Adding custom file extension to netbeans ide - netbeans

I'm using NetBeans 7.2.1 for my developments with CodeIgniter/Bonfire.
In my controllers i'm loading my for the view needed JavaScripts via
Assets::add_js($this->load->view('admin/index_js', $data, true), 'inline');
to preparse some php variables in the JavaScript (like dynamic url's).
This forces me to save these JavaScript files witht he extension ".php" so that i can load it via
All these JavaScript files are using the filename syntac
Since i load it via view and Assets with "inline" parameter i can't put the
tags in the script so NetBeans is not recognizing it as JavaScript and i have no syntax highlightning and no formatting options.
Any idea how i can get it that NetBeans can recognize it as JavaScript?
Thanks a lot.

Okay... got it...
One of my collegues made a change to the assets library to "erase" the script tags from assets::js inline included files:


How to get the whole code of a HTML element in Developer tools?

I'm looking for possibility to export or just copy the whole code of a HTML element, targeted with Developer Tools. With whole code I mean not only HTML (this option is good visible in context menu), but corresponding CSS and JS code too.
I found a Chrome extension, which claims to copy HTML and CSS, but it isn't reliable in its core function and doesn't copy JS at all.

How to access pages without adding .HTML extention to the urls in AEM 6.3

I'm working in an AEM project and part of development we are accessing the content using http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/xyz/en/app.html.
While navigating to another page it is redirecting me to http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/xyz/en/inko-app (observe carefully the link is without .html extension) and in order to see the new webpage I had to add .html extension manually.
Is there anyway I can automate this only for development environment?
Versions used:
AEM: 6.3
build version :20170420
I have gone through Adding .html extension to page selected but it is not quite useful
Can you check if in your sightly or java where you are declaring the page path, have you added .html as extension or not?.
For exmaple :
In your sightly if you are getting page path as "${currentPage.path}", the value will be without html, you need to explicitly add .html to
"${currentPage.path}.html" like this.

HTML support in phtml file

When working with pthml file, how do I get the HTML-Intellisense like I got when working with html file?
I have the extension PHP Intelephense installed, but it's not recommending the closing tag when adding new HTML tag. Or did I configured something wrongly?
VS Code can do this by altering the setting file association. So if I associate the phtml file with html, I get the Intellisense for html, and the same for php. I think what I really want is to associate phtml with html and php... which is impossible for now, I guess.
For reference:
"files.associations": {
"*.phtml": "html"
in your settings file. This should give .phtml files the same intellisense as html files.

HTML template with PHP code

I have written an extension with a html template. Inside that html template there is php code. That php code dynamically generates some DOM elements depending on files and folders in fileadmin! Now if I change files and folders in fileadmin and THEN go to my website, the html template of my extension hasn't changed. That means the DOM elements are still the same. Thus the php code hasn't been executed again and typo3 must have used some cached version of my html template. Where can I configure that behaviour and force typo3 to always recalculate my html template (meaning: execute the php code in it!)?
As you have mentioned: TYPO3 uses a lot of caches.
And if something depends on external activities it should be uncached on all levels.
So you need to declare your plugin uncached.
you have not explained what kind of template you use. In case of Fluid templates you might use uncached partials and viewhelpers.

add a new plugins path to Qtwebkit

I am trying to extend the search paths that qtwebkit uses to search for plugins. Basically I'm creating a plugin that is designed using the QTBrowserPlugin class and I am trying to make my browser which is programmeed using QTwebKit to search for the plugin in a folder specified by me as I don't want the plugin to be stored in the Mozilla Firefox plugins directory or the standard plugins directories.
Is this possible, and can I make my browser only look in the directory that I've specified, skipping all the standard directories. Since the browser will only be used to view locaL html pages.
There does not seem to be a public method in QtWebKit for doing this.
If you're willing to build QtWebKit from source, you can add a method to QWebPage that calls PluginDatabase::setPluginDirectories() and PluginDatabase::refresh().
I believe you can set the environment variable QTWEBKIT_PLUGIN_PATH for this purpose.