Changing git branch while working with eclipse (what's proper order)? - eclipse

my problem is that sometimes I change git branch while working live in eclipse. But I do not know what should I do (in what order to to, to don't make mess in both projects).
So my procedure is:
eclipse is open (working on some problems)
git change branch
eclipse > selecting projects and clicking to refresh
work on eclipse, continue job
Is it all right or I should use first Clear&Build and then refresh projects? What do you think, is it important witch order do this while changing branch ? Please help because I am working with friends on big project and I do not want break anything.

If you are working on a particular branch and you want to preserve whatever it is you have been doing, you should add or commit those changes first (git add or git commit) to that branch before changing to a different branch.
If you have the same projects in both branches, then refreshing the projects after changing branch should be fine, but ideally followed up with a clean/build.
If you want to be really safe, you can first close the projects before changing branch, then refresh and re-open them after changing branch.


What is the easiest way to access SVN history in a different branch using Subclipse?

My team is supporting a small Java development team that had been working on a development branch with Eclipse and Subclipse. We've been periodically merging their changes associated with appropriate tasks and defects from this development branch to a release branch which eventually gets merged into a trunk that represents production. Based on best practices advice from CollabNet, we recently created a new development branch from the trunk and moved the old development branch to an archive directory. (The motivation for this is that eventually changes would accumulate in the development branch that never get merged anywhere else, and the development branch would become impractically different from the release branches and the trunk.)
Our java team was disappointed to discover that once they'd created their new Eclipse workspaces with the new development branch, file histories in Subclipse did not show all of their individual changes. Only the merge operations are listed. This makes sense since the new development branch was copied from trunk, which only ever had these merges performed on it.
But our Java team would like to easily reference the histories in the old development branch. What is the easiest way for them to do this? Some options I can think of are:
Navigate to the old branch in the SVN Repository Exploring perspective and examine file histories there. This involves lots of clicking through the repository hierarchy, especially to an individual source file. Is there a way to enter a path in this perspective and jump to it? Or is the only way to click through the hierarchy?
Maintain a separate Eclipse workspace with the old development branch. This means switching workspaces to see the individual developer histories. And it's easy to forget which workspace you're in.
Use Team -> Switch to temporarily switch the file or project to the old branch in your same workspace. Then view the history of the switched file(s). It's easy to forget what you've switched, which can lead to committing to the wrong branch.
Also, none of these options make it easy to compare what's in the new branch to what's in the old branch.
Are there any easier ways I'm missing? Thanks a bunch!
If you really want to follow best practices then you should look at trunk-based development.
There is an option with svn log to show the original commits for a merge. This is the -g option when using the command line. In Subclipse, it is a checkbox on the History view. "Include Merged revisions". This will then expand the merges to show what was merged. Same option exists on Blame. It will make these operations take considerably longer to run in many cases.
The only way to fix this is to use a better process.

How do I work on a branch in SVN Eclipse?

I've read multiple documentations already but I don't seem to get it - I want to branch one project folder of our rcp, change something there and test with the changes I've made there.
Which steps do I have to make to work on the branch? How do I integrate the branch in my workspace for testing without ruining my local files and what does Switch... do?
Working on a branch directly through Subclipse isn't possible. You have to check out to your local machine first and then commit back.
This will override local changes, so make sure to branch them first.
IF you want to test your quick changes in your project without your local changes ,this is what you can do
-Create a new branch of the trunk/active of your project in SVN
-Checkout the new branch from SVN as its own project
make your quick change . Test it locally
Check it back into the branch. When you are ready, merge your code.

How do I get back my files marked as deleted in the unstaged changes area of Git staging?

I'm running Eclipse Kepler Service Release 1 with egit for versioning. I've been using eclipse and egit for just a few months and am not up on all of it's intricacies yet. I've found some related questions here for git, but I don't really understand how to use egit to accomplish what the answers propose.
The immediate problem I have is that no files are visible in the project tree except for the libraries and WEB-INF under war. The files show up in the unstaged changes area of the Git staging window marked with an x as deleted. This is a jsp project running google app engine if it matters.
What got me to this point was attempting to checkout the master branch. I got an error saying the branch could not find 2 files and afterwards my working files in the current branch disappeared. The Git repositories view shows my current branch is the same as the one I had been working on, so these files should normally be visible.
Since I never chose to delete these files I have no idea what stage egit thinks it's in. I don't have a backup and my other branches haven't had recent changes merged in.
You can always see the state of Git as a text decoration next to each repository node in the repositories view of the Git perspective. Normally that should only show the branch name, but it might also be something like "Interactive rebase", if Git stops for user input in the middle of an operation.
If that is not showing the branch name you want, then just the context menu Switch->[branchname] should bring you back to the wanted branch.
If everything else fails, you can always throw away all local changes and have your local working directory reset to the state of any commit (or branch) by using context menu->Reset->Hard and select the commit (or branch) to which you want to reset. Be aware that this wipes out any uncommitted local changes.
In case of more questions, you should read the very detailed EGit user guide.

Eclipse Subversive plugin: Why can't I create this branch?

