How to open an existing project in Eclipse? - eclipse

I have just created several project using Eclipse. Now restart Eclipse and want to see one of the projects. How can I do it?
I have tried File -> Import -> General -> Existing Project into Workspace.
Then I select the directory of the project that I want to work on and, as a result, I get an error message: "Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace".
So, it looks like that I do not need to import a project, because they are already in the workspace... But how I can "see" the projects that are in the workspace? If I create a new project, I see it as well as all other existing projects but I do not want to create a new project just to see the existing projects.

Maybe you have closed the project and configured the project explorer view to filter closed projects.
In that case, have a look at Filters in the Project Explorer view. Make sure that closed projects are disabled in the "Filters" view.

In case you closed multiple projects and trying to re-open all of them then in Windows->Show view-> Navigator

from Eclipse main gui:
select "Window->Show View->Other->General->Project Explorer" Double-clicking on "Project Explorer" brings up the "Project Explorer" window which shows every project in your workspace. That worked for me.
Good luck.

Just do like below, it helped me after doing like this.
To load existing Eclipse projects in the IDE, you need to import them into the Eclipse workspace.
Click File > Import > General
Click Existing Projects into Workspace.
You can edit the project directly in its original location or choose to create a copy of the project in the workspace.
Select the directory that contains the projects you want to import.
Click Finish.
This imports the projects into the current workspace and loads them in the IDE.
Look at this below link for reference.

If you are trying to import non maven project into eclipse follow the below steps, it worked for me.
first clone project into your machine and follow the below steps to import in eclipse.
Project Explorer -> import -> Git -> Projects from git -> Existing
Local repository -> Add -> select project root directory -> (check
box) import as general project -> next -> finish

In Eclipse, try Project > Open Project and select the projects to be opened.

In case you closed multiple projects and trying to re-open all of them then in Project Explorer, select all projects. Go to Project -> Open Project.

I also have just faced with this problem that how to open existing file. And none of answers was helpful. That's why I tried by myself.
Direction: File -> Open file -> Workspace (with you had chosen first
in creating your project) -> Package (which you already created your
project in) -> src (source file) -> Created package ->
And now your searching project's nodepad format.
I hope it would be helpful. If any mistake here, sorry beforehand.

This is How I do it.
File -> Open Project from File System -> Existing Project in WorkSpace

Use shortcut Alt+Shift+W or navigate to Windows->Show View->Project Explorer

If it's a maven project, go to file>import>maven project >existing maven project, then browse for the folder that contains the project, select folder then click finish. That worked for me

If you closed the project, you can open it again easily by going to the top bar (alt) > ͟Project > Open Project
Top menu > Project > Open Project
You will get a menu where you can open closed projects that can be preventing you from opening these projects through the File menu.
The window that lets you open any closed projects after you go through the menu listed previously

For me it worked after I deleted .classpath and .project files from the directory

Try This Method it will work:
In Top Right Corner Click on Open Prospective icon.
Click on Java (Default) in Popup.
Click on Open button.

I'm using 'Eclipse IDE 2022‑09'
Click the View Menu on the Package Explorer
Uncheck the "Closed projects"
Or you can show the Project Explorer Window:
Window -> Show View -> Project Explorer
In this solution 'Project Explorer' will appear alongside the 'Package Explorer'


Eclipse: Cannot find project in Project Explorer

I am using Eclipse Juno SR1 Java EE, and checked out code from SVN as an Eclipse project. I am able to click on files in the project to verify everything was ok. The next time I rebooted, I can't see the project in the Project Explorer window.
A few things I checked: The menu item Project > Open Project is greyed out, indicating there are no closed projects. The project's file tree exists in my workspace. Eclipse won't let me create a new project with the same name because one already exists.
This is my first time using Juno, is there some new control that hides projects from view?
"File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects Into Workspace"
"File -> Import -> Android -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace" doesn't do what you're trying to accomplish (been there...).
Assuming the above lines mean what they say, the first tells Eclipse to recognize what you're importing as an official Project. The 2nd tells Eclipse that you're importing only the code, not the Project itself.
Sometimes it's just because .project file is missing. If you have any other project, copy its .project file and paste inside the main folder of the project you're trying to import.
Try starting with the clean option in command line, maybe that should fix it
eclipse -clean
file -> switch workspace -> other
and tell eclipse where your workspace is
I was facing the same problem with RAD. What I did was:
imported only those projects which were deployed locally in my portal server.
Did a clean build.
Started the server.
It worked for me. Able to access my application. Rest of the projects which were not deployed as part of my local portal server, I will import them on need basis later.

