EF query contains incorrect elements - entity-framework

I have a query with EF which looks like this:
var x = _db.qMetaDataLookups.ToList();
if I execute, direct on the SQL server SELECT * FROM qMetaDataLookup, 2155 distinct rows are returned. After executing the above, x ALSO contains 2155 elements.
The problem is that the data is wrong. I'm not getting the same data back from the EF as I do from the SQL Query.
In particular, theres a particular element that exists on the SQL output, call it "WXYZ", which makes no appearance at all in the EF version of the query (against the exact same database).
Instead, what I find are numerous repeats. If I call x.Distinct() the list filters down from 2155 elements, to a mere 143.
I'm flummoxed. I have never seen my EF and SQL results differ on a query this simple. There must be a very simple [face-palm] explanation, but I'm missing it.
EDIT qMetaDataLookup (a view) are contains information about our database. In essence, its a listing of all tables and views, and each of their columns, with other information about the datatype, length, precision, scale, etc. The 'key' in this table ought to be the column that matches "tableName.columnName" but instead EF chose for it all the datatype properties. This is why the query fails to perform as desired.

Make sure the entity key is set correctly for qMetaDataLookup in the Entity Data Model. Sometimes the entity keys are messed up...

The issue might have been that your model was using a key with duplicate values where the Entity Framework was expecting unique values. This would happen if, for example, your data model used a composite primary key composed of foreign keys from other tables. It seems EF doesn't like composite primary keys very much, and so returned results from queries will generate what appear to be duplicated rows.
The fix seems to be to add a surrogate primary key column to your table which is guaranteed to be unique. If you still need to reference the foreign columns that's fine, so long as they aren't being used as a composite primary key for the table.
I can't claim any credit for the solution, but here's the link that helped me solve my issue:


How to create relationships between entities with existing database that does not contain foreign keys

Using Entity Framework Core 2.0
Stuck with company's production database which has primary keys defined for each table but no foreign keys defined for any relationships.
Dependent records in the database have id fields which are intended to relate to the primary key fields of the parent record like you would normally find with a foreign key relationship/constraint. But these fields were all created as INT NOT NULL and are using a SQL default of '0'.
As a result dependent records have been inserted over time without requiring that a related parent record be specified.
Initially I defined my models in EF with integers and used a fluent configuration to specify "IsRequired". This was done so I could run migrations to create a test database for comparison against the production database to verify that my code first was correctly coded.
This then lead to the problem while using "Include" in my Linq queries which performs an inner join that results in dropping the records that contain the 0's in the id fields of the dependent record.
The only way that I have found to make this work is to model all of the id fields in the dependent entity as nullable integers and remove the "IsRequired" from the fluent configuration.
When using the "Include" it performs a left outer join keeping all of the dependent entities. This also means that any reference properties on the included entities are set to null instead of an empty string. This part can probably be fixed fairly easily.
The downside is if I wanted to use migrations to create a database now, all id fields in the dependent records would be created as NULL.
Is there anyone who has run up against this type of situation? Does anyone have any suggestions to try other than the approach I am using?
I haven't dealt with this scenario before but I wonder if you can solve it by defining the FK property as Nullable and then in the migrations, after the migration is created, edit it to add a HasDefaultValue property to ensure that it's 0? (doc for that migration method: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/modeling/relational/default-values)

EF Error - Unable to update the EntitySet because it has a DefiningQuery

I have removed the PrimaryKey from my table, refreshed the EDMX, and now I am getting this error message when doing db.SaveChanges():
Unable to update the EntitySet 'Results' because it has a DefiningQuery and no element exists in the element to support the current operation.
1 - I dont want PrimaryKey in my table. The table is just a bag of values, no PK is required.
2 - I read another post where someone suggested to remove DefiningQuery element from EF generated EDMX. It is not working, and I avoid manual changes to automatically generated EDMX.
Any idea how I can avoid this error, and not define PK in my table?
In Entity Framework everything must have a key, at least in the model. You can remove it from the database but still you'll have to define a key in the model, which may be a composite key to ensure it is unique. Otherwise EF won't be able to materialize or save objects correctly.
However, I would use a primary key in the table anyway. It is no trouble at all to have an identity field in it and you don't have to worry about finding a unique combination of fields yourself. I can't imagine that the table does not need some notion of identity, or can it really have two exactly identical rows?

EF Table-per-hierarchy mapping

In trying to normalize a database schema and mapping it in Entity Framework, I've found that there might end up being a bunch of lookup tables. They would end up only containing key and value pairs. I'd like to consolidate them into one table that basically has two columns "Key" and "Value". For example, I'd like to be able to get Addresses.AddressType and Person.Gender to both point to the same table, but ensure that the navigation properties only return the rows applicable to the appropriate entity.
EDIT: Oops. I just realized that I left this paragraph out:
It seems like a TPH type of problem, but all of the reading I've done indicates that you start with fields in the parent entity and migrate fields over to the inherited children. I don't have any fields to move here because there would generally only be two.
There are a lot of domain-specific key-value pairs need to be represented. Some of them will change from time to time, others will not. Rather than pick and choose I want to just make everything editable. Due to the number of these kinds of properties that are going to be used, I'd rather not have to maintain a list enums that require a recompile, or end up with lots of lookup tables. So, I thought that this might be a solution.
Is there a way to represent this kind of structure in EF4? Or, am I barking up the wrong tree?
EDIT: I guess another option would be to build the table structure I want at the database level and then write views on top of that and surface those as EF entities. It just means any maintenance needs to be done at multiple levels. Does that sound more, or less desireable than a pure EF solution?
Table per hiearchy demands that you have one parent entity which is used as base class for child entities. All entities are mapped to the same table and there is special discriminator column to differ type of entity stored in database record. You can generally use it even if your child entities do not define any new properties. You will also have to define primary key for your table otherwise it will be handled as readonly entity in EF. So your table can look like:
Discriminator VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
Timestamp Timestamp NOT NULL
You will define your top level KeyValuePair entity with properties Id, Key, Value and Timestamp (set as concurrency mode fixed). Discriminator column will be used for inheritance mapping.
Be aware that EF mapping is static. If you define AddressType and Gender entities you will be able to use them but you will not be able to dynamically define new type like PhoneType. This will always require modifying your EF model, recompiling and redeploying your application.
From OOP perspective it would be nicer to not model this as object hiearchy and instead use conditional mapping of multiple unrelated entities to the same table. Unfortunatelly even EF supports conditional mapping I have never been able to map two entities to the same table yet.

Entity Framework Inheritance

I'm new to EF, and trying to work out the best way to do something
I have a procedure that returns the details of a table, but also a calculated value. What I'd like is for it to return this information to an entity that could contain this, whether it's the original entity, or an entity that's based on the original (so that if the original table changes, it will still map). What I'd like to avoid is maintaining 2 entities - 1 for the table, and 1 for the stored procedure results.
You could create a view that contained the table fields as well as the calculated values.

Table per Type Inhertiance and Data Generation Plans

I have an Entity Framework model using Table per Type Inheritance, but when I use a VS Data Generation Plan it produces duplicate keys in the child tables, which is a problem for EF. Does anyone know of a way to get this to work, so that the child tables do not have overlapping keys?
For anyone else trying to do this, I found a solution. You can change the generation type of foreign keys to interger, and then assign ranges. So for example, my parent table generates 40 records. Then each of my 4 child tables generates 10 records by setting a 1:4 ratio on each. Then, I set the ID value for the first table to 1-10, for the second 11-20, etc. This works perfectly.