Extracting a matrix of data from a matrix of structs - matlab

I have a matrix of structs. I'm trying to extract from that matrix a matrix the same size
with only one of the fields as values.
I've been trying to use struct2cell and similar functions without success.
How can this be done?

If I understand you correctly, you have an array of struct like e.g this
s(1:2,1:3) = struct('a',1,'b',2);
Now you want a different struct that only has the field b
[newS(1:2,1:3).b] = deal(s.b);
If all you need is the output (and if the field values are scalar), you can do the following:
out = zeros(size(s));
out(:) = cat(1,s.b)

I'll borrow Jonas' example. You can use the [] to gather a particular field.
% Create structure array
s(1:2,1:3) = struct('a',1,'b',2);
% Change values
for idx = 1:prod(size(s))
s(idx).a = idx;
s(idx).b = idx^2;
% Gather a specific field and reshape it to the size of the original matrix
A = reshape([s.a],size(s));
B = reshape([s.b],size(s));

I have a similar problem, but the contents of the field in my structure array are varying length strings that I use to tag my data, so when I extract the contents of the field, I want a cell of varying length strings.
This code using getfield and arrayfun does the job, but I think it is more complicated than it needs to be.
sa = struct('name', {'ben' 'frank', 'betty', 'cybil', 'jack'}, 'value', {1 1 2 3 5})
names = arrayfun(#(x) getfield(x, 'name'), sa, 'UniformOutput', false)
Can anyone suggest cleaner alternative? extractfield in the mapping toolbox seems to do the job, but it is not part of the base MATLAB system.
Update: I have answered my own embedded question.
names = {sa.name}


save columns of matrix in vector variables in Matlab

In Matlab (R2021b) I am using some given function, which reads time-dependent values of several variables and returns them in a combined matrix together with a time vector. In the data matrix each column represents one vector of time-dependent values for one variable.
[data,time] = function_reading_data_of_several_values('filename');
For readability of the following code where the variables are further processed, I would like to store these columns in separate vector variables. I am doing it like that:
MomentX = data(1,:);
MomentY = data(2,:);
MomentZ = data(3,:);
ForceX = data(4,:);
ForceY = data(5,:);
ForceZ = data(6,:);
That is working. But is there some simpler (or shorter) way of assigning the column of the matrix to individual vectors? I am asking because in real program I have more than the 6 columns as in the example. Code is getting quite long. I was thinking of something similar to the line below, but that does not work:
[MomentX,MomentY,MomentZ,ForceX,ForceY,ForceZ] = data; %does not work
Do you have any idea? Thanks for help!
Thanks to the hint here in the group to use tables, a solution could be like this:
[data,time] = function_reading_data_of_several_values('filename');
% data in matrix. Each column representing a stime dependent variable
varNames = {'MomentX', 'MomentX',...}; % Names of columns
T=array2table(data','VariableNames',varNames); % Transform to Table
Stress = T.MomentX/W + T.ForceY/A %accesing table columns
This seems to work fine and readable to me.
Solution 1: In industrial solutions like dSpace, it is very common to do it in struct arrays:
mydata.X(1).time = [0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04];
mydata.Y(1).name = 'MomentX';
mydata.Y(1).data = [1 2 3 4];
mydata.Y(2).name = 'MomentY';
mydata.Y(2).data = [2 3 4 5];
Solution 2: It is also very common to create tables
See: https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/table.html
As already commented, it is probably better to use a table instead of separate variables may not be a good idea. But if you want to, it can be done this way:
A = magic(6): % example 6-column matrix
A_cell = num2cell(A, 1); % separate columns in cells
[MomentX, MomentY, MomentZ, ForceX, ForceY, ForceZ] = A_cell{:};
This is almost the same as your
[MomentX,MomentY,MomentZ,ForceX,ForceY,ForceZ] = data; %does not work
except that the right-hand side needs to be a comma-separated list, which in this case is obtained from a cell array.