Can't Open Existing Project in Eclipse

I'm trying to open an existing Android project in Eclipse. I've gone to File > Import > General > Existing Project (or something like that). I've chosen the file project folder. But every time I try to open the folder, all I get is an error.
Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace*
Is there any other way of opening my project?
You cannot import a project with a name already present in your current Eclipse workspace.
The surest way to work around that is to switch workspace (menu File / Switch workspace), and create a new workspace (in which you will be able to import that project).
A more complex solution would be to try and rename an existing project in your current workspace.
Check other causes in:
"Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace error in Eclipse"
"Erased project from Project Explorer and cannot re-import it"
"How to import a project which you just deleted in eclipse"
I faced the same issue, But it is as designed. When people close the project, It simply makes the project unavailable in the eclipse project view. This is why people thinks that it has been completely removed from the view.
So All you have to do is to go to
Window -> Show view -> Project Explorer
Now you will see your project in the Project Explorer sidebar with a different closed folder Icon as shown in this image.
Once you right click and open project you will see the magic you are looking for.
I had the same problem and I solved it finally.
So, lets say you want to open "TEST" project on eclipse. And you project is in this path: C:\Users\Sabina Comp\Desktop then your workspace should be C:\Users\Sabina Comp\Desktop not C:\Users\Sabina Comp\Desktop\TEST.
You can switch workspace by going to File->Switch workspace->other
I hope it will help you!
Just delete the .project file and try to open the project again in Eclipse File Explorer :)
I faced the same problem. Maybe the cause of your problem is as simple as mine.
I closed (not delete) my project in the Java Browsing view. Unlike the Java view, the project becomes invisible in the Java Browsing view. So I thought I deleted the project. But turns out my project is still in use when I try to import it.
So I went to Java Browsing view and right click the blank space in the Projects panel, click Open Project and the project is back!
Right click on a working set --> properties.
You should be able to see all the projects that are available in your workspace. Select it.
Next all the projects should be listed in your working set.
Here's what worked for me:
Right click on the project > Source > Format
I guess you want to create a copy of the existing project and make changes to the new one. Or you have got a project whose name matches the name of the existing project and you want to import the new project as well.
In the first case , you just need to simply copy(Ctrl+C) and paste(Ctrl+P) in the package or project explorer in the eclipse and it will ask you for a new project name -- rather than copying the project folder in the windows explorer and renaming the project folder name.
If you have copied the project in windows explorer and tried importing the project in eclipse you will get the above error Or if u have got a project whose name matches the name of the existing project in eclipse also you will get the above error.
Solution for both -- is to delete the .project , .classpath and .settings files and import the project. It will successfully import if u have changed the folder name.
Tip: If its a maven project , you can import it as a Java Project and then RightClick on the project and Configure->Convert To maven project.
In my case, problem was -
I deleted the code directory from its location.
And at the same time I closed Eclipse.
So when I reopened Eclipse, it searched for project and couldnt get it.
I restored the code directory at original place.
Opened Eclipse.
When tried to import project again I found it in closed condition.
I opened it and it started working properly.

