Replace region with result of calling a function on region - emacs

How would I write an interactive function that takes a function and replaces the currently selected region with the result of calling that function on the region.
I see this answer:
But that's calling the function once per line, not giving it the region as an argument, and it seems like a lot of code.

I think you could do some trickery around filter-buffer-substring, but that seems like an obscure function, at least to me. On the other hand, doing so in Emacs Lisp directly doesn't seem complicate:
(defun apply-function-to-region (fn)
(interactive "XFunction to apply to region: ")
(let* ((beg (region-beginning))
(end (region-end))
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))
(kill-region beg end)
(insert resulting-text))))
Then you can use a function that accepts and produces text (say capitalize), and capitalize the region. The function will ask for a function to apply. Finally, the deleted text is saved in the kill ring.

(defun apply-to-region (func)
(unless (use-region-p)
(error "need an active region"))
(delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
(insert (funcall func)))
(defun foo ()
(defun my/test ()
(apply-to-region 'foo))
To test it, select some text and run M-xmy/testRET.


What's wrong with this elisp function?

I write a elisp function to copy the current line if no region has be selected, but it does not work on emacs 24.5. When I hit the "M-w" keystrokes , there comes a message "Mark set" in the minibuffer. Did I miss something?
(defun copy-region-or-current-line (beg end)
"copy current if no region selected, copy the region otherwise"
(interactive "r")
(let ((cur-pos (point)))
(if (region-active-p)
(kill-ring-save beg end)
(goto-char cur-pos)))))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-w") 'copy-region-or-current-line)
Your function works: You're calling yank and that command sets the mark; hence the message.
That's a side effect you undoubtedly don't want, though, and the kill+yank sequence isn't necessary.
You already know about kill-ring-save, so just use that with (line-beginning-position) and (line-end-position).
FYI, on account of the optional REGION argument to kill-ring-save, you could rewrite this as:
(defun copy-region-or-current-line ()
"Copy the active region or the current line to the kill ring."
(if (region-active-p)
(kill-ring-save nil nil t)
(kill-ring-save (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))

Duplicating a line in emacs with Ace-Jump

I'm fairly new to elisp, but one thing that I really want to figure out is either how to wait for ace-jump to end before executing instructions or how get a position from ace-jump instead of moving my cursor. My goal is to be able to select a line with ace-jump, copy it, then paste it right above my current line. I started by first trying to go to a line with ace-jump then duplicate it in place, but that hasn't worked. Here is what I have for that:
(defun ace-jump-yank-line-above ()
(kill-ring-save (line-beginning-position) (line-beginning-position 2) )
But this gives me strange behavior
You can have a look at the source of my project lispy.el.
It's got several functions that use ace-jump-mode and do something after.
For instance lispy-ace-symbol will ace-jump to symbol and mark it.
Here's the implementation detail - the key is setting ace-jump-mode-hook:
(defun lispy--ace-do (x bnd &optional filter func no-narrow)
"Use `ace-jump-do' to X within BND when FILTER return t.
When FUNC is not nil, call it after a successful move.
When NO-NARROW is not nil, don't narrow to BND."
(require 'ace-jump-mode)
(lispy--recenter-bounds bnd)
(unless no-narrow
(narrow-to-region (car bnd) (cdr bnd)))
(when func
(setq ace-jump-mode-end-hook
(list `(lambda()
(setq ace-jump-mode-end-hook)
(let ((ace-jump-mode-scope 'window)
(ace-jump-search-filter filter))
(ace-jump-do x))
I use something similar to ace-jump rather than ace-jump itself, but something like this should work (can't be sure about the call to ace-jump-line-mode):
(defun ace-jump-yank-line-above ()
(let ((loc (point-at-bol))
(line nil))
(setq line (buffer-substring-no-properties
(point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)))
(goto-char (1- loc))
(if (bobp)
(insert (concat line "\n"))
(insert (concat "\n" line))))))
Okay, none of these worked for me, but I used these answers to create a script that works. Here is the code that I used:
;; The base function for the line-based ones
(defun ace-jump-end-do (dfunc afunc)
;; Save where to return to as a marker
(setq ace-jump-do-retpos (make-marker))
(set-marker ace-jump-do-retpos (point))
;; Add our during function to the hook
(setq ace-jump-mode-end-hook
(list `(lambda()
(setq ace-jump-mode-end-hook)
(goto-char ace-jump-do-retpos)
(set-marker ace-jump-do-retpos nil)
;; Copy the line above the current line
(defun ace-jump-yank-line-above ()
;; At the line
(lambda ()
;; Store the line in a variable
(setq line (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)))
;; Upon returning
(lambda ()
(goto-char (point-at-bol))
(insert (concat line "\n"))
(when (bolp) (goto-char (point-at-bol 2)))
Unfortunately, this resets the end hook of ace-jump every time it's called. It works for me though since I don't have anything else hooked to it. If I run into issues, I'll need to figure something else out.
ace-jump-mode is really silly... calling it just goes into some useless minor-mode where you pick the hints, but it is non-blocking: any code afterwards is executed immediately.
There is so much potential for this kind of interaction and ace-jump-mode completely wastes it away with crazy implementation. It also doesn't work at all with save-excursion and you wound need to hack around that with various hooks and state-saving variables.
I've written a new package addressing all these issues, you can find it at Hopefully people will pick it up, but it serves me well at least. Took me about 2 hours to write the basic working prototype and it already covers all the functionality of packages like ace-link, ace-window and ace-whatever-else-you-can-find (also ace-jump, obviously :))

