Storing and retrieving data from MySQL or other databases - iphone

I've been researching now for couple of days about this matter but with no luck.
I am learning iOS development with the plan of developing iPhone app mainly. Now this app will mimic the behaviour of my PHP site.
The question: Can I interact from my iPhone app directly with my tables to load and/or insert new data? if not mySQL then which database is used to host the data for CRUD operations? JSON objects? if yes, then how?
As you can see I am really unaware of the way and hope that some light should be shed on storing and retreving data from existing database or what I need to host new database to use with iPhone.

The "best" and easiest way (for me anyway) is to use CoreData.
CoreData is a data management system. You set up some objects and relationships in it and then interact with those (use fetch requests to retrieve them and stuff).
CoreData then manages a datastore (most often a SQLite DB) which it uses to store the objects and relationships etc...
Using CoreData removes the necessity of a DBA and a lot of the complex DB logic and stuff.
A good tutorial to look at is this one...
I bought this book though...
and found it extremely useful for everything from starting out to the more advanced stuff.
When used properly, CoreData makes it VERY easy to use and manipulate persistent data.

YES, You can interact from your iPhone app directly with your tables to load and/or insert new data; Check the next tutorial - interact with your MySQL/PHP server

CoreData is good but limits to access to just iDevices.
I use couchdb, means a copy is stored in the cloud with auto syncing between cloud and devices allowing for web updates and also Android


Core Data vs mysql

I already have a django application and am trying to develop an iPhone app. I'm using mysql as the database for the django app.
Here are some questions I was having :
Is it necessary to use Core Data for anything?
Can I create a rest api to interact with the mysql database?
If so, would there be any advantage, at any place or reason, to use Core Data in addition to mysql. For example, for an app like Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. are they using Core Data at all? If so, why and how?
Core Data is one way to give you a local database on the phone. With only MySQL on the server, the app cannot access any data when offline. Even in an online-only app, a local cache of some of the data can be useful to speed things up.
Similar to Django,where it has and database-abstraction API that lets you create, retrieve, update and delete objects, iOS has an CoreData. What under-lies is still SQL. From the django end, you need to create an api that returns the class of objects or something. On the iOS side, you have to call this api and parse the data and save it locally using CoreData.
Hope this helps..

How to Learn/Create a Database iPhone App?

I have a rather simple idea for an iPhone app. What I need to accomplish:
Allow login of users (which means I'll have to store usernames, passwords, and other account info).
Allow users to submit strings that other users can view.
Attributes attached to each string that must be tracked (i.e. "votes, views, comments, etc.).
As such, I assume I'll need to start learning about databases and working between a server and client. I've gotten my feet wet in OSX/iOS programming (specifically Objective-C) before. I want to learn how one can accomplish a data-based application and the needs I listed above.
I've done some light research and discovered something called SQLite (free and open-source is always good). Is this the right path to achieve what I want to do? I'm a total "noob" when it comes to this field of server/client/data "stuff".
Your help is greatly appreciated.
SQLLite is more like a local database. Really, the database that you will use is unimportant. It sounds like a project with webservices. Inside your webservices, you might connect to a Microsoft SQL Server or anything you want.
I think you should study how to setup a webservice that can be accessed in your code. Webservices is not an Objective-C topic, it applies to any platform. Your project is more like a web development project.
You can save user's credentials in keychain.
#Kinderchocolate is right about introducing database into your project.
It hears about a app which need transmitting data among clients.It means your need server database and local database.
For server database,I recommend you to use Parse.Parse is a platform which provide a convenient way to use their server database with Objective-c in your app.This tool will save many times and energy(it's not necessary to learn PHP,Apache,Mysql).Parse is not free of course,but it has a free period and enough for you to examine your idea.
Here's Parse!.
For local database,I recommend you to use Core Data,Which is provided by XCode.Core data is so strong to meet your need.You can find a way to use Core Data in many books.
Go try Firebase for database in the cloud. (On the server). In Swift 4 there is complete support for Firebase and SQLite

SQLite vs. Core Data: Where do I begin?