Eclipse won't show files in package explorer

I don't know what went wrong, because this was working before, but all of the sudden I don't have any files in my eclipse package explorer.
The workspace path appears to be correct and the file permissions are correct.
Can anyone think of what's wrong?
Refresh the project
If that does not work, close and open the project again.
I had the same problem (Probably caused when I cancelled a copying to my Dropbox folder)
I only needed to click File → Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace and select the missing projects in the window that appeared.
Create a blank workspace
Navigate to (File > Switch to workplace > Other)
Clik Browse > Make new folder
Click Ok in browse window
Click ok in create workspace window
Import your existing project into the new workspace
Navigate to File > Import
Click General > Existing project into workspace
Click Next
Browse and select your previous project
Click on Finish
Congrats! Now you can see your project in the package explorer by importing it.
Project Explorer -> click on "View Menu"
-> Top Level Elements -> Click on "Projects"
Don't know what causes the problem, but found a way to get the files back into the package explorer.
If you go into the path of your workspace and find your projects, then you can pack them all into a zip archive file, and from this zip archive file you can import your projects again by using the File → Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace menu.
I don't know what causes the problem, but in my case I think it have something to do with me having my workspace in a dropbox folder.
ps. I don't know if you actually can take more than one project into one zip file and make it work, I have only tried it with one project pr. ZIP-file, but it shouldn't matter.
In 2020 on OSX I just went to Project -> Refresh and wham! my files appeared.
I had started the wrong installation of eclipse. When I started the correct installation my code showed up fine. I have both C++ and Java EE installs.
Just refresh all the projects, you able to see all missed files after you import from a workspace.
1) Make sure that you use the right workspace.
2) Choose your "workspace"-Folder "/YourWorkspace",
NOT your project folder"/YourWorkspace/yourProject"
Alternatively delete your project from your
and restart.
Hope this helps
I had the same problem. I was not able to see the imported files in Eclipse, but there were visible in File Explorer.
After a while, I noticed that all the files were imported. They had their names changed from myFile.class to ._myFile.class.
I deleted all the imported files from my workspace by using File Explorer.
By using the same File Explorer, I copy-pasted the folders/files in the workspace.
Then in Eclipse, I refreshed the project (F5 or click-right -> Refresh or File -> Refresh)
I faced the same issue and the reason was that I choose double click on Eclipse Icon, then I need to choose Work Space.
Here I made mistake. You do not need to select folder in which has all your project files
e.g //Desktop//User//Selenium//S1A//all files related to project
In that case for workspace you choose //Desktop//User//Selenium, import your project by clicking Import for eclipse 2020 and choosing File path //Desktop//User//Selenium//S1A.
may be a rare case like in mine, but if you played with colors this may be an issue and especially, if you changed theming and did not restart, which may correct some problematic visual stuff.
Import>Existing Projects into Workspace> Select root directory> Select the folder
The solution that helped me:
create a new folder (=Java-Package) with a new name. I used the System-Filemanager.
copy the disappearing files to the new folder (=Java-Package).
correct the links (JavaCommand 'import') to the new folder.
delete the old files and the old folder.
As the problem happened in my case:
I am using Eclipse IDE 2021-12 (4.22.0) for my Java project.
After importing an existing Project into Workspace all was fine.
While building the project, same files disappeared from the 'Project Explorer'-Tree.
These files still do exist as the System-File-Explorer shows. So no file got deleted. But no more listed.
After Refresh (F5) most of the files got listed again in the 'Project Explorer'-Tree.
Without doing anything an Eclipse background process let files again disappear from the 'Project Explorer' - Tree. Compilation of the project leads to missing files.
Sometimes 3 files disappeared. Some seconds later more files disappeared. Sometimes it leads to an empty Java-Package.
This disappearance of some files happened without any input from me. It was done by the Eclipse background process. It felt like watching a movie.
What does not help in my case: Restarting of eclipse, Close and Open the project, editing the files.
In my case, the problem was due to an unwanted nested project in a subfolder. There is a pre-set filter that hides folders in that case.
For some reasons, the sub project was not shown in Project Explorer.
My solution :
delete the project (without deleting project contents on disk)
import existing projects into workspace, and do not import nested project.
You might have filtered the resource out of the project.
Select the project, right click, choose properties.
Under Resource, choose "Resource filters" - check that the name of the folder or the files was not filtered in the list under "Exclude all" (if there is one)

How to open project from workspace in Eclipse?

I imported an Eclipse project into workspace and after some time I deleted it in Eclipse (from project explorer but not from workspace). Now, I want to reopen it, or import it again, but I cannot import it because such a project already exists in the workspace and when I try to open it, in tab Project -> Open Project, it is disabled. Of course, I can delete the project from workspace and import it again, but this is not what I want. So the question is: how can I open the project, which is in Eclipse's workspace, but has been deleted from the Eclipse's project explorer?
This is exactly what I just ran into. The 'Finish' button is greyed out, as is the check box and project name in the project window. If you try to check that check box the project will not be greyed now, but it won't check. Refresh does nothing.
The trick (or is it a bug) is to uncheck 'copy projects into workspace' hit the refresh button and it will now be checked and you can hit the finish button. Project will now once again be available in the Package Explorer.
(I'm using Eclipse 3.8 and ADT 21.0.1)
These Steps You Have to Follow
Click File menu
In file menu click Import
A window is open Now click General Folder
Now click Existing project into workspace
Then click the select from root directory
Now import project which you want......
You have to choose the project in the workspace, not the zip file with your project. Your project is still in your workspace, and because Eclipse wants to copy the project from the zip file you chose (look at the checked check box "Copy projects into workspace"), you get that warning.
Just select "Select root directory" and choose your workspace as your root directory and choose the project you want to reimport (and make sure, that the checkbox "Copy projects into workspace" is not checked).
Go to “%ECLIPSE_HOME%\configuration.settings” and delete the workspace listed at the key RECENT_WORKSPACES
Restart Eclipse, go to File>Switch Workspace>Other… and select your workspace dir again
Now I could create new projects as always
One simple trick is to delete the project from your work-space directory manually and than try to import project again. That's it...
I've experienced this same problem. It was a deleted workspace which I re-imported. When I tried to work with junit tests in the directory, it said that parts of if were not in the "project" In order to fix this, I had to check the "SEARCH FOR NESTED PROJECTS" and that corrected the issue.
I know that this is a really old question, possibly the solution was not available back then, but on my system (Eclipse Photon 4.8.0) it works like this:
File menu
Open Projects from File System...
Here you can give Eclipse a path to a directory (in this case your own, currently used workspace directory) where it will search for possible projects, list them and let you choose which one to import into the workspace. It will show already imported (aka. existing inside Eclipse) projects grayed out and unselectable, but has an option to hide these as well.
After selecting the project you'd like to import just click the Finish button and voila.
Make sure that your project is included in current workspace, then you have to see the project under "Project Explorer".
Note: you can view this from: Window->Show View->Project Explorer.
If you are facing this:
Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace --> "Finish" button is grayed --> hence, no way to open the project(s)
Go to File -> Open File...
Choose any one file of your project, and the entire project folder will open in your present workspace.