Highlight a name throughout an Emacs buffer

I am starting to learn Emacs Lisp, and as a first project I would like to improve the fortran mode in Emacs. I would like to mark the name of a sub routine in the buffer, and then press a shortcut key. To bring up a buffer with all lines in the given source where the name of the subroutine is mentioned.
I found that I can get the marked text using:
(defun get-selected-text (beg end)
(if (use-region-p)
(list (region-beginning) (region-end))
(list nil nil)))
(message "%s" (if (and beg end)
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg end) "")))
and can store the line numbers of the subroutines using:
(defun get-line-numbers (str)
(interactive "sEnter string: ")
(goto-char 0)
(let (( sok 1) (list nil) pp)
(while sok
(setq pp (search-forward str nil t))
(if pp (push (line-number-at-pos pp) list)
(setq sok nil)))
(message "%s" list))))
I would now like to open a new buffer similar to when I use Ctrl-x Ctrl-b to execute list-buffers and then display each line number, together with the text on the line, and the user can select a given line, and press Enter to goto the given line in the original buffer..
Just wanted to show you my version of occur-dwim.
I remember spending some time to find out about the regexp-history variable.
The first function is similar to your get-selected-text.
(defun region-str-or-symbol ()
"Return the contents of region or current symbol."
(if (region-active-p)
(thing-at-point 'symbol)))
(defun occur-dwim ()
"Call `occur' with a sane default."
(push (region-str-or-symbol) regexp-history)
(call-interactively 'occur))
To display the list-buffer you use get-buffer-create and clear it with erase-buffer (it might be that it already extisted).
To output the lines you search in the current buffer save the line in a string and put it into the list buffer via with-current-buffer and insert.
To make return special on the text or to make it clickable put a text-property with a local keymap on it.
With this guide you should be able to find everything you need in the elisp-manual.
Regarding your code, you get the beginning and end of the current region with (interactive "r"). Therewith you also get the error message if there is no active region.

