Facebook login error: Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration.: - facebook

I am creating a facebook login on my site, following this guide: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/login/getting-started/
I started out by creating an app on facebook, then used the app ID in my code. After completing step 2 in the guide, i wanted to test for errors. I keep getting the above error "Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings...."
To resolve the issue, i tried to change the app website URL to http://www.mywebpage.com/index.html. That didn't do anything....
Any ideas?

Also double check your app ID. I was using a test app id while developing locally and forgot to switch it back to the real app ID.

Double check your App settings. Usually absolute URLs can cause errors. Adding the root URL (without www if you have subdomains) mywebsite.com in your App domain would probably solve your issue.


Unable to login to Facebook when running App locally

I have the facebook javascript in my page. When I click on the button, I get this error
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or
more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must
match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain
of one of the App's domains.
I'm attaching my settings for my app.
I have changed my host files and added an entry which maps to dev.vibecheck.com Any clues why I'm getting this error ?
The issue was with an setting in advanced Panel. The Oauth re-direction URL had a different domain than the one which I was running it on. So Please make sure that all the domains and the all the URLs you have match.

Windows Phone 8 C# facebook app registration

Hi I've created an app for Windows Phone 8 using the ContosoSocial Facebook login interface.
It uses the following call to do this:
FacebookSessionClient fb = new FacebookSessionClient(AppId);
fb.LoginWithApp("basic_info,publish_actions,read_stream", "custom_state_string");
This works fine when I use the default AppId but when I change it to the one given by Facebook following app registeration I get the following error:
Given URL is not premitted by the application cofiguration.: One or more of the given URL's is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the website URL or Canvas URL, or the app domain must be a subdomain of one of the Apps domains..?
I've searched and this problem has come up on several occations and as far as I can work out it's to do with my app settings on Facebook.? Facebook asks for an App Domain which I've left blank as I'm not sure what this is or used for..? Do I need one..?
I've followed several tutorials Scrumptious but then all show a different app registration process on the screens than I'm faced with. A little research revealed that Facebook has recently changed the process which is making it even more confusing for me. I would appreciate some help here.
I want to create an app which will pull in a news feed direct into a panoramic item on the app's main screen.
Many thanks
EDIT: I've tried adding my web site URL to the app domain by I get the following error: This must be derived from Canvas URL, Secure Canvas URL, Unity Binary URL, Site URL, Mobile Site URL, Page Tab URL or Secure Page Tab URL. Check and correct the following domains: ***************
Below is the screen shot for configuring app:
Store ID, Application Name & Windows Store Beta ID removed, I'm now getting the following error:
App Not Setup: The developers of this app have not setup the app properly for Facebook Login. ?
Go to Advanced Settings in your developers.facebook.com/apps/ of your app and check that "Embedded browser OAuth Login" is enabled and set to Yes.

facebook - must be a URL with a valid domain

I created a small facebook application using intel XDK. built the application for facebook choose to host with appmobi due to the https which i need for facebook.
But when i enter my canvas url to facebook i get this error.
must be a URL with a valid domain.
Could this be due to how appMobi create your link for your application because mine is
I have tried with and without http:// - https://, but i am still getting the error?
Any ideas why?
You can't have underscores in a domain name.

Yet another Facebook OAuth error 500

Today I moved my facebook application to nodejitsu and I couldn't figure out what was wrong in the oauth/dialog GET request.
I validated that I had:
added the new application domains to my application settings
the redirect URI was good, for example, app.nodejitsu.com
I played around so much with these properties and I didn't figure out why it was still giving me a 500 error. I checked most of the posts on stackoverflow and although they all seemed to be valid errors, they didn't seem to reflect my issue.
This is how I found my problem.
After migrating the app to nodejitsu my localhost app still worked. So I decided to remove localhost from the accepted app domains in the facebook settings. When I tested it again I got this error:
"Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains."
Ok, so this made my think. If the problem was with an incorrect domain I would still get this message for nodejitsu, so I had an error with the request I reckoned.
I manually edited the request and I figured out that my redirect_uri did not start with http.
I changed this and it worked.

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings

This error appears in the authentication process:
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
Why is this happening, and how can I fix it?
I ran into this issue when I was doing some learning exercises a few days ago while creating a Facebook app and using Heroku as the host. My problem was that I had the wrong URL in my Facebook app settings for the "Website with Facebook Login" field value.
Also, for some hosts the URL may change depending on settings etc., so check your hosting URLs for the app and make sure you have the correct URL in that field on Facebook app settings.
Once I updated mine, the error went away and all is fine.
Good Luck!
If you are on your development machine, be sure that you don't mix up localhost:3000 with Although on your development machine it is practically the same thing, the Facebook API won't recognise this and will return the error. Make sure the url is exactly the same everywhere.