Powershell: Checking if script was invoked with -ErrorAction? - powershell

Scripts (with CmdletBinding) and cmdlets all have a standard -ErrorAction parameter available when being invoked. Is there a way then, within your script, if indeed you script was invoked with -ErrorAction?
Reason I ask is because I want to know if the automatic variable value for $ErrorActionPreference, as far as your script is concerned, was set by -ErrorAction or if it is coming from your session level.

$ErrorActionPreference is a variable in the global(session) scope. If you run a script and don't specify the -ErrorAction parameter, it inherits the value from the global scope ($global:ErrorActionPreference).
If you specify -ErrorAction parameter, the $ErrorActionPreference is changed for your private scope, meaning it's stays the same through the script except while running code where you specified something else(ex. you call another script with another -ErrorAction value). Example to test:
Write-Host "Session: $($global:ErrorActionPreference)"
Write-Host "Script: $($ErrorActionPreference)"
PS-ADMIN > $ErrorActionPreference
PS-ADMIN > .\Test.ps1
Session: Continue
Script: Continue
PS-ADMIN > .\Test.ps1 -ErrorAction Ignore
Session: Continue
Script: Ignore
PS-ADMIN > $ErrorActionPreference
If you wanna test if the script was called with the -ErrorAction paramter, you could use ex.
if ($global:ErrorActionPreference -ne $ErrorActionPreference) { Write-Host "changed" }
If you don't know what scopes is, type this in a powershell console: Get-Help about_scopes

Check the $MyInvocation.BoundParameters object. You could use the built-in $PSBoundParameters variable but I found that in some instances it was empty (not directly related to this question), so imo it's safer to use $MyInvocation.
function Test-ErrorAction
'The ErrorAction parameter has been specified'
'The ErrorAction parameter was not specified'

If you need to know if the cmdlet was called with the -ErrorAction parameter do like this:
if ($myinvocation.Line.ToLower() -match "-erroraction" )
This is true alse when the parameter have same value as the global $ErrorActionPreference


How to implement Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode as a Powershell module function?

