xchat Connection failed. Error: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions - irc

Idk the problem if anyone of you can help me then I'll be thankful to you.
As I do regularly I open my xchat (irc client) and then when I select frrenode to connect then I am getting this crappy error.
I try to connect with other irc to and I got same error.
I just checked my network setting on irc and everything is fine over there idk wtf is going on .
Error shown below
Quote: * Looking up irc.freenode.net
* Connecting to irc.freenode.net ( port 6667...
* Connection failed. Error: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions


EOF Exception in DBeaver when establishing a connection

I'm using DBeaver and all of a sudden I'm facing this message whenever I try to establish a connection.
I don't have any additional information about this issue, but if you know where I can find it please let me know and I will provide it.
This occured moments after DBeaver popped a message asking to update de the drivers, so this might be related. So far I have tried to restart the PC and reinstall DBeaver, but with no success so far.
Did this ever happened to you? Any idea on what the problem might be?

connect to localhost in MySQLWorkbench

I am trying to connect my MySQLWorkbench to localhost, so I can make a database. I have made the connection in the WorkBench, but everytime i test the connection I get a failure. The username and code is 100% correct. I also tried to make the port to 8888, but then workbench just goes in some kind of loop, where it is thinking all the time
I have made some screenshots of it, I hope anyone out there who can help me?
Best Regards
* EDIT: *
I tried to delete the connection, and made it over again. This time it seems that I can connect now. I tried to make a database ´test´ which functions. As the screenshot shows, I afterwords tried to make a database ´examples´, where I get the error in the console:
"12:59:32 CREATE DATABASE examples Error Code: 1044. Access denied for user ''#'localhost' to database 'examples' 0.000 sec"
For general informations about creating connections in MySQL Workbench watch my Youtube video: http://youtu.be/DCgRF4KOYIY?list=PLWx5a9Tn2EvH0q2WXpUBqptxi5640qk9O. It shows what can go wrong with addresses and ports.
Generally speaking, make sure that the user you are connecting with has the proper rights to 1) connect from the given machine (see in the video sometimes localhost is not equal to the IPv4 loopback address and 2) has the rights to create objects, query them and so on. The root user usually has these rights, but sometimes, with custom installations, it can happen this has been changed.

Google Cloud SQL: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0

I'm desperate since my Google Cloud SQL instance went down. I could connect to it yesterday without problem but since this morning i'm unable to connect to it in any way, it produces the following error: The database server returned this error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0
This is what I did to try to fix this:
restart instance
added authorized ip-addresses in CIDR notation
reset root password
restored backup
pinged the ip-address and I get response
All these actions completed but i'm still unable to connect through:
MySQL workbench
Ubuntu MySQL command line
All without luck. What could I do to repair my Cloud SQL instance. Is anyone else having this problem?
I'm from the Cloud SQL team. We are looking into this issue, it should be resolved soon. See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-cloud-sql-announce/SwomB2zuRDo. Updates will be posted on that thread (and if there's anything particularly important I'll edit this post).
The problem seems to only affect connections from outside Google Cloud. Clients connecting from App Engine and Compute Engine should work fine.
Our company has same problem.
We are unable to connect through both MySQL workbench and MySQL command line.
Our Google Appengine application has no problems to connect since its not using external IP.
there.I encountered the same problem.You need to find out your public ip address,for that type "my public ip" in Google.Now click on your Cloud SQL instance that you created,under that click on ACCESS CONTROL tab and then click on Authorization tab under that.Under Authorized network,give any name you want to the network and copy your public ip address in the network.Now save changes and try to run the command from console.It should work fine.

Heroku PostgreSQL Connection reset by peer

We are using PostgreSQL Crane plan, and got a lot of log like this
app postgres - - [5-1] ... LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
We are using about 50 dynos.
Is PostgreSQL running out of connections with bunch of dynos?
Can someone help me explain this case?
From what I've found the cause for the errors is the client not disconnecting at the end of the session, or a new connection not being created.
New connection solving the problem:
Postgres error on Heroku with Resque
Explicit disconnection solving the problem:
https://github.com/resque/resque/issues/367 (comment #2)
There's a Heroku FAQ entry on this: Understanding Heroku Postgres Log Statements and Common Errors: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer.
Although this log is emitted from postgres, the cause for the error has nothing to do with the database itself. Your application happened to crash while connected to postgres, and did not clean up its connection to the database. Postgres noticed that the client (your application) disappeared without ending the connection properly, and logged a message saying so.
If you are not seeing your application’s backtrace, you may need to ensure that you are, in fact, logging to stdout (instead of a file) and that you have stdout sync’d.

can't fetch me app's source code from Heroku

I want to get started with developing Facebook apps so I created one, and chose to use Heroku to host my app. when I tried to fetch me app's source code an error occurred, the following screenshot show the error:
what's wrong and why I can't fetch the source code?
thanks a lot
the error says: "ssh: connect to host heroku.com port 22: Bad file number
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"