I can like my facebook page but my friend can't? - facebook

I have make a facebook page I have put like button on my page.
it's work until I move it from "fb" directory to root directory.
now someone can check this linked
in this page when you like it's not worked show me error that
Sorry, this feature isn't available right now: We're working on this issue and will have it fixed soon. Check the Known Issues on Facebook page for more information.

May be the issue with browser of your friend, try checking with your account on your friend's browser also check this link may be it'll be helpful to you


facebook like results to page 403

If i like a page on my website. It is posted to facebook. The problem is when a second user clicks the like on facebook. They are taken to a 403 forbidden page.
likes on http://www.cmypictures.com/photos/index.html
result to
i have noted that if i manually delete %3A"og.likes"%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D at the end of the link, the desired page is opened.
Why is facebook adding this code at the end and what can be done to avoid this? Just to mention I run my website on joomla.
Please help
Facebook adds this for referral purposes so you can see the data in /analytics. As mentioned by #igy you need to check your CMS as it is not handling the params properly.
I had the same issue, I contacted my hosting provider and submitted a ticket, I have no idea what they did to fix this but it was sorted out pretty quickly. Something in the link may have been blacklisted or some combination of the '.' and the lenght of the link might have caused the issue. Contact your hosting provider for a solution.

How do I make Facebook comments public for all on my website?

I've added facebook comments to my website using the following steps:
I created a new app herehttps://developers.facebook.com/apps/
In the auth dialog page for the app, I set 'default activity privacy' to 'Public'
I got the code for the comments box here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/
I used the HTML5 version of the code and added it to my site in the two places specified - right after the body tag and where I want the comments to appear.
I then opened the comments moderation tool for my new app.
I clicked on 'Settings' and turned on 'Make every post public by default'
I also listed myself as a moderator.
I also added
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{YOUR_APPLICATION_ID}">
inside the head tags for the page.
When I go to my site - the comments box appears to work ok. I can make a comment, but I can only see comments made by me. I cannot see comments made by people I am not friends with. How do I fix this problem? I'd appreciate any help.
Every comment you leave on a facebook-comments driven web site is public, the same way it is on a fan page. Even a non facebook member can leave a comment.
I am looking for a way to turn it off and get the same permissions you have on your facebook wall. Currently, everybody who has the link can see the page content and all previous comments.
Had the same issue and figured out that Facebook grabs urls differently for displaying and submiting comments.
If the url you're providing him in data-href (e.g. short url) is different than the window.location url (url in address bar), then it's probably the case.
P.S. I know that the question is from 2011, but someone else may show up with the same problem.

Facebook Like Box for my facebook page

I am trying to implement facebook like box for my facebook page on my own site. I copied the code from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/ (HTML5 or any other) and pasted on my site. Box appears with all the correct information bu when I click on like, I get an error message saying
"The page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/xxxxx/111111 could not be reached."
I've been trying to find a solution for this for hours but couldn't find anything. It's nothing to do with the privileges etc.
I also ran it through Object Debugger and it didn't come up with any problem.
Does anyone has any solution for this? I created the page today, does facebook needs time to parse/index my page before like box works?
Thanks in advance
Are there any demographic restrictions on your page that would prevent it being seen by somebody logged out of Facebook? Is it the published? Those are the two most common reasons for that error that I've seen
Ok, all of a sudden it started working. Haven't changed anything in the code. So I guess Like Box won't work if you install it on the same day you create the FB Page.

Facebook like button not working

Facebook like button not working on my site.
It goes from like back to default as if it isn't passing some validation.
Once the problem is detected and solved, I'll edit the question to represent a minimal example that will benefit the SO community. Unfortunately I can't pull out the problem out yet as I'm not sure what it is..
Here is a screencast demonstrating the issue http://see.weareinto.com/8Hbq
I believe this is a problem happening on facebook's end. But, there is a way you can fix it... Just copy the URL of your page and enter it in the Facebook LINTER tool here:
Facebook LINTER -> https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
I'm not sure of the exact details of why this works, but from what I've been able to gather, when you run the LINTER tool on your URL it will also update the cache facebook has for your URL. The error with the button working is on the facebook side, so by running this tool and getting facebook to update their cached data for your page, the like button starts working again. I've seen this broken facebook button occur for a few different reasons, one being that a page used to use the old facebook share button. When you add the new like button to a page that used to use a share button, the like button won't work until you run the page through the linter.
Bottom line is doing this will fix your like button. If your facebook button doesn't work on a page, run it through the LINTER tool. Hope this helps!
If you are on Wordpress and you have the "Facebook Comments" plugin enabled, uncheck "Include OpenGraph Meta Information" at the very bottom of the Facebook Comments settings page. This was screwing it up for me.

Facebook Like Button Keeps Resetting

I'm trying to add a facebook "like" button to my page, and it is appearing just fine. My problem is that once it is clicked by a user, it says "Like NUMBER" then resets as if the request was canceled or something.
The weird thing is that if I try to like a page using my facebook account it works, but I tried letting a friend like some content and this behavior appeared.
I created a facebook app, specified the site url with a trailing slash, and site domain. I used the app ID with FB.init, and with the open graph tags. I can't figure what I'm doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated.
Sample page can be found at: http://wiseolive.com/en/doctors/3881-khalid-jamal-salaymeh
First, for the count to work correctly, Facebook needs to have access to the page (in other words a public page). Check your URL in the linter tool (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) to ensure it can been seen by Facebook.
Secondly, ensure your og: tags are correctly setup. Once again, you can use the linter tool to do that.
Facebook like buttons will show this behavior until they have been scraped by Facebook. That scraping (facebook like docs) will occur every 24 hours, when an admin clicks the like button or the url is put in the url debugger/linter. From what I can tell doing that will solve the problem for that specific link, but not any others you may have on your site.
I don't know of a generic solution for dynamically generated pages unfortunately.