full text search algorithm for mongodb - mongodb

I have a blog and I want to search titles with mongodb, not with solr or elastic search, for example, I have those titles,
wolkswagen polo
wolkswagen passat
In wolkswagen, I have the history of wolkswagen, in polo and passat, I have those cars' definitions, I tokenized titles by space. When I type "wolkswagen", polo and passat are on top, but wolkswagen should be on top, what should be the algorithm to take wolkswagen on top ?
thank you :)

Ok well you have two options here:
You can use the new FTS feature in 2.4: http://architects.dzone.com/articles/mongodb-full-text-search . I should mention that FTS is experimental and very badly documented so this might not suite you. It sorts by relevance by default so the pattern of results you are looking for is automatically applied.
You can do client processing (not advised for large sets) whereby you get the results out and you manually actually test for the relevance to each word in the search block. As to the algorithm for that maybe something like:
iterate every word separated by a space
assign a value of 0 - 1 for how complete of a word it is, if it matches a complete word then assign 1
Add this up and place it back into the row for each result.
Use client side sorting to sort by the score of each result.
I am afraid that without knowledge of your programming language that is about the best the I can do.


How can I perform automated tests against MS Word documents using PowerShell?

We regularly need to perform a handful of relatively simple tests against a bunch of MS Word documents. As these checks are currently done manually, I am striving for a way to automate this. For example:
Check if every page actually has a page number and verify that it is correct.
Verify that a version identifier in the page header is identical across all pages.
Check if the document has a table of contents.
Check if the document has a table of figures.
Check if every figure has a caption.
et cetera. Is this reasonably feasible using PowerShell in conjunction with a Word API?
Powershell can access Word via its object model/Interop (on Windows, at any rate) and AIUI can also work with the Office Open XML OOXML) API, so really you should be able to write any checks you want on the document content. What is slightly less obvious is how you verify that the document content will result in a particular "printed appearance". I'm going to start with some comments on the details first.
Just bear in mind that in the following notes I'm just pointing out a few things that you might have to deal with. If you're examining documents produced by an organisation where people are already broadly speaking following the same standards, it may be easier.
Of the 5 examples you give, without checking the details I couldn't say exactly how you would do them, and there could be difficulties with all of them, but for example
Check if every page actually has a page number and verify that it is correct.
Difficult using either OOXML or the object model, because what you would really be checking is that the header for a particular section had a visible { PAGE } field code. Because that field code might be nested inside other fields that say "if don't display this field code", it's not so easy to be sure that there would be a page number.
Which is what I mean by checking the document's "printed appearance" - if, for example, you can use the object model to print to PDF and have some mechanism that lets PS inspect the PDF's content, that might be a better approach.
Verify that a version identifier in the page header is identical across all pages.
Similar problem to the above, IMO. It depends partly on how the version identifier might be inserted. Is it just a piece of text? Could it be constructed from a number of fields? Might it reference Document Properties or Variables, or Custom XML content?
Check if the document has a table of contents.
Perhaps enough to look for a TOC field that does not have certain options, such as a \c option that a Table of Figures would contain.
Check if the document has a table of figures.
Perhaps enough to check for a TOC field that does have a \c option, perhaps with a specific parameter such as "Figure"
Check if every figure has a caption.
Not sure that you can tell whether a particular image is "a Figure". But if you mean "verify that every graphic object has a caption", you could probably iterate through the inline and floating graphics in the document and verify that there was something that looked like a Word standard caption paragraph within a certain distance of that object. Word has two standard field code patterns for captions AFAIK (one where the chapter number is included and one where it isn't), so you could look for those. You could measure a distance between the image and the caption by ensuring that they were no more than a predefined number of paragraphs apart, or in the case of a floating image, perhaps that the paragraph anchoring the image was no more than so many paragraphs away from the caption.
A couple of more general problems that you might have to deal with:
- just because a document contains a certain feature, such as a ToC field, does not mean that it is visible. A TOC field might have been formatted as not visible. Even harder to detect, it could have been formatted as colored white.
- change tracking. You might have to use the Word object model to "accept changes" before checking whether any given feature is actually there or not. Unless you can find existing code that would help you do that using the OOXML representation of the document, that's probably a strong case for doing checks via the object model.
Some final observations
for future checks, perhaps worth noting that in principle you could create a "DocumentInspector" that users could call from Word BackStage to perform checks on a document. Not sure you can force users to run it, or that you could create it in PS, but perhaps a useful tool.
longer term, if you are doing a very large number of checks, perhaps worth considering whether you could train a ML model to try to detect problems.

Efficiently extract WikiData entities from text

I have a lot of texts (millions), ranging from 100 to 4000 words. The texts are formatted as written work, with punctuation and grammar. Everything is in English.
The problem is simple: How to extract every WikiData entity from a given text?
An entity is defined as every noun, proper or regular. I.e., names of people, organizations, locations and things like chair, potatoes etc.
So far I've tried the following:
Tokenize the text with OpenNLP, and use the pre-trained models to extract people, location, organization and regular nouns.
Apply Porter Stemming where applicable.
Match all extracted nouns with the wmflabs-API to retrieve a potential WikiData ID.
This works, but I feel like I can do better. One obvious improvement would be to cache the relevant pieces of WikiData locally, which I plan on doing. However, before I do that, I want to check if there are other solutions.
I tagged the question Scala because I'm using Spark for the task.
Some suggestions:
consider Stanford NER in comparison to OpenNLP to see how it compares on your corpus
I wonder at the value of stemming for most entity names
I suspect you might be losing information by dividing the task into discrete stages
although Wikidata is new, the task isn't, so you might look at papers for Freebase|DBpedia|Wikipedia entity recognition|disambiguation
In particular, DBpedia Spotlight is one system designed for exactly this task.

