Paredit: remove unwanted keybindings - emacs

I'm trying ParEdit mode and this is something that it does not the way I'd want: it shadows the original binding for C-M-F and replaces it with C-M-f. I.e. it forwards sexp instead of selecting it :| I couldn't find the place where the bindings are defined at the first glance.
Any way to cancel this behaviour? Or what would be the analogue command in ParEdit for selecting an sexp?
To give you a better idea of what happens, if I do C-h k while ParEdit is active, and then C-M-S-f this is what I get:
C-M-f (translated from C-M-S-f) runs the command paredit-forward,
which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `paredit.el'.
It is bound to C-M-f.
Move forward an S-expression, or up an S-expression forward.
If there are no more S-expressions in this one before the closing
delimiter, move past that closing delimiter; otherwise, move forward
past the S-expression following the point.
(foo |(bar baz) quux)
(foo (bar baz)| quux)
(foo (bar)|)
(foo (bar))|
I don't want it to translate anything, this is absolutely undesired behaviour.

You can use:
(eval-after-load "paredit"
(define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd "C-M-f") nil)))
Strictly speaking the progn is unnecessary, but you might want to redefine/remove more keys afterwards
Unlike forward-sexp, paredit-forward doesn't check whether shift is pressed. You could try using this
(eval-after-load "paredit"
(define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd "C-M-S-f")
(lambda ()
(unless (region-active-p)
(set-mark (point)))
An alternative way to do the same thing (select the following sexp), would be C-M-space. Then, should you want to do so, you can swap point and mark with C-x C-x (or C-x (no delay here) C-x C-x if you use CUA)
EDIT (last?)
The proper way to make a function also mark when shift is pressed is this:
(put 'paredit-forward 'CUA 'move)

Paredit isn't translating the keys. Emacs is. It's the same in every mode. If there's no binding for C-M-F, Emacs will try C-M-f instead.
If you want to select the S-expression after the point, the standard Emacs key for this is C-M-SPC.

Resurrecting a very old question, but I think I know a more general solution to this.
paredit is a very old package that predates modern packaging hygiene. i.e. aggressive setting of default keybindings.
To undo that, run this after loading the paredit package:
(paredit-do-commands (spec keys _fn _examples) nil
(dolist (key keys)
(define-key paredit-mode-map (read-kbd-macro key) nil)))
now you're back to no keybindings, and you can use the regular mechanisms. Read the value (not the documentation) on paredit-commands to see which commands are available and what their default bindings are, some of which you might want to retain.


how to emulate a specific key press in Emacs Lisp

Context: I want to make a minor mode where pressing f twice fast results in whatever the pressing of ( should do at that time. This doesn't always mean just insertion of (. For example, in buffers where paredit mode or autopair mode is enabled, pressing of ( usually results in insertion of (). In a paredit mode buffer, that sometimes results in wrapping the selected text: for example, if I select a b and press (, that should result in replacing the selection with (a b).
For detection of f being pressed twice, I just need to take the logic in the short code in
So the only missing piece is a Lisp code snippet that tells Emacs "Trigger pressing of ( now!"
The first thing that came to my mind was that the snippet should do
find the command bound to the key (
and then call call-interactively on that command.
but that breaks down if the auto pairing package (autopair or paredit or other similar package) binds ( to a command that has a logic that looks up what key was used to call the command, or if the package simply relies on post-self-insert-hook or post-command-hook instead of binding (.
I've looked up Key Chord documentation and it turns out what I am trying to do with answers to this question has a simpler solution:
(require 'key-chord)
(key-chord-mode 1)
(defvar my-easy-open-paren-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(key-chord-define map ",." (kbd "("))
(define-minor-mode my-easy-open-paren-mode
"In this mode, pressing . and , together is another way of pressing the open paren.")
(defvar my-easy-semicolon-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(key-chord-define map ";;" (kbd "C-e ;"))
(define-minor-mode my-easy-semicolon-mode
"In this mode, pressing semicolon twice fast is another way of pressing C-e and semicolon.")
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'my-easy-open-paren-mode)
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-easy-semicolon-mode)
Triggering key press may still be useful in other contexts though.
You might appreciate the Key Chord library for binding functions to a double key-press. (I wouldn't recommend using f if you'll be writing in English, mind you; but YMMV.)
post-self-insert-hook would still run if the binding was self-insert-command. post-command-hook will run in any case, but if you're worried about it seeing an incorrect function and/or input event, you can manipulate those...
After looking up the binding, your function can set this-command to the function you're about to call-interactively, and last-command-event to the required key. e.g.:
(defun my-fake-paren ()
(let ((command (key-binding "(")))
(setq last-command-event ?\()
(setq this-command command)
(call-interactively command)))
I use Key Chord for this sort of thing, although the page you link appears to do the same thing. The trick is getting the call to call-interactively to work correctly. I wrapped it in a let that reset the variable last-command-event, such that call-interactively thinks it was a "(". This works for me in paredit and fundamental modes.
(require 'key-chord)
(key-chord-mode 1)
(defun my-paren-call ()
(let ((last-command-event ?\())
(call-interactively (key-binding "("))))
(key-chord-define-global "ff" 'my-paren-call)

