Howto update Perl v5.8.8 for git? - perl

I have following Problem.
I want to build Qt5 by my own, to be able to use it with Visual Studio 2012. I followed the instructions in the Qt Wiki.
My problem is that when I try to call init-repository
perl init-repository
I get following error:
Hint: Make sure that Perl is added to the path in front of git since that ships an outdated version (Perl 5.8), which will cause the scripts to fail.
This is because the with git shipped perl version is 5.8.8. It doesn't matter, that I have the newest version installed.
Can someone tell me how to update my perl version inside git, to be able to build Qt5?

It sounds like you are working on Windows, I assume with some recent version of msysgit.
If you are using the shell that comes with msysgit, then it is likely that the shell has modified your PATH variable to put /bin ahead of /c/path/to/new/perl. You can check this by opening the shell and running echo $PATH or even which perl.
To make the shell use you 'new' perl, you can try the following:
export PATH=/c/path/to/new/perl:$PATH


CPAN 1.61 has issue with embedded space in path within Cygwin on Win7

I’m a mere mortal using Cygwin on Win7 and wanting to develop perl scripts using SOAP::lite. Installation instructions I found at directed me to start with perl –MCPAN –e shell before attempting an > install SOAP::lite
The newb in me didn’t appreciate that my windows user profile has a space character in it and the CPAN set-up seemed to go all horribly wrong around the point where the script was writing make files for local::lib, MYMETA.yml and MYYMETA.json. I got “no such file or directory” messages quoting only the portion of the path that followed the space in my user profile.
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1 UKLHRL00020 2.0.4(0.287/5/3) 2015-06-09 12:22 x86_64 Cygwin
$ cpan --version
Loading internal null logger. Install Log::Log4perl for logging messages
/usr/bin/cpan version 1.61 calling Getopt::Std::getopts (version 1.06 [paranoid]),
running under Perl version 5.14.4.
[Now continuing due to backward compatibility and excessive paranoia.
See ``perldoc Getopt::Std'' about $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION.]
Nothing to install!
When I ran perl –MCPAN –e shell for the first time, it did report “Warning: You do not have write permission for Perl library directories.” and I elected for the default option [local::lib] for the approach to be taken.
So what can I do next?
Looking closer at the Cygwin’s setup-x86_64.exe, a search for “cpan” lists eight packages under the perl category for perl-CPAN-* and perl-Parse-CPAN*, which are all set to “Skip”. The package perl-CPANMeta: Perl distribution CPAN-Meta is version 2.150001-1 from Since this is not installed yet, but the installed Perl5 has some knowledge of an old CPAN, I need to know if it is safe to install the latest and will it work with a space in my profile? Do I need to remove the old CPAN, and how?
You probably want to update to the latest version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker, recent versions contain various fixes for paths containing spaces. This should fix these issues.

problems installing multiple versions of perl including latest

I have perl 5.8.8 installed in /usr/bin/perl
I need to use a later version, so am trying to install another version in a different place.
(nb. I started out trying to install perlbrew but on the linux server I'm using but that's not working - am getting all sorts of certificate problems).
I logged in as root and followed the instructions here, to install perl from source:
This gave me an install of perl in
I thought that didn't look right so I copied that the localperl directory to /usr
cp -r localperl/ /usr/
Now I can run a script in my /home/myusername/ directory by using
So I guess that looks more normal for an alternate install of perl, though:
a) Am not sure this is correct. So the question is if I stick #!/usr/localperl/bin/perl as the first line in every script, will all be fine?
b) Have no idea what to do to install modules for this new version. So:
i) What to do to build latest versions of modules for this version?
ii) Can I copy across all my existing modules that work with 5.8.8?
(Yes, I did attempt to read the doc and saw there were lots of options for configuring the install, but having tried one or two found this was even more confusing). Any specific help on the above appreciated.

How to solve dll missing in perl script?

I installed perl 5.14 version just before, when I executed script display errors perl58.dll missing. How can solve the problem..
how can I solve this problem?
It sounds to me that the thing you're describing as a 'perl script' is actually an executable built from a perl script using ActiveState's perlapp with the --dependent flag. By default, perlapp executables are self contained, but the perl{version number here}.dll can be left out to save space.
Possible courses of action (roughly in order of ease + sanity):
Get the original source from the guy who wrote it, & just run it.
Get the guy who wrote it to update the perlapp executable to a non-dependent version or a version that runs under your installed version of ActivePerl.
Pony up for ActiveState's 'business' subscription to download & install ActivePerl 5.8 (and no other version) on that machine.
Find a copy of the perl58.dll and place it where windows will find it. (may require subscription, or the guy who built the perlapp may have a copy lying about)
Extract the original script from within the .exe and either build a newer (and non-dependent) perlapp or just run it from the source as Larry intended.
Depending on what options were used to build the perlapp executable you may have the origional source lying about in a temp directory. Otherwise I believe you may be able to open it up with a program that understands .zip files, but I've never tried this.
It is also possible that you've got a directory in your path that contains a v5.8 perl.exe but not it's accompanying .dll and that you've asked your newly installed v5.14 perl not to place its directories at the beginning of your path. I don't expect this is the case.

