Embedded PostgreSQL for Java JUnit tests - postgresql

Is there an embedded PostgreSql so that we could unit test our PostgreSql driven application?
Since PostgreSql has some dialects, it's better to use embedded PostgreSql itself than other embedded databases.
Embedded does not necessarily mean it must be embedded in the JVM process. It also does not necessarily need to use in-memory persistence. It should be loaded automatically by the dependency management (Maven, Gradle), so that Unit tests can run on every machine without having to install and configure a local PostgreSQL server.

The is an "embedded" PostgresSQL server that has been designed for unit testing from Java:
Embedded postgresql will provide a platform neutral way for running postgres binary in unit tests. Much of the code has been crafted from Flapdoodle OSS's embed process
As an aside, there also exists similar projects for Mongo, Redis, Memcached and nodejs.

No, there is no embedded PostgreSQL, in the sense of an in-process-loadable database-as-a-library. PostgreSQL is process oriented; each backend has one thread, and it spawns multiple processes to do work. It doesn' make sense as a library.
The H2 database supports a limited subset of the PostgreSQL SQL dialect and the use of the PgJDBC driver.
What you can do is initdb a new temporary database, start it with pg_ctl on a randomized port so it doesn't conflict with other instances, run your tests, then use pg_ctl to stop it and finally delete the temporary database.
I strongly recommend that you run the temporary postgres on a non-default port so you don't risk colliding with any locally installed PostgreSQL on the machine running the tests.
(There is "embedded PostgreSQL in the sense of ecpg, essentially a PostgreSQL client embedded in C source code as preprocessor based C language extensions. It still requires a running server and it's a bit nasty to use, not really recommended. It mostly exists to make porting from various other databases easier.)

I tried the project suggested by #btiernay (yandex-qatools). I spent a good few days with this and without any offence it's over engineered solution which doesn't work in my case as I wanted to download the binaries from internal repository rather than going to public internet. In theory it supports it but in fact it doesn't.
OpenTable Embedded PostgreSQL Component
I ended up using otj-pg-embedded and it works like a charm. It was mentioned in comments so I thought I'll mention it here as well.
I used it as standalone DB and not via rule for both unit tests and local development.
public DataSource dataSource(PgBinaryResolver pgBinaryResolver) throws IOException {
EmbeddedPostgres pg = EmbeddedPostgres.builder()
// It doesn't not matter which databse it will be after all. We just use the default.
return pg.getPostgresDatabase();
public PgBinaryResolver nexusPgBinaryResolver() {
return (system, machineHardware) -> {
String url = getArtifactUrl(postgrePackage, system + SEPARATOR + machineHardware);
log.info("Will download embedded Postgre package from: {}", url);
return new URL(url).openConnection().getInputStream();
private static String getArtifactUrl(PostgrePackage postgrePackage, String classifier) {
// Your internal repo URL logic

You can use a container instance of PostgreSQL.
Since spinning a container is a matter of seconds, this should be good enough for unittests.
Moreover, in case you need to persist the data, e.g. for investigation, you don't need to save the entire container, only the data files, which can be mapped outside of the container.
One of example of how to do this can be found here.

If you are looking to run an in-process version of postgres from an Integration (or similar) test suite, the postgresql-embedded worked fine for me.
I wrote a small maven plugin that can be used as a maven wrapper around a forked version of postgresql-embedded.

I am using the container instance of PostgreSQL in the tests.
And do the tests:
class ApplicationTest {
static PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgreSQL = new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:12.7");
static void postgreSQLProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
registry.add("spring.datasource.username", postgreSQL::getUsername);
registry.add("spring.datasource.password", postgreSQL::getPassword);
void someTests() {
in application-test.yml:
url: jdbc:tc:postgresql:12.7:///databasename


