Getting an assertion error in mongoexport command in Mongodb. - mongodb

I am getting an error after executing this command:
mongoexport --db records --collection source_list --csv --out C:\bcopy.csv
record is my DB n source_list is my collection
It displays this message:
assertion: 9998 you need to specify fields
I also tried to specify fields but it is giving me the same error.
What changes should i make in the command to get a backup of my collection or is there any other way to do so ?

Here's sample command that specifies fields to export:
mongoexport -h --port 27018 --db mydb --collection system.profile --csv --out profile.csv --fields ns,millis,numYield,nscanned

In my case --headerline helped. I had around 60 columns, enumerating them with -f would be quite cumbersome.
If using “--type csv” or “--type tsv,” use the first line as field names. Otherwise, > mongoimport will import the first line as a distinct document.

Seems like you should be using -f paramater to choose the fields that will be exported to csv file. There is a bug reported for this case to change the explanation as the error message is not informative enough.


Syntax error:missing ; before statement #(shell):1:15 [duplicate]

I'm working with mongodb 2.4.3 and I cannot get mongoexport to work. The error message I get with each command is:
"JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
At first I thought the problem was with my query parameters, which were long. But find() worked fine with the query so I know that the syntax is ok. I then created a new collection using the query and tried exporting the collection with the following:
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --csv --fields "text","created_at","user.screen_name","user.followers_count" --out sept8.csv
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --csv --fields text,created_at,user.screen_name,user.followers_count --out sept8.csv
mongoexport -d Oct2012 -c sept8subset --csv --fields text,created_at,user.screen_name -o sept8.csv
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --dbpath ~/db (should need dbpath as mongod instance is running)
mongoexport --db OCt2012 -collection sept8subset -o sept8.txt
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset
In each case, I get "JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier". Where could that SyntaxError be??
The collection I'm trying to copy has 50,339 objects. In case it is just too big for mongoexport to handle, I took 5 documents out of the collection to make a new collection. I then tried to export them using same command structure as above. I still get the same error message.
Now I'm wondering if the problem is that mongoexport can't work with data involving dates. MongoDB documentation states that I may want to write my own export script using a client driver.
Does anyone have an idea of what my problem is here? Many thanks if you can help out.
I found out that running mongoexport from the mongo client--as I was doing--is incorrect. Mongoexport is executed at the command prompt.
I ran into this too and I solved it executing the command from the path/bin where 'mongoexport' is located.In my case :
my_path: /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/2.4.4-x86_64/bin
"mongoexport -d book -c shelf"
'mongod' is located one step upper from 'mongoimport' , 'mongoexport', etc...

mongoexport fields from subdocuments to csv

I am trying to export a field from a subdocument with no luck.
Here is my syntax;
mongoexport -d test -c accounts -f account_number,situses.coordinates -o coordinates.csv --type=csv
The output includes the account_number but not the coordinates field from the subdocument.
According to the docs, this is supposed to work.
The following will export the entire situses subdocument, but I only want the one field.
mongoexport -d test -c accounts -f account_number,situses -o coordinates.csv --type=csv
Am I just referencing the subdocument field wrong or something?
I'm running Mongodb 3.0.4
The following syntax worked on an earlier version of Mongodb (2.6.x ?). Notice the subdoc.0.fieldname syntax.
mongoexport -d test -c accounts -f account_number,situses.0.coordinates -o coordinates.csv --csv
It appears support for directly referencing a subdocument has been removed.
There is mistake in your syntax.
From mongo version 3.0.0, mongoexport removed the --type = csv option. Use the --type=csv option to specify CSV format for the output.
You should use :
mongoexport --db tests --collection accounts --type=csv --fields account_number,situses --out coordinates.csv
For nested fields you should use :
mongoexport --db tests --collection accounts --csv --fields 'account_number,situses.0.coordinates' --out /home/vishwas/c1.csv
EDIT for mongo 3.0 with sub documents:
You need to create separate collection with required fields from subdocuments like -
db.test.aggregate({"$unwind":"$situses"},{"$project":{"_id":0,"account_number":1,"siteUsesCo":"$situses.coordinates"}},{"$out" : "forcsv"})
If you want only one field from subdocument then use aggregation like -
db.test.aggregate({"$unwind":"$situses"},{"$limit":1},{"$project":{"_id":0,"account_number":1,"siteUsesCo":"$situses.coordinates"}},{"$out" : "forcsv"})
And then export from forcsv collection like-
mongoexport --db test --collection forcsv --csv --fields 'account_number,siteUsesCo' --out coordinates.csv
And after exporting delete collection forcsv.
And one more solution, where you can configure output in flexible way
mongo host:port/test --quiet query.js -u username -p passw0rd > accounts.csv
and query.js:
db = db.getSiblingDB('test');
db.getCollection('accounts').find({}, {account_number:1, situses:1, _id:0}).forEach(
function(item_data) { print(`${item_data.account_number},${item_data.situses[0].coordinates}`); });
It looks like this is a known bug to be fixed in 3.0.5.
See this;

mongoexport not working if you add query of selection

If you want to export any collections of any of your mongodb database, you can use mongoexport command. For example:
mongoexport --db dbname --collection collectionName --query '{"fields":1}' --out output.json
However, if you add any of selection criteria to the query, mongoexport command doesn't work. For example, if you run the following command:
mongoexport --db dbname --collection collectionName --query '{},{"fields":0}' --out output.json
the resultant JSON file includes data of every field, despite me excluding a filed named fields.
So why does this such strange behavior occur? And how can I fix it?
For your information, db.colName.find({},{"fields":0}) in mongoDB shell works as usual.
I'm on MongoDB 2.4.3 and OS X 10.9.
That's because --query argument takes only query and there is no option to pass projection. See mongoexport --query in official documentation. If you want to use a projection you have to add --fields option