Fuzzy string matching: which tool?

I have a large number of strings containing a product name and a few other properties (size, volume, age, etc). But the strings are not standardized at all. Product names might be misspelled, volume might be in a different notation (0.5l, 1/2 liter, 500ml, etc). The number of variations is limited though, there are for instance only a few hundred products. What tools can I use to analyze each string and tell me if it contains certain tokens? My guess is that some sort of learning mechanism would be useful, but I'm not sure which tools would offer just that. I've looked at ElasticSearch, but I'm not sure if that's the way to go. All my data is currently in a PostgreSQL db and I've looked at pg_grm as well. Again, not sure if that fits my need.
One solution I've been thinking about is maintaining a list of proper keywords and, per string, see if the string contains any of the keywords. I'm not sure if this would work and, if it would, how to efficiently and effectively implement it in postgresql
Here are a few example lines I'm trying to extract keywords from:
wine Bardolo red 1L 12b 12%
La Tulipe, 13* box 3 bottles, 2005
Great Johnny Walker 7CL 22% red label
Wisky Jonny Walken .7 Red limited editon
I've done quite some searching by now but have yet to find a proper way to solve this problem.
I've used pg_trgm extension for similar task (I was comparing misspelled address lines and company names) along with clustering algorithm (may be not needed in your case).
It's done it's job with some data preparations (regexp replacements).
May be not very easy but I'm sure it's possible to solve your problem too. And index support in pg_trgm is great.

Lucene.Net/SpellChecker - multi-word/phrase based auto-suggest

I've implemented Lucenet.NET on my site, using it to index my products which are theatre shows, tours and attractions around London.
I want to implement a "Did you mean?" feature for when users misspell product names that takes the whole product titles into account and not just single words. For example,
If the user typed:
Lodnon Eye
I would like to auto-suggest:
London Eye
I assume I nead to have the analyzer index the titles as if they are a single entity, so that SpellChecker can nearest-match on the phrase, as well as the individual words.
How would I do this?
There is a excellent blog series here:
Introduction to Lucene
Indexing basics
Search basics
Did you mean..
Faceted Search
Class Reference
I have also found another project called SimpleLucene which you can use to maintain your lucene indexes whenever you need to update or delete a document. Read about it here
i've just recently implemented a phrase autosuggest system in lucene.net.
basically, the java version of lucene has a shinglefilter in one of the contrib folders which breaks down a sentence into all possible phrase combinations. Unfortunately lucene.nets contrib filters aren't quite there yet and so we don't have a shingle filter.
but, a lucene index written in java can be read by lucene.net as long as the versions are the same. so what i did was the following :
created a spell index in lucene.net using the spellcheck.IndexDictionary method as laid out in the "did you mean" section of jake scotts link. please note that only creates a spelling index of single words, not phrases.
i then created a java app that uses the shingle filter to create phrases of the text i'm searching and saves it in a temporary index.
i then wrote another method in dotnet to open this temporary index and add each of the phrases as a line or document into my spelling index that already contains the single words. the trick is to make sure the documents you're adding have the same form as the rest of the spell documents, so i ripped out the methods used in the spellchecker code in the lucene.net project and edited those.
once you've done that you can call the spellcheck.suggestsimilar method and pass it a misspelled phrase and it will return you a valid suggestion.
This is probably not the best solution and I definitely would use the answer suggested by spaceman but here is another possible solution. Use the KeywordAnalyzer or the KeywordTonenizer on each title, this will not break down the title into separate tokens but keep it as one token. Using the SuggestSimilar method would return the whole title as suggestions.

Lucene.NET - Search phrase containing "and"

Looking for advice on handling ampersands and the word "and" in Lucene queries. My test queries are (including quotes):
"oil and gas field" (complete phrase)
"research and development" (complete phrase)
"r&d" (complete phrase)
Ideally, I'd like to use the QueryParser as the input is coming from the user.
During testing and doc reading, I found that using the StandardAnalyzer doesn't work for what I want. For the first two queries, a QueryParser.Parse converts them to:
contents:"oil gas field"
contents:"research development"
Which isn't what I want. If I use a PhraseQuery instead, I get no results (presumably because "and" isn't indexed.
If I use a SimpleAnalyzer, then I can find the phrases but QueryParser.Parse converts the last term to:
contents:"r d"
Which again, isn't quite what I'm looking for.
Any advice?
if you want to search for "and" you have to index it. Write you own Analyzer or remove "and" from the list of stop words. The same applies to the "r&d". Write your own Analyzer that creates 3 words from the text: "r", "d", "r&d".
Step one of working with Lucene is to accept that pretty much all of the work is done at the time of indexing. If you want to search for something then you index it. If you want to ignore something then you don't index it. It is this that allows Lucene to provide such high speed searching.
The upshot of this is that for an index to work effectively you have to anticipate what your analyzer needs to do up front. In this case I would write my own analyzer that doesn't strip any stop words and also transforms & to 'and' (and optionally # to 'at' etc). In the case of r&d matching research & development you are almost certainly going to have to implement some domain specific logic.
There are other ways of dealing with this. If you can differentiate between phrase searches and normal keyword searches then there is no reason you can't maintain two or more indexes to handle different types of search. This gives very quick searching but will require some more maintenance.
Another option is to use the high speed of Lucene to filter your initial results down to something more manageable using an analyzer that doesn't give false negatives. You can then run some detailed filtering over the full text of those documents that it does find to match the correct phrases.
Ultimately I think you are going to find that Lucene sacrifices accuracy in more advanced searches in order to provide speed, it is generally good enough for most people. You are probably in uncharted waters trying to tweak your analyzer this much.