I have a big square matrix of structs which represents creatures. Each creature can move left,up,right or down. I'm checking the neighbouring matrix positions for empty cells and do the following calculation for the new coordinates:
function res = Move2(worldDimension,row,col,left,up,right,down)
%In the following matrices, good moves are > 0.
%Directions pattern:
patternMatrix = [0 2 0;
1 5 3;
0 4 0];
%Possible border moves:
borderMatrix = [0 (row>1) 0;
(col>1) 1 (col<worldDimension);
0 (row<worldDimension) 0;];
%Possible neighbor moves:
neighborsMatrix = [0 (up==0) 0 ;
(left==0) 1 (right==0);
0 (down==0) 0;];
%Matrix of possible directions including neighbors and borders
possibleMovesMatrix = ((borderMatrix).*(neighborsMatrix)).*(patternMatrix);
%Vector of possible directions:
possibleMovesVector = sort(possibleMovesMatrix(possibleMovesMatrix(:) > 0));
%Random direction:
randomDirection = possibleMovesVector(randi(length(possibleMovesVector)));
directionCoordsVector = [[row (col-1)];[(row-1) col];[row (col+1)];[(row+1) col];[row col]];
res = [directionCoordsVector(randomDirection,1) directionCoordsVector(randomDirection,2)];
This function is kind of slow, when I run the profiler it tells me that:
borderMatrix = [0 (row>1) 0;
(col>1) 1 (col<worldDimension);
0 (row<worldDimension) 0;];
takes 36% of time and that:
randomDirection = possibleMove...
takes 15% of time. Is there a way I can accelerate the process?
Maybe I can take a different approach by taking from the main game board the free spots arround the coordinate of the creature immediately? If so, how do I take a submatrix if a creature is near the border of the board with out having to deal with off-boundary indexes?
So you have an array of structs, and move around the structs inside the array? That seems extremely inefficient to me.
Also, the reason the borderMatrix-line takes so long is because you are constructing a possibly large array.
Here's a suggestion for handling moving creatures:
Store your creatures as a nCreatures-by-mProperties numeric array. It's much easier to apply functions on a column of an array that to crawl individual fields. For example creatures = [x,y,prop1,prop2];
Move your creatures one-by-one:
for iCreature = 1:nCreatures
currentPos = creatures(iCreature,1:2);
%# initialize array of allowed moves with border conditions
goodMoves = [currentPos(1) > 1, currentPos(2) > 1, currentPos(1) < maxX, currentPos(2) < maxY, true];
%# check for neighbors
if any(creatures(:,1) == currentPos(1) - 1 & creatures(:,2) == currentPos(2))
goodMoves(1) = false;
%# etc
%# identify remaining good moves
if any(goodMoves(1:4))
goodMoveIdx = find(goodMoves);
move = goodMoveIdx(randi(length(goodMoveIdx)));
move = 5; %# remain stationary
It is not really clear whether there are multiple highly dependant creatures, but otherwise this would be an efficient workflow:
Generate 1 random number per creature
Determine per creature how many possible moves it has
Use the corresponding random number to make a choice
If they are dependant, but not too much you can do this several times untill you find a feasible value or include the dependance in step 2.
The workspace is given as:
limits=[-1 4; -1 4; -1 4];
And in this workspace, there is a spherical obstacle which is defined as:
save('obstacle.mat', 'obstacle');
I would like to create random point in the area of lim. I created random points using the code below:
function a=rndmpnt(lim, numofpoints)
a=[x y z];
Now I would like to eliminate the points in the area of limits-obstacle. how can I do that?
You want to reject the points within the obstacle. Naturally, after rejection you will probably end up with fewer points than numofpoint. So the process will need to be repeated until enough points are generated. A while loop is appropriate here.
Rejection is done by finding ix (indices of acceptable points) and appending only those points to matrix a. The loop repeats until there are enough of those, and returns exactly the number requested.
function a = rndmpnt(lim, numofpoints)
a = zeros(3,0); % begin with empty matrix
while size(a,2) < numofpoint % not enough points yet
ix = (x - obstacle.origin_x).^2 + (y - obstacle.origin_y).^2 + (z - obstacle.origin_z).^2 > obstacle.radius_obs^2;
a = [a, [x(ix); y(ix); z(ix)]];
a = a(:, 1:numofpoint);
You may want to add a safeguard against infinite loop (some limit on the number of cycles) in case the user passes in the values such that there are no acceptable points.
