Events not firing html5 player - soundcloud

Has the html5 player / api been updated? The events
from the html5 player are not firing anymore. Can somebody confirm?

Recently a redirect from HTTP -> HTTPS has been introduced for all widgets which caused some problems with widget API.
I'm trying to fix it at the moment.


Facebook Messenger bot - sharing in webview not starting

I am creating a bot for Messenger that uses webview with some custom content. The webview works just fine, also closing the webview using Messenger Extensions works well. Now I need to start customized sharing flow from this webview ( I call the method MessengerExtensions.beginShareFlow but nothing happens. Neither of success nor error are triggered. I understand that success would be fired after the sharing is complete, but I can't even start it, as the sharing UI does not appear at all.
I have double-checked all points listed here:
What can be wrong? My bot is still not submitted for review (for obvious reasons - it is not finished yet and is missing some functionality) - is that be the problem? I would be happy to contact FB developers support directly, but I can't find a place to do it (btw: this is just hilarious).
In my case the problem was that I was not specifying ImageURL. The call to beginShareFlow just crashed in such case (error handler was not called).

Play framework 2.x, disable HTML error pages?

How can I disable the default HTML pages that Play sends back as error?
In my app I don't care about the browser and would just like to receive a HTTP failing status and message. Thanks.

SoundCloud API Streaming fail blank page

There seems to be a silent fail when trying to stream tracks from an account.
API Gee console:
Response: 200
Streamable: true
API Console Stream URL:
404 not found - (Blank white page no error in browser)
Track set to public and API streamable - All tracks on account, which were streaming as normal until the end of last week.
The consumer key works for tracks by other users, so it could be linked to this account directly?
For those coming here for an answer to this problem, it is a known bug when a song reports streamable: true yet results in a blank white page in browser when trying to stream. The bug is in the streamable boolean being false.
Email response from SoundCloud on this issue:
The developers have let me know that the problems you are having is
due to issues with RTMP.
Currently certain content on SoundCloud is using a secure streaming
method called RTMP.
To explain RTMP, even if a track is set to public and streamable by
the artist, if the artist is under a major label, this label can
further control those streaming permissions. So, it looks like it
should stream correctly, however it doesn't.
This particular bug that you have highlighted is more complicated than
originally thought, and as only a handful of tracks are affected we
unfortunately don't have the resources to dedicate a team entirely to
this project as of right now.
So unfortunately you'll just have to deal with/work around this issue.
I've noticed that i get blank page for stream url of tracks which are in "wav" format:
other formats were working fine.
Not sure what track you're trying to stream. Some tracks are set by the artist to not be streamed.
You got the format for the url correct. Try this url with your own consumer key:[###]
After being in touch with the support team at SoundCloud, they provided the following:
The problems you are having is due to the content and rights holders.
To explain, profile admins have the ability to change settings as they
like, so if the tracks have stopped playing, it's likely that they
have disabled apps on the track or content. This means that the rights
holders, that own all of this content, have turned this setting off,
and we don't have control over it or the ability to enable it again.
They managed to get my "API permissions extended" because the rights holders own the SoundCloud account in question. It seems there was just a mistake somewhere along the way with denying streaming.
You'll need to log an issue with SoundCloud support if you have a similar problem.

Soundcloud: Stratus player continue to play across pages?

I'm confused about whether the Stratus player for SoundCloud can play continuously between pages, or at least pick up the track where it was.
SoundCloud describes the STratus player as follows... "A bunch of you told us that the only SoundCloud player that was missing was one that would float on the top or bottom of a site and continue to play as you switch pages, we feel like we've solved that with our Stratus player!" (
But on the Stratus2 page it says "Can I keep Stratus playing even when the page reloads?
Not currently." (
Is there some way to have SoundCloud play continuously between pages, or at least pick up the track where it was?
It looks like you can achieve this with the HTML5 History API.
The HTML5 history API is a standardized way to manipulate the browser
history via script. Part of this API — navigating the history — has
been available in previous versions of HTML. The new parts in HTML5
include a way to add entries to the browser history, to visibly change
the URL in the browser location bar (without triggering a page
refresh), and an event that fires when those entries are removed from
the stack by the user pressing the browser’s back button. This means
that the URL in the browser location bar can continue to do its job as
a unique identifier for the current resource, even in script-heavy
applications that don’t ever perform a full page refresh.
Can I keep Stratus playing even when the page reloads?
Not currently. Your site would need to be built so that it doesn't
reload rather than the player. However, we do provide a popup function
that users can click to enjoy your tunes while browsing your site.
I'm guessing that the line about changing pages refers to possibility of popping the player out and navigating the website. You could also build your website with something like pjax and then keep stratus in the “footer” so navigating your website will only update the contents.
I hope this helps.

Facebook Stack changed redirect method on final callback

We have been using some very limited browsers on dumb feature phones and up until 2 weeks ago it was working perfectly. At that point the last redirect no longer issues a 302 redirect but uses javascript to redirect. Unfortunately these devices do not support javascript.
Has any one found a way around this? or a method to change this.
Thank You.