How to markup alternate part numbers for Product? -

We have been using to markup our products on the web with metadata.
We have a system where we have alternate part numbers for products and customers want to be able to search for any of the alternate part numbers.
Using or GoodRelations how should we mark up alternate part numbers? We think we should have one page on the web per part on not one page per alternate part number but we do want Google and Bing to be able to find and understand our alternate part number semantically?
Any ideas?

A "product part" concept can be represented in GoodRelations by an object property isAccessoryOrSparePartFor ( that is allowed on a class ProductOrServiceModel (
I don't have an answer on whether Google or Bing take this property into account in their current implementation. This is a moving target and perhaps your best option is to give it a try.


How can I specify the city in a classified ads listing?

I have a listing of classified ads for which I use the Product scheme.
I want to mark also city specified in ad (with Microdata). How can I do that?
Looking through the documentation it looks as though Offer might be a more useful schema.
Then you can use the property:
areaServed - The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided.
Also the SellAction schema might be useful to you as well.

Duplicate content on same page

I am currently setting up content on multiple sites.
They are using the LocalBusiness type and have telephone/address both in the header and footer.
When setting up on both sections and testing, I get 2 LocalBusiness returned with the same content.
Does this affect in any way the Would it be better to only have it pull 1 section instead of 2?
With Microdata/RDFa, you are not annotating your page’s content. You are just using your content/markup as "carrier" to provide structured data.
If the telephone number of the local business appears several times on the same page, there’s no need to mark it up with Microdata/RDFa several times: you only need it one time for the consumers that make use of your structured data.
So don’t provide two LocalBusiness items on the same page, if both really represent the same local business.

Will Google accept combined JSON-LD and HTML meta/microdata?

I have a situation where I can put 99% of my structured data into JSON-LD in the of my product pages. But the only way I can get the UPC is to place it inline as microdata.
Will Google aggregate the product data from the JSON-LD and the inline microdata?
Most likely yes.
Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool works fine if you are using JSON-LD and Microdata (and RDFa).
Google does not say otherwise (they did in the past), see their Structured Data Policies:
The data may be embedded in your webpage using any of three supported formats: JSON-LD, RDFa, and microdata.
Some of Google’s structured data features are (currently) only documenting JSON-LD (for example, TV and Movie Watch Actions); for others, Google recommends using RDFa/Microdata, see for example their "About":
[…] Google recommends the use of JSON-LD for those features. For the remaining Rich Snippets types and breadcrumbs, Google recommends the use of microdata or RDFa.
It wouldn’t make sense for Google to restrict authors so that can’t make use of all the features (using different syntaxes) in the same document.
That said, you can never know for sure (their documentation is not always up-to-date, and their rules might change each day.)
One can use both in same page. But may not divide the info of one type of entity into parts ..example: some info about the product in JSON-LD format and some in microdata format does not work.
Also two separate things would mean two entities. Although one may use #id in JSON-LD and itemid in microdata to specify them as same entity but the Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool still shows them as two entities.
You can combine all three formats in a single page but Google gives more priority to JSON-LD and will take data from JSON-LD format shall the other one (or two) have different values than the former.

async autocomplete service

Call me crazy, but I'm looking for a service that will deliver autocomplete functionality similar to Google, Twitter, etc. After searching around for 20 min I thought to ask the geniuses here. Ideas?
I don't mind paying, but it would great if free.. Also is there a top notch NLP service that I can submit strings to and get back states, cities, currencies, company names, establishments, etc. Basically I need to take unstructured data (generic search string) and pull out key information with relevant meta-data.
Big challenge, I know.
Sharing solutions I found after further research.
If you dont want to implement it yourself, you can use this service called 'Autocomplete as a Service' which is specifically written for these purposes. You can access it here -
you can add metadata with each record and it returns metadata along with the matching results. Do check out demo put up on the home page. It has got a very simple API specifically written for autocomplete search
It does support large datasets and you can apply filters as well while searching.
Its usage is simple - Add your data and use the API URL as autocomplete data source.
Disclaimer: I am founder of it. I will be happy to provide this service to you.

Would it be Appropriate to use the Product Schema for Services?

I am interested in tagging the page that features all the services.
My particular industry Schema doesn't offer the span itemprop="itemOffered". Thus, should I make each the services page reflect the Product Schema rather than the industry specific itemtype, Or is it best to specify on the services page the product Schema and then on the individual product pages use the industry-specific itemtype and list the product using makesoffer?
Technically, Poe, a product can also be a service. So in your case (without knowing more info about what you offer), you can use the Product Schema for your service.
However, there is another way to mark up your service, which is by using a GoodRelations markup to augment the markup. Here's a link to another stackoverflow post that perhaps can give a better example that I can: Using and GoodRelations markups for services
Hope that helps.