where can I download Techtalk.specflow.dll version 1.9.0 from? - nuget

where can I download Techtalk.specflow.dll version 1.9.0 from? As I am not able to install it using Install - package specflow. So, I think manually I need to install this. Can any one point me to right location?

The Visual Studio integration of SpecFlow is installed through Visual Studio Gallery: http://go.specflow.org/vsgallery
The runtime libraries and tools of SpecFlow (such as TechTalk.SpecFlow.Dll) should be installed through NuGet. Read more about this here: http://go.specflow.org/getting-started
The latest version of the VS integration is 1.9.1 while the latest version of the runtime is 1.9.0. The VS integration works also with previous runtime versions (including 1.9.0).

And if you have another version, make sure you uninstall it first. I had 1.7 before installing 1.9. I had to install Nuget, powershell 2.0 along with 1.9 to make it work. But works fine with all that.


Error configuring pipeline debugger in Eclipse

enter image description hereI have been trying really hard to configure a pipeline debugger in eclipse. After using my digital server account in server configuration when i select my site and click 'Debug' button it gives me an error
Could not initialize class com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.TreeMapConverter
I couldn't find much help online. I even tried changing the JRE version to an older version 14.0.2 but it doesn't seem to help.
[![Image attached of error][2]][2]
enter image description here
That library seems to be a core component of the Pipeline editor. I would suggest that you ensure that your Eclipse version is compatible with the plugin if you haven't done so already.
Currently, according to the documentation it only supports:
Mars - Eclipse 4.5
Neon - Eclipse 4.6
Furthermore, you must install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Eclipse. (Though in the past I've found that older plugin versions may sometimes work in newer Eclipse builds.)
This error relates to discounted class from JRE.
So my recipe for solving the issue:
used OpenJDK v11
installed latest eclipce version
SFCC plugin v4.6
Some found issues:
with new eclipce version brakepoints are not set from JS editor only via ScriptEditor
Thank you,
I had issues with running debugger, but after I installed eclipse version 2020-12 and installed UX studio plugin it started to work. maybe new versions are not compatible with plugin

how to upgrade eclipse in appcelerator studio

How do you upgrade the Eclipse version in Appcelerator Studio from 4.4.2 to Neon or Oxygen? I am working on PyDev projects and getting the error please update your Eclipse to 4.6 or later.
Simply adding the URL to the installation source allows add-ons but does not upgrade the Eclipse Platform. I already have Oxygen loaded on my development station. Is there a way to use that version rather than the built in version
Platform OSX 10.13, Python 2.7, Appcelerator Studio, PyDev
You can't upgrade Appcelerator Studio eclipse base version. Studio 4.10.0 comes with the Eclipse 4.4.2
However, it's planned for future release https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TISTUD-7565
Please provide more details about your problem in the above ticket.

In switch to Android Studio should my SDK location be the same as Eclipse version?

I'm trying to move from Eclipse ADT NDK build to Android Studio on my Mac OS X. In doing this, one thing I notice is the Project Structure's Android SDK Location for my ported project and for new projects is defaulting to be: /Users/user1/Development/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030/sdk.
Shouldn't the Android Studio come with its own SDK and shouldn't I be using it by default? I looked in the application install directory but found no signs of an SDK directory there. I'm concerned that the sdk is from October 30, 2013 and so it seems rather old. What are the implications of moving to a newer SDK?
Perhaps related to this is that when trying to use the old Eclipse Kepler that used to build for me:
I get notice on Eclipse launch:
This Android SDK requires Android Developer Toolkit version 23.0.0 or above.
Current version is 22.6.2.v2014032112031-1085508.
Please update ADT to the latest version.
Click "Check for Updates":
No Updates were found.
No Repository found at https://dl.google.com/alt.
Tried to update the repository to (for Kepler Eclipse):
Still no updates found but error about no repository goes away.
I resolved this later issue with the answer posted here.
cant comment on details of OSX but on linux/AS with Eclipse & AS , i found follow to help:
provision environment to use multiple versions of java JDK
install oracle JDK 1.7 that will be just for use by shell script running AS
note ASRoot/bin/studio.sh .... if [ -n "$STUDIO_JDK"
accordingly provide for the above ENV VAR and its use by the AS.studio.sh
that version of the JDK does nothing more than run AS
Then , for the ADT stuff (OK to be shared by Eclipse & AS ), you can keep updated another version of the SDK/ADT in a path where theres read access by both eclipse/ AS.
I think u can use ./android to keep updated this , original sdk/adt

Is it possible to install Dynamic Languages Toolkit together with ShellEd?

I'd like to be able to edit both Ruby and Bash files natively in Eclipse Keppler. I also need Mylyn. The problem is, that installing ShellEd triggers dependency conflict:
Is there any way to use ShellEd together with Mylyn/Ruby? Is there a reason to issue a bug on ShellEd?
edit: This is a list of my istalled plugins:
The version of the DLTK Ruby tools you have installed is 2.0.0 which is very old (the current version in the Kepler repo is 5.0.0). ShellEd declares that it requires DLTK version 4.0.0 or higher, so you just need to upgrade to the latest DLTK Ruby version. That should be easy to do by selecting the Kepler repo when doing Install New Software.
It looks like the DLTK Mylyn Integration feature does not exist any more so you'll have to let it be uninstalled. That doesn't affect Mylyn in general, which should remain intact.

How do I build and install a plugin for KDevelop?

In particular, I am trying to install kdev-control-flow-graph
I have managed to clone the source from git, cmake the source to build a kdevcontrolflowgraphview.so installed to /usr/local/lib, but when I restart kdevelop, I can find no sign of the plugin!
Under the Loaded Plugins window, it doesn't show up, and I can't seem to find a way to tell it about the existence of the new plug-in.
I am running KDevelop Version 4.2.3 using KDE Development Platform 4.7.2 on Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure that "/usr/local/lib" is in your KDEDIRS var, and run "kbuildsyscocoa4 --noincremental"
If that doesn't work, perhaps the plugin's .desktop file needs to have its version modified.
Also note that you aren't running KDE Development Platform 4.7.2 because that doesn't exist (you probably mean KDE 4.7.2), you should be running KDevplatform 1.2.3.