Populate Tabular form field value with change of another field - oracle10g

There is a Tabular form with description, previous_value, unit_price fields in my Oracle Apex app.
I need to populate value of previous_value field with data on description field. I have a query to get value for previous_value field from database. i need to add onChange event to description field. with the changes in description field, value for previous_value field should be populate using my query.
how could i do this ?

You can bind the change event to the field in several ways. Target through the td headers,
or edit the column, and in the "Element attributes" field you could add a class (eg "fireAjax").
You can then bind to the event with either javascript code, or do this via a dynamic action.
You can do an ajax call in either of these 2 forms: through htmldb_Get or with jquery.post:
$('td[headers="ENAME"] input').change(function(){
var ajaxRequest = new htmldb_Get( null , $v('pFlowId') , 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_job' , $v('pFlowStepId'));
ajaxRequest.addParam('x01', $(this).val());
ajaxResult = ajaxRequest.get();
$(this).closest("tr").find("td[headers='JOB'] input").val(ajaxResult);
$('td[headers="ENAME"] input').change(function(){
var that = this;
{"p_request" : "APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_job",
"p_flow_id" : $v('pFlowId'),
"p_flow_step_id" : $v('pFlowStepId'),
"p_instance" : $v('pInstance'),
"x01" : $(this).val()
var eJob = $(that).closest("tr").find("td[headers='JOB'] input");
With this application process, defined on the page with execution point "AJAX Callback":
Name: get_job
l_job emp.job%TYPE;
INTO l_job
FROM emp
WHERE ename = apex_application.g_x01;
Remember, handling errors and return in this process is up to you! Make sure you catch common errors such as no_data_found and/or too_many_rows. If they occur and are not trapped, chances are big you will encounter javascript errors because your javascript callback code can not handle the error (which in apex will be a full page html with the error message in it).
Also, as you can see i'm using the x01 variable, which is one of the 10 global temporary variables in apex. This way it is not required to use a page item and submit the value to session state for it.
If you want to put this code in a dynamic action you can. Pick "Change" as event and jQuery selector if you go for a dynamic action, and as true action pick execute javascript code. You can then put the function code in there. With the exception that $(this)will need to be $(this.triggeringElement)


Symfony Form - Value Object, DataMappers and EventSubscriber

I am having trouble to dynamically modify field in my form using DataMapper and EventSubscriber.
Here is my form:
A select field
A field which will be modified by the select field above.
I am using an EventSubscriber to dynamically modify my form using AJAX.
And a DataMapper to map my Value Object to the form and vice-versa.
So when i do that:
$moneyForm = $this->createForm(MoneyType::class);
Everything is working. But when i pass my Value Object as data class:
$money = new Money(199, 'USD');
$moneyForm = $this->createForm(MoneyType::class, $money);
I got an error here:
public function mapDataToForms($viewData, $forms)
$forms = iterator_to_array($forms);
$forms['money']->setData($viewData ? $viewData->money() : 0);
$forms['currency']->setData($viewData ? $viewData->currency() : 'USD');
This error says that: Notice: Undefined index:.
It seems like the form has been replaced by a new one and i don't understand it.
I don't know why when i use a data mapper alone, or event subscriber alone everything is working.
But when i try to mix, both of them i got this error.
Does anyone have a clue of what's going on here?
Thank you

