogating a state variable's rand_mode(), but this is non-standard. The LRM explicitly states that it's a compile error to call rand_mode() on non-random fields.

Shall I build a destructor in this classes?

I am currently working on building an ABM model using C++.
I have classes that have the need to interact with each other, because e.g. class B needs to examine values in class A and return some evaluation on it, which then class C might want to read. Classes need not to change other classes values, only to read from them.
Class B in my current implementation has a po
inter to a vector containing all members of Class A. The pointer is there for two order of reason: it makes easier to initialize the vector, and the vector is left in the scope of main so that I can access and loop over it, calling the members of class A for each agent.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class A; // Forward declaration
class B{
int id,
vector<A> * A_vec;
// Overloaded constructor
B(int ID, vector<A> & PTR)
A_vec = & PTR;
id = ID;
some_value = 0;
// Copy Constructor
B( const B& that ):
// Pointer ??
// Non-default destructor -> uncomment leads to seg_fault
~B(){ delete [] A_vec;};
// Assignment operator
B& operator=(const B& that)
id =;
some_value = that.some_value;
// Pointer ??
return *this;
//Methods to update different variables go here ..
void do_stuff();
class A{
B & class2_ref;
vector<double> o;
int stuff;
// Overloaded constructor
A(int STUFF, B & REF, vector<double> O):
stuff = STUFF;
// Methods to update different variables go here ..
void B::do_stuff()
int L = A_vec->size();
for(int l = 0; l<L; l++) some_value += (*A_vec)[l].stuff; // Perform some operation
int main(){
int I = 5; // Number of objects of A
vector<double> O(12,2); // Some numbers in here
B b(0,A_vec);
for(int i = 0; i< I; i++)
A a(i,b,O);
cout<< "Debugging MCVE" << endl;
return 0;
My question then is:
Should I implement the destructor/copy constructor/assignment operator in class B? What about class A ? If so, can you please point me to the correct syntax(for the destructor the one above in comments leads to seg fault).
My understanding is that this might be one of the case in which I am happy with a "shallow" destruction of the pointer, because both class B and vector<A> will go out of scope at the return statement. class B owns the pointer, which gets destructed when it is due, and the same for vector.
But then, what about the other member from the rule of three?
There is only one object of class B planned, but I might (small chance) want to generalize later on.
if a class have a pointer type, you should implement a destructor, and i would suggest implementing a copy and an assignment operator as well, else you will be dealing with the same object from 2 different places, which could cause you some errors, for example -
void someFunction(B &b)
B a = b;
B b(0,A_vec);
someFunction(b); //After finishing someFunction, it will try to delete the vector from a , but it is the same vector you used in b.
b.do_stuff(); // Would cause a seg error
And for the destructor syntax, just delete the vector, not its content, it will use the vector default destrctor on the content:
delete A_vec
just make sure you dont use it if its not initialized, i would suggest just building a empty vector on each ctor of the class, that way you wont get a seg fault and you can use delete.

Can I generate fields automatically in eclipse from a constructor?

When I'm coding in eclipse, I like to be as lazy as possible. So I frequently type something like:
myObject = new MyClass(myParam1, myParam2, myParam3);
Even though MyClass doesn't exist and neither does it's constructor. A few clicks later and eclipse has created MyClass with a constructor inferred from what I typed. My question is, is it possible to also get eclipse to generate fields in the class which correspond to what I passed to the constructor? I realize it's super lazy, but that's the whole joy of eclipse!
If you have a class A.
class A{
A(int a |){}
| is the cursor. Crtl + 1 "assign parameter to new field"
class A{
private final int a;
A(int a){
this.a = a;
This works also for methods:
void method(int b){}
Will result in:
private int b;
void method(int b){
this.b = b;
I know you can do the other way round. Define the fields and let Eclipse generate a constructor using these fields for you: Source | Generate Constructor using Fields
Since Eclipse Neon it is possible to assign all parameters to fields.
Using the quick assist Ctrl + 1 it suggest Assign all parameters to new fields. You can call for the quick assist if the cursor is anywhere between the parenthesis of the constructor.
This option is available for methods as well.