Performing find and replace functions on elements of a table in Matlab

I am working with a 400x1200 imported table (readtable generated from an .xls) which contains strings, doubles, dates, and NaNs. Each column is typed consistently. I am looking for a way to locate all instances in the table of any given string ('Help me please') and replace them all with a double (1). Doing this in Matlab will save me loads of work making changes to the approach used on the rest of this project.
Unfortunately, all of the options I've looked at (regexp, strrep, etc) can only take a string as a replacement. Strfind was similarly unhelpful, because of the typing across the table. The lack of cellfun has also made this harder than it should be. I know the solution should have something to do with finding the indices of the strings I want and then just looping DataFile{subscript} = [1], but I can't find a way to do it.
First you should transform your table at a cell array.
Then, you can use the strrep along with str2num, e.g.
% For a given cell index
strrep(yourCellIndexVariable, "Help me please", "1");
This will replace the string "Help me please" with the string "1" (the strrep function) and the str2num will change the cell index to the double value according to the string.
By yourCellIndexVariable I mean an element from the cell array. There are several ways to get all cells from a cell array, but I think that you have solved that part already.
What you can do is as follows:
[rows, cols] = size(table); % Get the size of your table
YourString = 'Help me please'; % Create your string
Strmat = repmat(YourString,rows,cols); % Stretch to fill a matrix of table size
TrueString = double(strcmp(table,Strmat)); % Compares all entries with one another
TrueString now contains logicals, 1 where the string 'Help me please' is located, and 0 where it is not.
If you have a table containing multiple classes it might be handy to switch to cells though.
Thank you very much everyone for helping think through to a solution. Here's what I ended up with:
% Reads data
[~, ~, raw] = xlsread ( 'MyTable.xlsx');
MyTable = raw;
% Makes a backup of the data in table form
MyTableBackup = readtable( 'MyTable.xlsx' );
% Begin by ditching 1st row with variable names
MyTable(1,:) = [];
% wizard magic - find all cells with strings
StringIndex = cellfun('isclass', MyTable, 'char');
% strrep goes here to recode bad strings. For example:
MyTable(StringIndex) = strrep(MyTable(StringIndex), 'PlzHelpMe', '1');
% Eventually, we are done, so convert back to table
MyTable = cell2table(MyTable);
% Uses backup Table to add variable names
% (the readtable above means the bad characters in variable names are already escaped!)
MyTable.Properties.VariableNames = MyTableBackup.Properties.VariableNames;
This means the new values exist as strings ('1', not 1 as a double), so now I just str2double when I access them for analysis. My takeaway - Matlab is for numbers. Thanks again all!

Foreach loop problems in MATLAB

I have the following piece of code:
for query = queryFiles
queryImage = imread(strcat('Queries/', query));
queryImage = im2single(rgb2gray(queryImage));
[qf,qd] = vl_covdet(queryImage, opts{:}) ;
for databaseEntry = databaseFiles
entryImage = imread(databaseEntry.name);
entryImage = im2single(rgb2gray(entryImage));
[df,dd] = vl_covdet(entryImage, opts{:}) ;
[matches, H] = matchFeatures(qf,qf,df,dd) ;
result = [result; query, databaseEntry, length(matches)];
It is my understanding that it should work as a Java/C++ for(query:queryFiles), however the query appears to be a copy of the queryFiles. How do I iterate through this vector normally?
I managed to sort the problem out. It was mainly to my MATLAB ignorance. I wasn't aware of cell arrays and that's the reason I had this problem. That and the required transposition.
From your code it appears that queryFiles is a numeric vector. Maybe it's a column vector? In that case you should convert it into a row:
for query = queryFiles.'
This is because the for loop in Matlab picks a column at each iteration. If your vector is a single column, it picks the whole vector in just one iteration.
In MATLAB, the for construct expects a row vector as input:
for ii = 1:5
will work (loops 5 times with ii = 1, 2, ...)
x = 1:5;
for ii = x
works the same way
However, when you have something other than a row vector, you would simply get a copy (or a column of data at a time).
To help you better, you need to tell us what the data type of queryFiles is. I am guessing it might be a cell array of strings since you are concatenating with a file path (look at fullfile function for the "right" way to do this). If so, then a "safe" approach is:
for ii = 1:numel(queryFiles)
query = queryFiles{ii}; % or queryFiles(ii)
It is often helpful to know what loop number you are in, and in this case ii provides that count for you. This approach is robust even when you don't know ahead of time what the shape of queryFiles is.
Here is how you can loop over all elements in queryFiles, this works for scalars, row vectors, column vectors and even high dimensional matrices:
for query = queryFiles(:)'
% Do stuff
Is queryFiles a cell array? The safest way to do this is to use an index:
for i = 1:numel(queryFiles)
query = queryFiles{i};

