Persistent increment counter - counter

I have a concept for a special albeit simple kind of clock that would display the number of seconds since a certain point in time (which would never change). What would be the best way of storing, incrementing and displaying this persistent value?

If the start point never changes, you only need to save that. Concept wise, that would be the same as Unix time.
Simply get the current system time and calculate the difference to the beginning of your epoch.

This was done via the Unix epoch. You would just need to create your own version of the epoch perhaps BobeEpoch. You could store this value somewhere that your application can retrieve it, then you would invoke the current system time. Once you had the current system time you would subtract this value from BobeEpoch and display that to the user.


When to use windowing against grouping by event time?

Kind of related, as allowing infinitely late data would also solve my problem.
I have a pipeline linked to a pub/sub topic, from which data can come very late (days) as well as nearly real time: I have to make simple parsing and aggregation tasks on it, based on event time.
As each element holds a timestamp of the event time, my first idea when looking at the programming guide was to use windowing by setting the timestamp on event time.
However, as the processing can happen a long time after the event, I would have to allow very late data, which based on the answer of the first link I posted seems to not be such a good idea.
An alternative solution I have come up with would be to simply group the data based on event time, without marking it as a timestamp, and then calculate my aggregates based on such a key. As the data for a given even time tend to arrive at the same time in the pipeline, I could then just provide windows of arbitrary length based on processing time so that my data is ingested as soon as it is available.
This got me wondering: does that mean that windowing is useless as soon as your data comes a bit later than real time ? Would it be possible to start a window when the first element is received and close it a bit afterwards ?

Unix timestamp: everywhere the same?

If I request some Unix timestamps at the same time, in any system, programming language, anywhere on the world (on universe), will they always be the same? Or is it possible that values differ?
As a precondition I assume that each system has to have their time configured correctly. Additional question: nowadays, can I assume devices with an internet connection have the correct time?
So, how reliable is the usage of the Unix timestamp? E.g. if I'd like so set an alert for different users on the world at a certain time and I broadcast just the timestamp, can I assume that the alerts happen in the same second?
(Journeys with speed of light should be disregarded here, I guess.)
Unix timestamps are the number of seconds elapsed since 01-01-1970 00:00:00 UTC so if the system time is set correctly it should be equal everywhere.

nsuserdefaults synchronize method slows down the application

I am doing a calculation intensive operation in loops(hundreds for iterative formulas).In each loop the values are fetched from nsuserdefaults directly and calculated and saved question is that should i use -synchronize method each time i write into nsuserdefaults?.i think without using this method. my application runs much faster. Does using synchronize slows down the calculations
Does using synchronize slows down the calculations?
Yes, absolutely. synchronize writes the current user default values to the disk.
should i use -synchronize method each time i write into nsuserdefaults?.
No absolutely not. If you have a long loop, where you are changing user defaults, the values are saved in memory. It won't mess up your calculations. It is only necessary to save to disk after the loop is done.
synchronize is usually done:
manually, before the app is terminated or sent to background
automatically by the system every few minutes
manually by the program after some important changes are made that you don't want to risk losing in the event of a crash or sudden power off.
In your case, after the long loop, you want to do it for reason 3.
By doing it every time within the loop, you are just unnecessarily writing values to flash, which you likely immediately overwrite.
No! You should not. Consider to synchronize in applicationWillTerminate.
No. In theory you never need to call it at all, it will be done for you (it “is automatically invoked at periodic intervals”). In practice, it's a good idea to do so in applicationWillResignActive:.

Raw Data or Pre-Calculated Values in Database?

In general, is it better to store raw data with pre-calculated values in the database and concentrate on keeping the database up-to-date if I remove or delete a row while using the pre-calculated values for display to the user
is it better to store the raw data and calculate the correct display values on-the-fly?
An example (which is pertinent to my project) would be similar to the following:
You have a timer application. In my case its using Core Data. It's not connected to the web, but a self-contained app that runs on a computer or mobile device (user's choice). The app stores a raw start time and a raw end time. The application needs to display the duration of the event and the interval at which the events are occuring. Would it be better to store a pre-calculated "duration" time and even a pre-formatted duration string that will be used for output or would it be better to calculate the duration on-the-fly, so to speak, for display?
Same goes with the interval, although there's another layer involved because when I create/delete/update a row in the database, I'll have update the interval for the items that are affected by this. Or, is it better to just calculate as the app executes?
For the record, I'm not trying to micro-optimize. I'm trying to figure out the best way to reduce the amount of code I have to maintain. If performance improves as a result, so be it.
Generally, you would want to avoid computed values in the DB (from existing columns/tables), unless profiling absolutely dictates that they are necessary (i.e., the DB is underperforming or to great of a load is being placed on the server). This is even more true for formatting of the data, which should almost always be performed on the client side, instead of wasting DB server cycles.
Of course, any data that is absolutely mandatory to perform the calculations should be stored in the database.
When you speak of reducing the amount of code you need to maintain, keep in mind that the DBA needs to maintain stored-proc code and table schemas, too. Moving maintenance responsibilities from Developers to DBAs is not eliminating work, it is just shifting it.
Finally, database changes often cascade to many applications, whereas application changes only affect that application.
The only time I store calculated values in a database is if I need it for historical purposes. You'll see this all the time in accounting software.
For example if I'm dealing with an invoice, I will typically save the calculated invoice total because perhaps the way that total will get calculated later on will change.
I will also sometimes perform the actual calculation on the database server using views.
As with so many other things, "it depends". For your described case, I would lean towards keeping the calculation in code. If you do choose to use the database, you should use a view to dynamically calculate rather than put in a static value. The risk of changing the start time or end time and forgetting to change the duration would be too high otherwise :)
This really depends on wether you want to be pure (keep your data clean) or fast. Compute capacity on the desktop facilitates purity, high speed cores and large memory spaces make string composition for table cells possible with large data sets.
However on the phone, an iPhone 4 even, computing a single NSString for a UITableViewCell over a set of 1000 objects takes a noticeable amount of time, and this can affect your user experience.
So, tune the balance for your use case. Duration doesn't sound like it will change, so I would precalculate and store the duration AND the display string (feels aweful from the perspective of a DBA, but it will render fast on the phone).
For the interval it sounds like you actually need another entity, to relate the interval to a set of events. It would then be easy enough to pre-compute / maintain this calculation as well each time the relationship changes (i.e. you add an entity to the relationship, update the interval).

What are the approaches for writing a simple clock application?

I am writing a small program to display current time on iPhone (learning :D). I came across this confusion.
Is calling currentSystemTime ( eg: stringFromDate: ) on every second, parse it and print the time on screen is good?
Would it be more effective to call the above routine once and manually update the parsed second every tick of your timer. (Say like ++seconds; write some if loops to adjust minutes and hour).
Will the second approach result in out-of-sync of with the actual time; if the processor load increases or so?
Considering all this which will be the best approach.
I doubt that the overhead of querying the system time will be noticeable in comparison to the CPU cycles used to update the display. Set up an NSTimer to fire however often that you want to update the clock display, and update your display that way. Don't worry about optimizing it until you get the app working.
I would drop the seconds totally and just print the rest of the time then you only have to parse it once a minute.
That's if you want a clock rather than a stopwatch. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I looked at a clock without seconds and thought "Gosh, I don't know if it's 12:51:00 or 12:51:59. How will I make my next appointment?").
If you want to ensure you're relatively accurate in updating the minute, follow these steps:
Get the full time (HHMMSS).
Display down to minute resolution (HH:MM).
Subtract SS from 61 and sleep for that many seconds.
Go back to that first step.