Creating a translator/dictionary in IOS - iphone

So Im importing a text file that contains a list of character sets. These sets have a meaning they refer to a status of an object. For example TOMTOM100 means Delivery announced. Ones i import he text file the status is presented in 0-5 labels(depends on how many status updates are available).
At first i wanted to do this with a if statement but quickly realized that it would be to much.
if ((trackTraceStatusone.text = #"TOMTOM100"))
trackTraceStatusone.text = #"Delivery announced.";
Is there a way to create some kind of translator that automatically translates the status in a readable format?
TOMTOM100 > Delivery announced
TOMTOM101 > Delivery Scanned
and so on.

Sounds like a job for NSLocalizedStringFromTable() or the corresponding NSBundle method -localizedStringForKey:value:table:. This will let you load the string from a .strings file in your bundle, which will look something like this:
"TOMTOM100" = "Delivery Announced";
"TOMTOM101" = "Delivery Scanned";
This will also make it easy to provide different strings for different languages. For more information, see the String Resources section of the Resource Programming Guide.


Modifying MP3 file header text info

Is there a method I can use in a program to access and modify ripped music CD-MP3 file(s) header text?
There is a method available in the MusicMatch jukeboks music player, but with 2000 files ripper from 50 CD's, the job is quite formidable and the tool "supertagging' is cumbersome to use.
What I see for me is more like the visual representation of Excel, where I would have just the three fields Artist name, Song title and Album name. displayed.
The Artist field would have the option of repeating the top field down for all the song titles, Album would always be repeted for all song titles.
Song titles wil of course have to be entered for each item.
In the ripped files, every file has the fields track#, artist, album + some of less importance.
Just let me know if I am at the wrong forum for my search. I just don't know anywhere else that I might go.
For programming I might use Visual Foxpro and/or assembler. I haven't used C since early 1980's.
If you really want to develop it yourself, at least use an ID3 library, don't write the functionality yourself!
A good one is at I haven't tried it recently, but I'm sure you can call it from VFP somehow.
If you just want something that is better for tagging a shed-load of files, look at MediaMonkey.
If you want to work solely in VFP then you should use the VFP low-level utilities
These are pretty well documented within the VFP Help system and there are numerous examples on the web.
With them you can get the 'raw' data from the MP3 file, identify what you are looking for, change it, and write it back again.
The downside is that specific 'fields' (e.g. Artist name, Song title and Album name, etc.) will not be readily recognized. You would need to write code to identify these and then identify where the values reside.
Good Luck

PDF Parsing with SWIFT

I want to parse a PDF that has no images, only text. I'm trying to find pieces of text. For example to search the string "Name:" and be able to read the characters after ":".
I'm already able to open a PDF, get the number of pages, and to loop on them. The problem is when I want to use functions like CGPDFDictionaryGetStream or CGPDFStreamCopyData, because they use pointers. I have not found much info on the internet for swift programmers.
Maybe the easiest way would be to parse all the content to an NSString. Then I could do the rest.
Here my code:
// Get existing Pdf reference
let pdf = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL(NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path))
let pageCount = CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages(pdf);
for index in 1...pageCount {
let myPage = CGPDFDocumentGetPage(pdf, index)
//Search somehow the string "Name:" to get whats written next
You can use PDFKit to do this. It is part of the Quartz framework and is available on both iOS and MacOS. It is also pretty fast, I was able to search through a PDF with over 15000 characters in just 0.07s.
Here is an example:
import Quartz
let pdf = PDFDocument(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/...some path.../test.pdf"))
guard let contents = pdf?.string else {
print("could not get string from pdf: \(String(describing: pdf))")
let footNote = contents.components(separatedBy: "FOOT NOTE: ")[1] // get all the text after the first foot note
print(footNote.components(separatedBy: "\n")[0]) // print the first line of that text
// Output: "The operating system being written in C resulted in a more portable software."
You can also still access most of (if not all of) the properties you had before. Such as pdf.pageCount for the number of pages, and <Int>) to get a specific page.
This is a pretty intensive task. There are libs like PDFKitten which are not maintained anymore. Here is a port of PDFKitten to swift that i did, with some modifications to the way the string searching / content indexing is done, as well as support for truetype fonts.
[disclaimer : lib author]
[second disclaimer: this lib is 100% mit open sourced. The library has nothing to do with the company, it's not an ad or even a product, i'm posting this comment to help people, and then maybe grow a community around it, because it's a very common requirement and nothing free works well enough]
EDIT : the reason it's a pretty intensive task (not to mention all the character encoding issues), is that the PDF format doesn't have the notion of a "line of text" or even a "word". All it has is character printing instruction. Which means that if you want to find a "word", you'll have to recompute the frame of every blocks of character, using font information, and find the ones can be coalesced into a single word.
That's the reason why you won't find a lot of libraries doing those kind of features, and even some big project fail sometimes at providing correct copy/paste or text search features.