ExpectedException with #Rule in junit test on eclipse IDE does not work

I need to make a test in junit that passes if an exception is thrown, but fail time and again.
I read a bunch of questions and answers on the topic here in stackoverflow and on other sources. Eventually I came across this page, that explains the usage of Class ExpectedException, by junit.org.
Since I could not get my own test working I copied their bare-bones example and it still did not work.
here is my code:
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
class AssertExceptionTest {
public ExpectedException thrown= ExpectedException.none();
public void throwsNothing() {
// no exception expected, none thrown: passes.
public void throwsExceptionWithSpecificType() {
throw new NullPointerException();
Citing from the page I mentioned above, the explanation goes "...After specifiying the type of the expected exception your test is successful when such an exception is thrown and it fails if a different or no exception is thrown...
Problem is that the test still fails, no matter what I do, and it fails because of what I am trying to verify: throwing NullPointerException.
I thought that maybe, because I am using junit 5, my test fails. However, this question from stackoverflow suggests otherwise: the guy asking the question mentions he is using junit 5 in eclipse the same way as in my code, successfully.
Technical details:
eclipse version: 2019-12 (4.14.0)
junit version: junit 5
working on Ubuntu, version: 18.04.2 LTS.
I used assertThrows(), and it worked for me. However, I am still puzzled over the reason I didn't succeed with the methods described above, which many people here suggest.
Thanks in advance!
JUnit 5 does not support JUnit 4 Rules out of the box.
To make your code working:
Add the following dependency (version might change over time, of course)
Next, put #EnableRuleMigrationSupport on top of your test class.
That's it. See this for more information.

IllegalStateException when trying to query a MongoDB domain class using Grails 2.3.7

I am working on a legacy project that uses Grails 2.3.7 (with Maven) and Java 7, and I have to add a connection to a MongoDB database while keeping the existing Hibernate ones.
I have added the following to my pom.xml file:
And this to the BuildConfig.groovy file:
plugins {
compile ':mongodb:3.0.2'
compile 'org.grails.plugins:mongodb:3.0.2'
(I have tried it both with and without the compile 'org.grails.plugins:mongodb:3.0.2' line)
On the DataSource.groovy file I have configured the db connection as follows:
grails {
mongodb {
host = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
port = "27017"
databaseName = "db"
username = "user"
password = "pass"
and the connection itself seems to be working, because if I change any value in there the Grails application does not even start.
I have then created a simple Domain class, Thingy.groovy:
class Thingy {
String identifier
String description
static mapWith = "mongo"
static constraints = {
And now, when I start the app, any call to methods of that class throws an IllegalStateException: "Method on class [Thingy] was used outside of a Grails application. If running in the context of a test using the mocking API or bootstrap Grails correctly.". However, if at the same place I call any methods of the old Domain classes that use the other datasource, they work like a charm.
Also, when starting the server I get another exception which I guess might be related, but I'm not sure what to do with it either: ERROR - Error configuring dynamic methods for plugin [mongodb:3.0.2]: org/grails/datastore/mapping/query/api/BuildableCriteria
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/grails/datastore/mapping/query/api/BuildableCriteria.
I have also tried using the MongoDB plugin 3.0.3, but with the same results.
This answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/35710495/451420 gave me a clue. I had to update the grails-datastore-core and grails-datastore-gorm versions manually as well:
In case it helps anyone else, I found out which versions to use by looking at the <dependencies> inside the POM file of the mongodb plugin (https://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins/org/grails/plugins/mongodb/3.0.3/mongodb-3.0.3.pom)

Hibernate LocalDateTime: Postgresql schema generation creates columns of type "bytea" in external Tomcat