I have edited a code that i found online that helps me draw points somehow distributed on a graph based on the minimum distance between them
This is the code that i have so far
x(1)=rand(1)*1000; %Random coordinates of the first point
minAllowableDistance = 30; %IF THIS IS TOO BIG, THE LOOP DOES NOT END
numberOfPoints = 300; % Number of points equivalent to the number of sites
keeperX = x(1); % Initialize first point
keeperY = y(1);
counter = 2;
for k = 2 : numberOfPoints %Dropping another point, and checking if it can be positioned
while (done~=1)
thisX = x(k); % Get a trial point.
thisY = y(k);
% See how far is is away from existing keeper points.
distances = sqrt((thisX-keeperX).^2 + (thisY - keeperY).^2);
minDistance = min(distances);
if minDistance >= minAllowableDistance
keeperX(k) = thisX;
keeperY(k) = thisY;
counter = counter + 1;
if (trial_counter>2)
So this code is working fine, but sometimes matlab is freezing if the points are above 600. The problem is full , and no more points are added so matlab is doing the work over and over. So i need to find a way when the trial_counter is larger than 2, for the point to find a space that is empty and settle there.
The trial_counter is used to drop a point if it doesn't fit on the third time.
Thank you
Since trial_counter=trial_counter+1; is only called inside if minDistance >= minAllowableDistance, you will easily enter an infinite loop if minDistance < minAllowableDistance (e.g. if your existing points are quite closely packed).
How you do this depends on what your limitations are, but if you're looking at integer points in a set range, one possibility is to keep the points as a binary image, and use bwdist to work out the distance transform, then pick an acceptable point. So each iteration would be (where BW is your stored "image"/2D binary matrix where 1 is the selected points):
D = bwdist(BW);
maybe_points = find(D>minAllowableDistance); % list of possible locations
n = randi(length(maybe_points)); % pick one location
BW(maybe_points(n))=1; % add it to your matrix
(then add some checking such that if you can't find any allowable points the loop quits)
I have different images and I would like to crop them and keep only what is different between both. Here is the code I have so far.
video = VideoReader('frames.avi', 'Tag', 'my reader object');
frameFirst = read(video,1);
frameSecond = read(video, video.NumberOfFrames-1 );
imshowpair (frameSecond,frameFirst);
Well, it's tough to give you a good answer without much more detail. I think I understand what you're trying to do, and this might get you moving in the right direction. This code iterates through each pixel of the image (each pixel contains a 1x3 vector of RGB data ranging from 0 to 1), by row and column. If the difference in any of the elements of the 1x3 RGB vector exceeds some threshold (in this case, set to 0.1), we make that whole pixel black (set it to [0 0 0]). Else, we lust make it whatever the last frame was. To filter out all but those pixels that are identical, set the thresh value to 0. It goes like this:
thresh = 0.1
for ii = 1:size(frameFirst, 1)
for jj = 1:size(frameFirst, 2)
pixDiff = frameFirst{ii, jj} - frameSecond{ii, jj}
if (pixDiff(1) > thresh || pixDiff(2) > thresh || pixDiff(3) > thresh)
outputFrame = frameSecond{ii, jj};
outputFrame = [0 0 0];
I hope this does what you're looking for. Good luck!
Edit 1: Ok, I understand what you are looking for now. You need to have the indices of the bottom-right and top-left. If you already have those, just do this: frameOut = frameIn(xStart:xStop, yStart, yStop. If you need to find those points, that's harder. Let me know and I'll help you work it out.
I'm implementing some sort of flood fill algorithm in Matlab that, given a starting pixel in a binary image, will output a binary image containing only the pixels that can be directly connected to it.