I recently switched from Subclipse to Subversive for SVN integration in Eclipse, and I'm having trouble creating a branch of my source code.
I've tried a few different variations of my method, but they all led me to the same roadblock. Basically, here's what I'm trying to do.
Navigator pane
Right-click on project folder (want to branch the whole thing)
Team > Branch
In the Location field, browse to select the /branches folder in my repository
Add the branch name to the path field, i.e. "/testbranch" (not pictured)
The dialog then looks like this, and I can't continue.
What am I doing wrong here? Why can't I create this branch? If nothing else, can it at least be confirmed that I'm following the right process, and it's something about my environment or configuration that's stopping the branch from being created?
I found that SVN is very particular with the SVN connectors. If you connected and downloaded SVN code with one connector and then switched to a different connector when you started using Subversive, you'll definitely have problems.
I've had unexplained Subversive problems in the past and they've almost always tracked back to different connector usage. The solution for me was to reset all of my local SVN code. I deleted everything local and rechecked out all of my code. Everything appeared to be fine after that.
I hope this helps.
I don't consider this a proper solution, but it's at least got me working again. Instead of running a branch operation, I created a new folder inside my branches folder, and then copied the contents of the trunk folder into it. I was then able to switch to my new "branch".
Make sure you do not have any uncommited changes, and then do a Team>cleanup. Also make sure you are branching from the trunk and that you do not have any mixed version. For example you can have a folder below the root be from another branch while the rest of the project is from trunk. This will cause the branch creation to fail. When having issues with branches from the navigator, try reverting the project (right click choose team>revert) several times. Then execute the cleanup several times.
Also you may consider creating the branch from the SVN Repositories view. From this view right click on the location you want to branch from (ie truck) and select New>branch from the context menu. One last step is from the navigator view you will need to swtich your project to the newly created brancn: right click on the project root and select Team>switch from the context menu

Eclipse Merge Branch into Trunk

I am trying to merge my development branch back into the trunk of my repo. Steps I took:
Switch to trunk
check that it is up to date, resolve any conflicts
Go to Team->Merge
Select URL : development branch
Start Revision: Revision when branch was created
End Revision: HEAD
This should do the magic - it opens up the syncronize view which is fine, shows me all the conflicts, but there the problem happens:
In the compare editor I see two files:
Local File | Remote File (306)
This is really strange, the revision number of the remote file is actually the one of the file in the working copy (trunk) and so is the content. The local file has the content of the file in the branch.
Now the arrow shows correctly that I am merging from left to right (branch to trunk). This also happens when I click ok.
BUT I can only move changes from right to left!!! That's not what I want - I do not want to overwrite the changes in the branches with the old content of the trunk. I want to move the content from left (branch) to right (trunk). But I can't even write in the right file.
I do not know why it writes remote file there?? It's clearly showing the working copy file in the remote file window, and the file from the branch (for merging) is shown in local file.
Some bug in Subversive?
Merges are never been easy with subversive (as mentioned in this old SO question), so may be doing the merge externally (or with subclipse) would be easier here.
If your client and repository are both at least in SVN1.5, Subversive new merge capabilities are better, but still dangerous as illustrated by this thread.
Since Subversive has been modified for SVN 1.5 the whole merge behavior has changed. One thing I really liked is the ability to choose what changes I wanted, apply that to my working copy and then commit to trunk.
Subversive now no longer does that but forces all changes onto your working copy and then you choose what to put in the trunk.
This is not only undesirable behavior but it's also dangerous (if you ignore the possibility of a revert anyway). I prefer to commit things I know work. We have a release branch which gets changes which may or may not need to be migrated to the trunk.
Well this seemed mysterious at first, now I shall provide a decent stab at updating this answer for everyone. This regards merging using the SVN Subversive client for Eclipse:
You are doing your merge correctly, starting in Trunk and then pointing to your file under your local Branch. Your files open up in the "Text Compare" window under the Team Synchronizing tab. If you do not see conflicts over in the left hand navigation column, then your merge has just happened. Yes, this is confusing and non-intuitive.
What the Text Compare window offers you is the ability to undo your change (or any others that may have gotten into your merged file unawares) before you commit it. Remember that you are pulling in the file from Branch, so the idea is that the Branch file is in Trunk but in a kind of virtual limbo until finally committed, and changing or undoing unwanted changes here references the file in Branch (obviously). That is why you only have a one-way pipe (Trunk to Branch) to overwrite those changed merged into Trunk via your working copy. Your merge has taken place, but it's not quite official yet.
If all looks as it should, right click the file in the navigator window (left pane in my Eclipse Helios install) and choose Accept from the drop-down. Then click back over to your main code-viewing tab (in my installation it's PHP but it could be whatever you are using) and then commit the file to Trunk.
If you want to test this, do a view of the file "as is" in Trunk before committing and you should see your changes reflected there if you have done your merge correctly. This appears to be the way it is working for me on an OSX Snow Leopard Macbook Pro. Not sure if it's the same for Windows or Linux folks. I assume it's essentially the same/similar process.
it's easy
check out trunk with check out as... give a different project name.
Now you have both locally as working copy, trunk you wanna commit to and the branch you are working on and whose changes you have comitted to the repository.
Now rightclick the trunk project (and I mean the project, not single files) - merge - select the branch project (again, PROJECT)
accept all changes to local copy
commit what you need to trunk as used to
all fine, delete trunk again and keep working on the branch
especially with branches this seems super easy and worked like a charm for me