How do I use the StackExchange API from Matlab? - matlab

How do I access data from the StackExchange API using Matlab?
The naive
sitedata = urlread('')
fails since the data is compressed. However, when I write this to file (using fprintf(fileID,'%s',sitedata)), I get a zip-file that cannot be uncompressed.

Try urlwrite() instead:
fid = fopen('tempfile');
str = textscan(fid,'%s',Delimiter','\n');
A better version of this snippet would use tempname to dynamically generate temporary filenames.

Matlab's urlread assumes you're getting text data back, not binary. The gzip binary data is getting mangled either when urlread is decoding the character data to Unicode values to stick in Matlab chars, or when the formatted-output fprintf function is writing them out, encoding them to UTF-8 or whatever default character encoding you're using for fileID and changing the byte sequence, or maybe both.
IIRC, urlread will default to using ISO-8859-1 encoding, which means the bytes will be turned in to the Unicode code points with the same numeric values - effectively just a widening. So you can get the byte data back by doing sitebytes = uint8(sitedata). (That's a regular uint8() conversion, not a typecast().) (If this isn't the case, you can probably fiddle with urlread's CharSet option.)
If you can't get the right bytes out from urlread by fiddling with the encoding and casts, then you can drop down and make calls against the Java HttpAgent like urlread does and bypass the character set decoding step, or fiddle with its options. See the urlread source for how to do it.
Once you have the right bytes in memory, you can write them out to a file using the lower-level fwrite() function, which won't mangle them by doing character set encoding. Then you'll have a valid gzip file of the site's original response. (I think it'll work if you also just use fwrite(fileID, sitedata, 'uint8') directly on the char string, but it's uglier IMHO.)
You can also unzip it in memory using Java classes and save a trip to the filesystem. Do jsitebytes = typecast(sitebytes 'int8') to get them as Java-friendly signed bytes and then stick it into a ByteArrayInputStream and read it out through a GZIPInputStream. You'll need to build a little Java helper class because Matlab doesn't play well with passing byte[] buffers by reference like wants, but it may be worthwhile if you do a lot of in-memory munging like this.
When working with web services or fancier data downloads (e.g. sites that need sessions or certificates), I've often ended up dropping down and coding directly against the HttpAgent and classes from within Matlab.


Why Base64 is used "only" to encode binary data?

I saw many resources about the usages of base64 in today's internet. As I understand it, all of those resources seem to spell out single usecase in different ways : Encode binary data in Base64 to avoid getting it misinterpreted/corrupted as something else during transit (by intermediate systems). But I found nothing that explains following :
Why would binary data be corrupted by intermediate systems? If I am sending an image from a server to client, any intermediate servers/systems/routers will simply forward data to next appropriate servers/systems/routers in the path to client. Why would intermediate servers/systems/routers need to interpret something that it receives? Any example of such systems which may corrupt/wrongly interpret data that it receives, in today's internet?
Why do we fear only binary data to be corrupted. We use Base64 because we are sure that those 64 characters can never be corrupted/misinterpreted. But by this same logic, any text characters that do not belong to base64 characters can be corrupted/misinterpreted. Why then, base64 is use only to encode binary data? Extending the same idea, when we use browser are javascript and HTML files transferred in base64 form?
There's two reasons why Base64 is used:
systems that are not 8-bit clean. This stems from "the before time" where some systems took ASCII seriously and only ever considered (and transferred) 7bits out of any 8bit byte (since ASCII uses only 7 bits, that would be "fine", as long as all content was actually ASCII).
systems that are 8-bit clean, but try to decode the data using a specific encoding (i.e. they assume it's well-formed text).
Both of these would have similar effects when transferring binary (i.e. non-text) data over it: they would try to interpret the binary data as textual data in a character encoding that obviously doesn't make sense (since there is no character encoding in binary data) and as a consequence modify the data in an un-fixable way.
Base64 solves both of these in a fairly neat way: it maps all possible binary data streams into valid ASCII text: the 8th bit is never set on Base64-encoded data, because only regular old ASCII characters are used.
This pretty much solves the second problem as well, since most commonly used character encodings (with the notable exception of UTF-16 and UCS-2, among a few lesser-used ones) are ASCII compatible, which means: all valid ASCII streams happen to also be valid streams in most common encodings and represent the same characters (examples of these encodings are the ISO-8859-* family, UTF-8 and most Windows codepages).
As to your second question, the answer is two-fold:
textual data often comes with some kind of meta-data (either a HTTP header or a meta-tag inside the data) that describes the encoding to be used to interpret it. Systems built to handle this kind of data understand and either tolerate or interpret those tags.
in some cases (notably for mail transport) we do have to use various encoding techniques to ensure text doesn't get mangles. This might be the use of quoted-printable encoding or sometimes even wrapping text data in Base64.
Last but not least: Base64 has a serious drawback and that's that it's inefficient. For every 3 bytes of data to encode, it produces 4 bytes of output, thus increasing the size of the data by ~33%. That's why it should be avoided when it's not necessary.
One of the use of BASE64 is to send email.
Mail servers used a terminal to transmit data. It was common also to have translation, e.g. \c\r into a single \n and the contrary. Note: Also there where no guarantee that 8-bit can be used (email standard is old, and it allowed also non "internet" email, so with ! instead of #). Also systems may not be fully ASCII.
Also \n\n. is considered as end of body, and mboxes uses also \n>From to mark start of new mail, so also when 8-bit flag was common in mail servers, the problems were not totally solved.
BASE64 was a good way to remove all problems: the content is just send as characters that all servers must know, and the problem of encoding/decoding requires just sender and receiver agreement (and right programs), without worrying of the many relay server in between. Note: all \c, \r, \n etc. are just ignored.
Note: you can use BASE64 also to encode strings in URL, without worrying about the interpretation of webbrowsers. You may see BASE64 also in configuration files (e.g. to include icons): special crafted images may not be interpreted as configuration. Just BASE64 is handy to encode binary data into protocols which were not designed for binary data.

