How can a list of table's field names be queried from PostgreSQL? - postgresql

How can a plain text list of the field names of table be retrieved from PostgreSQL database?

FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'mytable'
Better still, INFORMATION_SCHEMA is almost universally supported by all popular SQL databases, so this should work anywhere.
If you really want just dump plain text file recipe, you can execute this query using command line psql and save it as CSV or something like that.


Find a table in a schema without knowing in advance

Is it possible to easily see what tables exist in what schemas, at a glance?
So far I have had to connect to a database, view the schemas, then change the search path to one of the schemas and then list the tables. I had to do this for multiple schemas until I found the table I was looking for.
What if there is a scenario where you inherit a poorly documented database and you want to find a specific table in hundreds of schemas?
Ideally I imagine some output like so;
schema1 table1
schema2 table2
schema2 table1
Or even the more standard <SCHEMA_NAME>.<TABLE_NAME>;
The latter output would be even better since you could simply check the table using copy-paste;
my-database=# \d schema2.table1
Ideally I'm hoping I missed a built-in command to find this. I don't really want to create and memorize a lengthy SQL command to get this (somewhat basic) information.
You can make use of pg_tables
SELECT schemaname, tablename,
quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(tablename)
FROM pg_tables
WHERE tablename = 'test';

How to add ONE column to ALL tables in postgresql schema

question is pretty simple, but can't seem to find a concrete answer anywhere.
I need to update all tables inside my postgresql schema to include a timestamp column with default NOW(). I'm wondering how I can do this via a query instead of having to go to each individual table. There are several hundred tables in the schema and they all just need to have the one column added with the default value.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The easy way with psql, run a query to generate the commands, save and run the results
-- Turn off headers:
-- Use SQL to build SQL:
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE public.' || table_name || ' add fecha timestamp not null default now();'
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema='public';
-- If the output looks good, write it to a file and run it:
\g out.tmp
\i out.tmp
-- or if you don't want the temporal file, use gexec to run it:

Use criteria or query dsl to find all tables names in a given schema

Is there a way to find all table names that begin with t_ in a given schema name with criteria API or query DSL( or even database metadata)? If it exists, could you please show me how I can do it using a schema name or view? I'm using PostgreSQL for the database.
I don't want to use a native query.
yes, you can use below query:
SELECT table_catalog,table_schema,table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name LIKE 't\_%'
AND table_type='BASE TABLE' -- to filter out Tables only, remove if you need to see views as well

How to find specific table from DB in postgresql?

In my DB I have 642 tables.
I have to search specific table from it that name contain EMPSAL in it's name.
But like above so many tables are there which contain this KEYWORD in start of name or end of name or in between.
So I want to list tables that have EMPSAL in it's name at any place.
an I am newer to postgresql so I don't know that how to do so.
Is there any method that can help me to do so ?
Any suggestion for this?
This query:
SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema='public'
AND table_type='BASE TABLE';
Should give you a list of all the tables in your database. Then you can add something like this at the end:
Don't forget to remove the previous semicolon, or you're going to have a syntax error :)

How do I find all code, triggers from an oracle database that relate to specific tables?

I have a problem where I need to remove all code and triggers from a database that relate to certain tables in order for a Solaris package to install. Long complicated story but I need
to start with a clean slate.
I've managed to remove all the existing tables/synonyms, but how to locate the code/triggers from sqlplus that is related?
Unfortunately, it's not feasible to drop the database and recreate it.
Well, it turns out all the table names are prefixed with my module name DAP.
So, to find all the table names and public synonyms with sqlplus:
select table_name from all_tables where table_name like 'DAP%';
select synonym_name from all_synonyms where table_name like 'DAP%';
To get a list of triggers and sequences
select trigger_name from all_triggers where table_name like 'DAP%';
select sequence_name from all_sequences where sequence_name like 'DAP%';
To get a list of all the constraints
select table_name, constraint_name from all_constraints where table_name like 'DAP%';
To get the DAP related code:
select text from dba_source where name like 'DAP%';
I can now write a script that drops everything.
You should be able to query the system table ALL_TRIGGERS to find the triggers. It has a table_name column. You can probably find the other related objects with different system tables (been awhile since I've messed with Oracle).