I have the following data model which I'm going to do pattern matching against later:
abstract class A
case class C(s:String) extends A
abstract class B extends A
case class D(i:Int) extends B
case class E(s:Int, e:Int) extends B
A is the abstract super type of the hierarchy. C is a concrete subclass of A. Other concrete subclasses of A are subclasses of B which is in turn a subclass of A.
Now if I write something like this, it works:
def match(a:A) a match {
a:C => println("C")
a:B => println("B")
However, in a for loop I cannot match against B. I assume that I need a constructor pattern, but since B is abstract, there is no constructor pattern for B.
val list:List[A] = List(C("a"), D(1), E(2,5), ...)
for (b:B <- list) println(b) // Compile error
for (b#B <- list) println(b) // Compile error
Here, I would like to print only B instances. Any workaround for this case?
You can use collect:
list.collect { case b: B => println(b) }
If you want to better undertand this, I recommend to read about partial functions. Here for example.
Sergey is right; you'll have to give up for if you want to pattern match and filter only B instances. If you still want to use a for comprehension for whatever reason, I think one way is to just resort to using a guard:
for (b <- list if b.isInstanceOf[B]) println(b)
But it's always best to pick pattern-matching instead of isInstanceOf. So I'd go with the collect suggestion (if it made sense in the context of the rest of my code).
Another suggestion would be to define a companion object to B with the same name, and define the unapply method:
abstract class A
case class C(s:String) extends A
abstract class B extends A
object B { def unapply(b: B) = Option(b) } // Added a companion to B
case class D(i:Int) extends B
case class E(s:Int, e:Int) extends B
Then you can do this:
for (B(b) <- list) println(b)
So that's not the 'constructor' of B, but the companion's unapply method.
It works, and that's what friends are for, right?
(See http://www.scala-lang.org/node/112 )
If you ask me, the fact that you can't use pattern matching here is an unfortunate inconsistency of scala. Indeed scala does let you pattern match in for comprehensions, as this example will show:
val list:List[A] = List(C("a"), D(1), E(2,5)
for ((b:B,_) <- list.map(_ -> null)) println(b)
Here I temporarily wrap the elements into pairs (whith a dummy and unused second value) and then pattern match for a pair where the first element is of type B. As the output shows, you get the expected behaviour:
So there you go, scala does support filtering based on pattern matching (even when matching by type), it just seems that the grammar does not handle pattern matching a single element by type.
Obviously I am not advising to use this trick, this was just to illustrate. Using collect is certainly better.
Then again, there is another, more general solution if for some reason you really fancy for comprehensions more than anything:
object Value {
def unapply[T]( value: T ) = Some( value )
for ( Value(b:B) <- list ) println(b)
We just introduced a dummy extractor in the Value object which just does nothing, so that Value(b:B) has the same meaning as just b:B, except that the former does compile. And unlike my earlier trick with pairs, it is relatively readable, and Value only has to be written once, you can use it at will then (in particular, no need for writing a new extractor for each type you want to pattern match against, as in #Faiz's answer. I'll let you find a better name than Value though.
Finally, there is another work around that works out of the box (credit goes to Daniel Sobral), but is slightly less readable and requires a dummy identifier (here foo):
for ( b #(foo:B) <- list ) println(b)
// or similarly:
for ( foo #(b:B) <- list ) println(b)
my 2 cents: You can add a condition in the for comprehension checking type but that would NOT be as elegant as using collect which would take only instances of class B.
I though if something like this makes sense in scala:
object CaseClassUnion extends App {
case class HttpConfig(bindUrl: String, port: String)
case class DbConfig(url: String, usr: String, pass: String)
val combined: HttpConfig with DbConfig = ???
//HttpConfig("", "21") ++ DbConfig("localhost", "root", "root")
//would be nice to have something like that
At least this compiles... Is there a way, probably with macros magic to achieve union of two classes given their instances?
