I need help understanding PowerShell security and file access issues - powershell

I'm working with PowerShell, running a script (from my console) that includes this line:
$inpath = "C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo\bar"
and I keep getting this error:
Get-Content : Access to the path 'C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo\bar' is denied.
At C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo\testscript.ps1:53 char:12
+ Get-Content <<<< $txtfile | Get-WordCount -Exclude (Get-Content c:\temp\exclude.txt) | select -First 15
+ CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo\bar:String) [Get-Content], UnauthorizedAcc
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetContentReaderUnauthorizedAccessError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand
The scripts and target files are all located on my local drive. I can access the files in Explorer, view/edit/save them using NotePad, and do not have any permissions restrictions set. When I'm on the command line, I can run the get-content cmdlet successfully on files in my path. I can change directories PS C:> cd C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo\bar and successfully list what's there. Even more interesting, I can duplicate the line that's erroring in the script, and NOT receive an error on the command line.
PS C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo> $inpath = "C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo\bar"
PS C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo>
This makes me suspect that the 'Permission Denied' error is actually something else, or something vague enough that I've got no clue how to proceed with troubleshooting. Is it possible for PS to have different permissions than the user under which it's running? Has anyone seen this behavior before, and how did you solve the problem? I'm sure there's a simple solution that I don't know.

Get-Content : Access to the path 'C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo\bar' is denied.
At C:\users\xxxxx\path\foo\testscript.ps1:53 char:12
That path doesn't look like it is a file but a folder.
Are you sure you are appending the file name to the folder and passing that to Get-Content?
Windows gives Access Denied when you try and open a directory as if it were a file without passing extra flags; and .NET does not pass those flags (there are a few specific circumstances for opening a folder, but they do not apply here).

Get-Content read contents of file not folder. Please add . after your your folder path like below.
Get-Content "D:\Logs\*.*" | ?{($_|Select-String "test")}
If you want to go through all folders way under it then add -recurse like below:
Get-Content "D:\Logs\*.*" -Recurse | ?{($_|Select-String "test")}

Instead of this: (as per your comment)
foreach ($doc in $inpath) { do-function }
try this:
foreach ($doc in (gci $inpath)) { do-function }
You are doing a foreach on a string object instead of your folder items.


Looking for a simple way to test if folder is empty vs inaccessible/access denied

Testing if a folder is empty is pretty simple and has been discussed many times. Mostly using test-path or get-childitem
Example: Powershell test if folder empty
I'm working on a script for auditing and correcting file NTFS permissions on SMB shares in my enterprise environment.
I've run into something that would at first appear simple but I'm not able to find a simple solution. I'm wondering if there is a cmdlet that would help.
That is, differentiating between if a given folder is empty or I don't have access to it.
The problem is all the solutions that I see assume that you have access to the folder.
I was thinking that I was going to have to write a greasy function to do multiple tests then catching and testing error codes or something.
But I thought I would ask the smart coders here at Stack Overflow before going down that rabbithole.
Is there a more elegant way to test this? A Test-MyAccess cmdlet or something?
Test-Path returns the same results for empty folders and folders with no access.
Get-childitem returns null/empty for empty folders and folders with no access. Except a no access folder has an error.
PS H:\PowerShell\NTFS> Test-Path $EmptyFolder
PS H:\PowerShell\NTFS> Test-Path $EmptyFolder\*
PS H:\PowerShell\NTFS> Test-Path $NoAccessFolder
PS H:\PowerShell\NTFS> Test-Path $NoAccessFolder\*
PS H:\PowerShell\NTFS> Get-ChildItem -Path $EmptyFolder
PS H:\PowerShell\NTFS> Get-ChildItem -Path $NoAccessFolder
Get-ChildItem : The specified network name is no longer available.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-ChildItem -Path $NoAccessFolder
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ReadError: (\\server.domain....\Sufolder1\Sub3:String) [Get-ChildItem], IOException
Thanks to #Lee_Dailey I seem to have been going down the right track to begin with. It looks like the way is to check Get-ChildItem for errors.
Seems like there should be a cmdlet to do this but I guess I'll write a function.
Something like this I imagine.
Function Get-FolderProperties ($Path){
$ErrOut = $Null
$Folder = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ErrOut
If($ErrOut) {
# There was an error accessing $path. Do something with $ErrOut