How to get all data from a struct?

I've got a result from a web service and MatLab gladly notifies that it is a 1x1 struct. However, when I try to display it (by typing receivedData and pressing enter) I get to see this:
ResponseData: [5x1 struct]
Equally gladly, I entered the following, in my attempt to get the data viewed to me:
I get only a bunch (not five, more than five) of strings that might be names headers of columns of the data provided.
How do I get all the data from such structure?
You may use fieldnames to get the data from the struct and then iteratively display the data using getfield function. For example:
structvariable = struct('a',123,'b',456,'c',789);
dataout = zeros(1,length(structvariable)) % Preallocating data for structure
field = fieldnames(a);
for i = 1:length(structvariable)
Remember, getfield gives data in form of cell, not matrix.
or you can use cellfun function:
% STRUCT - your structure
% tmp_nam - structure field names
% tmp_val - values for structure field names
tmp_nam = fieldnames(STRUCT);
tmp_val = cellfun(#(x)(STRUCT.(x)),tmp_nam,'UniformOutput',false);
In order to display all elements and subelements of a structure there is a custom function that you can download here:
Some useful access syntax:
someVar = ResponseData(1) %Displays the first element
someVar = ResponseData(4) %Displays the 4th element
To display them all, one after the next
for ix = 1:length(ResponseData)
tmp = ResponseData(ix);
To get all the fieldnames
names = fieldnames(ResponseData)
To get all 5 data elements from the structure with the first field names, and put them into a cell array
ixFieldName = 1;
someCellArray = { ResponseData.(ixFieldName{1}) }
A small correction to Sahinsu's answer:
structvariable = struct('a',123,'b',456,'c',789);
dataout = zeros(1,length(structvariable)) % Preallocating data for structure
field = fieldnames(structvariable);
for i = 1:length(field)

Create an array of 'Geostruct' Data in Matlab

Right now I am creating mapstructs in Matlab and then exporting them individually as shape files using the shapewrite() function.
However, instead of exporting them individually I want to store all of them into an array and then save it at the end as one single shapefile which holds all of the points from the mapstructs stored in the array.
My problem is I don't know how to initialize an array to hold these mapstructs. I've tried
`a = struct(sizeofarray)`
but it isn't compatible with mapstructs. I would appreciate any help!
You can store any kind of data in a cell array:
a = cell(sizeofarray,1);
You can then assign them like this:
a{1} = firstmapstruct;
a{2} = secondmapstruct;
However, if I understand you correctly you have mapstructs from the MATLAB Mapping Toolbox and want to concat structs of this form:
firstmapstruct =
609x1 struct array with fields:
So you should probably do
a = firstmapstruct;
a(end+1:end+numel(secondmapstruct))= secondmapstruct;
and so on...
If all of your individual mapstructs have the same fields, you should be able to initialize a structure array by replicating one of your mapstructs using the function REPMAT:
a = repmat(mapstruct1,1,N); %# A 1-by-N structure array
Then just fill in each element as needed:
a(2) = mapstruct2; %# Assign another mapstruct to the second array element
a(3).X = ...; %# Assign a value to the X field of the third element
a(3).Y = ...; %# Assign a value to the Y field of the third element
You can find out more information about Geographic Data Structures in this documentation.