Wrapping JavaScriptObjects in case of multiple subclasses? - gwt

I have a bunch of data entities that all implement Entity. Now I want to expose some of these entities to JavaScript code, but I can't just make a bunch of JavaScriptObject subclasses because of the one-implementation rule.
So, I'm using this kind of thing:
public class JsStandardScale3 implements StandardScale3 {
private JavaScriptObject wrapped;
public JsStandardScale3(JavaScriptObject wrapped) {
this.wrapped = wrapped;
public native Long getLicenseId() /*-{
This works, it's just a lot of work. The overlay type structure is so much nicer. Any suggestions?

It turns out that you CAN extend JavaScriptObject with multiple subclasses of an interface as long as all of your extensions are from a single "root" extension of JSO.
For example, I have the structure Standard extends Entity and Course extends Entity. I could NOT do:
JsStandard extends JavaScriptObject...
JsCourse extends JavaScriptObject...
but I could do:
JsEntity extends JavaScriptObject...
JsStandard extends JsEntity...
JsCourse extends JsEntity...
The only limitation is that every method must be marked final, which works fine for a simple overlay scenario.


Injecting all mappers in a list and calling a convert method polymorphically

Is there a way to autowire all mappers written with Mapstruct in Spring just like we used to do with the Spring Converter interface and calling one toEntity(or convert or any other name)? In spring, it is easy because they all implement the same functional interface and by making it inherit from another interface we can determine the right converter in the runtime like below:
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter;
public interface CustomConverter<S extends ..., T extends ...> extends Covnerter<S,T>{
boolean supports(Class clazz);
And then injecting it would be easy:
private final List<CustomConverter> myConverters;
and by calling supports we would determine the right kind of converter and then call convert against it.
I had something like this in mind:
public interface MyMapper extends CustomMapper<MyEntity, MyDto>{
MyMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(MyMapper.class);
MyEntity toEntity(MyDto dto);
default boolean supports(Class clazz) {
return MyDto.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
public interface CustomMapper<T extends ..., S extends ...> {
boolean supports(Class clazz);
T toEntity(S dto);
This does not work though.
Do you have any suggestions here? I might have misunderstood this all together...Thanks.
Checkout: https://github.com/mapstruct/mapstruct-spring-extensions
The author made and adapter based on a discusion in this SO issue.
A non spring based solution can be found here. Although you need to write your own annotation processor.

PostSharp C# - How to Implement All Fields Required

PostSharp contracts make it easy to label individual fields as Required. But I want a class attribute that makes all of the class fields required. I'm guessing I would have to implement a custom aspect to support this.
It seems like it would be a common need for anyone passing around data containers. Can anyone direct me to some code that implements a custom "AllFieldsRequired" aspect in PostSharp?
You can implement PostSharp.Aspects.IAspectProvider:
public class AllFieldsRequiredAttribute : TypeLevelAspect, IAspectProvider
IEnumerable<AspectInstance> IAspectProvider.ProvideAspects(object targetElement)
Type type = (Type)targetElement;
return type.GetFields().Select(
m => new AspectInstance(m, new ObjectConstruction(typeof(RequiredAttribute))));
public class Foo
public string Bar;
public object Baz;

call a Method from One Repository to another Repository Symfony2

Hi I am using symfony2 With ODM, I want to call a function from one reposotory to another repository to re-use it. I did not get a way to call it directly.
Following my code.
//My LedgerRepository.php
class LedgerRepository extends DocumentRepository
public function ProfitLoss(){
//Some re-usable code
//My BudgetRepository.php
class BudgetRepository extends DocumentRepository
//So here I want to call method ProfitLoss() from LedgerRepository
how to make it possible please guide.
Thanks advance
In this case good old inheritance may come to the rescue. Both Ledger and Budget deal with financial transactions. Why not this?:
class TransactionsRepository extends DocumentRepository
public function ProfitLoss() {}
class LedgerRepository extends TransactionsRepository {}
class BudgetRepository extends TransactionsRepository {}
In this case both Ledger and Budget can "share" methods in TransactionsRepository.

Abstract components via org.osgi.service.component annotations

I am migrating from org.apache.felix.scr annotations to org.osgi.service.component annotations. I have a set of Components that inherit from a common abstract class. In the felix case, I can use a #Component annotation with the option componentAbstract=true on the super class, and then use #Reference annotation in the super class. I cannot find how to migrate this to osgi annotations.
Is it possible to use Component annotations in a super class of a Component? And if so, what is then the appropriate way to handle the properties and metatype generation?
So, what I am looking for, is something like this
/* No component definition should be generated for the parent, as it is
abstract and cannot be instantiated */
public abstract class Parent {
protected Service aService;
protected activate(Map<String,Object> props) {
System.out.println("I have my parent property: "+props.get("parent.property"));
public abstract void doSomething();
/* For this class, the proper Component definition should be generated, also
including the information coming from the annotations in the parent */
public class Child extends Parent {
public activate(Map<String,Object> props) {
System.out.println("I have my child property: "+props.get("child.property"));
public void doSomething() {
By default BND will not process DS annotations in parent classes. You can change that with -dsannotations-options: inherit but please see http://enroute.osgi.org/faq/ds-inheritance.html why you shouldn't!
2021-02-23 UPDATE: It seems like the page mentioned above is no longer available. I don't know if it was moved elsewhere or simply removed but its content (in Markdown format) is still available on GitHub: https://github.com/osgi/osgi.enroute.site/blob/pre-R7/_faq/ds-inheritance.md

Normal function in Extbase controller

Is it possible to write a normal function in the controller?
I want to clean up my code a bit, so I want to write some methods for repeated code segments, but I don't want to create a special class.
How is it possible to do this?
If I do a normal
private function xyz () {}
I got a function not found error.
You should use protected, not private unless you have very good reasons to do so. Anyway, defining additional methods work fine for me.
You need to call this method with $this->xyz().
A good solution might be using an abstract class if you want to share methods accross controllers:
abstract class AbstractController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController{
protected function myFunction(){}
Your controllers inherit from the abstract class and will have all methods available:
class FirstController extends AbstractController {
public function firstAction(){
// has access to myFunction()
class SecondController extends AbstractController {
public function secondAction(){
// has access to myFunction()