Basically, let
foo =
1 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
calling flood_fill(foo,1,1) would yield
1 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 0
Now, I'm pretty new to Matlab. I initially implemented flood_fill in a recursive style, but the pass-by-value behaviour of Matlab made working with large images very inefficient. To fix this, I reimplemented flood_fill like this
function [outImage] = flood_fill(inImage,start_x,start_y)
width = size(inImage,2);
height = size(inImage,1);
outImage = zeros(height,width);
points = [];
points = [points; [start_x start_y]];
while size(points,1)>0
point = points(1,:);
points = points(2:end,:);
if (y>1 && (outImage(y-1,x)==0) && (inImage(y-1,x)==1))
points = [points; [x y-1]];
if (y<height && (outImage(y+1,x)==0) && (inImage(y+1,x)==1))
points = [points; [x y+1]];
if (x>1 && (outImage(y,x-1)==0) && (inImage(y,x-1)==1))
points = [points; [x-1 y]];
if (x<width && (outImage(y,x+1)==0) && (inImage(y,x+1)==1))
points = [points; [x+1 y]];
Now, this works on small matrices/images but takes forever on large images as well. I suspect the reason why is the large amount of array resizes going on. Normally (in C++ for example), I'd use an unordered linked list and use it as a stack (remove from and insert at the head) to avoid costly array resizes.
Is there an equivalent to such a data structure in Matlab? If not, what's a Matlab idiom I could use? Perhaps a built-in function?
The function that you search for called bwselect:
foo=[1 1 1; 1 0 0; 1 0 1]
b=bwselect(foo,1, 1)
Note that you can define also fourth input n (like that: bwselect(foo,1,1,n)), that can have a value of 4 to specify 4-connected region, or 8 to specify 8-connected region.
Adiel answered your second question "Perhaps a built-in function?". As for the first part:
I'm not familiar with linked lists in MATLAB. However, you can speed up your function significantly by initializing the size of the points-matrix and don't change the size after that. Pre-initialization should always be done in MATLAB. If the function won't work with matrices of fixed size, I would always recommend you to try to rewrite the function.
For your specific case:
function [outImage] = flood_fill(inImage,start_x,start_y)
width = size(inImage,2);
height = size(inImage,1);
outImage = zeros(height,width);
points = zeros(nnz(inImage),2); % I take it this is the maximum size
points(1,:) = [start_x start_y];
k = 1; % Increment row number in points
while size(points,1)>0
k = k + 1;
y=points(k, 2);
x=points(k, 1);
I understand it you have programming skills in general, so I believe you should be able to adapt the remaining code to the new format. (I don't have time to go through it and rewrite it). I'm quite sure it will run much faster!
I am trying to write a simple MATLAB program that will find the first chain (more than 70) of consecutive nonzero values and return the starting value of that consecutive chain.
I am working with movement data from a joystick and there are a few thousand rows of data with a mix of zeros and nonzero values before the actual trial begins (coming from subjects slightly moving the joystick before the trial actually started).
I need to get rid of these rows before I can start analyzing the movement from the trials.
I am sure this is a relatively simple thing to do so I was hoping someone could offer insight.
Thank you in advance
EDIT: Here's what I tried:
s = zeros(size(x1));
for i=2:length(x1)
if(x1(i-1) ~= 0)
s(i) = 1 + s(i-1);
for a vector x1 which has a max chain of 72 but I dont know how to find the max chain and return its first value, so I know where to trim. I also really don't think this is the best strategy, since the max chain in my data will be tens of thousands of values.
This answer is generic for any chain size. It finds the longest chain in a vector x1 and retrieves the first element of that chain val.
First we'll use bwlabel to label connected components, For example:
Then we can use tabulate to get a frequency table of s, and find the first element of the biggest connected component:
val=x1(find(s==t(I,1),1, 'first'));
This should work for the case you have one distinct maximal size chain. What happens for the case if you have more than one chain that has maximal lengths? (you can still use my code with slight modifications...)
You don't need to use an auxiliary vector to keep track of the index:
for i = 1:length(x)
if x(i) ~= 0
count = count + 1;
elseif count >= 70
lastIndex = i;
count = 0;
if count == 70
index = i - 69;
To remove all of the elements in the chain from x, you can simply do:
x = x([lastIndex + 1:end]);
EDIT (based off comment):
The reason that the way you did it didn't work was because you didn't reset the counter when you ran into a 0, that's what the:
count = 0;
is for; it resets the process, if you will.
For some more clarity, in your original code, this would be reflected by:
if x1(i-1) ~= 0
s(i) = 1 + s(i-1);
s(i) = 0;