Please, observe:
The method
PS C:\> (Get-Command Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode).ScriptBlock
param([scriptblock]$Command, $Folder)
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
Push-Location $Folder
& $Command > $null 2>&1
PS C:\>
The command to silence
PS C:\> $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
PS C:\> $Command = { cmd /c dir xo-xo-xo }
PS C:\> & $Command > $null 2>&1
cmd : File Not Found
At line:1 char:14
+ $Command = { cmd /c dir xo-xo-xo }
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (File Not Found:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
PS C:\>
As you can see, it fails with an exception. But we can silence it easily, right?
PS C:\> $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
PS C:\> & $Command > $null 2>&1
PS C:\>
All is good. Now my function does the same, so let us try it:
PS C:\> $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
PS C:\> Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode $Command
PS C:\>
Yikes! It returns -1, not 1.
The problem appears to be that setting $ErrorActionPreference inside the function does not actually propagate to the command scope. Indeed, let me add some output:
PS C:\> (Get-Command Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode).ScriptBlock
param([scriptblock]$Command, $Folder)
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
Push-Location $Folder
Write-Host $ErrorActionPreference
& $Command > $null 2>&1
PS C:\> $Command = { Write-Host $ErrorActionPreference ; cmd /c dir xo-xo-xo }
PS C:\> Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode $Command
PS C:\>
So, the problem is really around $ErrorActionPreference - why does it not propagate? Powershell uses dynamic scoping, so the command definition should not capture its value, but use the one from the function. So, what is going on? How to fix it?
Because your Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode function is defined in a module, you must recreate your script block in the scope of that module for it to see the module-local $ErrorActionPreference value of Continue:
# Use an in-memory module to demonstrate the behavior.
$null = New-Module {
Function Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode {
param([scriptblock] $Command, $Folder)
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
Push-Location $Folder
Write-Host $ErrorActionPreference # local value
# *Recreate the script block in the scope of this module*,
# which makes it see the module's variables.
$Command = [scriptblock]::Create($Command.ToString())
# Invoke the recreated script block, suppressing all output.
& $Command *>$null
# Output the exit code.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$Command = { Out-Host -InputObject $ErrorActionPreference; cmd /c dir xo-xo-xo }
Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode $Command
On Windows, the above now prints the following, as expected:
That is, the recreated $Command script block saw the function-local $ErrorActionPreference value, and the catch block was not triggered.
This will only work if the $Command script block contains no references to variables in the originating scope other than variables in the global scope.
The alternative to avoid this limitation is to define the function outside of a module (assuming you're also calling it from code that lives outside modules).
Background Information
The behavior implies that your Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode function is defined in a module, and each module has its own domain of scopes (hierarchy of scopes).
Your $Command script block, because it was defined outside that module, is bound to the default scope domain, and even when executed from inside a module, it continues see the variables from the scope domain in which it was defined.
Therefore, $Command still sees the Stop $ErrorActionPreference value, even though for module-originated code inside the function it would be Continue, due to setting a local copy of $ErrorActionPreference inside the module function.
Perhaps surprisingly, it is still the $ErrorActionPreference in effect inside $Command that controls the behavior, not the function-local value.
With a redirection such as 2>$null for *>$null in effect while Stop is the effective $ErrorActionPreference value, the mere presence of stderr output from an external program - whether it indicates a true error of not - triggers a terminating error and therefore the catch branch.
This particular behavior - where the explicit intent to suppress stderr output triggers an error - should be considered a bug, and has been reported in this GitHub issue.
The general behavior, however - a script block executing in the scope in which it was defined - while non-obvious, is by design.
Note: The remainder of this answer is its original form, which contains general background information that, however, does not cover the module aspect discussed above.
*> $null can be used to silence all output from a command - no need for suppressing the success output stream (>, implied 1>) and the error output stream (2>) separately.
Generally, $ErrorActionPreference has no effect on error output from external programs (such as git), because stderr output from external programs bypasses PowerShell's error stream by default.
There is on exception, however: setting $ErrorActionPreference to 'Stop' actually makes redirections such as 2>&1 and *>$null throw a terminating error if an external program such as git produces any stderr output.
This unexpected behavior is discussed in this GitHub issue.
Otherwise, a call to an external program never triggers a terminating error that a try / catch statement would handle. Success or failure can only be inferred from the automatic $LASTEXITCODE variable.
Therefore, write your function as follows if you define (and call) it outside a module:
function Invoke-SilentlyAndReturnExitCode {
param([scriptblock]$Command, $Folder)
# Set a local copy of $ErrorActionPreference,
# which will go out of scope on exiting this function.
# For *> $null to effectively suppress stderr output from
# external programs *without triggering a terminating error*
# any value other than 'Stop' will do.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
Push-Location $Folder
try {
# Invoke the script block and suppress all of its output.
# Note that if the script block calls an *external program*, the
# catch handler will never get triggered - unless the external program
# cannot be found.
& $Command *> $null
catch {
# Output the exit code used by POSIX-like shells such
# as Bash to signal that an executable could not be found.
} finally {

How do I define an optional parameter in powershell that takes no value? (e.g. get-object -verbose)