Set default value of replace-string in Emacs by selecting a word

I'm using function like this to replace strings in Emacs.
(defun replace-string-from-top ()
(call-interactively 'replace-string)))
(global-set-key "\C-r" 'replace-string-from-top)
And I want to use default value of replace-string function by selecting a word.
What I want to do is.
select a word by double clicking it.
call replace-string-from-top function with the selected word by default value.
I've tried to write the function but I couldn't.
How can I do it?
Neither replace-string nor the function that it uses to read its args when you call it interactively, which is query-replace-read-args, has any provision for providing a default programmatically in a dynamic way. The most you can do is set variable query-replace-defaults. You can bind that variable to a value in your command, so that the first element in its list value is the string from the region, i.e.:
(let* ((region-string (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end))))
(query-replace-defaults (cons region-string region-string)))
(The value is a cons. Use whatever other value you like as the cdr. Here I've just used the same region string.)
But you can more easily and more directly do what you want if you use library replace+.el. In that case, just set option search/replace-region-as-default-flag to non-nil to get what you want. You can also toggle that option anytime, using command toggle-search/replace-region-as-default. A description of the library is here.
Here's my setup. You can change it in a few places, like add beginning-of-buffer, if you want.
(defvar qr-beg)
(defun string-dwim ()
(let ((bounds
(if (region-active-p)
(cons (region-beginning)
(bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))))
(setq qr-beg (car bounds))
(when (region-active-p)
(set-mark nil))
(when qr-beg
(cdr bounds))))))
(defun query-replace-dwim (from)
(read-regexp "Query replace" (string-dwim))))
(when qr-beg
(goto-char qr-beg)
(setq qr-beg))
(query-replace-read-to from "Query replace" nil)))
As you can see, this is a setup for query-replace.
It auto-suggests the thing to be replaced as the current string.
The current string is either the current region, if it's active, or symbol at point.
Also, the current string is kill-newed, so you can yank it as the replacement,
and then just tweak it a bit.

A Simple 'copy-form Command

I want a command that copies a form to the kill ring. In emacs-live, the closest thing I could find was this command / key-binding
(global-set-key (kbd "M-]") 'kill-ring-save)
However kill-ring-save has some wonky behaviour. Ii copies more than 1 form, past the cursor. Ultimately, I want a simple function along the lines of what's below (this doesn't quite work).
(defun copy-form ()
(kill-ring-save (line-beginning-position) (live-paredit-forward)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-]") 'copy-form)
I've searched high and low ( SO question and Google search), but can't seem to find a simple, working command to copy a balanced expression. Has someone already done this?
Function sexp-at-point gives you the sexp ("form") at the cursor. Just copy that to the kill-ring, using kill-ring-save. E.g.:
(defun copy-sexp-at-point ()
(let ((bnds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)))
(kill-ring-save (car bnds) (cdr bnds))))
Alternatively, just use kill-new:
(defun copy-sexp-at-point ()
(kill-new (thing-at-point 'sexp)))
The reason your copy-form cannot be bound to a key is that it is a function, not a command - it is missing an interactive form.
However, in your case you don't even need to write a new function.
Try a combination of
mark-sexp is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `lisp.el'.
It is bound to C-M-#, C-M-SPC.
M-w runs the command kill-ring-save, which is an interactive compiled
Lisp function in `simple.el'.
It is bound to <C-insertchar>, M-w, <menu-bar> <edit> <copy>.
I'm not sure I understand the question, but when I need to do what I consider as "copy a balanced form", I do: M-C-SPC M-w. If I want to cut it instead, I do M-C-SPC C-w.
Here's what I generally use. Somehow it's more useful for me
to kill the balanced expression instead of copying. If I want a
copy instead, I first kill, then undo.
This function kills a string, if the point is inside string,
otherwise the balanced expression, i.e. (),[],{},<>
or whatever is defined by the syntax.
(defun kill-at-point ()
"Kill the quoted string or the list that includes the point"
(let ((p (nth 8 (syntax-ppss))))
;; string
((eq (char-after p) ?\")
(goto-char p)
;; list
((ignore-errors (when (eq (char-after) ?\()
(let ((beg (point)))
(kill-region beg (point)))))))
I've also tried to add a special case for when the point is
inside the comment, but I couldn't find a generic
way to determine bounds of comment at point. If anyone knows,
please tell me.
This other function can be relevant as well. It marks instead
of killing, like the previous one. The nice thing that it
extends the region each time it's called.
I bind the first one to C-, and the second to
(defun mark-at-point ()
"Mark the quoted string or the list that includes the point"
(let ((p (nth 8 (syntax-ppss))))
(if (eq (char-after p) ?\")
(goto-char p)
(set-mark (point))
(when (eq (char-after) 40)
(condition-case nil
(set-mark (point))
(let ((beg (point)))
(when (looking-back "}")
;; assumes functions are separated by one empty line
(re-search-backward "^[^A-Z-a-z]" nil t)