which event is trigger,when a mail is sent by magento store? - magento-1.7

I want to store all emails information,which is sent by magento store.For this i want to trigger a event,after a email is sent by magento store.there are lot of such action is there like when a email is send to user like forget password,registration,newsletter subscribe,wishlist share etc.
There is one idea in my mind that if there is such event is exist in magento like email_send_after,i can add my custum coding in observer file and get that event is trigger or not.but i don't know is there any event or not?

you might be interested in this but you can always configure the store email section as described here Also check out this blog post - v helpful


send calendar invite based on response

I want to create a form using Microsoft Forms to schedule some trainings and I wanted to use Flow to send out the person a calendar invite to the session they choose on the form.
what's the best way to go about doing this ...
You can use the answer on this post here to start the flow and add another action to send an email with the link to the event created. You can also update the event with the person information using something like this.
Images for reference:
1) Create the Flow part that gets the form inputs and convert into events.
2) Get the event created previously and update it with the email addresses from the people so they will receive an email with the invite.

Can I get some sort of notification from parse.com if a user "flags" certain material from my iOS app?

I am using parse.com to store my backend. My data is crowd sourced. So there is a chance that some material will be vulgar/spam. I want to allow the user to flag certain objects that I store in Parse so I/others can take a look at it. My idea right now is to have the user tap a button on the object in question and have that send me an email. I don't believe I can have that send me an email with some reference to that object. I know I can have the email UI pop up and they can send it that way, and that will be my last resort. But is there a way I can utilize parse and just have that button tap send some data to my parse backend, then have that send me an email with that object id in the email?
Look at Parse's Cloud Module Guide. It has instructions on how you can use SendGrid, Mailgun, or Mandrill from cloud code to send an email whenever a new object is saved. You can use this to send yourself an email when a user creates a new "Flag".

Edit email content with a plugin on a quick campaign

I'm having trouble to achieve this. What I would like to do is be able to edit the content (description) of an email entity for a qucik campaign before it's sent (or after it's created).
I've tried many different plugins registration without much luck.
Prevalidate Create Email : this one fires ok but only when a user creates and save the email. when the email is created by the quick campaign it is not triggered.
Prevalidate Send Email : this one fires only for when a single email is sent by a user action and does not allow to modify the description anywa
Prevalidate BackgroundSend Email: this one is correctly triggered when the emails created by a quick campaign are sent, but it does not let me modify the description.
Anyone has done that before ?
I'm using CRM 2011 online.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Found the solution which is to simply use the plugin on Create Email Pre-Operation instead of Pre-Validation like I was doing.
For some reasons, the Pre-Validation doesn't trigger when emails are created in the background.

How do I trigger a email in Magento when an order is made?

I need solution for the following:
1) Customer places order
2) Store owner recieves email WITHOUT price info (e.g. packing list)
What files do I need to edit (I've read lots of posts and they don't seem to mention the file paths).
Two possible ways to achieve that:
You can create a model rewrite for the class Mage_Sales_Model_Order and override the function Mage_Sales_Model_Order::sendNewOrderEmail by sending an email to the shop owner using a different template
You can set the configuration entry "Sales Email/Order/Send Order Email Copy To" to nothing (so that the shop owner doesn't get the same email as the customer), and implement an observer catching the event sales_order_place_after. In the observer function you implement sending of an email to the shop owner using a template without the price info.
I know I had a hack for it ... and then I don't have it anymore. I went through everything I could and right now, we're CCing ourselves the customer notification email. As soon as we're done with our site upgrade, I'll have to readd my hack. I'm pretty sure it's in app/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order.php possibly in public function sendNewOrderEmail()
See this pic:
I remember hard coding in a file after the customer notification was sent, we sent another one to admin but hard coding the template ID for the transactional order notification email to 8. Now, somehow, I'm doing it the "right way" but have no idea how I'm triggering this transactional email to ALSO happen with the customer order notification.
Make your custom module in that module just send a event after "sales_order_save_after".
Catch this event in observer file and put your custum coding on observer.
Read this

Notifying users with email when an event is created on the website

I have created a Drupal CCK content Event. When someone creates an event. I want an email to be sent to the users with one specific role. Also, this should happen if the creator of the event gives his consent to the website for this. How is this possible in Drupal website.
You should take a look at the rules module. It's made for things just like this.