iOS how to localize files in for a module

I have a class that implements the "Take photo / Choose from library" that we all know and love. It is here This is included in my other projects via git submodule and that works fine.
Now I need to translate the text in that class to Chinese so it is "拍照 / 选照片" or something like that. Is there a good way to put translations in there so everyone can use them?
Localization is typically handled by the NSLocalizedString(<#key#>, <#comment#>) macro. In the source your replace all hard coded string with the macro. For example:
[self.buttonTitles addObject:#"Hi"]; // hard coded greeting
[self.theLabel setText:(NSLocalizedString(#"theKey", #"Hi"))];
Then genstrings (from inside a Terminal) is used to scan the implementations file (*.m) and to write its output to the language project folder (here: en.lproj)
$ genstrings -o en.lproj/ *.m
In the directory en.lproj/ a file called Localizable.strings. Its contents will be:
/* Hi */
"theKey" = "theKey";
The comment /* Hi */ is taken from our source code. The string Hi should be displayed to the (English speaking) user. So we need to edit the string on the right hand side of the equals sign and make it the greeting, = "theKey" has to become = "Hi":
/* Hi */
"theKey" = "Hi!";
So far so good
All this is fine if there are only a few strings or when there is no intend to ever modify the strings. The moment gestrings is run again it will overwrite the modifications and you effectively lose the work done in Localizable.strings.
An idea could be to write the output of genstrings to a different location. But then you will have to manually merge the changes. Once the Localizable.strings file grows it becomes a nightmare trying to keep source code and Localizable.strings in sync. So lets try to avoid that.
A big help comes from using NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(<#key#>, <#tbl#>, <#bundle#>, <#val#>, <#comment#>). This macro will allow to set a default value in the Localizable.strings file and in addition, it will make the need for the initial edit of the value field go away.
Putting it together:
[self.theLabel setText:NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(#"theKey2", #"Localizable", [NSBundle mainBundle], #"Hi!", #"informal greeting"))];
After running the genstrings command as used above there is now a small different in Localizable.strings
/* informal greeting */
"theKey2" = "Hi!";
Apart from the comment now telling the translator that we want an informal greeting, the “Hi!” is already present in the value filed. There is no need to go to the Localizable.strings file, search for the correct line, modify the field form “theKey” to “Hi!”. genstrings did that for us based on the default value supplied with NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue.
Add the file Localizable.strings to the xcode project.
Doing the translations
After changing the source code, for a new language from inside the Xcode first add a localization to Localizable.strings. Xcode will generate a copy of Localizable.strings under a subfolder based on the original Localizable.strings.
I personally don't speak Chinese, but German. So if to add German localization my translation would go under de.lproj/Localizable.strings, italian under it.lproj/ and so on.
Edit the new Localizable.strings as needed:
/* informal greeting */
"theKey2" = "Hallo!";
/* informal greeting */
"theKey2" = "Ciao!";
and then build and run.
********* begin edit
Bundle it up
The above considers a "standard" xcode project. You are asking about cereateing a module, therefore allowing your code to become an addition to a project. I suggest you create a bundle with the localizations. When somebody will include your code into their project the localizations remain separate.
Full documentation about bundles is here.
A project that uses bundles for localizations is QuincyKit (there probably are more, that one was the first that came to mind)
So when placing the localization into a bundle other than the mainBundle the [NSBundle mainBundle] in the line below has to change
[self.theLabel setText:NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(#"theKey2", #"Localizable", [NSBundle mainBundle], #"Hi!", #"informal greeting"))];
Instead of getting the strings from the mainBundle, obtain a reference to your own module. The docs suggest:
NSBundle* myBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
So the line becomes:
[self.theLabel setText:NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(#"theKey2", #"Localizable", myBundle, #"Hi!", #"informal greeting"))];
********* end edit
PS: : my original text can be seen here
I think a bundle (as Olaf suggests) would work great, but another way with less overhead to ensure that your localizable string resources don't interfere with another project in the same solution (causing a weird problem to people reusing your component in another localized project) is to change your localizable.strings file name to a unique file name. This means that where you used NSLocalizedString you now need to use its variant NSLocalizedStringFromTable (Apple documentation), where tableName is the same name as your strings file (without the .strings extension). You can define your own macro so that's it's just a straight replacement of NSLocalizedString with, say FDTakeLocalizedString.
A file name collision is much less likely to happen with XIBs files or storyboards than for the localizable.strings file. But in both cases, if you use a prefixed naming convention (say FDTake.strings and FDTake-Main.xib), it will eliminate the risk and can only help.