Im having a problem with hibernate schema generation of my postgresql databse for my webapp which is hosted in a external tomcat (8.5.20).
For this i have set the spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto to create-drop in my spring boot app.
When im running the app inside my eclipse with the embedded tomcat all LocalDateTime columns are generated as
timestamp without time zone which is fine.
But when generating the the war file and deploying to a external tomcat with activated schema generation all these columns are generated as type
I was trying to define global jndi resources (server.xml) linked in context.xml, only context.xml based jndi reosurces and with the spring.data and spring.jpa configuration im having when running in eclipse in my application.properties. But as soon as i deploy the generated war to my external tomcat these columns are generated as bytea.
I also put the postgresql-42.1.1.jar to the tomcat lib folder but also without any success.
These are my settings for my local environemt which work fine:
spring.datasource.url= jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test
This is a example of defining the tomcat jndi datasource in context.xml which generates the bytea columns:
<Resource name="jdbc/test" auth="Container"
type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="20" maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000"
username="postgres" password="postgres" driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"
In this case my application properties looks like this:
Last i tried is to build and run a generated jar. Columns are again generated of type 'bytea'. So the only variant where the columns are generated as timezones is running the app inside eclipse...
Anybody an idea?
In general should NOT work. And yes, BLOB convention is used.
Java8 LocalDateTime isn't officially part of JPA 2.1
Question is WHY one config positive work? I'm almost sure, PostgreSQL has nothing t problem.
Maybe You have newer / older hibernate version? Newer Hibernate versions maybe have 'early release' ? Pure presumption, I'm in latest years Eclipselink user, and Eclipselink does NOT implement.
Generally suggested and good proven way is JPA type converter
#Converter(autoApply = true)
public class LocalDateAttributeConverter implements AttributeConverter<LocalDate, Date> {
public Date convertToDatabaseColumn(LocalDate locDate) {
return (locDate == null ? null : Date.valueOf(locDate));
public LocalDate convertToEntityAttribute(Date sqlDate) {
return (sqlDate == null ? null : sqlDate.toLocalDate());
EDIT: maybe You have such converter in some JAR, so automatically is forced???
EDIT2: maybe better code and theory by Adam Bien?

Spring Boot Application: No converter found for return value of type

I am writing a simple REST API according to this Spring-Boot tutorial. On my local dev machines (Ubuntu 15.04 and Windows 8.1) everything works like a charm.
I have an old 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server lying around on which I wanted to deploy my REST service.
The starting log is ok, but as soon as I send a GET request to the /user/{id} endpoint, I get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type: class ch.gmazlami.gifty.models.user.User
And then down the stacktrace:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type: class java.util.LinkedHashMap
The entire stacktrace is posted here.
I looked into some answers referring this error, but those don't seem to apply to my problem, since I'm using Spring-Boot, no xml configs whatsoever.
The affected controller is:
#RequestMapping(value = "/user/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(#PathVariable Long id){
return new ResponseEntity<User>(userService.getUserById(id), HttpStatus.OK);
}catch(NoSuchUserException e){
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
Any help would be greatly appreciated. It is very weird since the exact same things work on other machines perfectly.
This happened to me, on one resource only (one method) and I did not understand why. All methods within classes in the same package, with the same annotations, same call to ResponseEntity.ok(...) etc. just worked.
But not this one.
It turns out I had forgottent to generate the getters on my POJO class !
As soon as I had added them it worked.
Hopefully it can save somebody some time eventually...
you should make some changes to your pom.xml and mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml files:
Add the following dependecies to your pom.xml :
and update your mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml:
<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter"/>
<bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter"/>
This happens when you forget the "build" call:
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
should be:
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST).build();
I meet with this problem, because I omitted Getters and Setters method.
To add to the rest of the answers: the methods must be public.
My IDE flagged that the methods could be "package only", prompting me to remove the "public" portion of the declaration (which I foolishly did).
I added public to my methods and solved the problem.
I was using IntelliJ Idea and its auto-generated getters and setters. Since I had a boolean field called success, the getter was named isSucccess(). I renamed it getSuccess() and the error went away.

Unresolved symbol s2 in Specs2 class

When I compile my specification, the compiler tells me
"error: value s2 is not a member of StringContext"
The salient portion of my specification class is:
import org.specs2._
import specification._
import mock._
class EnterpriseDirectoryActionSpec extends Specification { def is = s2"""
An enterprise directory action should provide enabled fields
after a call to doDefault ${c().e1}
after a call to doSearchPrevious ${c().e2}
after a call to doSearchNext ${c().e3}
after a call to doExecuteSearch ${c().e4}
What is causing the error, and how can I correct it?
I'm using Specs2 (artifact specs2_2.10) version 1.14.
You need to use a later version of specs2: specs2-2.0-RC1or specs2-2.0-RC2-SNAPSHOT
For the benefit of others reading this, I put the following into my pom.xml:
...along with the repository entry for snapshots:
We need this repository in order to have access to a snapshot version of
the Specs2 testing library for Scala. In particular, the snapshot version
includes support for using string interpolation in test specifications.