Is there an iOS-accessible API to detect a drunk person? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is it possible to detect if a person is drunk via image recognition or face-scanning? If it's possible, is there an API available for that?

You could try to code again the accelerometer. Maybe a drunk person is unable to hold the phone still??

This is a RESTful face recognition api and maybe what you want . But I don't know whether it can detect drunk face.

OpenCV! Haartraining!
FYI: I recommend you to work haartraining with something different concurrently because you have to wait so many days during training (it would possibly take one week). I typically experimented as 1. run haartraining on Friday 2. forget about it completely 3. see results on next Friday 4. run another haartraining (loop).


The logic behind a Early Mortgage Payoff Calculator? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I've been looking around for a Mortgage Payoff calculator and it looks like the ones that are available are primarily commercial. Does anyone know if it already exists somewhere in script form that could be translated into another language?
If not, is anyone familiar enough with the logic that wouldn't mind sketching up the pseudo-code? I'll be able to script everything together once it's laid out but all searching I've done so far has only turned up results for creating an Mortgage (not payoff) calculator.
In addition to the obvious utility, hopefully putting this logic out there will help people better understand how their mortgage is being calculated.
The amortization shows you the remaining principal which is the same as the payoff amount.

D i modify calling iphone software? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
my question is:
would be feasible to modify the software to get calls? I intend to capture the action of the call attempt to operate accordingly.
Sorry for not being more explicit
You cant modify the default apps comes with iPhone.
but you can handle the event like missed call,call ended,call failed etc..
It is not possible to manipulate the method of making or receiving of phone calls on the iphone (using publically available APIs). An app can initiate a phone call but the phone call will be made using the Apple call application.

Beginner WF4 question - When is WF4 useful, really? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
If I want to use a traditional approval type workflow in a regular system, for example
an order that needs an approval before order is placed. Rather than having the traditional
enum for OrderStatus, can I benefit from using microsoft WF4 (Workflow version 4) for this
or will I just generate more complexity and more code for no added benefit?
Any time you have a long running operation like this WF4 is a good possibility. The fact that the graphical designer allows you to show the actual running process, not a Visio copy of it, is also a huge benefit.
There is however a learning curve to WF4 and there are times you have to do things the WF4 way instead of the C#/VB way you did before. That said there is certainly a benefit, thinks like an approval request not being handled in, lets say, 14 days is very easy to do in WF4.

What's the easiest way to write a guide book-type application for iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Are there any libraries that can help me?
I'm a Python programmer and have never used Objective C before, so the easier the better!
I suggest picking up a book like Oreilly IPhone Programming :
The author actually writes a city guide and explains very well how to build it using XCode and Interface Builder, which is a list of city, when selected it takes you to a detail view of the city. Also add feature to add, update, delete cities.
You can read to chapter 5 and you should be good to build your guide book. It'll take you like 2 days to read and build the city book. Well you can take the city guide code replace it for book guide and its done.

Transfer photos from one application to another [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
can anyone give me sample code to transfer photos from one iphone to another using bluetooth
Your best bet would to use GameKit, which greatly simplifies connecting multiple devices over Bluetooth & transfering data. I can't remember having seen an Apple sample which does that, but it certainly would be possible. This is exactly what GameKit was intended for, peer-to-peer connectivity, not only limited to gaming.
You'll probably have to split the data of the image and send little chunks to the other device, which can reassemble the chunks to form the original file once finished.