obtain verified paypal email Id of merchant - iphone

I have integrated paypal with my ios application and wants my transaction to complete only if merchant has a verified paypal email id. Please help me to solve this problem . Thanks in advance.

A Get Verified Status API provided by Paypal Adaptive Accounts.
On PHP you should have to integrate SDK "adaptiveaccounts-sdk-php-namespace-php" then using API call you can verified Paypal ID.

I suugest you use this parameter: payer_status=verified for IPN or PayerStatus= Verified for Express Checkout. According to PayPal this means the following:
The payer’s PayPal account status. A value of Verified means that the
customer has confirmed ownership of a bank account or has verified his
account status through other means.

After lot of search,I found my answer ,there is "GetVerifiedStatus" api provided by paypal which is used to check whether user is having correct paypal email address .I have solved it using the link below:


How to check the Paypal account has been verifeid or not

How to check the user's Paypal account has been verified or not.
We have used the below link to check the status of Paypal account,
But this link is not working now.
So, can you help me how to check the verified status of the Paypal account.
You could use the getVerifiedStatus API to verify the specific account's status.
However you need to submit your application request to make the API call.
Please refer the guide for adaptive accounts.
The detailed parameters for getVerifiedStatus API can be found here.
This link is working in 2018
You should be logged in first, after that open this link ...

Validate PayPal Client id

I have been trying to validate Paypal client id but I didn't landed to any solution from Paypal documentation and also from other sources.
Anyone please help me if there is any API to validate Paypal's Client id.
You may want to look at PayPal Adaptive Accounts API. You can use GetVerifiedStatus API Operation to determine whether the specified PayPal account's status is verified or unverified.

How to verify a customer has made payment using fake paypal or verified paypal account?

I have integrated my shopping cart with paypal for physical shipment product. System required verified paypal user.
How to verify a customer has made payment using fake paypal or verified paypal account?
The IPN itself contains this information. It is the payer_status field and it is set to verified in this case, or unverified in the other. See Payment Information Variables. Provided you've done IPN validation and it has succeeded, that's all you need.
The only API available is GetVerifiedStatus
The GetVerifiedStatus API operation lets you determine whether the specified PayPal account's status is verified or unverified.
A PayPal account achieves verified status under a variety of circumstances, such as when an account is linked to a verified funding source. Verified status indicates a trust relationship.
or use IPN

PayPal IPN Adding your own data onto IPN message

I have integrated PayPal into my website and have the IPN system working successfully. The problem I have now is that unless the PayPal email is the same as the one they used to register on my site, I have no idea who the person is.
I would like to add on my own data to the IPN message such as AccountID=10 or AccountName="SomeName" so that I can identify who the person is for my own user base since it is selling of virtual goods and privileges and not shipping to some address. Can this be done?
You certainly can send many parameters such as invoice parameter with your Paypal IPN request and get it returned with IPN response.
Full parameters list is available here:
You could also make this a non-issue by setting it up so your customers use their PayPal login credentials to log into your site. Have a look at the following documentation:

paypal IPN returns pending_reason: unilateral

My PayPal IPN scripts runs very well. When I test with my sandbox account it, the payment is made instantly, however when I use my client's business email, I got payment_status as 'Pending', with pending_reason as 'unilateral' in the IPN log call.
My client's email is confirmed at PayPal. So can anyone tell me why I am getting this issue?
pending_reason=unilateral means that the email address of the payment recipient has not been registered with PayPal. For the full list of pending reasons, see the PayPal IPN documentation.
Check the email address for typos, and double-check with your client that they truly have registered their address with PayPal (they may not understand what this entails).
Only accounts made in www.sandbox.paypal.com exists when testing on www.sandbox.paypal.com. So you can't use live accounts for testing, because they don't exist within the sandbox site. You should create the accounts at developer.paypal.com
I had this problem - I was sending PayPal my "live" payer_email, when I changed it to the business email in the sandbox it worked. same as my live email with ****-facilitator#yoursite.com
Double-check if your Paypal primary email address has been confirmed. For me this error happened when my client's email wasn't confirmed yet, of all things!