How do I tell I have Standard or Professional Edition? - activereports

We're using DataDynamic ActiveReports .Net 3.0 on Windows-XP and we're looking to upgrade to the latest version for Windows-7. Then we ran into a problem. We could not tell which Edition (standard or professional) are we using. I tried Google search adn it wasn't very helpful. We looked in the "Program Files" and in the "Data Dynamics" folder, we found there's no executable file. So, we don't know what we have.

It depends on your serial number. The installation is the same for both releases. Email or call the ComponentOne sales team with you serial number (or if you don't have the serail, send the registered user or purchaser) and they can tell you which edition you have a license for.
Alternatively, if you have the product installed on a developer machine already you could try just using the features that are included only in the professional edition (e.g. WebViewer, End User Designer Control) to see if they are showing an "Evaluation" message or not. If they show an evaluation message when you run the product then you have Standard. If they don't, you have Pro.


Getting "The document was created using an evaluation version of activereports"

I am using ActiveReports6 for my windows forms application
When I install it on my machine providing serial key it works perfectly fine.
But when I don't install it, it shows this red line in the bottom of the report
The document was created using an evaluation version of activereports..
My understanding may not be correct, but what I tried is I installed licensed version of ActiveReports6 to my computer and then copied all the dlls generated for ActiveReports6 from GAC and added them to my project thinking now they will work on any machine as they are generated by licensed version of the software.
And then uninstalled Activereports6, but when I tried it still gave me the same evaluation version message.
So is it mandatory that active reports has to be installed in all the machines where I deploy my client? Or I did something wrong
The license for development. You would install activereports, create your reports and build your application on the licensed machine, the VS compiler will automatically check the licensed components and include the license within your application. You do not need to install ActiveReports itself on your client, only make sure that you are deploying the ActiveReports assemblies with your application. if you are having any issues please contact us at and we would gladly resolve the issue for you.
Found the mistake I was doing.
Actually I had put licenses.licx file in the subdirectory of the project while it should be in the same directory of the project and so I was not generating its exe.licenses file and so did not work.
Once I changed the location of licx file it worked!

Quickbooks SDK, XP and version 24.0.4006.0 woes

We're a 3rd party software suite that interfaces with Quickbooks via the QB SDK. A dozen+ of our customers are using Windows XP (yes), and some of them very recently installed QB's update 24.0.4006.0. Which has broken the programmatic interface before our app and QB. Specifically, our XP customers are reporting back "procedure entry point EnumProcessModulesEx could not be located in the dynamic link library PSAPI.dll". QB itself is working, for now, which is putting focus on our software at this point.
Anyone else seeing this conflict, between 24.0.4006.0 and XP ? Beyond trying to back out the 24.0.4006.0, or getting these custs off XP, could anyone suggest a workaround ?
info this AM on this problem, workaround : "You can use an R5 or earlier version of QBXMLRP2.dll to fix the problem until fix is available."
Just to add some additional information.
Intuit has officially ended support for Windows XP with their QuickBooks product line. Pop over to Intuit and check out the requirements documents, specifically the Operating System support for details.
Right now, the only way to restore functionality would be to get the user to uninstall QuickBooks completely from their PC, then have them reinstall QuickBooks. Do not take them past R5 (release 5, IE: update/service pack 5) and the DLL will still be functional.
Full details on this re-installation process are available from Intuit at

How to develop and run app for office 2013?

I want to develop some app for office 2013. my problem is when i searched for microsoft developer tools office 2013 i find only that link OfficeDevToolsForVS2012 . That link is all over the blogs even on microsoft site . The downloaded file run Web Platform API but it tells me that it can't find that product(i don't know how even i get it from microsoft link). So i want to know how to develop app for office using vs2012.
I found some exe file called officetools_bundle.exe that installed the required tools but when i run anything even the online samples i get this error
Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
any help.
This issue is solved not, but i still don't know what's the reason behind it.
All i did is i installed fresh Windows 7 64bit on my machine and then every thing is working like charm.

System.ServiceProcess not appearing in C# Express 2010

I'm trying my hand at writing a service using C# 2010 Express, and I'm hitting a roadblock at the very earliest step. The System.ServiceProcess Namespace doesn't appear to exist on my computer.
Put simply, the namespace appears to be completely missing. The only System namespace starting with S that exists is System.Security. Nothing else appears in the list.
I have both .Net 3.5 and 4.0 installed on this machine. It's a company computer, and thus built to someone else's exacting standards.
Do I need to download and install Windows SDK?
My guess is that you need to reference the respective assembly.
Yeah, so I looked it up:
System.ServiceProcess (in System.ServiceProcess.dll)

How do I make a custom .net client profile installer?

For .net 3.5 SP1, Microsoft have the new client profile which installs only a subset of .net 3.5 SP1 on to Windows XP user's machines.
I'm aware of how to make my assemblies client-profile ready. And I've read the articles on how to implement an installer for ClickOnce or MSI.
But I've been using Inno Setup for my project so far and I'd like to continue to use it (as an Express user, I can't easily make MSIs), I need to know how to use the client-profile installer in a custom environment.
There is an article on a Deployment.xml schema, but no indication of how to write one, package it or anything else. Can someone explain this process? Finding the articles I linked to alone was a painful search experience.
Microsoft has now shipped the Client Profile Configuration Designer (Beta).
This designer lets you edit the XML files with some limitations, this isn't a 'Google beta' by any means.
Information and download
Can you clarify: Are you trying to write an installer for your app, which depends on the Client-Profile, or are you trying to write a custom installer for the client-profile?
I haven't used it personally, but if it's anything like the dotnetfx 1 and 2 msi's, you basically have to just invoke it's executable yourself from your own .exe file, or from an Msi BEFORE the InstallExecuteSequence starts up - you can't "embed" those in your own app, MS go out of their way to tell you not to do that due to suckage of MSI.
Client profile works only on clean XP. If your user as .Net 1 or 2 installed, client profile wont install...
You have an offline version (integrating Full .Net3.5 Install in case Client Wont install) 200 to 300Mo don't remember
Online version will get required files.
You can call a silent install from the first steps of your install.