In zio I believe there is something like in reverse:
val live: ZLayer[ProfileConfiguration with Logging, Nothing, ApplicationConfiguration] =
ZLayer.fromServices[ProfileConfigurationModule.Service, Logger[String], Service] { (profileConfig, logger) => ???
where we convert ProfileConfiguration with Logging to function of ProfileConfigurationModule.Service, Logger[String] => Service
Several things.
When you have several traits combined with with Scala does a trait linearization to combine them into one class with a linear hierarchy. But that's true for traits which doesn't have constructors!
case class (which is not a trait) cannot be extended with another case class (at all) because that would break contracts like:
case class A(a: Int)
case class B(a: Int, b: String) extends A(a)
A(1) == B(1, "") // because B is A and their respective fields match
B(1, "") != A(1) // because A is not B
B(1, "").hashCode != A(1).hashCode // A == B is true but hashCodes are different!
which means that you cannot even generate case class combination manually. You want to "combine" them, use some product: a tuple, another case class, etc.
If you are curious about ZIO it:
uses traits
uses them as some sort of type-level trick to represent an unordered set of dependencies, where type inference would calculate set sum when you combine operations and some clever trickery to remove traits from the list using .provide to remove dependency from the set
ZLayers are just making these shenanigans easier
so and if you even pass there some A with B you either combined it yourself by using cake pattern, or you passed dependencies one by one. ZIO developer might never be faced with the problem of needing some macro to combine several case classes (.provide(combineMagically(A, B, C, D, ...)) as they could pass implementations of each dependency one by one (.provide(A).provide(B)) and the code underneath would never need the combination of these types as one value - it's just a compile-time trick that might never translate to the requirement of an actual value of type A with B with C with D ....
TL;DR: You cannot generate a combination of 2 case classes; ZIO uses compound types as some sort of type-level set to trace dependencies and it doesn't actually require creating values of the compound types.
I am trying to understand how a case class can be passed as an argument to a function which accepts functions as arguments. Below is an example:
Consider the below function
def !: In[B] = { ... }
If I understood correctly, this is a polymorphic method which has a type parameter B and accepts a function h as a parameter. Out and In are other two classes defined previously.
This function is then being used as shown below:
case class Q(p: boolean)(val cont: Out[R])
case class R(p: Int)
def g(c: Out[Q]) = {
val rin = c !! Q(true)_
I am aware that currying is being used to avoid writing the type annotation and instead just writing _. However, I cannot grasp why and how the case class Q is transformed to a function (h) of type Out[B] => A.
EDIT 1 Updated !! above and the In and Out definitions:
abstract class In[+A] {
def future: Future[A]
def receive(implicit d: Duration): A = {
Await.result[A](future, d)
def ?[B](f: A => B)(implicit d: Duration): B = {
abstract class Out[-A]{
def promise[B <: A]: Promise[B]
def send(msg: A): Unit = promise.success(msg)
def !(msg: A) = send(msg)
def create[B](): (In[B], Out[B])
These code samples are taken from the following paper: http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2016/6115/
Using a case class with multiple parameter lists and partially applying it will yield a partially applied apply call + eta expansion will transform the method into a function value:
val res: Out[Q] => Q = Q.apply(true) _
Longer explanation
To understand the way this works in Scala, we have to understand some fundamentals behind case classes and the difference between methods and functions.
Case classes in Scala are a compact way of representing data. When you define a case class, you get a bunch of convenience methods which are created for you by the compiler, such as hashCode and equals.
In addition, the compiler also generates a method called apply, which allows you to create a case class instance without using the new keyword:
case class X(a: Int)
val x = X(1)
The compiler will expand this call to
val x = X.apply(1)
The same thing will happen with your case class, only that your case class has multiple argument lists:
case class Q(p: boolean)(val cont: Out[R])
val q: Q = Q(true)(new Out[Int] { })
Will get translated to
val q: Q = Q.apply(true)(new Out[Int] { })
On top of that, Scala has a way to transform methods, which are a non value type, into a function type which has the type of FunctionX, X being the arity of the function. In order to transform a method into a function value, we use a trick called eta expansion where we call a method with an underscore.
def foo(i: Int): Int = i
val f: Int => Int = foo _
This will transform the method foo into a function value of type Function1[Int, Int].
