How Do I Attach A Body To a Delete in Dispatch? - scala

I have a Dispatch 0.8 DELETE handler that needs to have a body.
So I have a normal DELETE that works fine:
def delete = request.DELETE ># identity
I tried this:
def delete(body: String) = request.DELETE <<< body ># identity
but it turned the request into a PUT because of the <<< operator.

Use setBody instead:
"If you wish to supply a string instead of a file, use a setBody method of the RequestBuilder class. Its variants support a number of input types and do not imply a particular HTTP method." from

To do this with Dispatch 0.8, I used a sort of hacky solution:
def delete(body: String) = (request << body).DELETE ># identity


Play Framework request attributes with typed key

I seem to have issues accessing the attributes of the request attributes map in Play. Following the explanation offered by Play (Link), I should get the correct data from the attributes, but the Option is returned as None.
My structure is as follows. One controller (later injected named as "sec") has the typed attribute for shared access to it:
val AuthenticatedAsAttr: TypedKey[AuthenticatedEmail] = TypedKey("AuthenticatedAs")
The type AuthenticatedEmail is defined in the companion object of this controller as a case class:
case class AuthenticatedEmail(email: String)
The filter passes the attribute to the next request:
val attrs = requestHeader.attrs + TypedEntry[AuthenticatedEmail](sec.AuthenticatedAsAttr, AuthenticatedEmail(email))
When trying to then access this attribute in another controller, the returned Option is None:
val auth = request.attrs.get(sec.AuthenticatedAsAttr)
I confirmed via println that the value is definitely in request.attrs but run out of options to debug the issue successfully. A fraction of the println output below.
(Request attrs,{HandlerDef -> HandlerDef(sun.misc .... ,POST, ... Cookies -> Container<Cookies(Cookie ... , AuthenticatedAs -> AuthenticatedEmail(, ... })
My Scala version is 2.12.6, Play Framework version 2.6.18. Any help is highly appreciated.
It turns out that the TypedKey must be within an object, not an inject-able controller. So moving it to an object like the following resolves the issue:
object Attrs {
val AuthenticatedAsAttr: TypedKey[AuthenticatedEmail] = TypedKey("AuthenticatedAs")
The reason is the implementation of TypedKey (Link), which does not contain an equals method and therefore reverts to comparing memory references.

Spray routing: How to respond with different content-types?

In spray I would like to respond with different content-types, depending on the given Accept header. I've seen a couple of suggestions in the question by rompetroll, but I would like to hear if there are any canonical way of doing it (i. e. simple or already implemented).
In essence what I imagine should happen is something like:
path("somepath") {
get {
// Find whatever we would like to return (lazily)
// Marshall resource and complete depending on the `Accept` header
Thanks in advance.
See the tests in this commit.
I copied it here for reference:
case class Data(name: String, age: Int)
object Data {
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
// don't make those `implicit` or you will "ambiguous implicit" errors when compiling
val jsonMarshaller: Marshaller[Data] = jsonFormat2(Data.apply)
val xmlMarshaller: Marshaller[Data] =
Marshaller.delegate[Data, xml.NodeSeq](MediaTypes.`text/xml`) { (data: Data) ⇒
<data><name>{ }</name><age>{ data.age }</age></data>
implicit val dataMarshaller: ToResponseMarshaller[Data] =
ToResponseMarshaller.oneOf(MediaTypes.`application/json`, MediaTypes.`text/xml`) (jsonMarshaller, xmlMarshaller)
You then using complete should suffice in your route, content-type negotiation is automatically taken care of:
get {
complete(Data("Ida", 83))
Spray is actually looking into the Accept header value and validates against it. So if route is returning application/json or text/plain and client accepts image/jpeg than spray will return 406 Not Acceptable. If client will request application/json ortext/plain from this route than he will receive repsonse with matching Content-Type.
The main trick here is to use correct marshallers for return objects.
You can read more about marshalling here.
Also you can override MediaType with respondWithMediaType directive, but I think it is better to use correct marshallers.