I need to expose debug or verbose data in a powershell script. How can I define a function that allows the user to either run with get-object or get-object -verbose?
To NOT use -verbose but a switch:
function get-object{
param (
"switch gassy is {0}" -f $gassy
> get-object
switch gassy is False
> get-object -gassy
switch gassy is True
See Get-Help about_commonparameters
-Verbose[:{$true | $false}]
Alias: vb
Displays detailed information about the operation performed by the
command. This information resembles the information in a trace or in
a transaction log. This parameter works only when the command generates
a verbose message. For example, this parameter works when a command
contains the Write-Verbose cmdlet.
The Verbose parameter overrides the value of the $VerbosePreference
variable for the current command. Because the default value of the
$VerbosePreference variable is SilentlyContinue, verbose messages
are not displayed by default.
Valid values:
$true (-Verbose:$true) has the same effect as -Verbose.
$false (-Verbose:$false) suppresses the display of verbose
messages. Use this parameter when the value of $VerbosePreference
is not SilentlyContinue (the default).
Apply the CmdletBinding attribute to your function:
function Get-Object
Write-Verbose "You'll only see this with -Verbose"
You can call the param function. In this case I've defined a variable called $obj which is a string and is bound to a command-line parameter called "Get-Object".
param (
[string]$obj = Get-Object
"Do Something"
"Do Something Else"

Recursive -Verbose in Powershell

Is there an easy way to make the -Verbose switch "passthrough" to other function calls in Powershell?
I know I can probably search $PSBoundParameters for the flag and do an if statement:
Function Invoke-CustomCommandA {
Write-Verbose "Invoking Custom Command A..."
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) {
Invoke-CustomCommandB -Verbose
} else {
Invoke-CustomCommandA -Verbose
It seems rather messy and redundant to do it this way however... Thoughts?
One way is to use $PSDefaultParameters at the top of your advanced function:
$PSDefaultParameterValues = #{"*:Verbose"=($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue')}
Then every command you invoke with a -Verbose parameter will have it set depending on whether or not you used -Verbose when you invoked your advanced function.
If you have just a few commands the do this:
$verbose = [bool]$PSBoundParameters["Verbose"]
Invoke-CustomCommandB -Verbose:$verbose
I began using KeithHill's $PSDefaultParameterValues technique in some powershell modules. I ran into some pretty surprising behavior which I'm pretty sure resulted from the effect of scope and $PSDefaultParameterValues being a sort-of global variable. I ended up writing a cmdlet called Get-CommonParameters (alias gcp) and using splat parameters to achieve explicit and terse cascading of -Verbose (and the other common parameters). Here is an example of how that looks:
function f1 {
$cp = &(gcp)
f2 #cp
# ... some other code ...
f2 #cp
function f2 {
Write-Verbose 'This gets output to the Verbose stream.'
f1 -Verbose
The source for cmdlet Get-CommonParameters (alias gcp) is in this github repository.
How about:
$vb = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')
Invoke-CustomCommandB -Verbose:$vb

How do you support PowerShell's -WhatIf & -Confirm parameters in a Cmdlet that calls other Cmdlets?

