"Source property was not set before writing to the event log." - event-log

One user of a Application is getting the Error "Source property was not set before writing to the event log." when the user uploads a file. Other users of the same application are not getting this Error when they upload a file. What could be the possible reasons?

If you are developing your application on Dotnet Framkework-
Are you creating a event Source as below in your code.

Running the application as an administrator user fixed this issue for me. The user that was running the application did not have rights to write to the error log.


Unable to invoke web-request for script called in scheduled task for service account

We have a Powershell script which downloads some zip files from a website and we have called the script in a scheduled task.
The problem is we are not getting the zip files even after the scheduled task is finished successfully. We are using a service account for that. Running the script manually downloads the zip file without any issues. Also, for another user which we use to login into the server, the task is working fine.
The issue started after our service account got locked out because of too many failed attempts in some other system.
I have tried bypassing the execution policy but no luck.
I have tried creating a similar new task but no luck.
I tried Start-in option to provide the task the location of the script but no luck.
After too much troubleshooting, I found the error in the Powershell logs in Event Viewer. Please find the error below:
Error Message = Unable to connect to the remote server
Fully Qualified Error ID = WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand
This shows that the task is unable to invoke the web request. Can this be a permission issue? If yes, then how can I provide the required access?
I troubleshooted a bit more and found that the issue is with the proxy. Can somebody tell me how can I resolve this issue? For the local user it is working fine. Even I am able to access the webpage manually through IE. Shall I import proxy settings from IE? If yes then how to do that?
I finally figured out the solution for this. I added proxy details in the script which will force the Invoke web request command to send the request to that proxy server. This thing has resolved my issue.
Mitesh Agrawal

Received generic error message when running Initialize-ADDeviceRegistration

I am working on setting up work folders for one of my customers. I have followed the steps given in this guide on TechNet. However, I am receiving a very generic error when attempting to run the PowerShell cmdlet Initialize-ADDeviceRegistration. All it is telling me is
A value in the request is invalid.
Here is a screenshot of the full error message:
CORP\WorkFolders$ is a computer account. You can't use that as a service account. Create and use a dedicated user account instead.

dashDB Launch Server Error

I have added a dashDB to my app and restaged as required. Unfortunately, when I select the Launch button I get a Server Error 500 page. In the Details I get the following:
The website encountered an error while retrieving https://login.ng.bluemix.net/UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&state=c0241f7f-cf7a-4463-9c29-502c5b4f5efb&scope=openid&client_id=mccpserviceadmin&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmccp.ng.bluemix.net%2Flogin%2Fcallback%2Fbmmccp.eyJ0eXBlIjoiY29udHJvbCIsInJlZ2lvbiI6ImlibTp5cDp1cy1zb3V0aCIsImNvbnRyb2wiOnsiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiZHN3Y0NsaWVudCIsInNjb3BlcyI6WyJvcGVuaWQiXSwicmVkaXJlY3RfdXJpIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kYXNoZGItZW50cnkteXAtZGFsMDktMDcuc2VydmljZXMuZGFsLmJsdWVtaXgubmV0Ojg0NDMvY29uc29sZS9pYm1ibHUvaW5kZXhfQ3VzdG9tZXIuanNwP3NwYWNlX2lkPTcxMjQ0ZGMzLTU5YzAtNDM5Mi1hYzYzLTIyM2UxMDA4N2ZhOCZyZWdpb249dXMtc291dGgmdWFhLXJvdXRlPWJtbWNjcC5leUowZVhCbElqb2lkV0ZoTFhKdmRYUmxJaXdpY21WbmFXOXVJam9pYVdKdE9ubHdPblZ6TFhOdmRYUm9JaXdpYjNKblgyZDFhV1FpT2lJMlpHSm1OV1UxTWkweU5XVTBMVFE0T0dVdFlqSmpZaTFqWW1Oak56VmhOR1ZsTTJNaUxDSnpjR0ZqWlY5bmRXbGtJam9pTnpFeU5EUmtZek10TlRsak1DMDBNemt5TFdGak5qTXRNakl6WlRFd01EZzNabUU0SW4wLnA3Y3FiUDJoZjA2Q0lsYjdRVVRmOTV1N0ljQVExdUV1aVczWVM4ZVp4NHl5TWN2TjVZSEsxUWdCZk1URkktZEJxbTIyLUEySWlGVmY0dTY5TzhHNmhBRmx2eHY2dXBOWnhDbVZmWG9URE5TMkdOcGRqS0NFQWlOOTlDVkRuSzFxSDZrRWJvTXY2RkRoTW9vN3JFeGsxWW1ELWo1dGlJN3lobmtEV3R6QTFoWkRtZmxESXBnUFltZ1NfcjNaemljTFFNM1U1YVdCNzBGYVJtdmFlLWpLOV9aN2ZpSzNPbE1uSVBUeFk4QWdMSl9tU3hIRXh5SnBObFo4akxCX0dIQWcxZ0ctTmxYVWgxWXZhd2VEb2dfMVg0SVJZd0ZjZFk1ZzJRLVAtWnhaUzNDdGVYcHBHSTJ0RVg0VjhkbkNrVlVDYkhoNDBvc3R1TzQzTGhTY2JWWUFVUSZhdXRob3JpemF0aW9uLWVuZHBvaW50PWh0dHBzOi8vbWNjcC5uZy5ibHVlbWl4Lm5ldC9sb2dpbiZhdXRob3JpemF0aW9uLWVuZHBvaW50LXF1ZXJ5PXB1YmxpYz10cnVlIn19.N1XmBAm3ZJQExj1FD18JFLPFkECuizGJJVrT0dTrUeZPeH2gIj6nqk6tGlChoSWMHrxdhnH59d0272OkBiT-AaDasYQsGufXwZkmqSJ72fxbwLBefKgu_fgi1rxylhNM0rs5k-YNDk6SW69vwNWI-Np3ywGW8wTRHx26tXQ8_lFzeGP6K0Mke-cQT-u-HXU6c28E6R9XHGuiahRyKHV6eY_Ohvp5I_UE2E3JOUoXVpnj-F34JsmeW6mnUalmJDVJrzVfUJ0MVb9Kyej0eZDnQOV2cnm_auoTR2U_JoIoaZb6ESfoN6nt_Z7ALPZ0txXsVGyHzWf95enwVAPstfLCpw. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Which I can't decipher.
I read in this forum where one can login using the details from the VCAP_VARIABLES which I was able to do successfully. Interestingly I have annother app on bluemix that also has a dashdb that was accessible but now isn't.
I have dropped the dashDB a couple of times and also created it but left it unbound all for no joy.
Any thoughts will be appreciated.
It looks like a bluemix problem as the dashdb is working fine from the Launch button and I can see the data I loaded when I logged in via the vcap variables.