Emacs can't reset Ctrl-d key behaviour

I wanted to change the behaviour of Ctrl-d key. So it will delete a word backward. I created a function:
(defun backward-delete-word (arg)
"Delete characters backward until encountering the beginning of a word.
With argument ARG, do this that many times."
(interactive "p")
(delete-region (point) (progn (backward-word arg) (point))))
Then inserted this into emacs.d:
(global-set-key (kbd "\C-d") 'backward-delete-word)
It works in fundamental-mode, but in php-mode it just removes the next character. When I click
Ctrl-h k Ctrl-d
Emacs gives this:
C-d runs the command c-electric-delete-forward, which is an
interactive compiled Lisp function in `cc-cmds.el'.
It is bound to C-d.
(c-electric-delete-forward ARG)
Somehow, it was reset to another function. How to find out, where it was reset and make it work with my function instead?
I don't have php-mode so I can't say for sure, but the binding is likely overriden in php-mode-map (which, as a major mode map, has higher precedence than the global map).
You can check by using C-h b to list all available key bindings and look for C-d or c-electric-delete-forward in the output buffer to see in which keymap the binding is defined.
Assuming php-mode-map overrides the C-d binding, you can disable it using
(define-key php-mode-map (kbd "C-d") nil)

Cannot get to bind Enter to 'newline-and-indent in Emacs !!! Very annoying

Cannot get to bind Enter to newline-and-indent in Emacs !!! Very annoying.
I already tried everything on the following thread by changing 'mode' to ruby and still nothing:
How do I make Emacs auto-indent my C code?
I know that the problem is the RETURN key, since if I bind to something else, works fine.
I tried [enter], (kbd "enter"), (read-kbd-macro "enter"), (kbd "RET")
Follow-up 1.
This is what I get from C-hkRET
RET runs the command newline, which is an interactive compiled Lisp
It is bound to RET.
(newline &optional ARG)
Insert a newline, and move to left margin of the new line if it's blank.
If use-hard-newlines' is non-nil, the newline is marked with the
With ARG, insert that many newlines.
Call auto-fill-function' if the current column number is greater
than the value offill-column' and ARG is nil.
I dont know what to make of it or how to figure out if it's a global
or local binding that gets in the way. trying to remap C-j
also doesnt work.
As a previous comment says, use C-h k (describe-key) to see what the key is bound to at the point when it's not doing what you want. The (kbd "foo") syntax will be correct for whichever foo describe-key refers to it as.
Chances are that you are simply not defining that key in the appropriate keymap.
Note that major and minor mode keymaps take precedence over the global keymap, so you shouldn't necessarily be surprised if a global binding is overridden.
Myself, I have a hook function for common behaviours for all the programming modes I use, and it includes the sort of remapping you're after. The relevant part looks like this:
(defun my-coding-config ()
(local-set-key (kbd "RET") (key-binding (kbd "M-j")))
(local-set-key (kbd "<S-return>") 'newline)
(lambda (language-mode-hook)
(add-hook language-mode-hook 'my-coding-config))
;; etc...
See Daimrod's answer for the explanation of why I'm re-binding RET to the current binding of M-j -- although I'm using comment-indent-new-line (or similar) instead of newline-and-indent (or similar), which does what I want in both comments and non-comments.
In Emacs 24, programming modes seem to derive from prog-mode, so you could probably (un-tested) reduce that list to prog-mode-hook plus any exceptions for third-party modes which don't yet do that.
As said earlier, use C-hkC-j because
C-j is the standard key to do newline-and-indent.
If you open a new file, activate ruby-mode and try the previous
command you will see why it doesn't work. Because ruby-mode doesn't
have newline-and-indent but rather
reindent-then-newline-and-indent. Yes that's stupid but you can either ask
to the maintener to change it, or accept it.
However I suggest you to use C-j to do it because
ruby-mode is not the only mode to do so, like paredit-mode which
uses paredit-newline.