Powershell Move-Item from Import-CSV: Error - Could not find part of the path

I've been working on a script in Powershell to get paths from a CSV file and move those files at the corresponding path to a new destination elsewhere. often with a different filename.
I am using Version 5.0
For example:
Source Destination : C:\1\2\3\File.pdf, D:\3\7\8\9\FILE1.pdf
Now I used the following script and it was initially able to move some of the files:
Import-CSV "R:\MoveFiles.csv" -Delimiter "," -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object{Move-Item -path $_.Source -Destination $_.Destination}
Although around half way through executing it started to return this error:
Move-Item : Could not find a part of the path. At line:1 char:238
+ ... Each-Object{Move-Item -Literalpath $.Source -Destination $.Destina ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (Q:\RECORDS\PRIV...-4-20_N1969.pdf:FileInfo) [Move-Item],
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MoveFileInfoItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MoveItemCommand
As far as I can tell there are no special characters that would prevent the path being found. If I replace Move-Item for Copy-Item it returns the same error. I have also checked the paths to see if they are true or not.
I am at my wits end with this. Not sure what else to try. I am after all a complete novice.
Thank you
NB: I worked out a solution to this issue. It would appear that the Move-Item cmdlet does not like creating directories.
Instead I made the directories first with New-Item -directories, getting the content from a text document where every line represented a path (no headers).
After creating empty directories first the original script worked as intended.
For anyone interested here is the directories script:
$name = Get-Content ".\Create_New_Directories\Move_Directories_Test.txt"
Foreach ($_ in $name)
New-Item -Force -verbose -path $_ -Type Directory
Out-File ".\Create_New_Directories\Newoutput.txt"
Thank you everyone for your help.
To debug such cases, consider Move-Item's -WhatIf parameter. Like so,
... | ForEach-Object{Move-Item -whatif -path $_.Source -Destination $_.Destination}
This will print the intended operation, so you can double-check paths for any sheenigans.
What if: Performing the operation "Move File" on target "Item:
C:\Temp\SomeFile.xml Destination: C:\Temp\Somewhere\SomeFile.xml".
Not sure. But your error message indicates it's a write error of DirectoryNotFound.
So perhaps you should be making sure you have the perms on the target side and are not exceeding any character limits in the length of the path.
Some other things to consider/try:
Your CSV file should be in the format (the first line must be the headers):
Also you are not santizing your input so if you made the CSV file in Excel you might have leading or trailing spaces. In that case either clean the file editing in Notepad or try $_.Source.trim() and $_.Destination.trim()
And like the other guy said the -whatif switch is useful and so is -verbose.
You might also try Move-Item -Force and/or opening powershell as an Administrator.
Good Luck! ;-)

Copy-Item fails on large file

After a bit more testing, it seems that the file name is not the problem, as I can copy a new file of 0kb size with the same name without an error. However, the file I am trying to copy is around 8gb in size.
I am getting an annoying error when trying to copy a load of files from one drive to another. The Copy-Item command looks like this:
Copy-Item $oldLocation $newLocation -Recurse -Force
Where the parameters are:
$oldLocation = 'E:\Documents\Outlook Files\name#domain.co.za.pst'
$newLocation = 'F:\PST Files\EZ-SWAP EX\Documents\Outlook Files\name#domain.co.za.pst'
Which I have also tried on its own, in a seperated powershell window, and without the Recurse and Force switches, with the same result. I also tried the command without putting the paths in parameters and just specifying the strings.
Note that I am copying from 1 external hard drive to another external hard drive
They all seem to work except for 1 file, which throws the following error:
Copy-Item : The parameter is incorrect.
At line:4 char:1
+ Copy-Item $old $new -Force -Recurse
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Copy-Item], IOException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.IO.IOException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.CopyItemCommand
This file is unique in that the file name looks like this:
Where all the other files are just called
I'm not sure if the included domain is causing this, but could that be the issue?
If not, what could possible be going wrong here? The error message is not very helpful at all.
My $PSVersionTable.PSVersion outputs
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
5 1 14393 693
If you are running on any version of Windows 7 or earlier, or if the destination file system is of type FAT32 regardless of Windows version, you are limited to a maximum file size of 4GB. Since you indicate that the problem file is 8GB, and you've also indicated that a zero-byte file of the same name presents no problem, this is the most likely cause of your issue.
Try use double quotation to the path and then try...
Copy-Item "C:\PTS\1\Copy-Item\Old\name#domain.co.za.pst" -Destination "C:\PTS\1\Copy-Item\New\" -Recurse

