RubyMine - no run rails generator option under tools after cloning repository - rubymine

Whenever I create a project from existing files by cloning a repository, the options run rails script and run rails generators don't appear under tools.
It's like RubyMine doesn't recognize the project as a rails application. How do I solve this?

Accidentally the .idea folder was pushed to Git and then later pulled.
Removing .idea from the root of the project and restarting RubyMine solved the problem.


Exporting project to Git in Eclipse vs IntelliJ

I am new to Git and was exploring the Git integration in Eclipse, IntelliJ, and Pycharm. In Eclipse, the way projects get exported seems to be that the project gets added to an existing repo, while in IntelliJ and PyCharm, the project's root directory itself becomes a Git repo. This approach made the most sense to me, but then again I don't have much experience in sharing code. This latter approach is also possible in Eclipse by clicking the "Use or create repository in parent folder of project" checkbox, but when I did so, Eclipse told me that using the parent folder was not recommended.
Now for my question: Why does Eclipse warn against doing precisely what JetBrains IDE's do by default? What are the dangers in using a project's parent folder as a Git repo?
I read online that it has to do with the fact that once the parent folder is created as a repo, you can't add any new projects to the repo. But what are the benefits of adding projects to existing repos vs just making a separate repo for each project to keep everything separate?

Clone an Eclipse project repository into Netbeans from GitHub

I am pretty new to GitHub.
This is my problem: We (4 people) are working on a Java project. Two of us are using NetBeans and two of us are using Eclipse. Let`s say 1 person created a project from Eclipse and pushed the project into the repository. Now, I want to clone the repository and work on the project. I can successfully clone the project and I can see all the files that we have in the repository. However, I cannot run the project. In fact, when I am cloning the project, NetBeans asks me for creating a new project. I do not want to create a new project but I want to work on the same project that I am able to run it.
What is solution?
I recommend to commit the Eclipse project meta-files (.project, .classpath and may be the .settings directory) and the NetBeans project meta-files (I don't know the corresponding meta-file names for NetBeans).
From your problem description it seems the NetBeans project meta-files are missing in the github repository. Hence, NetBeans doesn't recognize the cloned repository as a project.
See also: Which NetBeans projects files should go into source control?.

Setting up subclipse with existing project with multiple SVN checked-out folders

I'm having troubles getting SVN functionality added to my PyDev project.
I've set it up as:
Each of those projext_ folders is a specific checkout folder from different SVN repositories.
The workdir itself is imported in Eclipse as a PyDev project.
I've tried with Subclipse:
Renaming project
Using the 'team/share' functionality. It says it found the .svn in each of the project folders and wants to delete them. The next step is to setup a SVN url, but I have multiple.
Anyone got a clue how to get subclipse working?
(I've setup these folder because of problem with python finding components in the other project folders.)
Running on Ubuntu (if that matters)
Eclipse team connection can only be made at the top Eclipse project level, or at least that is all Subclipse can do.
You could possibly connect workdir to a local file:// repos and then set the svn:external property to have it pull in the different projects. Subclipse would support that ok.

Eclipse not allowing svn compare and giving resource not existing in repo error

I am using team svn plugin in my eclipse helios pydev project.I deleted a repository file in eclipse and then committed the changes and all went well. The file got removed from repository fine.
Lets say package structure is like this in repo
In eclipse dev is the project name.
I deleted from eclipse and commited using svn team commit option.
It worked fine.
Now when I try to compare folderA with repo folderA, Eclipse try to compare from the revision which obviously is not there and does not allow compare to work.
Somehow eclipse has that file in its memory.
How can I make eclipse know that file is deleted and is not supposed to be there in first place?
it seems that was just a synchronisation problem as after updating from the repo the problem was solved.

Opening existing project from source control

I've been pushing my source to a Mercurial repository. Today I needed to delete my local copy and re-clone. I did this by simply moving my local copy somewhere else (just in case) and typing "hg clone url".
This part has worked just fine.
However, when I try to pull the newly cloned local copy into Eclipse, I get the following error:
/Users/Andrew/Dev/Workspace/Android/MyProject overlaps the location of another project: 'MyProject'
My guess is that I have been committing some meta file or something that I shouldn't have. Does anyone have any ideas? Here is my .hgignore:
syntax: regexp
Note: Looks like my hgignore is not blocking the gen folder. Could this be part of the problem?
There is a bug in Eclipse what won't let you create an Android project from existing sources:
You have to move MyProject to a folder that doesn't have any other projects in its sub-directories. You can then make a new project from existing source with MyProject. Remove the new project from the workspace without deleting the contents on disk and move it back to your Android folder. Now do an Import -> General -> Existing Project into Workspace, and MyProject should be available to import.
This is the only way I've been able to do it.
Ok, I'll try to sum it up, after I faced similar problems and wasted some time:
Eclipse Juno /4.2 SR1
(however I think it is a general misunderstanding of how eclipse imports projects)
If you want your new project "connected" to git/mercurial, you'll have to clone and import via "Import/Git/Import from Git"
It will fail if your "workspace dir" equals the "local destination dir".
A git clone via egit MUST NOT be placed! in the "eclipse workspace dir"!
The project import will fail because the projectname in the cloned ".project file" already exists in the eclipse workspace dir when the import occurs.
I think the problem is that you moved your local copy away and then you try to add another project into Eclipse at the same location as what you had before and you are just confusing Eclipse...
I would recommend to try to use command line commands for Mercurial and when you get into Eclipse, first clean up existing projects before adding another one.
My sollution was just to import as general project not an android one.
I ran into this problem when trying to import a git repo project and it's submodules. I ended up using import -> git -> Projects from Git (git plugin). This understood the concept of a project within a project just fine. The project is now monitored by that plugin. It's a good enough tradeoff for me.