Now that we posses this knowledge, let's go back to your example:
val rin = c !! Q(true) _
If we just isolate Q here, this call gets translated into:
val rin = Q.apply(true) _
Since the apply method is curried with multiple argument lists, we'll get back a function that given a Out[Q], will create a Q:
val rin: Out[R] => Q = Q.apply(true) _
I cannot grasp why and how the case class Q is transformed to a function (h) of type Out[B] => A.
It isn't. In fact, the case class Q has absolutely nothing to do with this! This is all about the object Q, which is the companion module to the case class Q.
Every case class has an automatically generated companion module, which contains (among others) an apply method whose signature matches the primary constructor of the companion class, and which constructs an instance of the companion class.
I.e. when you write
case class Foo(bar: Baz)(quux: Corge)
You not only get the automatically defined case class convenience methods such as accessors for all the elements, toString, hashCode, copy, and equals, but you also get an automatically defined companion module that serves both as an extractor for pattern matching and as a factory for object construction:
object Foo {
def apply(bar: Baz)(quux: Corge) = new Foo(bar)(quux)
def unapply(that: Foo): Option[Baz] = ???
In Scala, apply is a method that allows you to create "function-like" objects: if foo is an object (and not a method), then foo(bar, baz) is translated to foo.apply(bar, baz).
The last piece of the puzzle is η-expansion, which lifts a method (which is not an object) into a function (which is an object and can thus be passed as an argument, stored in a variable, etc.) There are two forms of η-expansion: explicit η-expansion using the _ operator:
val printFunction = println _
And implicit η-expansion: in cases where Scala knows 100% that you mean a function but you give it the name of a method, Scala will perform η-expansion for you:
Seq(1, 2, 3) foreach println
And you already know about currying.
So, if we put it all together:
First, we know that Q here cannot possibly be the class Q. How do we know that? Because Q here is used as a value, but classes are types, and like most programming languages, Scala has a strict separation between types and values. Therefore, Q must be a value. In particular, since we know class Q is a case class, object Q is the companion module for class Q.
Secondly, we know that for a value Q
is syntactic sugar for
Thirdly, we know that for case classes, the companion module has an automatically generated apply method that matches the primary constructor, so we know that Q.apply has two parameter lists.
So, lastly, we have
Q.apply(true) _
which passes the first argument list to Q.apply and then lifts Q.apply into a function which accepts the second argument list.
Note that case classes with multiple parameter lists are unusual, since only the parameters in the first parameter list are considered elements of the case class, and only elements benefit from the "case class magic", i.e. only elements get accessors implemented automatically, only elements are used in the signature of the copy method, only elements are used in the automatically generated equals, hashCode, and toString() methods, and so on.
Is there a better explanation than "this is how it works". I mean I tried this one:
class TestShortMatch[T <: AnyRef] {
def foo(t: T): Unit = {
val f = (_: Any) match {
case Val(t) => println(t)
case Sup(l) => println(l)
class Val(t: T)
class Sup(l: Number)
and compiler complaints:
Cannot resolve symbol 'Val'
Cannot resolve symbol 'Sup'
Of course if I add case before each of the classes it will work fine. But what is the reason? Does compiler make some optimization and generate a specific byte-code?
The reason is twofold. Pattern matching is just syntactic sugar for using extractors and case classes happen to give you a couple methods for free, one of which is an extractor method that corresponds to the main constructor.
If you want your example above to work, you need to define an unapply method inside objects Val and Sup. To do that you'd need extractor methods (which are only defined on val fields, so you'll have to make your fields vals):
class Val[T](val t: T)
class Sup(val l: Number)
object Val {
def unapply[T](v: Val[T]): Option[T] = Some(v.t)
object Sup {
def unapply(s: Sup): Option[Number] = Some(s.l)
And which point you can do something like val Val(v) = new Val("hi"). More often than not, though, it is better to make your class a case class. Then, the only times you should be defining extra extractors.
