IntelliJ, analyzing Scala code - scala

When i am using IntelliJ to analyze (Analyze->Inspect code) my Java code, which happens to have an unused method, they are flagged. This same behavior does not seem to be happening with Scala.
For instance, IntelliJ finds no issues with
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
private def max(a: Int, b: Int) = { // <---- unused
if (a > b) a else b
Can i enable this (and other) checks somehow? What am i missing please?

As far as I can tell, the Scala plugin for IDEA doesn't have an inspection for unused methods (even private ones).
For Java, IDEA has "Unused declaration":
This inspection reports classes, methods or fields in the specified inspection scope that are not used or not reachable from entry points.
Unfortunately the only related inspection for Scala is "Unused Symbol."
The only related issue I could find is SCL-3121. You could add a feature request on the issue tracker for unused method highlighting.

I think it's appropriate that IntelliJ does not set it as unused because the max method is defined as a public method.


IntelliJ IDEA Scala plugin good code red

I've been using IntelliJ IDEA 2016 with scala plugin 3.0, but run into the following error:
IntelliJ tells me that
Type "V" overrides nothing.
NodeVisitor and Visitor are all trait:
trait NodeVisitor extends Visitor[NodeBase]{
override def visit[E >:NodeBase](node:E):Unit
However, the code compiles fine. The same code also shows no error in Eclipse. Is this IDEA's bug? Or do I have to configure something special?
Early definitions block is used to initialize fields of your class in the right order on a new instance creation. It may contain only val and var definitions by the language specification. You can override type member in the body of your class, as it doesn't depend on the order of initialization.
I'm not sure why scalac compiles it, seems like a bug to me.

Extracting the complete call graph of a scala project (tough one)

