How to set up local google app server in intellij 11 - deployment

I am trying to deploy my application to Google App Engine (GAE) through intellij 11 ultimate.
I have downloaded the GAE sdk and followed the instructions (here) on how to setup intellij properly.
The problem is when I try to add the local GAE to test my application I am getting
Error: Application Server 'AppEngine Dev' is not configured
Intellij 11, GAE java-sdk-1.7.4
Error message and I am not sure what I am missing.
Thank you

Seem like a bug. Only after deleting GAE facet I was able to click on the configure button in the Run/Debug Configuration. Once this was done I was able to add the facet and again.


Trying to create Quarkus project with CodeReady: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message

I'm new to Quarkus, but I've used CodeReady Studio with Java for a couple of years now. Like most companies, we have a company-wide proxy. We also use Nexus as Maven repository proxy. Both work fine with CodeReady Studio using the correct settings.
CodeReady Studio is running on a Windows WSL.
Now I installed another CodeReady Studio (12.21.3.GA) to experiment with Quarkus. I copied the Proxy and Maven settings from my working CodeReady Studio.
However, when I try to create a new Quarkus project, everything works fine up to the last step. After selecting the Quarkus Extensions, I click on "Finish", and then I get the error message "Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message".
Does anyone know where this comes from? Are there any Eclipse logs to search through?
I have to add that if I create a project using which I download and unzip, everything works fine using quarkus dev.

Problems to run Vaadin (maven) sample project on Tomcat

I believe this is specific question regarding Vaadin so if anyone who has an experience with Vaadin can help it will be great.
I am new with Vaadin framework. I worked more then 25 years as Oracle Developer and also wrote some Java programs.
My company is actually migrating Oracle Forms application to Java. As a user User interface layer we are using Vaadin and HTML5
I have installed Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: 2021-03 (4.19.0) on my Oracle Vbox virtual machine ( Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS)
Also I have added tomcat 8 server to my Eclipse workspace.
Actually I am trying to create my first project based on this document but I am already facing some issues :)
I have selected Vaadin 7 project for a new project .
select Maven Archetype ==> Single module Application
window => specified Archetype parameters and clicked finished
After I have selected the project and Run As Maven Install and also compiled Vaadin themes.
Here are the issues I am having:
When I compare my project hierarchy with I don't see JavaScript resources. It's important because my first task will be adding JavasScript to my application.
When I am running the project as explained in the document:
"Starting your application is as easy as selecting myproject from the Project Explorer and then Run › Debug As › . Eclipse then opens the application in built-in web browser"
When I select run and Debug the Debug on Server option is not available ( only Java application , Maven Build etc)
So I have tried another option: right click on Tomcat Server => Add or remove and I got the message: there are no resources that can be added or removed from the server
Also tried : Properties -> Projects Facets and check Dynamic Web Module but this doesn't help either
When I am trying to run the project I am getting the message "The selection did not contain any resources that can run on a server"
I have also created the new Vaadin 10+ project with a "Base Starter for Vaadin" added Tomcat 8.0 Server ( maybe I should use Tomcat 9) and
Getting the message "the selection cannot be run on any server" when trying to run the project.
Any help will be highly appreciated
Note that Vaadin 7 is no longer a publicly supported version. If you are starting a new project, you may want to start with the latest LTS version 14.
If you have a Spring Boot-based app (default), you can run it either with mvn spring-boot:run Maven goal or by right-clicking the file and running it.
This documentation page outlines the steps for importing and running a Vaadin app in Eclipse:

The Selection Cannot Be Run Any Server Eclipse Websphere

I have been having issues on my project on Eclipse. It keeps on showing me the error message "The selection cannot be run on any server".
I have already checked the project facets and Dynamic Web Module, Java, Javascript, Websphere Web (Coexistence and Extended) are checked.
I have Websphere checked on runtimes as well.
Websphere settings are fine as well.
There are no errors on the project.
It runs on Tomcat without issues, but when I try to run it on WebSphere Application Server I get an error.
When I click on Server > Add & Remove > I am not able to find my project there.
I have already reinstalled Websphere.
I have already researched about the issue and mostly have done the steps in there.
I'm hoping someone could help me and enlighten as to why this is happening. Thank you!

How do I deploy to Websphere developer server 8.5 via Eclipse Mars?

How does one deploy a web app from Eclipse Mars to a local install of IBM Websphere Application Server Developer 8.5 ?
I installed the app server from IBM's Installation Manager, upon completion it says its location is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01
I tested the app itself using the "First Steps" window which popped up after install, and it looks like it is running fine.
Now, I want to test creating a simple hello world web application in Eclipse Mars, and be able to deploy it to this installed Websphere instance and be able to debug (stop at breakpoints). However, I can't seem to figure this part out.
When I go to my Servers tab in Eclipse and attempt to add a Websphere server, I didn't have any options. So I started downloading some IBM Websphere Developer Tools that I could find. I managed to now have these options for adding server:
"WebSphere Application Server Liberty"
"WebSphere Application Server traditional V8.5"
I tried using both, but they don't seem to be compatible with my installed version of WebSphere, because I keep getting the error of "The WebSphere Application Server traditional installation directory is not correct." when I try to plug in the Installation directory.
I suspect I should have a separate option for
"WebSphere Application Server developer V8.5"
or such, however no matter what I search for online, in the Eclipse marketplace, in the Eclipse sites, I can't find anything to install that gives me that option.
You have to use "WebSphere Application Server traditional V8.5" and point it to the installation root not the profile root - so to C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer in your case.
For the future, it is not recommended to install WebSphere in the Program Files (x86) folder, I'd suggest something simpler like c:\IBM.
I used the below link Eclipse Mars WAS Plugin . Not sure it still works. For Oxygen working version use Eclipse Oxygen WAS Plugin

GWT in eclipse javax.jws.WebMethod is not supported by Google App Engine's Java runtime environment

I created a GWT application in eclipse using the GWT eclipse plugin. By default it created and in client package. in server package.
Now I want to call a CXF webservice from I used wsdl2java to generate java classes for my wsdl. I imported these generated class in my GWT project in eclipse and the package is "service". But it complains "javax.jws.WebMethod is not supported by Google App Engine's Java runtime environment", many more errors.
How do I get rid of this?
Only error is the problem otherwise application is running fine.
Is javax.jws.WebMethod in the GAE whitelist? If you're sure that this class is really supported in the App Engine, then in Eclipse try:
Right click your project in the Project Explorer.
Google -> App Engine Settings
Make sure Use Google App Engine is checked
Try changing the App Engine SDK to the latest rev, if the dialog shows multiple ones
I had this problem after doing Software Update; a new GAE SDK was installed and for some reason it confused the plugin. It was telling me that java.lang.String was unsupported. :-)