Moving project to another folder in Eclipse

I generally have my working projects sitting on folders on my Desktop. When they are completed I just move them to a c:\dev\. The thing is I'm doing it in a rather archaic way.
1. move project files
2. delete project on Eclipse
3. create new project on Eclipse on the new location
How to you guys move projects around?
If I could alter the: File -> Properties -> Resource -> Location path it would be dead simple!
Example move:
Right click on the Eclipse project in the Package Explorer, select Refactor, then select Move... In the dialog that comes up, enter or navigate to the new location and click OK. This will also preserve your CVS or other SCM metadata, but will also bring all your modifications as well, and you won't lose any memberships in Working Sets, launch configurations, or other things that Eclipse associates with your project.
Use Eclipse's Move menu item
Open Navigator view, right click on your project and click Move. Then select the destination directory.
Navigator View > Right Click > Move
Note it doesn't seem to work in Package Explorer (at least not in Neon). The move dialog from Package Explorer is different, so use the Navigator window.
I don't know whether eclipse has made modifs since the date of this post...
In my case I had moved a project folder manually and I wanted Eclipse to open the project on this new location. This is what I did (and it seems to work).
(I'm using eclipse "helios" v 3.6.2)
File menu | Import ...
General | Existing projects into Workspace
Select root directory = top directory of your project on the new location
I rarely have any projects in Eclipse that aren't under source control, so all I would need to do is check the project out in the new location.
If you don't have source control, Eclipse works with CVS rather well out of the box, and it's pretty simple to setup CVS to run locally without a server:
Copying an Eclipse project from one directory (let's call it old_dir) to another directory (let's call it new_dir):
Open Eclipse and specify the copied working directory in your new_dir.
Once it opens the project in the this new_dir, the projects listed under Project Explorer Tab might still be the ones contained in the old_dir (you can check it by right clicking each and following through: "Resource -> Linked Resource" to see the Path Variables values). Thus, they have to be removed from this work space. Delete the Nios 2 Application Project and the BSP Project from the Project Explorer Tab by right clicking on it and selecting Delete option which will pop a new window. In the pop-up window, make sure that the Delete project contents on disk check box is UNCHECKED before clicking OK to delete the Projects. Otherwise, it will delete it from the old_dir where you copied the project from.
Right click in the Project Explorer Tab Area → Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace and add the copied Nios2 Application Project and the BSP Project from the new_dir.
Right click in the Project Explorer Tab Area → Index → Rebuild, otherwise the Nios2 Application Project will not be able to use the includes provided by the BSP Project.
Click on Project → Clean → OK to clean and rebuild the whole project.
When using console to talk to the NIOS, make sure elf's path is updated to the new project directory as well!
Right click on your project->copy.
right click in project explorer free space and right click->pase.
chose new folder and project name.
I copied the whole project to a new directory. After setting Eclipse to the new workspace it recognises the project instantly. Thus it was nothing further to do. I use Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, Version Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2).
For Eclipse Oxygen, to move a Java project, djb's accepted answer works well (in my experience just now), except having read comment by Basic May 14 '12 at 9:27, I tried to add my project XMLDiff to C:...\SVN\trunk\Internal Projects, and I got a failure with the rather cryptic message:
Problems encountered while moving resources.
Resource already exists on disk.
I had to move the project to C:...\SVN\trunk\Internal Projects\XMLDiff by creating a new folder, XMLDiff, in the browse dialog, and the result was C:...\SVN\trunk\Internal Projects\XMLDiff, not C:...\SVN\trunk\Internal Projects\XMLDiff\XMLDiff.
So this must have changed between Basic's experience in 2012 and Eclipse.3.
For Eclipse Oxygen
Project Properties -> Resource -> Linked Resources -> Linked Resources (Tab)