I would like to extract from a given Scala project, the call graph of all methods which are part of the project's own source.
As I understand, the presentation compiler doesn't enable that, and it requires going down all the way down to the actual compiler (or a compiler plugin?).
Can you suggest complete code, that would safely work for most scala projects but those that use the wackiest dynamic language features? for the call graph, I mean a directed (possibly cyclic) graph comprising class/trait + method vertices where an edge A -> B indicates that A may call B.
Calls to/from libraries should be avoided or "marked" as being outside the project's own source.
See my macro paradise derived prototype solution, based on #dk14's lead, as an answer below. Hosted on github at
Here's the working prototype, which prints the necessary underlying data to the console as a proof of concept.
How This Works
I have adapted the concepts from #dk14 on top boilerplate from macro paradise.
Macro paradise lets you define an annotation that will apply your macro over any annotated object in your source code. From there you have access to the AST that the compiler generates for the source, and scala reflection api can be used to explore the type information of the AST elements. Quasiquotes (the etymology is from haskell or something) are used to match the AST for the relevant elements.
More about Quasiquotes
The generally important thing to note is that quasiquotes work over an AST, but they are a strange-at-first-glance api and not a direct representation of the AST (!). The AST is picked up for you by paradise's macro annotation, and then quasiquotes are the tool for exploring the AST at hand: you match, slice and dice the abstract syntax tree using quasiquotes.
The practical thing to note about quasiquotes is that there are fixed quasiquote templates for matching each type of scala AST - a template for a scala class definition, a template for a scala method definition, etc. These tempaltes are all provided here, making it very simple to match and deconstruct the AST at hand to its interesting constituents. While the templates may look daunting at first glance, they are mostly just templates mimicking the scala syntax, and you may freely change the $ prepended variable names within them to names that feel nicer to your taste.
I still need to further hone the quasiquote matches I use, which currently aren't perfect. However, my code seems to produce the desired result for many cases, and honing the matches to 95% precision may be well doable.
Sample Output
found class B
class B has method doB
found object DefaultExpander
object DefaultExpander has method foo
object DefaultExpander has method apply
which calls Console on object scala of type package scala
which calls foo on object DefaultExpander.this of type object DefaultExpander
which calls <init> on object new A of type class A
which calls doA on object a of type class A
which calls <init> on object new B of type class B
which calls doB on object b of type class B
which calls mkString on object[String, Seq[String]](((tag: logTag) => "[".+(Util.getObjectName(tag)).+("]")))(collection.this.Seq.canBuildFrom[String]) of type trait Seq
which calls map on object tags of type trait Seq
which calls $plus on object "[".+(Util.getObjectName(tag)) of type class String
which calls $plus on object "[" of type class String
which calls getObjectName on object Util of type object Util
which calls canBuildFrom on object collection.this.Seq of type object Seq
which calls Seq on object collection.this of type package collection
It is easy to see how callers and callees can be correlated from this data, and how call targets outside the project's source can be filtered or marked out. This is all for scala 2.11. Using this code, one will need to prepend an annotation to each class/object/etc in each source file.
The challenges that remain are mostly:
Challenges remaining:
This crashes after getting the job done. Hinging on
Need to find a way to ultimately apply the magic to entire source files without manually annotating each class and object with the static annotation. This is rather minor for now, and admittedly, there are benefits for being able to control classes to include and ignore anyway. A preprocessing stage that implants the annotation before (almost) every top level source file definition, would be one nice solution.
Honing the matchers such that all and only relevant definitions are matched - to make this general and solid beyond my simplistic and cursory testing.
Alternative Approach to Ponder
acyclic brings to mind a quite opposite approach that still sticks to the realm of the scala compiler - it inspects all symbols generated for the source, by the compiler (as much as I gather from the source). What it does is check for cyclic references (see the repo for a detailed definition). Each symbol supposedly has enough information attached to it, to derive the graph of references that acyclic needs to generate.
A solution inspired by this approach may, if feasible, locate the parent "owner" of every symbol rather than focus on the graph of source files connections as acyclic itself does. Thus with some effort it would recover the class/object ownership of each method. Not sure if this design would not computationally explode, nor how to deterministically obtain the class encompassing each symbol.
The upside would be that there is no need for macro annotations here. The downside is that this cannot sprinkle runtime instrumentation as the macro paradise rather easily allows, which could be at times useful.
It requires more precise analysis, but as a start this simple macro will print all possible applyies, but it requires macro-paradise and all traced classess should have #trace annotation:
class trace extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro tracerMacro.impl
object tracerMacro {
def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
import c.universe._
val inputs =
def analizeBody(name: String, method: String, body: c.Tree) = body.foreach {
case q"$expr(..$exprss)" => println(name + "." + method + ": " + expr)
case _ =>
val output = inputs.head match {
case q"class $name extends $parent { ..$body }" =>
class $name extends $parent {
..${ {
case x#q"def $method[..$tt] (..$params): $typ = $body" =>
analizeBody(name.toString, method.toString, body)
case x#q"def $method[..$tt]: $typ = $body" =>
analizeBody(name.toString, method.toString, body)
case x => sys.error(x.toString)
#trace class MyF {
def call(param: Int): Int = {
if(true) call3(param) else cl()
def call2(oaram: Int) = ???
def cl() = 5
def call3(param2: Int) = ???
Output (as compiler's warnings, but you may output to file intead of println):
Warning:scalac: call2
Warning:scalac: call3
Warning:scalac: cl
Of course, you might want to c.typeCheck(input) it (as now expr.tpe on found trees is equals null) and find which class this calling method belongs to actually, so the resulting code may not be so trivial.
P.S. macroAnnotations give you unchecked tree (as it's on earlier compiler stage than regular macroses), so if you want something typechecked - the best way is surround the piece of code you want to typecheck with call of some your regular macro, and process it inside this macro (you can even pass some static parameters). Every regular macro inside tree produced by macro-annotation - will be executed as usual.
The basic idea in this answer was to bypass the (pretty complex) Scala compiler completely, and extract the graph from the generated .class files in the end. It appeared that a decompiler with sufficiently verbose output could reduce the problem to basic text manipulation. However, after a more detailed examination it turned out that this is not the case. One would just get back to square one, but with obfuscated Java code instead of the original Scala code. So this proposal does not really work, although there is some rationale behind working with the final .class files instead of intermediate structures used internally by the Scala compiler.
I don't know whether there are tools out there that do it out of the box (I assume that you have checked that). I have only a very rough idea what the presentation compiler is. But if all that you want is to extract a graph with methods as nodes and potential calls of methods as edges, I have a proposal for a quick-and-dirty solution. This would work only if you want to use it for some sort of visualization, it doesn't help you at all if you want to perform some clever refactoring operations.
In case that you want to attempt building such a graph-generator yourself, it might turn out much simpler than you think. But for this, you need to go all the way down, even past the compiler. Just grab your compiled .class files, and use something like the CFR java decompiler on it.
When used on a single compiled .class file, CFR will generate list of classes that the current class depends on (here I use my little pet project as example):
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter;
import akka.pattern.PipeToSupport;
import akka.pattern.package;
import scala.Function1;
import scala.None;
import scala.Option;
import scala.PartialFunction;
(very long list with all the classes this one depends on)
import scavenger.backend.worker.WorkerCache$class;
import scavenger.backend.worker.WorkerScheduler;
import scavenger.backend.worker.WorkerScheduler$class;
import scavenger.categories.formalccc.Elem;
Then it will spit out some horribly looking code, that might look like this (small excerpt):
public PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> handleLocalResponses() {
return SimpleComputationExecutor.class.handleLocalResponses((SimpleComputationExecutor)this);
public Context provideComputationContext() {
return ContextProvider.class.provideComputationContext((ContextProvider)this);
public ActorRef scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_master() {
return this.scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_master;
public void scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_master_$eq(ActorRef x$1) {
this.scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_master = x$1;
public ActorRef scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_masterProxy() {
return this.scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_masterProxy;
public void scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_masterProxy_$eq(ActorRef x$1) {
this.scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_masterProxy = x$1;
public ActorRef master() {
return MasterJoin$class.master((MasterJoin)this);
What one should notice here is that all methods come with their full signature, including the class in which they are defined, for example:
So if you need a quick-and-dirty solution, it might well be that you could get away with just ~10 lines of awk,grep,sort and uniq wizardry to get nice adjacency lists with all your classes as nodes and methods as edges.
I've never tried it, it's just an idea. I cannot guarantee that Java decompilers work well on Scala code.