Assign multiple Emacs keybindings to a single command?

I'm giving ErgoEmacs mode a try to see if I can use Emacs more comfortably. Some of its keybindings are fairly intuitive, but in many cases I don't want to outright replace the defaults.
For example, in the context of ErgoEmacs' navigation shortcut structure, M-h makes sense as a replacement for C-a--but I want to be able to use both, not just M-h. I tried simply duplicating the commands:
;; Move to beginning/ending of line
(defconst ergoemacs-move-beginning-of-line-key (kbd "C-a")) ; original
(defconst ergoemacs-move-end-of-line-key (kbd "C-e")) ; original
(defconst ergoemacs-move-beginning-of-line-key (kbd "M-h")) ; ergoemacs
(defconst ergoemacs-move-end-of-line-key (kbd "M-H")) ; ergoemacs
But Emacs simply overwrites the first keybinding with the second. What's the best way to address this?
To re-post reply from ergo-emacs mailing list:
Xah Lee said:
that's very easy.
in the
ergoemacs-mode.el file, there's this
line (load "ergoemacs-unbind") just
comment it out. That should be all
you need to do. However, note that
ErgoEmacs keybinding defines those
common shortcuts such as Open, Close,
New, Save... with keys Ctrl+o,
Ctrl+w, Ctrl+n, Ctrl+s etc. About 7 of
them or so. So, i think some of these
will hit on emacs traditional
bindings with Ctrl. if you are new to
ErgoEmacs and trying to explore it,
you might just try starting with few
keys. this page might have some
useful info:
thanks for checking out ErgoEmacs!
Xah ∑
As it turns out, ErgoEmacs uses two files to define the keybinding. One is the main ergoemacs-mode.el file, and the other is the specific keyboard layout you select (e.g. ergoemacs-layout-us.el). The latter document creates a constant, which the former uses to create the keybinding. So while I thought I was duplicating the keybinding, I was actually changing the constant which was subsequently used for that purpose.
In ergomacs-mode.el:
;; Move to beginning/ending of line
(define-key ergoemacs-keymap ergoemacs-move-beginning-of-line-key 'move-beginning-of-line)
(define-key ergoemacs-keymap ergoemacs-move-end-of-line-key 'move-end-of-line)
(define-key ergoemacs-keymap ergoemacs-move-beginning-of-line-key2 'move-beginning-of-line) ; new
(define-key ergoemacs-keymap ergoemacs-move-end-of-line-key2 'move-end-of-line) ; new
In ergoemacs-layout-us.el:
;; Move to beginning/ending of line
(defconst ergoemacs-move-beginning-of-line-key (kbd "M-h"))
(defconst ergoemacs-move-end-of-line-key (kbd "M-H"))
(defconst ergoemacs-move-beginning-of-line-key2 (kbd "C-a")) ; new
(defconst ergoemacs-move-end-of-line-key2 (kbd "C-e")) ; new
Huh? Is having one and only one way for every function some golden principle of ErgoEmacs? Because normal keybinding works exactly the opposite way: you name one key at a time and specify what it should do. If a mode defines a global variable to mean "the key that end-of-line is bound to", then of course there can be only one value, but with the normal binding commands you can bind the same function to as many combinations as you like. In fact, every keybinding I have ever seen used looked either like this
(global-set-key [(meta space)] 'just-one-space)
or like this
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'my-c-mode-hook)
(defun my-c-mode-hook ()
(define-key c-mode-map [(control c) b] 'c-insert-block))
if it's only for a specific mode.

