Interactive Sorting in a Reporting Services report with multiple groupings and toggles - toggle

Using Reporting Services 2008 r2.
In a Reporting Services report I have a table with two groupings: Group A and Group B. To show measures the Detail group is used.
The Group B is set to Toggle on a value in Group A.
Example: Group A is Car Makes and Group B is Car Models. In the details the Profit is shown. Initial only a list of Car Makes are shown with the possibility to expand (Toggle) and show Car Models. Thereby splitting the Profit into Car Models.
And now the problem. On the Profit Column the Interactive Sort feature is used to sort the values in the table with the 2 groups by Profit. So far I have only managed to sort either Group A or Group B. That is not what is wanted. What I want is to sort the whole table by Profit both Group A and Group B still maintaining the groupings.
Is this supported in Reporting Services?
Thanks in advance.
Report (.rdl) code example based on adventure works:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
<Tablix Name="Tablix1">
<Textbox Name="Textbox1">
<Value>Gross Profit</Value>
<Style />
<Style />
<Textbox Name="Textbox13">
<Style />
<Textbox Name="Gross_Profit">
<Style />
<TablixMember />
<Textbox Name="Textbox7">
<Style />
<Style />
<Textbox Name="Textbox9">
<Style />
<Style />
<TablixMember />
<Group Name="Category">
<Textbox Name="Category">
<Style />
<Style />
<Textbox Name="Textbox12">
<Style />
<Style />
<Group Name="Subcategory">
<Textbox Name="Subcategory">
<Style />
<Style />
<Group Name="Details" />
<Style />
<Style />
<DataSource Name="DataSource1">
<DataSet Name="DataSet1">
<QueryDefinition xmlns="">
<QuerySpecification xsi:type="MDXQuerySpecification" xmlns:xsi="">
<ID xsi:type="Level">
<ID xsi:type="Level">
<ID xsi:type="Measure">
<MeasureName>Gross Profit</MeasureName>
<UniqueName>[Measures].[Gross Profit]</UniqueName>
<ItemCaption>Gross Profit</ItemCaption>
<From>Adventure Works</From>
<FilterItems />
<Calculations />
<Aggregates />
<QueryProperties />
<ParameterDefinitions />
<Field Name="Category">
<DataField><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Field xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xsi:type="Level" UniqueName="[Product].[Category].[Category]" /></DataField>
<Field Name="Subcategory">
<DataField><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Field xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xsi:type="Level" UniqueName="[Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory]" /></DataField>
<Field Name="Gross_Profit">
<DataField><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Field xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xsi:type="Measure" UniqueName="[Measures].[Gross Profit]" /></DataField>

Yes, you can do this, you should add one more dummy parent group (parent for GroupA and for GroupB) which will have grouping by group fields from group A and group fields from B. And than in interactive sorting you should choose this group.
In you report you have group Category and Subcategory, add also ParentGroup (grouping fields are Category, Subcategory):
And delete unnesessary cells which are created by this group.


Unsure how to fix the error in the Azure Devops Migration Tool for very old TFS collections