Scalastyle "Public method must have explicit type" in Play Framework

We've started experimenting with Scala and the Play framework at my work. Setup our auto-linting and testing framework as the first thing, and have deployed Scalastyle to handle the former.
That has been very useful, except that we are getting this specific lint error that we are finding it difficult to resolve in a good way. A simple example is this:
def helloWorld = Action {
req =>
Ok("Hello World!")
Though often it can be much more complex, of course (to the point where it can difficult to figure out what the type actually is).
In either case, this gives us the "Public method must have explicit type" error from Scalastyle.
Unfortunately, setting the expected explicit type here seems typically to cause a syntax error.
Any suggestions on a good solution for this? Or do we just have to turn of this check for Play projects?
Any suggestions on a good solution for this? Or do we just have to turn of this check for Play projects?
I'd suggest to either turn org.scalastyle.scalariform.PublicMethodsHaveTypeChecker rule off completely for your project or mark your controllers to be ignored by this rule (here you'll find info on how to do this).
In the end this check benefit more to people who write libraries (as it helps to be more explicit about api one provide). I found that when you're working on "real" projects check like this does nothing but adding some boilerplate and stops you from leveraging type inference.
I hope this helps. To to Settings -> Editor -> Scala -> Type Annotations. Change the value to 'Add' instead of 'Add & Check' for Public value and method. Then it IDE will not show that warning anymore.
I've found a better way for removing the "Public method must have explicit type" message, without turning it off.
When defining these methods, the body [type] and [implicit] [type] may be set; as Action[JsValue] and implicit RequestHeader for example.
Code example:
def helloWorld:Action[JsValue] = Action {
implicit req: RequestHeader =>
Ok("Hello World!")
def helloWorld:Action[AnyContent] = Action {
implicit req: RequestHeader =>
Ok("Hello World!")

What are configurations in Gradle?

