Facebook redirect_uri error, registration app. not loading - facebook

I'm just putting some Facebook functionality on an existing website for comments and such and maybe a few other fun things later but, although all of the other functionality works, the log in button, the comments box and the like button the registration form just won't.
The error I'm getting is exactly as follows:
Unable to load the registration form for
Roundhall_community_ecosystem. You may have previously blocked this
app on Facebook. Go to your Facebook privacy settings to unblock this
app. (Error: Missing 'redirect_uri' query parameter.)
I'm not in sandbox mode and I followed the instructions on the developers' page and replaced the redirect_uri with the url of my site however given that this error is specified I still think this might be what is stopping the registration app. from loading.
The only other time the problem is recorded here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12431870/using-facebook-registration-plug-in-iframe-and-getting-error-missing-redirec , the solution given is that a quotation mark is missing but the user doesn't say where.


Issues using Spring Social Quickstart example

I'm trying to use the Spring Social Quickstart app from the Github repo, https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-social-samples. I updated the versions in build.gradle and ran the app.
A simple page was display with a button, "Sign in with Facebook". If I'm not already signed in with Facebook, I get an FB error page telling me to sign in (seems a bit contradictory!). If I sign-in and run the app, I get an error dialog saying:
URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not
whitelisted in the app's Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and
Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth
Redirect URIs.
When I click on the "Okay" button, another error message pops up saying it "Can't Load URL" (there's more to it, but I figure the first error is the key one). This error keeps popping up every time I hit the "Okay" button.
As far as I know, everything on the Facebook app is configured correctly, but not 100% sure.
One other thing, when the "Sign in ..." button is pushed, the URL opened shows that it's trying to connect using v2.5 of the FB API. Don't know where this is being set, but it is 3 versions behind.
Going through the Spring docs as well, but there are a lot of moving pieces to work through. Any help would be appreciated.
So I discovered after looking more closely at the URL when the error comes up that I had the redirect URL incorrect. Once I corrected that, I was able to login and get the extra permission added.
I'd still like to know about where the version for the API is set.

Facebook app submission keeps getting rejected

I have made website where people can logon to with Facebook.
Ik keep getting this message every time I submit my request.
Your app's Facebook Login button does not work. Please make sure the
provided test user can successfully and consistently log in with the
Facebook Login button. See more about authentication.
Even though my created test user can login with IE, FF and Chrome.
Can anybody help me?
I am getting the same thing. I think you need to put the facebook javascript code in your website for them to see. I think that it is a bot reviewing your app, not a person, and it does not see it.

Webpage is not Available - Facebook Login Integration

I want to integrate facebook api to help in the registration process in my website. It was working fine before - the standard fb login button appears, the pop-up window to login to fb was working, some of the user data are obtained. However after several trials with me modifying the code as the feature isnt fully integrated yet in my site, whenever I press the login button what replaces the fb login page is "This webpage is not available." I already retracted the modifications I made to the point that it was back to the version wherein it was working before. I also created another app and replaced the app id and secret key, still it displays the same message. I do not know what is wrong. Please help.
I uploaded the project files to another hosting site and it works! Could it be that the previous domain is now blocked?
Please read the other posts, dude... we're all waiting for the FB to fix the issue...

When I use the facebook javascript SDK for authentication it fails on mobile phones and ipad

Javascript authentication works great on browsers but once I use the website on mobile, I always get this error on the login popup.
Sorry, the application you are using is misconfigured for Facebook integration. Please download the newest version of the application.
Instead of showing the usual login popup, it goes to m.facebook.com and it produces this error. Whats interesting is clicking on the spanish link, makes it work again.
After doing some research and tinkering, ive nailed it down to this:
<fb:login-button registration-url="http://www.example.com/page#register" onlogin="authenticate.facebookLoginCallBack()"></fb:login-button>
Its possible the pound sign blows it up. I need the pound sign because i dont want to redirect off the page,instead i want to trigger a js registration popup.
My guess is that the # gets into the redirect-url, and then must somehow get transformed again on its way to getting redirect to m.facebook.com and that makes it fail there.
I thought about redoing the flow by creating my own button and calling FB.login, but there is no way to tell the API to stop at login, and load my own registration. The problem is summed up here Registration flow using FB.login
Realistically it seems we are only provided with one option here:
Login + Registration Flows
and it doesnt work in my situtation
Typically the user clicks on this button
Then they see this dialog. (Notice it says www.facebook.com in the url)
But they see this dialog on mobile. (This is loading from m.facebook.com)

Is there no longer a connect URL for using the Facebook Javascript SDK

Its quite possible I'm missing something obvious here; I hope so.
I have been trying to get a Facebook game that posts to the user's wall after the game has finished working. As I understand it, this should be a pretty simple process (and there appears to be several different approaches).
I have tried most of these, and they all seem to fail for the same reason; I do not have a 'connect' URL (which, as I understand it, is also called a canvas callback URL?) set correctly.
This sounds easy to fix, but it seems like the application settings page has recently changed. Often a 'connect' tab is referred to, but this no longer exists. All I have is a 'Facebook integration' tab and this has only the canvas URL, there doesn't appear to be a connect URL.
You need to set the URL in the Website Section. You'd be best settings the domain as well just to make sure. I find it best practise to set the URL in the Facebook Integration tab as well as then Website tab regardless of the type of Facebook integration I am creating
You are correct that the error message is out of date, the connect URL is the Website URL now (just wanted to clarify)