We've been asked to migrate some very old legacy projects (i.e. from TFS 2010 days) onto Azure Devops Services. These very old projects have almost nothing in their Process Configuration and only have one error line in the logs from the migration tool for all project types (Scrum, Agile, Basic etc...).
[Info #15:27:48.998] === Found 1 error(s) when compared against process TFS 2019 Update 1 Scrum ===
[Error #15:27:48.998] Custom processConfiguration typeField count '0' is different than system '8'.
[Info #15:27:48.998] === End of error(s) when compared against process TFS 2019 Update 1 Scrum ===
When looking at their Process Configuation it is only a few lines:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<RequirementBacklog workItemCountLimit="1000">
<AddPanel />
<TaskBacklog workItemCountLimit="1000">
<AddPanel />
<Property name="BugsBehavior" value="Off" />
The only project that has no errors was a project added much later on TFS 2015:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<BugWorkItems category="Microsoft.BugCategory" pluralName="Bugs" singularName="Bug">
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<State type="Resolved" value="Resolved" />
<FeedbackRequestWorkItems category="Microsoft.FeedbackRequestCategory" pluralName="Feedback Requests" singularName="Feedback Request">
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<FeedbackResponseWorkItems category="Microsoft.FeedbackResponseCategory" pluralName="Feedback Responses" singularName="Feedback Response">
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<PortfolioBacklog category="Microsoft.EpicCategory" pluralName="Epics" singularName="Epic" workItemCountLimit="1000">
<Field refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.WorkItemType" />
<Column width="400" refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.State" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Effort" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BusinessValue" />
<Column width="100" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea" />
<Column width="200" refname="System.Tags" />
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Resolved" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<PortfolioBacklog category="Microsoft.FeatureCategory" parent="Microsoft.EpicCategory" pluralName="Features" singularName="Feature" workItemCountLimit="1000">
<Field refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.WorkItemType" />
<Column width="400" refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.State" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Effort" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BusinessValue" />
<Column width="100" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea" />
<Column width="200" refname="System.Tags" />
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Resolved" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<RequirementBacklog category="Microsoft.RequirementCategory" parent="Microsoft.FeatureCategory" pluralName="Stories" singularName="User Story" workItemCountLimit="1000">
<Field refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.WorkItemType" />
<Column width="400" refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.State" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StoryPoints" />
<Column width="100" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea" />
<Column width="200" refname="System.IterationPath" />
<Column width="200" refname="System.Tags" />
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Resolved" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<TaskBacklog category="Microsoft.TaskCategory" parent="Microsoft.RequirementCategory" pluralName="Tasks" singularName="Task" workItemCountLimit="1000">
<Field refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="400" refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.State" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.AssignedTo" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork" />
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity" type="Activity" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank" type="Order" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationLaunchInstructions" type="ApplicationLaunchInstructions" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationStartInformation" type="ApplicationStartInformation" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationType" type="ApplicationType">
<TypeFieldValue type="ClientApp" value="Client application" />
<TypeFieldValue type="RemoteMachine" value="Remote machine" />
<TypeFieldValue type="WebApp" value="Web application" />
<TypeField format="{0} h" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork" type="RemainingWork" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StoryPoints" type="Effort" />
<TypeField refname="System.AreaPath" type="Team" />
<Property name="HiddenBacklogs" value="Microsoft.EpicCategory" />
<Property name="BugsBehavior" value="AsTasks" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFCC293D" secondary="FFFAEAE5" name="Bug" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Code Review Request" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Code Review Response" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF7B00" secondary="FFFFD7B5" name="Epic" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FF773B93" secondary="FFEEE2F2" name="Feature" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Feedback Request" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Feedback Response" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Issue" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Shared Parameter" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Shared Steps" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFF2CB1D" secondary="FFF6F5D2" name="Task" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Test Case" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Test Plan" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Test Suite" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FF009CCC" secondary="FFD6ECF2" name="User Story" />
Anyone know of a easy way to fix the older projects? We want to import the code with changeset histories into Azure Devop Services and none of them have actually have work items (was managed externally on JIRA), build and release configs etc... We just want to get them onto the cloud to retire the legacy onpremise TFS servers (which are now running Azure Devops Server 2020.1.1 as per the migration suggestions).
Thanks for any help.
Edit: we're using TFS Team Project Manager from Jelle Druyts to help do some of the analysis, and am wondering if we can use the Transform function under Process Configuration to import the working projects config into the other projects.
Sorry for the late reply on this. Since we didn't need to preserve templates and work items/ task history, we ended up abandoning full migrations. Ended up using the git-tfs ( tool to convert the TFS projects to a local git repository, then attaching that to a new Azure git project. Preserved all our history which was great.

trying format a link in SSRS placeholder as currency

I'm trying to format a placeholder currency as a link colored blue and underlined so it shows to the user as a link, all I'm getting is black? and no underlining? when I export the report to excel it shows properly but through internet explorer version 11 its just black like the rest of the text? anybody have any ideas? magic wands?
<Textbox Name="Measures_Extended_List_Price">
<Color>Blue</Color> <--- does not render
<ReportName>Sales by Customer By Product Category</ReportName>
<Parameter Name="pUserID">
<Parameter Name="Month">
<Parameter Name="FilterCustomer">
<Parameter Name="FilterTerritory">

SSRS 2008 Adding PageBreak Before and within Subreport

I have a report with a Subreport. I want to add a pagebreak before the subreport. Also, the subreport has page breaks within that report but those breaks are not recognized when I run it as a subreport.
I would appreciate any guidance on this?
Add a rectangle between your subreports. Notice you can set page break settings in rectangle.
<Rectangle Name="RectanglePageBreak">
<Rectangle Name="RectanglePageBreak2">

WPF Toolkit Charts don't show if I change the ControlTemplate of a DataPoint in .NET 4

