It's possible to know the facebook friends that they have installed a my fb app?
I have tried some ways directly using the online facebook developer tool but I have not been able to find a solution. I have tried both Graph API and FQL
Using FQL:
SELECT uid, name, is_app_user FROM user
WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me())
AND is_app_user=1
I am developing the app which is login through the facebook account using link
and use the parse to store data in backend Parse Facebook Example
My requirement for this app is to get Facebook Friend List who downloaded this app on there phone ...
I am getting the the Friend List but I still don't know how to get the who downloaded this app from my friends...
I am getting the friends facebook Id but It didn't get the user other profile information like name
Could anyone tell me how to get this...
You need to let people be able to "connect" their facebook account with your app. When they do, store their facebook id in your User table. Then you can get a person's friends list and then query your Parse database to see if any of those user IDs match people who have stored their facebook ID.
For more info, check this answer: Replicating anypic in JavaScript - Unable to compare Fb users
You can use the FQL query to get the friends who are using the app-
SELECT uid FROM user WHERE is_app_user=1 AND uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())
I have used a fql for get my friends information
SELECT uid,name,first_name,middle_name,last_name,pic_square,hometown_location,current_location,profile_url,email,website FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())
it returning only friends id an name. Who have trusted my app there location also comming but when I am puting this fql on the Graph API Explorer
on facebook then it returns every one's location. Then How Can I get every one's location ?
It is hard to understand your question, though it looks like your app doesn't have all the required user permissions. The Graph API explorer, or the developer page are great resources to figure out which ones you need.
Hometown location,current location, email, and website are not "basic" data.
I want to get friend app user with Graph API I tried to user with me/friends?fields=installed but I got all of my friends. Maybe, I have some wrong in here. Please show me any way to get friend app user with Graph API. I don't know in Facebook SDK 3.0 can I get that list easier?
You can get list of friends whom are user of your app using FQL rather than Graph API as:
SELECT uid FROM user
WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())
AND is_app_user = 1
I am creating an applications that gets my friend's photos sorted by created date so I use the following FQL to get the photo.
SELECT src_big_width,src_big_height, caption, owner, pid, src_big , src_small ,aid, created FROM photo WHERE aid IN (SELECT aid FROM album WHERE owner IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me()))
ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,1000
But I my profile I see some friend posting a new photo, but it does not appear in my
profile. Is there any error or mistake in my FQL?
Does your access token have the friends_photos permission? You need this to access the photos of a friend.
Also, check that you can see the photos in the Graph API by using the Graph API explorer to check there is data there which can be accessed via your access_token. This will help to rule out issues with your FQL query.
I am trying to get a list of my friend's friends using the iPhone Facebook SDK.
I've tried an approach using FQL and the Graph API but I get an error in both cases:
"Can't lookup all friends of YYYYYY. Can only lookup for the logged in user (XXXXX), or
friends of the logged in user with the appropriate permission"
I've done some research and see that this functionality wasn't available through the Facebook API up until October 2010. But then radio silence. Well, it's almost 6 months later. So was this ever implemented?
I have requested all permissions I need for my app as well.
This functionality does not exist in the Facebook Social Graph API or the FQL API.
During my quest to find out how to accomplish this I found many developers who asked the same question. Some developers have been asking for this feature for over 2 years. I think the FB team may consider it a privacy of performance concern.
I have worked on it. I was able to see friends of my friend.
It needs following requirements:
Your friend needs to be using application.
Permission from application read_stream, publish_stream, publish_checkins.
Try this fql query.
$query="SELECT uid, name, work_history FROM user
WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 IN
( SELECT uid FROM user WHERE uid IN
(SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = $fb_id ) and is_app_user=1)