what are the main different UIcontrols between ipad and iphone - iphone

I am new to iPhone and iPad development. I would like to work with the iPad. So I would like to know the main difference between iPad and iPhone UIControls.
Can anybody help me?
Thanks in advance.

There is ideally no difference between UIControls of iPhone and iPad
for iPad there is extra control named UIPopoverController and UISplitViewController
Also, for iPad, keyboard always have button to dismiss, which is at right bottom.
Hope this info helps you
Here is implementation and demo of UIPopOverController

Please check MobileHIG for the controls.
The major difference is there is two controls for iPad, those are not available for iPhone.


need of two xibs for my portrait and landscape modes

i am very new to xcode. i have an app which supports both for iphone and ipad.presently my app supports portrait orientation, now i want to support it for landscape also.
As i goggled it and got an idea that we have to maintain two views for that.is this is the only way to do that? can't i maintain with singleview for landscape and portrait ?
if this is only the way provide me a good tutorial to do this because i have lots of views.
Note: my app should support in ios 4,5,6 also
The answer is NO . You need not use 2 Xib's. Please go through the following links :-
Easiest way to support multiple orientations? How do I load a custom NIB when the application is in Landscape?
Different Xib's for Potrait and Landscape mode for iPad
Also ios 6 offers new methods like shouldAutoRotate etc. You might want to go through them too.

App icons and images are not displaying in ios5

After updation to ios5, all the tabbar icons and navigation images are not loading into iphone..I don't know wht the reason behing it?
Is there anything special with ios5 or I have to add images anywhere in my app?
in iOS 5 drawRect: is not on some objects e.g. UINavigationBar. You have to conditionally use the new iOS 5 styling methods under these circumstances.
This question and this question might be useful for you.

How to make a universal app

I have a iPhone app I want to convert to an universal app so it can run on iPad. I have tried to find information about how to do it, but I don't find anything that answers my question. I have upgraded the iphone target in xcode to ipad. Then I get a new MainWindow-iPad.xib.
But I have many viewcontrollers and I have made those with code, not xib's. Do I need to have a if-clause in the loadView method that loads different viewcontroller depending on if the user has a iPhone or iPad?
It kind of depends on how you've implemented your loadView methods and how you want your iPad version to differ from your iPhone app.
If you just want your app to use the full screen, you can mostly just check the size of the screen and size your views appropriately and use the autoresizing mask to deal with things when you change orientations.
There are a few gotcha's with this approach, though. For example, modal views can work differently (not taking up the whole screen) and, obviously, the keyboard is a different size.
If you want to use completely different views for your iPad app then, yes, you'll quite possibly have if statements that tell it to use completely different view controllers.
Yes you have to create all xib's for iPad and then you have to write if-clause for Ipad xib to be loaded.

upgrade to universal app - size of mainWindow-iPad is 320x480

I have the following problem.
I have an iPhone app and want to upgrade to universal
When I do this, I get the expected MainWindow-iPad.xib.
But the size of the window is hardcoded to 320x480.
Also, there is no view in the window.
I red, this should be automatically iPad-sized, so I am assuming I am doing something wrong.
What exactly am I missing ?
thanks in advance
Yes, the dimensions of a UIWindow object are hard-coded to the size of the iPhone screen. This confused me, too, until I realized there was an option to resize it: select the UIWindow object in the .xib in Interface Builder... in the Attributes pane, make sure the "Full Screen at Launch" checkbox is checked.
As St3fan says you'll probably want to have a specific main window .xib for your iPad build.
See my answer at:
UITabBar unresponsive on iPad
I got this. I fixed it by deleting the automatically created ipad xib, then opening the original xib in interface builder and choosing convert to iPad from the menu. Then ni saved it with the -iPad name and added it to the corredt target.
You will probably also need to create a MainWindow-iphone.xib and MainWindow-ipad.xib.
I had a similar issue with a GLES application - using EAGLView, in a manner similar to all of the samples, but wanting to support iphone3,iphone4,and ipad.
in my context creation from [EAGLView initWithCoder], I was forcing the eaglLayer's rect to match the main screen, which worked for iphone and iphone4 (i.e. gave me a 320x480 or 640x960 gl surface), but for ipad, this gave me a 768x1024 surface which was cropped on present to 640x960.
As it turns out, The "Full Screen at Launch" option seems to be applied AFTER the view's (EAGLView, in my case) initWithCoder.
My solution was to do nothing in the [EAGLView initWithCoder], and only actually initialize my view after the AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions gets called, in the layoutSubviews call.

Safari-style UIPopoverController from Toolbar

I'm creating an iPad application which needs a UIPopoverController like this one (I mean, with buttons):
I tried using a UIViewController but it gives me an enormous popup with a white background.
Can anyone explain me how to make one? I cannot find any documentation or example code. Thanks.
You need -[UIActionSheet showFromBarButtonItem:animated:] instead of a UIPopoverController.