Passing grid panel data via request payload to REST controller

I have a user form that is created in extjs framework. The user form has many user fields which are being passed as part of request payload to the REST controller.
I am trying to add a grid panel(most likely in a tabular format with multiple rows & columns) to the user form.
But I am not sure how to pass the grid panel data as part of request payload to the REST controller.
I will post more code if any more details are needed.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Ext.define('soylentgreen.view.admin.UserForm', {
extend : 'Ext.form.Panel',
alias : 'widget.userform',
bodyStyle : 'padding:5px 5px 0',
// some userform elements like firstname,lastname, go here.....
name : 'userTeamGrid',
xtype : 'gridpanel',
id : 'userTeamGrid',
itemId : 'userTeamGrid',
multiSelect : true,
selModel : Ext.create(
injectCheckbox : 'first',
mode : 'MULTI',
checkOnly : false
anchor : '100%',
width : '700px',
height : 250,
flex : 1,
store : 'userTeamStore',
var user = form.getRecord();
callback : function(records, operation){
//reset the (static) proxy extraParams object
user.getProxy().extraParams = {
requestType: 'standard'
var error = operation.getError();
IMO, That's one of the most complicated yet common issues we face in ExtJS. It has to be solved often, but most solutions have to be slightly different depending on the exact requirements.
Grids are bound to a full store, not to a single record. So if you want to get data from a record (e.g. as an array) into a grid and vice versa, you have to have a mapping between the data from the store and the value in a single field of a record. To e.g. get all data from the store, the generic solution is
store.getRange().map(function(record) { return record.getData(); });
If you need only the grid selection (maybe you want to use a checkboxselection model or similar) and/or only certain fields of the records, you have to change this code to your needs, e.g.
grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection().map(function(record) {return record.get('Id'); });
So, your record is bound to the form, and a form consists of fields. How do you get the grid data to be accepted as part of the form?
You have to add a hiddenfield to your form and, depending on your requirement, overwrite some of the four functions setValue, getValue, getModelData, getSubmitValue. Usually, the hiddenfield tries to convert its value to a string, but obviously, you need to allow for arrays there; and you want to modify the grid whenever setValue is called, or read the value from the grid whenever one of the getters is called. The four functions are used for the following:
setValue should be used to modify the grid based on the value you find in the record.
getValue is used in comparison operations (check whether the value has changed, which means the form is dirty and has to be submitted, etc.) and if you call form.getValues. You should return some value based on the grid state in it.
getModelData is used by the form.updateRecord method; it should return a value that the model field's convert method can work with.
getSubmitValue is used by the form.submit method, it should return a value that can be safely transmitted to the server (has to be a string if the form doesn't have sendAsJson:true set)
I cannot give you an exact recipe for these implementations, as they are specific to your requirements.

Can choices in a list be changed after it has been been rendered?

I have a w2ui form that contains a w2ui Drop List of choices. The choices will be different depending on what the user selected to bring up the form. My question is: can the contents of a Drop List be changed after it has been rendered?
With standard HTML controls, I would do something like this:
$("#mySelect option[value='xyz']").remove();
$("#mySelect").append('<option value="abc">abc</option>');
Can these kinds of operations be done with a w2ui Drop List? Any example code?
In w2ui 1.5 you can use $jQueryElement.w2field() to access the w2fild object - and then manipulate it.
var field = $("#my_input").w2field();
field.options.items = ["my", "new", "items"];
// optionally: pre-select first item
// if you do NOT use "setIndex" you need to call "refresh" yourself!
// field.refresh();
Note: setIndex() internally calls refresh() - so as stated above, you do not need to call refresh yourself in that case.
If you want to completely clear/empty your field, you can call field.reset().
Edit: after clarification that it's about a form field:
// Note: ``this`` refers to the w2form
// ``field[8]`` refers to a field of type "select"
this.fields[8].options.items = ["my", "new", "items"];
this.record = {
field_select: 'new'

How to check the form that is changing the value in the table?

I have a Form on Design's Form I have a StringEdit.
This StringEdit represents a field on myTable.
I want to create in MyTable in modifiedField method a my rule:
when I modified this StringEdit copy this value on another Field in the same Table.
I used this code :
case fieldNum (MyTable, MyFiledSringEdit) :
if (caller.args().name() == formStr (myFormName) )
this.myFieldToChange= this.MyFiledSringEdit;
Without if (caller.args().name() == formStr (myFormName) ) work well, but
I want to check if I changed the StringEdit (and then modified myFiledSringEdit).
If I changed the value form myFormName I do this rule else nothing to do.
I heve to create a method looklike : initFrommyFormName ?
Or how should I do who is editing the field ?
I want to find form who changed value in a table .
** I know it is not correct to use that if condition
** myFiledSringEdit - DataSource : MyTable ; DataField : MyFiledSringEdit
thansk all!!
If you just want the update in the formFormName form, then do the change in the modified method of the forms datasource field or on the control itself if not bound to a field.
Do not attempt parameter sniffing in the modifiedField method of the table.

CustomPageFilter Error

My requirement is to create a sitemap something similar provided in acs-aem-commons, I can get an xml by hitting http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx/en.sitemap.xml , but it include the page on the basis of IsHideNav() or IsValid() criteria. Now there can be multiple properties in page-properties dialog like hide in navigation , on the basis of which my page will be include/exclude in sitemap. Below is the snippet from the SiteMapServlet :
for (Iterator<Page> children = page.listChildren(new PageFilter(), true); children.hasNext();) {
write(children.next(), stream, resourceResolver);
So what i think to implement CustomPageFilter rather than PageFilter which can use some extra parameters also. When i create CustomPageFilter, I am getting an error(Modifier 'volatile' not allowed here) for the below code :
public volatile boolean includes(Object x0)
return includes((Page)x0);
Any clue why this error is coming here and can we create a custom filter to achieve such functionality.