When working with dependency resolution in gradle, you usually see something like this:
configurations {
runtime.extendsFrom compile
testCompile.extendsFrom runtime
and I wanted to know of what type is optional or compile? Is it a Class? a string? what methods can I call for it?
Besides all this, is there a way to find out these things automatically, similar to ctrl+space when on something in eclipse?
They are classes that implements org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration. The Gradle DSL doc also contains more information about the configuration DSL core type.
To find out more info about internal classes etc, which is useful when for instance looking up classes and methods in the Gradle javadoc, it is often as simple as just printing out the class names. Quite often though, you will end up with some internal implementing class instead of the API interface you're interested in, but regardless of that it's a way get started on what to search for. I tend to keep the source code of all open source projects we're using available in the IDE. That way it's easy to jump into the correct class (even when it's not available through context shortcuts) and look around.
To get more information about configurations in your case, you could add a task that simply prints out the relevant info. E.g. something like:
task configInfo << {
println "configurations.class: ${configurations.class}"
println "configurations.compile class: ${configurations.compile.class}"
println "implements ${Configuration} interface? ${configurations.compile instanceof Configuration}"
which in my case results in the following output
$ gradle configInfo
configurations.class: class org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfigurationContainer_Decorated
configurations.compile class: class org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration_Decorated
implements interface org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration interface? true
I am no Gradle expert, but this seems like a simple getter delegated to another object in a DSL fashion. You could write the same with something like this:
class MyDsl {
def config = [:].withDefault { false }
void configure(closure) {
closure.delegate = this
def getOptional() { config.optional = true }
def getCompile() { config.compile = true }
def getTest() { config.test = true }
dsl = new MyDsl()
dsl.configure {
dsl.config.with {
assert optional
assert compile
assert !test
You could return some specific object to pass to runtime.extendsFrom() method.
For auto-complete, IIRC that's what groovy-eclipse DSLD (DSL descriptors) are for. You may want to give a try to this gradle DSLD which is in eclipse-integration-gradle plugin.
As per this ticket it has been done long ago.
The question "what type is optional or compile" isn't really valid. That is kind of like asking what type does "instanceof" have. The instanceof keywword doesn't have a type.
When writing code like you cited, you are taking advantage of a DSL. Treat words like compile and optional as keywords in that DSL. Unless you are writing your own DSL (as opposed to taking advantage of existing one, which is what this question is about), don't think of types being associated with those things.
As for the question about ctrl+space, Eclipse won't do anything special with that in this context unless you are using a plugin which provides support for that. Even with plugin support there will still be limitations because you can define your own configurations. If you were going to define a configuration named "jeffrey" and you typed "jeff" followed by ctrl+space, there is no way for the IDE to know you want it to turn that into "jeffrey".
I hope that helps.

Groovy referencing variable without declaration

Why doesn't eclipse show an error when I use a variable without declaring it?
AFAIK dynamic nature only means that type of variable is not known until run time. The variables must still be defined (explicitly or implicitly) before being used. For example - Python which is also a dynamic language reports this as an error.
How does groovy interpret this code so that it still isn't an error?
Because in dynamic languages like groovy, one could have implemented methodMissing() / propertyMissing(). So although such variable or method does not actually exist, it may be still not be an errors until the program is actually run. Such errors can usually only be detected at runtime and hence IDE's usually don't complain about it.
Although to hint you, eclipse is underlining such variables there which it is not able to statically reference.
To explain the concept by code example, just check the method test below. Now IDE can't know that something , that ... can actually be a method in this class.
This vastly helps in building DSLs in groovy.
class TestClass {
def test() {
def a = something.that.didnt.exist()
or how about some random statements that make no sense at all
a = ew Parser().doSomething() ew blah blah blah
def propertyMissing(String name) { println "$name"; return this }
def methodMissing(String name, args) { println "$name with $args"; return this }
new TestClass().test()
I think you may try to use #CompileStatic tag on method.
Then Eclipse will compile and check errors at compile time or in develop time.
I haven't Eclipse to check this now, so this is just for a proposal.