The usual example (to which I can't seem to find a reference) is coordinates:
case class Coordinate(x: Double, val: Double)
And then you can define a custom extractors like
object Polar {
def unapply(c: Coordinate): Option[(Double,Double)] = {...}
object Cartesian {
def unapply(c: Coordinate): Option[(Double,Double)] = Some((c.x,c.y))
to convert to the two different representations, all when you pattern match.
You can use pattern matching on arbitrary classes, but you need to implement an unapply method, used to "de-construct" the object.
With a case class, the unapply method is automatically generated by the compiler, so you don't need to implement it yourself.
When you write match exp { case Val(pattern) => ... case ... }, that is equivalent to something like this:
match Val.unapply(exp) {
case Some(pattern) =>
case _ =>
// code to match the other cases goes here
That is, it uses the result of the companion object's unapply method to see whether the match succeeded.
If you define a case class, it automatically defines a companion object with a suitable unapply method. For a normal class it doesn't. The motivation for that is the same as for the other things that gets automatically defined for case classes (like equals and hashCode for example): By declaring a class as a case class, you're making a statement about how you want the class to behave. Given that, there's a good chance that the auto generated will do what you want. For a general class, it's up to you to define these methods like you want them to behave.
Note that parameters for case classes are vals by default, which isn't true for normal classes. So your class class Val(t: T) doesn't even have any way to access t from the outside. So it isn't even possible to define an unapply method that gets at the value of t. That's another reason why you don't get an automatically generated unapply for normal classes: It isn't even possible to generate one unless all parameters are vals.
I'm trying create an instance of a class and mix in certain traits based on certain conditions. So Given:
class Foo
trait A
trait B
I can do something like
if (fooType == "A")
new Foo with A
else if (footType == "B")
new Foo With B
That works just fine for a simple case like this. My issue is that multiple traits can be mixed into the same instance based on other conditions, and on top of that the class being instantiated has a fair amount of parameters so this leads to a pretty ugly conditional block.
What I would like to do is determine the traits to be mixed in before hand something like this (which I know is not legal scala code):
val t1 = fooType match {
case "a" => A
case "b" => B
val t2 = fooScope match {
case "x" => X
case "y" => Y
new Foo with t1 with t2
Where A, B, X, and Y are all previously defined traits, and fooType and fooScope are inputs to my function. I'm not sure if there is anything I can do which is somewhat similar to the above, but any advice would be appreciated.
I believe what you want to do is not possible. In Scala the type of an object has to be known at compile time, so new Foo with A works but new Foo with t1 will not because t1 is resolved only at run time.
A couple of ideas to throw in the mix...
Non-runtime Factory
With the complicated code full of conditionals that you speak of, get those to put together a list of possible combinations. This list can then be used to create all the classes. Very simple example:
(for(a <- Seq("A", "B"); b <- Seq("X", "Y")) yield
s"class Foo$a$b extends $a with $b").mkString("\n")
which'll produce the following:
class FooAX extends A with X
class FooBX extends B with X
class FooAY extends A with Y
class FooBY extends B with Y
Then simply:
val ax = new FooAX()
which is nice because it's very strongly typed and everyone'll know exactly what type it is everywhere without much casting/inference headache.
There's an interesting non-reflection/classloader technique here:
which takes in traits as parameters and then simply delegate to the appropriate trait.
There are two ways of defining a method for two different classes inheriting the same trait in Scala.
sealed trait Z { def minus: String }
case class A() extends Z { def minus = "a" }
case class B() extends Z { def minus = "b" }
The alternative is the following:
sealed trait Z { def minus: String = this match {
case A() => "a"
case B() => "b"
case class A() extends Z
case class B() extends Z
The first method repeats the method name, whereas the second method repeats the class name.