I am experiencing a very weird problem with the WPF Toolkit Charts in a .NET 4 environment.
Basically, I just want to customize the ToolTip template for ColumnDataPoints. To accomplish that, I copied the default style for a ColumnDataPoint from the toolkit source code (generic.xaml) into my control resources and changed the TooltipService part like this:
<Style TargetType="charts:ColumnDataPoint" x:Key="CustomDataPointStyle">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Orange" />
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Black" />
<Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1" />
<Setter Property="IsTabStop" Value="False" />
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="charts:ColumnDataPoint">
<Border BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}" Opacity="0" x:Name="Root">
<VisualStateGroup x:Name="CommonStates">
<VisualTransition GeneratedDuration="0:0:0.1" />
<VisualState x:Name="Normal" />
<VisualState x:Name="MouseOver">
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="MouseOverHighlight" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" To="0.6" Duration="0" />
<VisualStateGroup x:Name="SelectionStates">
<VisualTransition GeneratedDuration="0:0:0.1" />
<VisualState x:Name="Unselected" />
<VisualState x:Name="Selected">
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="SelectionHighlight" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" To="0.6" Duration="0" />
<VisualStateGroup x:Name="RevealStates">
<VisualTransition GeneratedDuration="0:0:0.5" />
<VisualState x:Name="Shown">
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="Root" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" To="1" Duration="0" />
<VisualState x:Name="Hidden">
<DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="Root" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" To="0" Duration="0" />
<Grid Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">
<GradientStop Color="#77ffffff" Offset="0" />
<GradientStop Color="#00ffffff" Offset="1" />
<Border BorderBrush="#ccffffff" BorderThickness="1">
<Border BorderBrush="#77ffffff" BorderThickness="1" />
<Rectangle x:Name="SelectionHighlight" Fill="Red" Opacity="0" />
<Rectangle x:Name="MouseOverHighlight" Fill="White" Opacity="0" />
<ContentControl Content="Custom ToolTip" FontWeight="Bold"/>
<ContentControl Content="{TemplateBinding FormattedDependentValue}"/>
Now, the problem is that as soon as I apply my CustomDataPointStyle (even if I don't change anything!), the ColumnSeries doesn't show at all in my chart.
<Grid x:Name="ChartGrid" DataContext="{Binding}">
<charts:Chart x:Name="Chart1" Margin="5,0,0,0"
VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
Title="{Binding Path=Title}">
<charts:CategoryAxis Orientation="X" Title="{Binding Path=XAxisTitle}" Location="Bottom" />
<charts:CategoryAxis Orientation="Y" Title="{Binding Path=YAxisTitle}" Location="Right" ShowGridLines="True" />
<charts:ColumnSeries x:Name="ColumnSeries" Title="{Binding Path=SeriesTitle}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Data}" DataPointStyle="{StaticResource CustomDataPointStyle}"
DependentValueBinding="{Binding Path=Value}" IndependentValueBinding="{Binding Path=Key}">
results in this:
I guess that I am missing a VisualState or something that actually renders the chart but how can that be, given that I copied(!) the original style? The Toolkit is made for .NET 3.5 and I have to use .NET 4 in my application - could that be the reason?
Oh dear, I found the answer: I replaced the System.Windows.DataVisualization.Toolkit.dll for .NET 3.5 with the 4.0 version of this one and now it's working!
You could also try setting Opacity="1" in your Border style block:
<Border BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}" Opacity="1" x:Name="Root">