I have been reading and learning a lot about sqlite & core data for the past few days, and I just can't grasp which method is better for my app? I would prefer to use Core Data because I worked through the Stanford courses on it, and feel like I understand that better. But it also seems like it's not possible to do what I want to do with my app by just using Core Data.
Basically, I'm attempting to mock the system that Twitter uses. What I mean is that users sign up, create a profile, and when they post things, their friends see it in a feed.
Is it possible to create a system like this among a large user base by simply using Core Data? Or do I need to use both Core Data & SQLite?
To create a shared system like that, you will need a service in the cloud that the devices connect to.
The devices would have to pull data from the cloud service with local storage - especially if you want the data to be visible or usable while they are disconnected. Local storage can also provide better performance.
Concerning CoreData vs SqlLite - CoreData is for iOS only but it gets you going faster and keeps you productive with a nice designer and a nice set of APIs. SqlLite is much lower level giving you direct sql control over your storage and queries. It's certainly possible to write local storage for something like your describing in sqlite or core data.
The other consideration is whether you want to share that storage code (schema/queries/etc...) across other platforms eventually like Windows Phone, Android, etc... Sqllite is cross platform and works great on devices and desktops. In some scenarios, the store it self (the data file) could be portable across devices platforms.
Depending on the complexity of your storage and whether you want to share some of that across devices or just code separately is a consideration. There is no one right answer here.

How do professionals retrieve data in an iPhone app ? (database)

I have data that I store in a database server somewhere.
I want to access this data from my iphone.
How do I connect to a database server using objective-c?
As a side question, I'm not sure which database to use so recommendations on that subject would be welcome as well.
There are many ways to store data in IOS each with its own benefits and drawbacks. I recommend reading through the IOS Core Data Programming Guide to find out the fundamentals about them.
IOS's Managed Object Model is very powerful so you should have a thorough read of those sections, it allows you to have object representations of all entities within your persistent store (database).
Apple have also released an in-depth tutorial that makes use of the Managed Object Model and tools which you can find here

Best way to store data on iphone

I am creating a Questions and answers app for iphone which allows user to answer the questions displayed.
Currently I am invoking a web service to store the users answers. But I am slightly worried what if the web service goes down. I need to store the users answers locally and then invoke the web service when it is up and running.
How can I store the users answers when the web service is down. Is Sqllite a good option for this?
Please suggest.
Is Sqllite a good option for this?
Yes, SQLite is decidedly a good option. The other choice would be Core Data.
Use CoreData or SQLite on iPhone?
It depends on the complexity of your data model. I've looked into something like this recently and here is what I learnt. The most popular data storage methods in the iPhone are:
Good for small quantities (hundreds of Ks) of hierarchical data.
Bad if relationships or queries are complex (since you have to write the code).
Very easy to learn.
Supports array, dict, string, data, date, integer, real, boolean elements.
You can store it as XML, which is editable and portable, or as binary files, which is faster.
Core Data
It's a object graph manager with searching and persistent functionality.
You need a good few hours of learning.
Easy to use once you set it up.
Better than a plist because it lets you manage object graphs, grow your object model, write queries, undo/redo, migrations to modified data models, memory management, and handle concurrent access.
Better than SQLite because:
The performance is similar and the speed of development is faster.
Creating objects is faster.
When the objects are in memory, executing queries doesn't require a search in the backend (which usually is either memory or SQLite).
A database.
Better than Core Data when the operation doesn't require you to bring objects to memory. Example: update, delete, and select 1 (see if something exists).
It has full text search if you compile the extension.
Hardest to learn. Easier if you use a wrapper: FMDB, egodatabase.
If you can get away with a plist do that. If you see the amount of code you will have to write is too much work, then switch to Core Data. Only if you are an expert and absolutely need the performance use SQLite (unless, of course, you already know SQLite and not Core Data).
It should be, yes. I'd set up a Core Data based app with entities for Questions and Answers and set up relationships between them. Then just use NSFetchedResultsController or whatever you would like to gather and display the data
You have several options:
Core Data
Client-Side storage
If you wish to go the web based route, I'd take a quick look at Safari Client-Side Storage and Offline Applications Programming Guide.
Basically, you store a local copy of the database in memory so incase the web service is down, users can still use the app.