iPhone css hover, forces me to add a touch event - iphone

How come I need to add a touch event to my element for it to enable hover styles?
Is this normal? Sure feels a bit wonky
This is what I have to add to make :hover work, if I don't no :hover style is setsorry for the coffeescript
#button.$el.on('touchstart', ()->
console.log("touch started")

Ok so i took a look at what Roddy of the Frozen Peas linked and found that you could add 'ontouchstart=""' to the element to enable hover styles.
What I realised though, was that it's enough to add it to the super parent, and it will bubble down to all child elements, neat-O!


TinyMCE 4.x resize event

I've been searching around (both on SO and around the web) to try to figure out how I can get the current height of the editor after the user has resized it. The TinyMCE 4.x docs don't show any kind of resizing event. When searching around I did come across the ResizeEditor event but that seems to apply only when objects within the editor are resized (which makes it seem like a poorly named event). Despite that, I tried to listen to the ResizeEditor event just to see and it does appear to fire whenever I resize the editor (though, I'm unsure if that's because the actual editor is resizing or because elements within the editor are getting resized, too. In any case, only the event object is passed in as an argument to the listener and I don't see any way to get the editor's current height (after the resize) from that event.
So, is there a way I can do this? To listen to the editor being resized and get its height?
You should be able to get the entire height of the editor (Menus, Toolbars, StatusBar, content area, etc) with code like this:
When you call tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContainer() you are getting the outermost div that contains all that makes up TinyMCE. From there it is just standard JavaScript to get the relevant dimensions of that element.
Here is an example: http://fiddle.tinymce.com/qigaab/18

How do you sort UI elements in Canvas?

I don't get how you sort UI elements Z-index in Unity inside a Canvas, is it by hierarchy order ?
I'm trying to do a settings screen like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qNo1jloR_k
It's quite simple, you click on the button and it set the whole panel as first sibling in the hierarchy.
But this is what I get:
Also, my gameplay panel had a red background, my graphics panel a green one, and my sound panel a yellow one.
I could avoid this problem by changing alpha on panels, but would like to make it work with z sorting... that I can't seem to understand on Unity.
Using unity 2017.1.2 and .NET 4.6 .
The child that is lower in the hierarchy is rendered on top of other ones.
Let's say there are 2 panels. panel1(red) and panel2(green).If the hierarchy is like this:
Then panel2 will be rendered on top of panel1. So, you'll see green panel.
Hope this answers your question.
Another suggestion, it is better to deactivate the unused panels and activate only the used panels. Because, if the unused panel is active, when it's not shown, it'll still take the processing power which is a waste. For example, if you have animation in the main menu, but currently you are showing the settings panel, your approach will keep the animations running in the main menu.

Titanium - Custom Map Annotation Bubbles?

Is there any way to customize the map annotation bubbles in Appcelerator Titanium? Specifically, I'd like them to be able to display more text than what they show (ideally, by expanding to fit the text). I know I can make them clickable and take the user to a page with more info, but I simply don't have enough information to warrant that. It's basically just the title text is too long (and I can't change the text itself, it comes from sources I have no control over).
Alternatively (if customizing what's there isn't an option), is there an easy way to do custom bubbles? I don't really want to have to reinvent the wheel and rewrite the pins themselves and their event handlers, but if it comes down to it (and someone can point me to some code that can get me started, since I know if it's required, someone's done it), then so be it.
iPhone-specific options are fine.
At this moment the latest Titanium SDK gives you such possibilities for annotation bubble customization:
Add subtitle for the bubble (subtitle option). You will see additional text under the title. On Android subtitle can be multiline (using '\n').
Add left and right view to the bubble (leftView\rightView options). You can add custom view to the left or right part of the bubble. And view can consist of different elements (label, image...).
Read more here.
If this is enough for your task - you can use it. But for deeper customization you must create your own view and show it on annotation click event.

What is the difference between forceFocus() and setFocus() in SWT?

I don't quite understand the difference between these two methods. In what situation would forceFocus() be better than setFocus()?
According to SWT: The Standard Widget Toolkit, Volume 1, forceFocus():
Forces the control to receive keyboard
events. Controls that do not normally
accept keyboard input will take focus
using this method. If focus cannot be
assigned for any reason, false is
Generally speaking, forcing focus is
something that you never want to do.
For example, forcing focus to a label
is not very useful because labels
don't draw in a manner that indicates
they can accept input. Forcing focus
to a control that does not expect it
can confuse users because they have no
idea where their keystrokes are going.
Application programs should always use
setFocus() to assign focus.
Coming in way late on this one, but I just finished a prolonged head-beating-against-wall session on something related to this and thought I'd do a quick report:
If your control has children, the setFocus(myControl) will do a depth-first search down the child tree and set focus to the lowest first child. On the other hand, forceFocus(myControl) will just set focus to myControl and have done with it.
I had a situation with a modeless dialog with a GridLayout, where most of the grid cells were a set of Canvas subclassed objects that needed focus. (Yes, this is a bit odd, but I wanted to be able to hover over a cell and type stuff into it.) The last control in the grid was a "done" button, which I set as the default selection.
When the mouse left the canvas cells, I was doing a setFocus(myDialogShell), which instantly set focus to the first canvas element, preventing the "done" button from receiving the \r and disposing of the whole sordid business. On the other hand, forceFocus(myDialogShell) did the trick.

How to disable hover effect to highlight menu items in GWT MenuBar?

I am making a vertical Menu using GWT MenuBar and selection of particular MenuItem shows content on the right, I am trying to make something similar to TabPanel, but with Tabs on left instead of being on top. Now, since I've got the Menu items and actions in place, I want to remove the effect of hovering over and changing color, and keep that menu item selected which was clicked last and whose content is loaded on the right.
I am open to any comments, if you have a better solution to implement this, using some other components(with-in) GWT, please drop in a comment with your suggestions, I'll really appreciate that.
Or if you can just tell me how can I disable this effect, of hovering and sticking to only that selection, That would be awesome too..
Thanks to everyone, taking time to read this and suggesting a solution.
It's all defined in the CSS of your GWT's theme (probably the default one), so it's a matter of overriding those styles - make sure it's not the other way around :) Inspect the code with a tool like Firebug to see what's exactly being set and change that.