Facebook PHP SDK getLogoutUrl - facebook

In the context of a facebook application what is the point in this? Since they cannot play your app till authorised and logged in. What purpose does logging them out of a facebook session and redirected to your app actually serve?
This method returns a URL that, when clicked by the user, will log them out of their Facebook session and then redirect them back to your application.

It is useful outside Facebook, in the context where the user authenticates via Facebook to log into your website.


Is it possible to log users out of my web app but keep them logged in with Facebook using Javascript sdk?

API page is here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/javascript/reference/v2.6
As far as I know,
If users have already authorized a web app(a website), then invoking FB.login() and FB.logout() in the web app is essentially logging user in or out of Facebook and return the web app with some data(of course you need access token to do this). Assume you have two pages opened, one is your web app, the other is facebook.com. Both logged out initially. Now if you log in with your Facebook account in the web app page, and then if you refresh the other page, you will find that both are logged in. It's similar for the case of logging out.
Well, correct me if my understanding is wrong. I totally understand there are reasons for the logic.
Is there a way to log out users from by web app but keep them logged in with the Facebook and without revoking permission?
I've tried with Google+ OAuth. It seems that using Google+ API is able to log out users from the web app and keep them logged in with Google+.
Well it is how it should be. You want your app to be an interface for the "Facebook app" login, why is that? Consider the scenarios from the user's point of view-
User is logged-in and browsing facebook. He found the useful application of yours and login to your app(providing required permissions). Before leaving your app, he logouts from the app. He then gets back to the Facebook and continue browsing there. All good!
User in NOT logged-in to the facebook. He logs into your app, browse your app then logs out of it. Then, when he open the facebook.com why will he expect that he should be looged-in to facebook automatically? I think he wont think that and he'll login to facebook and continue.
The point is simple here-
if user logs into facebook, he'll be logged-in until and unless he logs out from facebook.
if user is not logged into facebook but logs into your app, he will be logged-in to the facebook until he logs out from your app.

How to start session in my web application after successful facebook login?

I am using Facebook login with the Facebook javascript sdk. I have implemented all the login flow. I want to know what I should to do to start a session on my application. From Facebook docs https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/login-flow-for-web:
Once your app knows the login status of the person using it, it can do one of the following:
If the person is logged into Facebook and your app, redirect them to
your app's logged in experience.
If the person is logged into Facebook but not your app, prompt them with the Login dialog.
If the person is not logged into Facebook, prompt them with the Login dialog.
I want to work on the first one: redirect them to my app's logged in experience. But I do not know how to recognize the user and start the new session on the server so that he can access personal data. I thought a possible solution might be to send the accessToken received on the client to my server, then ask to Facebook's servers if that is a valid token, if so then start a new session for the recognized user, otherwise ignore the request. Is that a correct flow?

facebook php sdk logs out of website but does not logout of facebook

I have read many questions in a similar area to this and after reading about 20+ my problem is not discussed.
I have a web app using facebook login via the facebook SDK.
This is working fine on the website side of things.
However when using the getLogoutUrl( ) the users are not logged out of facebook.
I have done both destroying the facebook session (via the destroySession method) before and after (in the redirected page) accessing the getLogoutUrl link and I am still logged into facebook.
The user is not longer logged into my site but facebook remains unchanged.
I would expect that when a user accesses the link provided by getLogoutUrl that they would be logged out of facebook. However all that happens is the user is redirected back to the site and the user is still logged into facebook.
So my websites side of things works fine. But providing the facebook logout link implies that they are logged out of facebook and can walk away.
Where as in reality the users accounts is still logged in on facebook.
Why is this happening?
I cannot control facebook so I do not know what else I can do other than forwarding to the user to the logout link provided by getLogoutUrl.
I am using Facebook PHP SDK (v.3.2.2)

how can i log in my website seamlessly using facebook credentials , when i'm already logged in my facebook account?

how can i login my website using facebook credentials that too seamlessly , when i'm already logged in my facebook account in the same session or in another session. For example i'm logged in my fb and when i open website named rottentomatoes.com in the same session or in another session , i can get automatically logged in , without doing anything , as that site use my fb account and automatically get a registered memeber of that site.
i wanna do this things in my website , like things happening with rotten tomatoes.
so far i can use fb account to login in my website using facebook connect .
please help me ....any suggestion will be welcomed.
You need to have a facebook app, then in your site use the facebook js sdk.
You always have different sessions per site, you'll need to make a session for yours, you don't use the facebook session, just the sdk.
When the user loads your page you can use the FB.getLoginStatus to check if the user is logged into facebook and is authenticated with your app, if so then you get the needed user data and can then log the user into your site.
If the user is not logged into facebook, or hasn't authorized your app then you can use the FB.login method to log the user in, when the user comes back from that process you should have the data you need in order to register/log him into your site.

Facebook callback URL

I am a little confused with the Facebook call back URL. I am building a iPhone application with Facebook login. So I will receive the access token from Facebook after the user logged in. Then I save this access token to my local (server side) DB. After that I want to use this access token to sent for example a post via C#.
What should I define for the callback URL? What is the importance of this?
The callback url is used to provide fast app switching, that is, the user of your app is first redirect to facebook app or site to do the login, then it invokes the url you did define and, if properly configured, it will be redirected to your app again.
You can specify the callback url from developers section on facebook, then you have to support it in the your app plist.