mongoexport syntax error message

I'm working with mongodb 2.4.3 and I cannot get mongoexport to work. The error message I get with each command is:
"JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
At first I thought the problem was with my query parameters, which were long. But find() worked fine with the query so I know that the syntax is ok. I then created a new collection using the query and tried exporting the collection with the following:
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --csv --fields "text","created_at","user.screen_name","user.followers_count" --out sept8.csv
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --csv --fields text,created_at,user.screen_name,user.followers_count --out sept8.csv
mongoexport -d Oct2012 -c sept8subset --csv --fields text,created_at,user.screen_name -o sept8.csv
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset --dbpath ~/db (should need dbpath as mongod instance is running)
mongoexport --db OCt2012 -collection sept8subset -o sept8.txt
mongoexport --db Oct2012 --collection sept8subset
In each case, I get "JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier". Where could that SyntaxError be??
The collection I'm trying to copy has 50,339 objects. In case it is just too big for mongoexport to handle, I took 5 documents out of the collection to make a new collection. I then tried to export them using same command structure as above. I still get the same error message.
Now I'm wondering if the problem is that mongoexport can't work with data involving dates. MongoDB documentation states that I may want to write my own export script using a client driver.
Does anyone have an idea of what my problem is here? Many thanks if you can help out.
I found out that running mongoexport from the mongo client--as I was doing--is incorrect. Mongoexport is executed at the command prompt.
I ran into this too and I solved it executing the command from the path/bin where 'mongoexport' is located.In my case :
my_path: /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/2.4.4-x86_64/bin
"mongoexport -d book -c shelf"
'mongod' is located one step upper from 'mongoimport' , 'mongoexport', etc...

What does "too many positional options" mean when doing a mongoexport?

mongoexport -h -u myUser -p myPass -c myCollection
But the response I get is:
ERROR: too many positional options
What's that about?
I had this same problem. In my case, I was using mongoexport with the --query option, which expects a JSON document, such as:
mongoexport ... --query {field: 'value'} ...
I needed to surround the document with quotes:
mongoexport ... --query "{field: 'value'}" ...
I had the same problem. Found a group post somewhere which said to remove the space between the '-p' and the password, which worked for me.
Your sample command should be:
mongoexport -h -u myUser -pmyPass -c myCollection
The same error I have encountered while importing a csv file.
But its just, the fact that the field list which you pass for that csv file import may have blank spaces.
Just clear the blank spaces in field list.
Its the parsing error.
I had the same issue with mongodump. After searching a bit, I found out that using the --out parameter to specify the output directory would solve this issue. The syntax for using the out parameter is
mongoexport --collection collection --out collection.json
Also in case your Mongodb instance isn't running, then you could use the --dbpath to specify the exact path to the files of your instance.
I had the same issue with the mongoexport utility (using 2.0.2). My fix was to use the FULL parameter name (i.e. not -d, instead use --db).
Sometimes editor will screw it up (such as evernote). I fixed the issue by retyping the command in terminal.
I was also stuck in same situation and found what was causing it.
Make sure you are exporting in CSV format by adding parameter --type csv
Make sure there are no spaces in fields name,
Example: --fields _id, desc is wrong but --fields id,desc,price is good
This also works if you place the -c option first. For me, this order does work:
mongoexport -c collection -h -u user -p pass -d mydb
You can also leave the pass out and the server will ask you to enter the pass. This only works if the server supports SASL authentication (mlab does not for example).
for the (Error: Too many arguments)
Dont Use Space Between the Fields
mongoexport --host localhost --db local --collection epfo_input --type=csv --out epfo_input.csv --fields cin,name,search_string,EstablishmentID,EstablishmentName,Address,officeName
mongoexport --host localhost --db local --collection epfo_input --type=csv --out epfo_input.csv --fields cin,name,search_string,Establishment ID,Establishment Name,Address,office Name
Had a similar issue
$too many positional arguments
$try 'mongorestore --help' for more information
Simply fix for me was to wrap the path location in quotes " "
This Failed:
mongorestore -h -d MYDBNAME -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD C:\Here\There\And\Back\Again
This Worked:
mongorestore -h -d MYDBNAME -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD "C:\Here\There\And\Back\Again"
I had the same issue with starting mongod. I used the following command:
./mongod --port 27001 --replSet abc -- dbpath /Users/seanfoley/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.4.3/bin/1 --logpath /Users/seanfoley/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.4.3/log.1 --logappend --oplogSize 5 --smallfiles --fork
The following error message appeared:
Error parsing command line: too many positional options have been specified on the command line
What fixed this issue was removing the single space between the '--' and 'dbpath'
I had the same issue while using the "mongod --dbpath" command. What I was doing looked somewhat like this:
mongod --dbpath c:/Users/HP/Desktop/Mongo_Data
where as the command syntax was supposed to be:
mongod --dbpath=c:/Users/HP/Desktop/Mongo_Data
This worked for me. Apart from this one may take a note of the command function and syntaxes using the mongod --help command.
In my case, I had to write the port separately from the server connection. This worked for me:
mongoexport --host=HOST --port=PORT --db=DB --collection=COLLECTION
--out=OUTPUT.json -u USER -p PASS
Create a json file in the same folder where you have your mongod.exe.
eg: coll.json
and open a command prompt in this folder.
type this below in CMD.
mongoexport --db databasename --collection collectionname --out
and you will see like a progress bar very cool exporting all data.