Globally override key binding in Emacs

How can I set a key binding that globally overrides and takes precedence over all other bindings for that key? I want to override all major/minor mode maps and make sure my binding is always in effect.
This of course doesn't work:
(global-set-key "\C-i" 'some-function)
It works in text-mode, but when I use lisp-mode, C-i is rebound to lisp-indent-line.
I can go through and override this binding in lisp-mode and in every other mode individually, but there must be an easier way. Every time I install a new mode for a new file type, I'd have to go back and check to make sure that all of my key bindings aren't being overridden by the new mode.
I want to do this because I want to emulate bindings I've already learned and ingrained from other editors.
I use a minor mode for all my "override" key bindings:
(defvar my-keys-minor-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-i") 'some-function)
"my-keys-minor-mode keymap.")
(define-minor-mode my-keys-minor-mode
"A minor mode so that my key settings override annoying major modes."
:init-value t
:lighter " my-keys")
(my-keys-minor-mode 1)
This has the added benefit of being able to turn off all my modifications in one fell swoop (just disable the minor mode) in case someone else is driving the keyboard or if I need to see what a default key binding does.
Note that you may need to turn this off in the minibuffer:
(defun my-minibuffer-setup-hook ()
(my-keys-minor-mode 0))
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'my-minibuffer-setup-hook)
As an addition to scottfrazer's answer, I've written the following so that my keybindings retain precedence, even if subsequently-loaded libraries bring in new keymaps of their own.
Because keymaps can be generated at compile time, load seemed like the best place to do this.
(add-hook 'after-load-functions 'my-keys-have-priority)
(defun my-keys-have-priority (_file)
"Try to ensure that my keybindings retain priority over other minor modes.
Called via the `after-load-functions' special hook."
(unless (eq (caar minor-mode-map-alist) 'my-keys-minor-mode)
(let ((mykeys (assq 'my-keys-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)))
(assq-delete-all 'my-keys-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
(add-to-list 'minor-mode-map-alist mykeys))))
Install use-package, eval and you're done:
(require 'bind-key)
(bind-key* "C-i" 'some-function)
I found this question while searching for "emacs undefine org mode keybindings", because I wanted to unbind the existing C-c C-b behavior to allow my global map to bury-buffer to work in an org buffer.
This ended up being the simplest solution for me:
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(local-unset-key (kbd "C-c C-b"))))
Although scottfrazer's answer is exactly what you asked for, I will mention for posterity another solution.
From The Emacs Manual:
"Don't define C-c letter as a key in Lisp programs. Sequences consisting of C-c and a letter (either upper or lower case) are reserved for users; they are the only sequences reserved for users, so do not block them."
If you bind your personal global bindings to C-c plus a letter, then you "should" be safe. However, this is merely a convention, and any mode is still able to override your bindings.
If you want to "always use the keybinds in the map, unless I explicitly override them for a specific mode-map", and assuming you are using scottfrazier's approach, you want:
(defun locally-override (key cmd)
(unless (local-variable-p 'my-keys-minor-mode-map)
(set (make-variable-buffer-local 'my-keys-minor-mode-map)
(set-keymap-parent my-keys-minor-mode-map
(default-value 'my-keys-minor-mode-map)))
(define-key my-keys-minor-mode-map key cmd))
(locally-override "\C-i" nil)
should remove the "\C-i" binding from the minor mode in the current buffer only. Warning: this is completely untested, but seems like the right approach. The point of setting the parent rather than just coping the global value of my-keys-minor-mode-map is so any later changes to the global value are automatically reflected in the local value.
I don't think you can. That is roughly equivalent to saying that you want to define a global variable that cannot be hidden by local variable declarations in functions. Scope just doesn't work that way.
However, there might be a way to write an elisp function to go through the mode list and reassign it in every single one for you.
Unless you really want to do this yourself, you should check around and see if anyone else already has done it.
There is a package for Emacs which gives your windows-like keybindings. You should be able to find it through google.