How to detect file encoding in Octave?

I am working with many XML files and some of them are UTF-8 while most are ANSI.
In the UTF-8 files, the XML header states:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO8859-1" ?>
However that information is wrong.
The problem this generates is that I use unicode2native to generate correct XLS files, which generates bad output when the file is UTF-8 encoded.
How can I detect which is the real encoding of each file programmatically?
To manually locate them with the help of a text editor is not a feasible option, as there are hundreds of files, and my solution must work with more files which I don't have access.
There's no easy way to do this generally: because a given file might be a valid sequence in multiple encodings, detecting the character encoding requires using heuristics that are aware of natural language features, such as character frequencies, common words, and so on.
Octave doesn't have direct support for this. So you'll need to use an external program or library. Options include ICU4C, compact_enc_det, chardet, juniversalchardet, and others. chardet would probably be the easiest for you to use, since you can just install it and call it as an external command, instead of building a custom program or oct-file using a library. Or juniversalchardet, since if you have a Java-enabled Octave build, it's easy to pull in and use Java libraries from Octave code.
If it's really true that your input files are all either ANSI (Windows 1252/ISO 8859-1) or UTF-8, and no other encodings, you might be able to get away with just checking each file's contents to see if it's a valid UTF-8 string, and assume that any that are not valid UTF-8 are ANSI. Only certain byte sequences are valid UTF-8 encodings, so there's a good chance that the ANSI-encoded files are not valid UTF-8. I think you can check whether a file is valid UTF-8 in pure Octave by doing utf8_bytes = unicode2native(file_contents, 'UTF-8') on it, and seeing if the utf8_bytes output is identical to just casting file_contents directly to uint8. If that doesn't work, you can fall back to using Java's character encoding support (and that you can do with Java Standard Library stuff on any Java-enabled Octave build, without having to load an external JAR file).
And if all your input files are either UTF-8 or strictly 7-bit ASCII, then you can just treat them all as UTF-8, because 7-bit ASCII is a valid subset of UTF-8.
Palliative solution that I found for Windows 10, while I can't find a proper way to do this in pure Octave:
[~, output] = system(['file --mime-encoding "', fileAddress, '"']);
encoding = strsplit(output)(columns(strsplit(output, ' '))){1};
if strcmp('utf-8', encoding)
sheet(1, 1) = {strcat('', unicode2native(myText, 'ISO-8859-1'))};
sheet(1, 1) = {myText};