How to send an array of a complex object with GroovyWS

I'm about to call a webservice created in C#, that takes a parameter
KmlSystemVariable[] sysVariables
How can I pass a parameter like that using GroovyWS? It doesn't need to have any values, could be an empty array.
Looks like the full class name is Consorte.Pulse.Data.KmlSystemVariable
I enabled logging as described in GroovyWS and complex requests to get the namespace for KmlSystemVariable, and it looks like I can create a KmlSystemVariable with:
But how do I create an array of KmlSystemVariable?
It should be enough to just wrap your proxied objects into a Groovy list and use it as the parameter. GroovyWS will do the transformation from List to SOAP array for you behind the scenes.
def ksv1 = proxy.create("org.datacontract.schemas._2004._07.consorte_pulse.KmlSystemVariable")
def ksv2 = ...
def ksv3 = ...
def list = [ksv1, ksv2, ksv3]
proxy.<some ws method>(list)

Lift: How to bind a Hyperlink to a serverside method

I am new to Lift, I want to use hyperlink instead of submit button. I am able to bind my submit button with a server-side method use CSS Selector. for example:
def render = {
// define some variables to put our values into
// process the form
def process() {
do something....
"type=submit" #> SHtml.onSubmitUnit(process)
I want to use hyperlink to submit my form instead of submit button. How can I bind hyperlink with process()(server-side) method.
In this instance you would probably want to use SHtml.ajaxCall and supply the form information as the JsonContext (i.e. not bound with CSS selectors):
def ajaxCall (jsCalcValue: JsExp, jsContext: JsContext, func: (String) ⇒ JsCmd) : (String, JsExp)
Alternativly you could use SHtml.a:
def a (func: () ⇒ JsObj, jsonContext: JsonContext, body: NodeSeq, attrs: ElemAttr*) : Elem
Failing that you should look at the available methods in SHtml (jsonForm would be another one to look at) and see which one best fits your use case. I would encourage you to pick up a copy of Lift in Action which discusses how the function binding works, as I think you have miss-understood it in relation to the request/response cycle.

Scala: Generate a block that conditionally runs another block

In the Circumflex framework, you can map an URL to a block like this:
get("/foo") = {
"hello, world!"
which, when browsing to /foo, will show the given string as expected. Now, to write a complete web application, you almost always need some form of authentication and authorisation. I'm trying to write some kind of wrapper for the above construct, so I can write this:
get("/foo") = requireLogin {
"hello, world!"
The requireLogin method would then check if the user is logged in, and if yes, execute the given block. If not, however, it should do a redirect to the login page.
Now I somehow can't get the syntax right (i'm still a Scala newbie). How would you do this in a generic fashion?
Try something like this:
def executeMaybe[A](work: => A): Option[A] =
if (util.Random.nextBoolean)
This executes the passed code with probability 0.5, returning Some(<result delivered by work>), or returns None is the other cases. You can call it either like this:
val v = executeMaybe(42)
or with block notation:
val v = executeMaybe {
// do some work
// provide return value
The trick is to use a by-name parameter, signalled by the => symbol. Read more e.g. here:
The way I asked it, Jean-Philippe's answer is correct.
But here's some information specific to Circumflex:
In the Circumflex RequestRouter, the following can be used to implement the required method:
def requireLogin (f: => RouteResponse ): RouteResponse = {
if(loggedIn) {
return f
else {
return sendRedirect("/login")
The reason behind this was getting clear with the hint from Jean-Philippe's answer, and once I remembered that the following call isn't an assignment of a block to some internal data, but is mapped to another method call instead.
So, the call
get("/") = {...}
is actually mapped to this:
get.update("/", {...})
The block is passed in as a By-Name parameter, so the return value of requireLogin must be the same - which, for Circumflex, is RouteResponse, and not a function.
You also can use j2ee container authentication with <login-config> and <security-constraint> stuff inside web.xml