How do I use IPTC/EXIF metadata to categorise photos?

Many photo viewing and editing applications allow you to examine and change EXIF and IPTC data in JPEG and other image files. For example, I can see things like shutter speed, aperture and orientation in the picture files that come off my Canon A430. There are many, many name/value pairs in all this metadata. But...
What do I do if I want to store some data that doesn't have a build-in field name. Let's say I'm photographing an athletics competition and I want to tag every photo with the competitor's bib number. Can I create a "bib_number" field and assign it a values of "0001", "5478", "8124" etc, and then search for all photos with bib_number="5478"?
I've spent a few hours searching and the best I can come up with is to put this custom information in the "keywords" field but this isn't quite what I'm after. With this socution I'd have to craft a query like "keywords contains bib_number_5478" whereas what I want it "bib_number is 5478".
So do the EXIF and/or IPTC standards allow addtional user-defined field names?
It can be used for that, but it really shouldn't: it's meant to be user-editable and so isn't a safe place to put critical metadata. Using an XMP sidecar is better for this kind of thing: in XMP, any field added that a given app does not understand is, according to the standard, supposed to be ignored by that app and not destroyed.
I don't know if there are applications to do this but by the standards described for JPEG files there is a field called Comments where you can assign values that could act like tags.
C# code:
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.IO;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(#"<img_path>", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
BitmapMetadata bmd = (BitmapMetadata)BitmapFrame.Create(fs).Metadata;
bmd.Comment = "Some Comment Here";
also if you are looking for an application that already has this functionality built into it, then might i recommend Irfan View (open pic, go to Image menu, click on Comments button).
Hope this helps.