I think that the first method is the best to use because the codes are separated. However, I found myself often using the second one for complicated methods, so that adding additional arguments can be done very easily for example like this:
sealed trait Z {
def minus(word: Boolean = false): String = this match {
case A() => if(word) "ant" else "a"
case B() => if(word) "boat" else "b"
case class A() extends Z
case class B() extends Z
What are other differences between those practices? Are there any bugs that are waiting for me if I choose the second approach?
I was quoted the open/closed principle, but sometimes, I need to modify not only the output of the functions depending on new case classes, but also the input because of code refactoring. Is there a better pattern than the first one? If I want to add the previous mentioned functionality in the first example, this would yield the ugly code where the input is repeated:
sealed trait Z { def minus(word: Boolean): String ; def minus = minus(false) }
case class A() extends Z { def minus(word: Boolean) = if(word) "ant" else "a" }
case class B() extends Z { def minus(word: Boolean) = if(word) "boat" else "b" }
I would choose the first one.
Why ? Merely to keep Open/Closed Principle.
Indeed, if you want to add another subclass, let's say case class C, you'll have to modify supertrait/superclass to insert the new condition... ugly
Your scenario has a similar in Java with template/strategy pattern against conditional.
In your last scenario, you can't avoid the "duplication" of input. Indeed, parameter type in Scala isn't inferable.
It still better to have cohesive methods than blending the whole inside one method presenting as many parameters as the method union expects.
Just Imagine ten conditions in your supertrait method. What if you change inadvertently the behavior of one of each? Each change would be risked and supertrait unit tests should always run each time you modify it ...
Moreover changing inadvertently an input parameter (not a BEHAVIOR) is not "dangerous" at all. Why? because compiler would tell you that a parameter/parameter type isn't relevant any more.
And if you want to change it and do the same for every subclasses...ask to your IDE, it loves refactoring things like this in one click.
As this link explains:
Why open-closed principle matters:
No unit testing required.
No need to understand the sourcecode from an important and huge class.
Since the drawing code is moved to the concrete subclasses, it's a reduced risk to affect old functionallity when new functionality is added.
Here a sample avoiding inputs duplication fitting your expectation:
sealed trait Z {
def minus(word: Boolean): String = if(word) whenWord else whenNotWord
def whenWord: String
def whenNotWord: String
case class A() extends Z { def whenWord = "ant"; def whenNotWord = "a"}
Thanks type inference :)
Personally, I'd stay away from the second approach. Each time you add a new sub class of Z you have to touch the shared minus method, potentially putting at risk the behavior tied to the existing implementations. With the first approach adding a new subclass has no potential side effect on the existing structures. There might be a little of the Open/Closed Principle in here and your second approach might violate it.
Open/Closed principle can be violated with both approaches. They are orthogonal to each other. The first one allows to easily add new type and implement required methods, it breaks Open/Closed principle if you need to add new method into hierarchy or refactor method signatures to the point that it breaks any client code. It is after all reason why default methods were added to Java8 interfaces so that old API can be extended without requiring client code to adapt.
This approach is typical for OOP.
The second approach is more typical for FP. In this case it is easy to add methods but it is hard to add new type (it breaks O/C here). It is good approach for closed hierarchies, typical example are Algebraic Data Types (ADT). Standardized protocol which is not meant to be extended by clients could be a candidate.
Languages struggle to allow to design API which would have both benefits - easy to add types as well as adding methods. This problem is called Expression Problem. Scala provides Typeclass pattern to solve this problem which allows to add functionality to existing types in ad-hoc and selective manner.
Which one is better depends on your use case.
Starting in Scala 3, you have the possibility to use trait parameters (just like classes have parameters), which simplifies things quite a lot in this case:
trait Z(x: String) { def minus: String = x }
case class A() extends Z("a")
case class B() extends Z("b")
A().minus // "a"
B().minus // "b"