I have a PowerShell script cmdlet that supports the -WhatIf & -Confirm parameters.
It does this by calling the $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess() method before performing the change.
This works as expected.
The problem I have is that my Cmdlet is implemented by calling other Cmdlets and the -WhatIf or -Confirm parameters are not passed along to the Cmdlets I invoke.
How can I pass along the values of -WhatIf and -Confirm to the Cmdlets I call from my Cmdlet?
For example, if my Cmdlet is Stop-CompanyXyzServices and it uses Stop-Service to implement its action.
If -WhatIf is passed to Stop-CompanyXyzServices I want it to also be passed to Stop-Service.
Is this possible?
Passing parameters explicitly
You can pass the -WhatIf and -Confirm parameters with the $WhatIfPreference and $ConfirmPreference variables. The following example achieves this with parameter splatting:
if($ConfirmPreference -eq 'Low') {$conf = #{Confirm = $true}}
StopService MyService -WhatIf:([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) #conf
$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent will be True if the -WhatIf switch is used on the containing function. Using the -Confirm switch on the containing function temporarily sets $ConfirmPreference to low.
Passing parameters implicitly
Since the -Confirm and -WhatIf temporarily set the $ConfirmPreference and $WhatIfPreference variables automatically, is it even necessary to pass them?
Consider the example:
function ShouldTestCallee {
function ShouldTestCaller {
$ConfirmPreference = 'High'
ShouldTestCaller -Confirm
ShouldTestCaller results in True from ShouldProcess()
ShouldTestCaller -Confirm results in an confirm prompt even though I didn't pass the switch.
#manojlds answer made me realize that my solution was always setting $ConfirmPreference to 'Low' or 'High'. I have updated my code to only set the -Confirm switch if the confirm preference is 'Low'.
After some googling I came up with a good solution for passing common parameters along to called commands. You can use the # splatting operator to pass along all the parameters that were passed to your command. For example, if
Start-Service -Name ServiceAbc #PSBoundParameters
is in the body of your script powershell will pass all the parameters that were passed to your script to the Start-Service command. The only problem is that if your script contains say a -Name parameter it will be passed too and PowerShell will complain that you included the -Name parameter twice. I wrote the following function to copy all the common parameters to a new dictionary and then I splat that.
function Select-BoundCommonParameters
$boundCommonParameters = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, [Object]]'
$BoundParameters.GetEnumerator() |
Where-Object { $_.Key -match 'Debug|ErrorAction|ErrorVariable|WarningAction|WarningVariable|Verbose' } |
ForEach-Object { $boundCommonParameters.Add($_.Key, $_.Value) }
The end result is you pass parameters like -Verbose along to the commands called in your script and they honor the callers intention.
Here is a complete solution based on #Rynant and #Shay Levy's answers:
function Stop-CompanyXyzServices
if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($env:COMPUTERNAME,"Stop XYZ services '$Name'")){
function ActualCmdletProcess{
# add here the actual logic of your cmdlet, and any call to other cmdlets
Stop-Service $name -WhatIf:([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) -Confirm:("Low","Medium" -contains $ConfirmPreference)
We have to see if -WhatIf is passed separately as well so that the whatif can be passed on to the individual cmdlets. ActualCmdletProcess is basically a refactoring so that you don't call the same set of commands again just for the WhatIf. Hope this helps someone.
Updated per #manojlds comment
Cast $WhatIf and $Confirm to Boolean and pass the values to the the underlying cmdlet:
function Stop-CompanyXyzServices
if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($env:COMPUTERNAME,"Stop service '$Name'"))
Stop-Service $name -WhatIf:([bool]$WhatIf) -Confirm:([bool]$confirm)
Just so you wont get run around the block for hours by this question and the answers here, I would suggest that you read this article instead:
The answers presented here does not work for many cases and I see a danger in people implementing the answers here, without understanding the fundamentals.
Here is how a hacked it to work across scriptmodules:

How to properly use the -verbose and -debug parameters in a custom cmdlet

By default, any named function that has the [CmdletBinding()] attribute accepts the -debug and -verbose (and a few others) parameters and has the predefined $debug and $verbose variables. I'm trying to figure out how to pass them on to other cmdlet's that get called within the function.
Let's say I have a cmdlet like this:
function DoStuff() {
new-item Test -type Directory
If -debug or -verbose was passed into my function, I want to pass that flag into the new-item cmdlet. What's the right pattern for doing this?
$PSBoundParameters isn't what you're looking for. The use of the [CmdletBinding()] attribute allows the usage of $PSCmdlet within your script, in addition to providing a Verbose flag. It is in fact this same Verbose that you're supposed to use.
Through [CmdletBinding()], you can access the bound parameters through $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters. Here's a function that uses CmdletBinding and simply enters a nested prompt immediately in order examine the variables available inside the function scope.
PS D:\> function hi { [CmdletBinding()]param([string] $Salutation) $host.EnterNestedPrompt() }; hi -Salutation Yo -Verbose
PS D:\>>> $PSBoundParameters
PS D:\>>> $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters
Key Value
--- -----
Salutation Yo
Verbose True
So in your example, you would want the following:
function DoStuff `
param ()
new-item Test -type Directory `
-Verbose:($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent -eq $true)
This covers -Verbose, -Verbose:$false, -Verbose:$true, and the case where the switch is not present at all.
Perhaps it sounds strange, but there isn't any easy way for a cmdlet to know its verbose or debug mode. Take a look at the related question:
How does a cmdlet know when it really should call WriteVerbose()?
One not perfect, but practically reasonable, option is to introduce your own cmdlet parameters (for example, $MyVerbose and $MyDebug) and use them in the code explicitly:
function DoStuff {
# Unfortunately, we cannot use Verbose name with CmdletBinding
process {
if ($MyVerbose) {
# Do verbose stuff
# Pass $MyVerbose in the cmdlet explicitly
New-Item Test -Type Directory -Verbose:$MyVerbose
DoStuff -MyVerbose
When we need only a switch (not, say, a verbosity level value) then the approach with $PSBoundParameters is perhaps better than proposed in the first part of this answer (with extra parameters):
function DoStuff {
process {
if ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) {
# Do verbose stuff
New-Item Test -Type Directory -Verbose:($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true)
DoStuff -Verbose
It's all not perfect anyway. If there are better solutions then I would really like to know them myself.
There is no need. PowerShell already does this as the code below proves.
function f { [cmdletbinding()]Param()
"f is called"
Write-Debug Debug
Write-Verbose Verbose
function g { [cmdletbinding()]Param()
"g is called"
g -Debug -Verbose
The output is
g is called
f is called
DEBUG: Debug
VERBOSE: Verbose
It is not done as direct as passing -Debug to the next cmdlet though. It is done through the $DebugPreference and $VerbrosePreference variables. Write-Debug and Write-Verbose act like you would expect, but if you want to do something different with debug or verbose you can read here how to check for yourself.
Here's my solution:
function DoStuff {
param ()
$CMDOUT = #{
Verbose = If ($PSBoundParameters.Verbose -eq $true) { $true } else { $false };
Debug = If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug -eq $true) { $true } else { $false }
New-Item Example -ItemType Directory #CMDOUT
What this does different from the other examples is that it will repsect "-Verbose:$false" or "-Debug:$false". It will only set -Verbose/-Debug to $true if you use the following:
DoStuff -Verbose
DoStuff -Verbose:$true
DoStuff -Debug
DoStuff -Debug:$true
You could build a new hash table based on the bound debug or verbose parameters and then splat it to the internal command. If you're just specifying switches (and aren't passing a false switch, like $debug:$false) you can just check for the existence of debug or verbose:
function DoStuff() {
new-item Test -type Directory #HT
If you want to pass the parameter value it's more complicated, but can be done with:
function DoStuff {
$v,$d = $null
new-item Test -type Directory #HT
The best way to do it is by setting the $VerbosePreference. This will enable the verbose level for the entire script. Do not forget to disable it by the end of the script.
Function test
if ($psBoundParameters['verbose'])
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
Write-Verbose " Verbose mode is on"
$VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Write-Verbose " Verbose mode is Off"
# <Your code>
You can set the VerbosePreference as a global variable on starting your script and then check for the global variable in your custom cmdlet.
$global:VerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference
if ($global:VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') {
# verbose code
Checking explicitly for 'Continue' allows the script to be equal to -verbose:$false when you call the CmdLet from a script that doesn't set the global variable (in which case it's $null)
You do not have to do any checks or comparisons. Even though -Verbose (and -Debug) are of type [switch], they seem to understand not just $true and $false but also their preference variable. The preference variable also gets inherited correctly to all child functions that are called. I tried this on Powershell version 7.3.2 and it works as expected.
function Parent {
function Child {
New-Item C:\TEST\SomeDir -Force -ItemType Directory -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -Debug:$DebugPreference
Parent -Verbose
Parent -Debug
I think this is the easiest way:
Function Test {
Param (
Write-Host "This is INFO message"
if ($PSBoundParameters.debug) {
Write-Host -fore cyan "This is DEBUG message"
if ($PSBoundParameters.verbose) {
Write-Host -fore green "This is VERBOSE message"
Test -Verbose -Debug