Can not log in to Management Console

I have set up JBoss Fuse, created a fabric and installed the fabric:web feature as explained in the resource Using the Management Console. I can browse http://hostName:8181 and it shows the Management Console login screen.
However, whichever user/pass combination I try, the response is "Failed to log in, Forbidden". It also shows an icon with an exclamation mark, when I click that I see the following messages appear:
[Branding] enabled branding
[Core] Management Console started
That does not help much either. How do I know what login combination I should use? It is not clear to me what I am logging into in the first place.
In your fuse install folder under /etc there is a file called user.properties. Is the user admin with password admin filled in? If not, then at least admin user should be allowed.
If yes, try simply restarting the server. I am not sure why buy that has helped in some cases for me. Do a osgi:shutdown and then start it again.
Have you tried admin/admin?
I believe those are the default credentials.

'DefaultAppPool' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures

Having a tough time with this issue. Not sure how but my ApplicationPoolIdentity is broken.
Currently I'm running IIS 8 on Windows 8 with Visual Studio 2012. When trying to debug an application from Visual Studio, or just navigating to the site in a browser I get the following error logged and a 503 error.
Application pool 'DefaultAppPool' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool.
If I check out the Application error logs, I find the following error from the User Profile Service.
Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, and that your network is functioning correctly.
DETAIL - The system cannot find the path specified.
Upon looking into the details I find that the User Profile Service is trying to load up a profile with the Id
Now I opened up the registry to try and find the profile with that UserId. However there's nothing in the Profile list that helps.
So digging around a little more I've found that this issue can be resolved by either
A) Set the Load User Profile of the Application Pool to false.
B) Use a different account for the application pool.
C) Fix the account.
Seeing how this is the built in account, I'd prefer to fix the issue rather than fix the sympton.
What I have tried
aspnet_regiis -i
Removing IIS from windows and reinstalling.
Attempted to follow the guide here but I don't know the account password :P
My hunch
Somehow the ApplicationPoolIdentity got messed up. Is there any physical folders for the built-in accounts? I know that the Network and Local service profiles physical directories exist at C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\. It is possible to recreate the ApplicationPoolIdentity profile? Or am I way off on what the real issue is?
C) Here is what i did to fix the account
Go in regedit at key
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
There is a setting called "Default". You have to make sure that the data value point to an existing directory on the drive.
By default it contains "%SystemDrive%\Users\Default". In my company the default is changed to a custom profile. Somehow, someone deleted that user profile. So when the defaultAppPool user tryed to create an accound for himself, it was unable to do so because windows cannot provide him with a default user profile.
You can also diagnose this error when looking at the Event Viewer under the Application folder. You will get a message of that type:
Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a
temporary profile. changes you make to this profile will be lost when
you log off.