Does perlbrew work with cygwin?

Searching the web, I have found almost no evidence that perlbrew works on cygwin. The specifics of my current issue are:
With the latest install of cygwin (which includes perl 5.14.2), I'm trying to install perl-5.14.2 using the latest perlbrew, installed from the web (not CPAN). I get a hang just after ../dist/threads-shared/t/shared_attr.t...ok is printed to build.log. This is on WinXP Pro 2002 SP3. Previous tries at using perlbrew on other builds of cygwin (which include perl 5.10.1) have also failed, but in other places.
I have posted a comment on Reini Urban's blog on and an issue/bug on github for App-perlbrew, but with no responses yet.
Is there any hope that I can get perl to build on cygwin? If not, what can I do to work around it and still use perlbrew (to unify my environments so that my cygwin environment uses perlbrew, just like my linux environment does)?
perlbrew works and perl can be built on Cygwin, with the minor annoyance that some of the unit tests hang (as you have discovered). Keep one eye on the build process output and kill the tests (usually thread related) that don't do anything for a couple of minutes using ps and kill. perlbrew should (knock on wood) run make install even if a handful of tests did not pass.
I never got perlbrew run under cygwin. But as a workaround perhaps try plenv. When I last tried it, it worked out of the box under cygwin.
A 2018 update - perlbrew works fine for me on Cygwin. However, perlbrew-installed perls will not have the patches that a system Perl has. I have a sample repo at showing how I built the latest Cygwin system perl and installed it as a perlbrew perl.
In short, building Perl with prefix, site prefix, and vendor prefix set to ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-<version> will generate a Perl tree. You can drop that Perl tree into ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/, and perlbrew will pick it up as an available Perl.

How do I install the latest BioPerl version when using perlbrew?

I'm using perlbrew and I would like to install the latest bioperl version. Should I use cpanm or git?
If git - do I just install as usual (AKA git clone ... then make and build), or should I do anything special?
Specifically, I'm not sure I understand the following expert from BioPerl Using Git manual:
Tell perl where to find BioPerl
(assuming you checked out the code in
$HOME/src; set this in your
.bash_profile, .profile, or .cshrc):
bash: $ export PERL5LIB="$HOME/src/bioperl-live:$PERL5LIB"
tcsh: $ setenv PERL5LIB "$HOME/src/bioperl-live:$PERL5LIB"
Why is this necesary?
Simply exporting the bioperl cloned dir does not effect all the bp_***.pl scripts (which are usually found under /usr/bin/ after a normal Build installation).
I also tried to build from the cloned dir after switching to the correct perl version using perlbrerw, but then it runs cpan shell to install some dependencies which does not seem to work well with perlbrew (as opposed to cpanm).
So, my question remains...
The latest BioPerl is always going to be on GitHub, so git's your answer there. Whether or not you want bleeding edge is another story, but after following the BioPerl mailing list for some time I get the feeling that the developers are more likely to say "install from GitHub" if you have any problems with BioPerl, especially since the most recent version on CPAN is from 2009. There has been a lot of development since then.
As for installing it, I don't see why you couldn't just go ahead and do the standard git clone ... make/build dance once you're using your perlbrew perl, as that's kind of the point of perlbrew. :-)
Update for question update: The blurb about setting PERL5LIB is there because presumably BioPerl doesn't need to be built once you've cloned it via git; it's ready to use straight out of the box. Assuming you haven't cloned it into a directory in #LIB, you need to tell Perl where to find it. You would have to do this whether or not you are using perlbrew.
Essentially the process goes like this:
Clone BioPerl from GitHub.
Make sure you're using your perlbrew-installed Perl.
Set the PERL5LIB environment variable as per the BioPerl instructions.
Run perl -MBio::Perl -le 'print Bio::Perl->VERSION;' to make sure you're using the BioPerl you just checked out.
Looking at the sourcecode, #4 should print out 1.006900, I think (or maybe 1.6.9, I can never keep Perl version numbers straight).