read() function for FileReader reads 8212

I'm trying to read the binary content of a text file (which contains the compressed version of a different text file). The first two characters (01111011 and 00100110) are correct (going by the values that were original put there during the compression process.
However, when it gets to the third character, it should be reading 10010111 (again, going by what was added during the compression process), but instead it reads 10000000010100 (aka 8212). Does anyone know what is causing this discrepancy, or how to fix it? Thanks!
The Java FileReader should not be used to read binary data from files since it reads a character at a time using the default encoding (which is most likely not very good for binary reading)
Instead, use FileInputStream which has read methods that reads actual raw bytes without any encoding applied.

How to read text file without knowing the encoding

When reading a text file that was created somewhere else outside my app, the encoding used is unknown. My app has being using NSUnicodeStringEncoding (which is the same as NSUTF16StringEncoding) so have problems reading other than UTF16 encoded files.
Is there a way I can guess the encoding of a file? My priority is to be able to read UTF8 files and then all other files.
Is iterating through available encodings and check if read string's length is more than zero is really a good approach?
Thanks in advance.
Apple's documentation has some guidance on how to proceed: String Programming Guide: Reading data with an unknown encoding:
If you are forced to guess the encoding (and note that in the absence of explicit information, it is a guess):
Try stringWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error: or initWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error: (or the URL-based equivalents).
These methods try to determine the encoding of the resource, and if successful return by reference the encoding used.
If (1) fails, try to read the resource by specifying UTF-8 as the encoding.
If (2) fails, try an appropriate legacy encoding.
"Appropriate" here depends a bit on circumstances; it might be the default C string encoding, it might be ISO or Windows Latin 1, or something else, depending on where your data is coming from.
If the file is properly constructed you can read the first four bytes and see if it is a BOM (Byte Order Mark):

Command-line arguments as bytes instead of strings in python3

I'm writing a python3 program, that gets the names of files to process from command-line arguments. I'm confused regarding what is the proper way to handle different encodings.
I think I'd rather consider filenames as bytes and not strings, since that avoids the danger of using an incorrect encoding. Indeed, some of my file names use an incorrect encoding (latin1 when my system locale uses utf-8), but that doesn't prevent tools like ls from working. I'd like my tool to be resilient to that as well.
I have two problems: the command-line arguments are given to me as strings (I use argparse), and I want to report errors to the user as strings.
I've successfuly adapted my code to use binaries, and my tool can handle files whose name are invalid in the current default encoding, as long as it is by recursing trough the filesystem, because I convert the arguments to binaries early, and use binaries when calling fs functions. When I receive a filename argument which is invalid, however, it is handed to me as a unicode string with strange characters like \udce8. I do not know what these are, and trying to encode it always fail, be it with utf8 or with the corresponding (wrong) encoding (latin1 here).
The other problem is for reporting errors. I expect users of my tool to parse my stdout (hence wanting to preserve filenames), but when reporting errors on stderr I'd rather encode it in utf-8, replacing invalid sequences with appropriate "invalid/question mark" characters.
1) Is there a better, completely different way to do it ? (yes, fixing the filenames is planned, but i'd still like my tool to be robust)
2) How do I get the command line arguments in their original binary form (not pre-decoded for me), knowing that for invalid sequences re-encoding the decoded argument will fail, and
3) How do I tell the utf-8 codec to replace invalid, undecodable sequences with some invalid mark rather than dying on me ?
When I receive a filename argument
which is invalid, however, it is
handed to me as a unicode string with
strange characters like \udce8.
Those are surrogate characters. The low 8 bits is the original invalid byte.
See PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces.
Don't go against the grain: filenames are strings, not bytes.
You shouldn't use a bytes when you should use a string. A bytes is a tuple of integers. A string is a tuple of characters. They are different concepts. What you're doing is like using an integer when you should use a boolean.
(Aside: Python stores all strings in-memory under Unicode; all strings are stored the same way. Encoding specifies how Python converts the on-file bytes into this in-memory format.)
Your operating system stores filenames as strings under a specific encoding. I'm surprised you say that some filenames have different encodings; as far as I know, the filename encoding is system-wide. Functions like open default to the default system filename encoding, for example.