WPF/C#: 'Slide to Unlock' feature from iPhone

I just want to ask for your opinion on how to achieve the 'Slide to Unlock' feature from iPhone using Windows Presentation Foundation.
I already came across to this article: iPhone slide to unlock progress bar (part 1), and wondering if you can give me some other resources for a good head start. Thank you.
I would retemplate a Slider, as this is the closest control, functionality-wise.
You should catch the event of Value_Changed, and if Value == Maximum then the slider is "opened".
Retemplating the control would make it look like your "unlock control" with ease. I'll paste later an example.
-- EDIT --
Have free time at work, so I started it for you.
The usage is as follows:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<Slider Margin="185,193,145,199" Style="{DynamicResource SliderStyle1}"/>
and the ResourceDictionary:
xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="d">
<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="MouseOverBrush" EndPoint="0,1" StartPoint="0,0">
<GradientStop Color="#FFF" Offset="0.0"/>
<GradientStop Color="#AAA" Offset="1.0"/>
<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="LightBrush" EndPoint="0,1" StartPoint="0,0">
<GradientStop Color="#FFF" Offset="0.0"/>
<GradientStop Color="#EEE" Offset="1.0"/>
<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="NormalBorderBrush" EndPoint="0,1" StartPoint="0,0">
<GradientStop Color="#CCC" Offset="0.0"/>
<GradientStop Color="#444" Offset="1.0"/>
<Style x:Key="SimpleScrollRepeatButtonStyle" d:IsControlPart="True" TargetType="{x:Type RepeatButton}">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent"/>
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Transparent"/>
<Setter Property="IsTabStop" Value="false"/>
<Setter Property="Focusable" Value="false"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type RepeatButton}">
<Rectangle Fill="{TemplateBinding Background}" Stroke="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" StrokeThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}"/>
<Style x:Key="ThumbStyle1" d:IsControlPart="True" TargetType="{x:Type Thumb}">
<Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="true"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Thumb}">
<Grid Width="54">
<Ellipse x:Name="Ellipse" />
<Border CornerRadius="10" >
<LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0">
<GradientStop Color="#FFFBFBFB" Offset="0.075"/>
<GradientStop Color="Gainsboro" Offset="0.491"/>
<GradientStop Color="#FFCECECE" Offset="0.509"/>
<GradientStop Color="#FFA6A6A6" Offset="0.943"/>
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Fill" Value="{StaticResource MouseOverBrush}" TargetName="Ellipse"/>
<Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="false">
<Setter Property="Fill" Value="{StaticResource DisabledBackgroundBrush}" TargetName="Ellipse"/>
<Style x:Key="SliderStyle1" TargetType="{x:Type Slider}">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource LightBrush}"/>
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="{StaticResource NormalBorderBrush}"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Slider}">
<Border CornerRadius="14" Padding="4">
<LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0">
<GradientStop Color="#FF252525" Offset="0"/>
<GradientStop Color="#FF5C5C5C" Offset="1"/>
<Grid x:Name="GridRoot">
<TextBlock Text="Slide to unlock" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<!-- TickBar shows the ticks for Slider -->
<!-- The Track lays out the repeat buttons and thumb -->
<Track x:Name="PART_Track" Height="Auto">
<Thumb Style="{StaticResource ThumbStyle1}"/>
<RepeatButton Style="{StaticResource SimpleScrollRepeatButtonStyle}" Command="Slider.IncreaseLarge" Background="Transparent"/>
<RepeatButton Style="{StaticResource SimpleScrollRepeatButtonStyle}" Command="Slider.DecreaseLarge" d:IsHidden="True"/>
<Trigger Property="TickPlacement" Value="TopLeft"/>
<Trigger Property="TickPlacement" Value="BottomRight"/>
<Trigger Property="TickPlacement" Value="Both"/>
<Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="false"/>
<!-- Use a rotation to create a Vertical Slider form the default Horizontal -->
<Trigger Property="Orientation" Value="Vertical">
<Setter Property="LayoutTransform" TargetName="GridRoot">
<RotateTransform Angle="-90"/>
<!-- Track rotates itself based on orientation so need to force it back -->
<Setter TargetName="PART_Track" Property="Orientation" Value="Horizontal"/>
Note that this is a very good start, but it's not everything.
I would also define a custom control that derives from slider and that uses this style automatically. Also I would expose a SlideUnlocked event when the user slides all the way right.
To finish it all i would also add an animation that moves the Thumb back left in case the user has dragged it right, but not all the way (to imitate iPhone's UX exactly.)
Good luck, and ask away if you don't know how to implement any of the stages i suggested.
WPF slider has got one "-" and it is value ,
always when you move it, value is for example in decimal 1,122213174 so one "-".
But another way to create slider is in Windows forms.
Create trackBar1 ,and maximum = 100 points.
This is for Windows forms application:
On trackBar1_mouse_up:
if(trackBar1.Value < 100)
//Animation - slide back dynamicaly.
for(int i=0;i<=trackBar1.Value;i++){
int secondVal=trackBar1.Value-i;
//sets enabled to false, then after load cannot move it.
And this for WPF Slider: (on PreviewMouseUp)
if (Convert.ToInt16(slider1.Value) < 99)
//Animation - slide back dynamicaly.
for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt16(slider1.Value); i++)
int secondVal = Convert.ToInt32(slider1.Value) - i;
slider1.Value = secondVal;
if (secondVal < 2)
slider1.Value = 0;
if (Convert.ToInt16(slider1.Value) > 99)
//sets enabled to false, then after load cannot move it.
slider1.IsEnabled = false;
slider1.Value = 100;
Good luck! I hope it helps, try it with slider, but I think application will crash.