Localized Crystal Reports

What is a good method to localize labels (column headings, field labels, headers/footers, etc) on Crystal Reports?
We are currently on XI R2 SP4 but are looking to migrate to 2008. It looks like 2008 offers better localization of the viewer UI. Does it have a content localization story?
Found a way to for localization of values such as DateTimes in Crystal Reports.
For instance if date is Aug-2009 and culture is French then would display as août-2009.
All this WITHOUT switching the current Thread culture to French.
Relevant Code snippet (example):
//Locale must be set BEFORE report is opened
if (this.IsEnglish)
ReportDoc.ReportClientDocument.PreferredViewingLocaleID =
ReportDoc.ReportClientDocument.LocaleID =
ReportDoc.ReportClientDocument.ProductLocaleID =
ReportDoc.ReportClientDocument.PreferredViewingLocaleID =
ReportDoc.ReportClientDocument.LocaleID =
ReportDoc.ReportClientDocument.ProductLocaleID =
//Load the report from file path
The two options that I can think of are: 1) Have a separate report for each localized version (this gets ugly quick and I don't recommend it very highly) or 2) Have the report generated from an application (say a c# windows/web app) and then you can localize using .net's localization standards and setting all of the localized text (read in from resource files) in the code.
I am not certain about 2008 but we are also on XI R2. We have localized reports for each language but only because we * know * that we will only need three different localized versions.
A client asked me to do develop a localization strategy for them. I've been meaning to write an article on it. Thanks to you, I've done just that.
I was able to use an embedded subreport (in the report-header section) that referenced a database of localization values. I would have added that to my posting, but it was quite complex.
Another option is to create a user-function library (UFL) that handles this tasks. Store the data in a database or XML file. Most likely, however, you will lose the ContentLocale functionality.
We finally got around to implementing report localization. Loading of Crystal Reports is already the laggiest/worst-performing part of the user experience in our app, so we wanted to avoid any performance impact. The other idea that informed our decision was that the translations won't change within a shipped release.
We developed an application that uses the Crystal Reports API (2008 - so there's no RDC) and works in two phases.
First phase is to scrape all of the text and output to an English .resx file. Toughest part of this is identifying translatable text within functions, and replacing embedded fields with tokens indicating "don't translate."
After the localized versions of the resx come back, the second phase of the app takes each report along with each resx and saves out new reports with English replaced with translated text. This also allowed us to switch out the fonts only in Japanese reports to MS Gothic, thereby avoiding the need to license a "universal" font. The Japanese characters in "universal" fonts (e.g. Arial Unicode MS) tend to look like crap.
The Crystal API is byzantine, and you need to be careful with edge cases around detecting translatable strings within functions and embedded fields. Be careful with the builtin fields like PageNofM, they aren't enclosed in curly braces (not to mention that you should replace this with Page {field} of {field} so "page" and "of" can be translated). One pointer, use the controllers to replace existing items with cloned/modified copies, you can't just modify the text content of items in place. Good luck if you go this route, but in the end we think it's the best option.
Single Crystal report Use for multiple language
if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name == "en-US")
(obj.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lbleverest"] as TextObject).Text = resBundle.GetString("Localization", "everest");
(obj.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lblmandlicode"] as TextObject).Text = resBundle.GetString("Localization", "SocietyCode");
(obj.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["MandliName1"] as FieldObject).ApplyFont(new Font(resBundle.GetString("Localization", "Font"), Convert.ToInt32(resBundle.GetString("Localization", "FontSize")), FontStyle.Regular));
(obj.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["shortName1"] as FieldObject).ApplyFont(new Font(resBundle.GetString("Localization", "Font"), Convert.ToInt32(resBundle.GetString("Localization", "FontSize")), FontStyle.Regular));
(obj.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lbleverest"] as TextObject).Text = resBundle.GetString("Localization", "everest");
(obj.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lblmandlicode"] as TextObject).Text = resBundle.GetString("Localization", "SocietyCode");
(obj.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["MandliName1"] as FieldObject).ApplyFont(new Font(resBundle.GetString("Localization", "Font"), Convert.ToInt32(resBundle.GetString("Localization", "FontSize")), FontStyle.Regular));
(obj.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["shortName1"] as FieldObject).ApplyFont(new Font(resBundle.GetString("Localization", "Font"), Convert.ToInt32(resBundle.GetString("Localization", "FontSize")), FontStyle.Regular));
obj.DataDefinition.FormulaFields["lang"].Text = "'" + CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name + "'";
cv.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = obj;