Powershell script to scan a target directory

I am getting an error when trying to scan a target directory within Powershell.
The code I am using is;
$path = read-host 'Enter the target drive letter'
$objects = get-childitem $path -force -recurse
Essentially what I want to do is get this general search working (scanning a user-specified location) so that I can then refine it to search for specific items such as files by filetype, size etc. When this runs, however, I get an error when the path contains a space, such as the 'documents and settings' or 'program files' folders in the drive.
Is there any way I can do this without getting this error? I am quite new to powershell, and I couldn't see this answered anywhere else, but I apologise if this has already been covered elsewhere.
It's running on Powershell v2.0. Thinking about it, the reason I thought it was space-related is because these are the only items which seem to error, but the message itself says;
Get-ChildItem : Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings' is denied. At
C:\users\robert\desktop\v1.ps1:5 char:25 + $objects = get-childitem <<<< $path
- force -recurse + CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (C:\Documents and
Settings:String) [Get-ChildItem], UnauthorizedAccessException +
FullyQualifiedErrorId :
Sorry if this was misleading, I thought as I was running this as an administrator with unrestricted execution policy the permissions shouldn't be a problem, but if this is what's actually causing it is there a way to override this so it will scan everything on the target drive?
Use: (see additional double quotes)
$objects = get-childitem "$path" -force -recurse
Vista or Windows 7? Maybe no problem, if it's just stumbling on the "Documents and Settings" junction on the root. The junction links to c:\users and maybe gci doesn't follow the link, to prevent a circular or incomplete search. Here's another way to stumble on this:
at vanilla cmd:
cd 'C:\documents and settings'
explorer .
On Win7 I get a popup error message:
Location is not available
C:\documents and settings is not accessible
Access is denied
No error with cd 'C:\documents and settings' and the shell returns a prompt inside that folder (as opposed to the link target, c:\users); and running the single command explorer 'C:\documents and settings' launches the My Documents folder without error ...but i digress.
We wouldn't want our recursive searches running in endless loops or skipping folders between 'Documents and Settings' and Users. Maybe get-childItem should handle this in some better way, dunno.
Meanwhile, you could exclude junction points this way. I haven't tested large recursive searches this way, but they might run longer.
gci "c:\" -force | where {($_.attributes.toString() -like "*ReparsePoint*") -eq $false}
Results do not include 'Documents and Settings' unless we swap $true for $false.

Trying to copy a group of files contained in a text file

I'm trying to copy a list of files from a txt file and as a newbie, I'm having a hard time.
Here is a bit of the text file. The real file has no extra lines, but I had to do that to :
"D:\Shared\Customer Care\Customer Care Common\Customers Contracted\Customers Contracted\Fred 44705"
"D:\Shared\Customer Care\Customer Care Common\Customers Contracted\Customers Contracted\Johnson 47227"
"D:\Shared\Customer Care\Customer Care Common\Customers Contracted\Customers Contracted\Daniel 35434"
"D:\Shared\Customer Care\Customer Care Common\Customers Contracted\Customers Contracted\Frank, John 48273"
I've tried enclosing the filename string in double-quotes as well.
Here's the simple script I'm trying to use:
Get-Content c:\users\scripts\files-to-fix.txt | Foreach-Object {copy-item $_ d:\junk}
The error I'm getting is:
Copy-Item : Cannot find drive. A drive with the name ''D' does not
exist. At C:\users\mhyman\scripts\copyfiles.ps1:2 char:81
+ Get-Content c:\users\mhyman\scripts\files-to-fix.txt |
Foreach-Object {copy-item <<<< $_ d:\junk}
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: ('D:String) [Copy-Item],
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId :
I know this is simple, but I would really appreciate some help.
I think it is the surrounding quotes that are causing the problem ( as indicated by the error saying that a drive of name "D is not found. Try this:
get-content c:\users\scripts\files-to-fix.txt | %{ copy-item $_.trim('"') d:\junk}
Of course, if you can control the txt file, enter the list without the quotes.
By your tags and drive letters and backslashes it is clearly a Windows environment your working in and although I'm not a PowerShell scripter, I'm a better than most batch scipter and use a For / If conditioanla statement sicne it is shorter and you feed it your file instead of parsing out the file into reduudc commands on a line, so in your example:
for /F %%t in (the text file.txt) do copy /q %%t d:\junk
And then you go home and never worry about until the next morning
Does powershell have a runas ornative mode that can parse older, more proven and stable DOS commands ?