Matlab MATPOWER Output in long format - matlab

I've been trying to use MATPOWER to do a power flow analysis for a network i have but all the outputs are coming with only 2 decimal places. Is there a way to configure the output to have the long format?

You can modify the number of decimal places printed on screen or forwarded to the output text file.
If you browse the printpf.m file, simply change the required %9.xf to the required number of decimal places, where x is the number of digits after the decimal point. For bus data, these can be found at line 412 onwards.
Hope this helps.

You cannot change the number of decimal places used in the pretty-printed output of MATPOWER, but all of the results are available in full precision in the results struct returned by runpf() or runopf(). You can display these results with whatever precision you choose using standard Matlab commands such as disp() or fprintf().


How to decode 16-bit signed binary file in IEEE754 standard

I have a file format called .ogpr (openGPR, a dead format used for Ground Radar data), I'm trying to read this file and convert it into a matrix using Matlab(R).
In the first part of file there is a JSON Header where are explained the characteristics of data acquisition (number of traces, position etc), and on the second part there are two different data blocks.
First block contains the 'real' GPR data and I know that they are formatted as:
Multibyte binary data are little-endian
Floating point binary data follow the IEEE 754 standard
Integer data follow the two’s complement encoding
I know also the total number of bytes and also the relative number of bytes for each single 'slice' (we have 512 samples * 10 channel * 3971 slices [x2 byte per sample]).
Furthermore: 'A Data Block of type Radar Volume stores a 3D array of radar Samples At the moment, each sample value is stored in a 16-bit signed integer. Each Sample value is in volts in the range [-20, 20].'
Second block contains geolocation infos.
I'd like to read and convert the Data Block from that codification but it ain't clear especially how many bytes break the data and how to convert them from that codification to number.
I tried to use this part of code:
bin_data = ogpr_data(48:(length(ogpr_data)-1),1);
writematrix(bin_data, 'bin_data.txt');
fileID = fopen('bin_data.txt', 'r', 'ieee-le');
format = 'uint16';
Data = fread(fileID, Inf, format);fclose(fileID)
Looks like your posted code is mixing text files and binary files. The writematrix( ) routine writes values as comma delimited text. Then you turn around and try to use fopen( ) and fread( ) to read this as a binary file in IEEE Little Endian format. These are two totally different things. You need to pick one format and use it consistently, either human readable comma delimited text files, or machine readable binary IEEE format files.

Differences between format long and format long g

I searched differences between format long and format long g in Matlab.But I'm not sure exactly what the differences are between them.Does the difference between them affect accuracy?
Thank you...
The commands format X in Matlab affect the display of text.
So format short will display 4 digits after the decimal point. This is the default display option. The command format long will display more digits after the decimal point. The addition of a G will tell Matlab to additionally display in scientific notation if it is more compact.
There is not difference in terms of computed values or accuracy, just display. From the doc format or here Display Format Matlab article:
format does not affect how MATLAB computations are done. Computations
on float variables, namely single or double, are done in appropriate
floating point precision, no matter how those variables are displayed.
Computations on integer variables are done natively in integer.
format long basically a fixed decimal format. It always show 7 digits after decimal point for single accuracy and 15 digits after decimal point for double accuracy.
format longG are going to show up to 7 digits after decimal point for single accuracy and 15 digits after decimal point for double accuracy. But, if there is a zeros behind, it won't be shown. So, longG is more compact.
It won't affect the accuracy for calculation. Accuracy are depends on single or double precision.
Look at my example below, if I've saved a as 12.999012 and called for pi, MATLAB will response like this :
Format longG
Format long
If you are also asking for the format short and format shortG, the difference just the 4 digits behind decimal point.

How to count the number of significant digits?

For example, 5.020 would return 4. Preferably, it should work with vector inputs too.
I Googled around and found some answers, but none of them counted the last zero in 5.020.
From the given information, it is not possible.
The problem is that when you enter a number it is (per standard) represented as a double, and thus it has a precision of eps (the entered precision is lost). However, as one is typically not interested in showing all ~15 digits Matlab uses a couple of different display rules which are independent of the originally entered number, this typically involves the integer part plus 4 digits.
Additionally, the standard rule, when converting a number to a string (num2str) is to cutoff trailing zeros. Which is why you do not get the last zero.
Your only option is to count the number of significant digits when you obtain the data. Which leads back to the question #Beaker asks you in the comments

Matlab: Obtaining an exact decimal number from a csv file

I have a CSV file where I have decimal numbers like 1.1, 1.10, 1.100. When I load the file in Matlab using importdata or even textscan, it show all these numbers same: 1.1 discarding 0's at the end. But, I have different meaning of them.
Is there anyway to recover?
You're saying you mean something different by 1.1 than by 1.100000? Mathematically, they are the same number (I sincerely hope you know this already).
So if your "numbers" don't have the same meaning as numbers in any of the strictly defined mathematical number systems (which MATLAB normally assumes is the case), you should import them as strings (%s) rather than numbers (%d, %f, etc.), and process them as such.

MATLAB date number too short - how to get MATLAB to stop shortening my Serial Date Number

I need to extract the dates from a set of data s.
I use the command s(x) where x can be changed for each person however it is returning the serial date number as 7.3244e+005 which just gives me the day but I need it to show much more detail something like this 732162.65994213.
I don't know if the data I have is already saving it as the shorthand format but it's a set of data from MIT and the help documentation shows it as the long hand format so I sincerely doubt this.
Try typing the following help format or format long (for starters).
By default, Matlab displays 5 significant digits (calculations are done in appropriate floating-point precision, no matter how those variables are displayed). Refer to the documentation for different ways of displaying.