Java applet fails to load in Java 7 update - applet

Our application was working fine until we upgraded our PC to java 7 update. The application works fine in Java 6 but fails to run in Java 7.
I am testing with Internet explorer 7.


Netbeans 14 stuck on not responding when launching

Hi so I've recently installed Netbeans 14 and when i launch it it doesn't respond and is just stuck on not responding. I have also had this problem on netbeans 13 I have netbeans 8.1 installed as well so im not sure if that could possibly be the problem.

Whats the best way to start building an application that should work on windows 8 tablet

I have to build a Windows 8 application using HTML5 and Javascript. The application should work on windows 8 tablets and should do authentication using the windows provided native javascript Apis.
I have a windows 7 laptop. I am coming from Java background and don't know about the windows side much.
I have done research , but got really confused
If I have to build my Windows 8 tablet specific application then what is the best option.
Should I install Visual studio into my laptop and then start
building the windows 8 application? ..
If I am going to use visual studio then which version should I use
as my laptop is running windows 7 ?
Or should I get my java eclipse IDE and install some additional
plugins to start building my windows 8 specific application ?...If
yes then which plugin should i use ?
first of all, there isn't any way to create windows 8 app in windows 7 PC (except you run windows 8 on a separate virtual machine). Check this for more info.
Yes, you have to install visual studio for Windows 8 app development anyway.
Visual Studio 2013 is a better choice to start with which includes most of all that you're gonna need.
For other tools check this.
There isn't any way to install any plugin into Eclipse and start developing apps for windows. You can only write scripts and html in Eclipse but App specific configuration, you have to do it in Visual Studio.
But my question to you is that why would you like to make Windows 8 App when you can make a Universal (Windows 10) app by spending same amount of time and efforts..! see the future. Windows 8 is not gonna last longer than a year (approx announcement in Build2015). Though No doubt, apps made for windows 8 will work on Windows 10 also with some exceptions.
Hope this helps..!
All the best...

Blackberry simulator needs to run every time run the app

I have configured Blackberry plugin in eclipse
a) Eclipse with blackberry plugin pre-loaded - 32 bit
b) JDK 1.7 -
32 bit
c) Blackberry simulators
d) jre 7
It is configured properly and app is running fine when i run the app first time.
Later if i made any changes in code and run the app again then loader appears on the simulator which is running but nothing happens. (loader got dismiss as well)
App simply wont run until i close the simulator and relaunch it.
Please help regarding this. Initially it is working fine on 32 bit machine

How to build native app bundles for Windows, Linux & Mac in a single build?

I am running my build on Windows 8 O.S. , 64 bit machine. I have JavaFx2.0 and Java 1.7.0_09 installed on my system. I am able to build a 64 bit window executable that launches my JavaFx application as a self-contained Javafx application.
Now I want to deliver native app bundles on Windows, Linux and Mac without build my project on all three platforms i.e I would like to achieve these set of bundles in a single build that I suppose to run on by Windows 8 O.S. 64 bit machine.
I am also okay if I can do it by distributing a single Application JAR file as .zip for MAC and Linux. But what I want is that JAR should work on there respective platform.
When I used to run a single application Jar on MAC using command
java -jar application.jar
It always shows a dialog "The application require a newer version of Java Run-time" with download link. Even I have downloaded and successfully installed it on my MAC machine but it still shows me the same window.
I don't want the users to experience such difficulties while running my JavaFX application on MAC and Linux.
What I need to ship more with the Application JAR so the users can run my JavaFx application on MAC and Linux without any hassle?
I guess you are making the JavaFX Solution in a 64bit machine and on the other hand you must be having all the SDK and runtime for 64bit version. The problem is that the application made using 64bit version of SKD would required 64 bit OS to render itself. So the bottom line is, is yout mac and linux PC have 64bit version of OS and JavaFX Runtime as well as Java7.X all 64 bit? If not then you must update your runtime to 64bit version or make your application in a 32bit version of SDK. One quick suggestion. If your mac or linux is 64bit(I dont have much idea about mac) then just install a browser i.e. 64bit version and runtimes and try out. I was having the same problem and that got fixed. Let me know if my answer caused any confusion.

Netbeans 7.2 based on JDK7 on Mac OS Mountain Lion crashes frequently

I am using the latest version of Netbeans (7.2) on a macbook pro with Mountain Lion clean installation, and it gives me frequent crashes.Is it only me , or is it a general problem and who is responsible for it mountain lion, netbeans or jdk7?
(The default java version for this machine is java 7 - you can set it in System Preferences->Java)
I would say Java 7. I tried it briefly (on Lion) and it had severe issues. e.g. Spurious calls to setValueAt with JTables in Java 7 on OS X Lion?
I've been running Netbeans with Java 6 on Lion just fine.
IIRC, netbeans will log problems (exception etc...) you might want to look in your ~/.netbeans directory (exact name may vary) for things to submit to either Netbeans or as Java bugs to help.